class HomeController < ApplicationController
# Page2 contains extra functionnalities if activated using params
def page2
# Refresh the other div from the layout
refresh_dom_with_partial('div#layout_other_div', '/home/other_div') if params['refresh'] == '1'
# Execute an additional script when rails-ajax is used (scripts from the page itself are already executed automatically)
execute_javascript('alert(\'Javascript executed from Page 2 using rails-ajax. If rails-ajax is disabled, this Javascript alert should not appear.\');') if params['script'] == '1'
# Update flash messages
if params['flash'] == '1'
flash.now[:notice] = 'Notice flash message'
flash.now[:alert] = 'Alert flash message'
flash.now[:error] = 'Error flash message'
# Redirect if needed
redirect_to 'page1' if params['redirect'] == '1'
# Still renders page2 by default in the layout content.
# Redirects are also rendered automatically. No need for extra code.