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1 day
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'use strict';

const nconf = require('nconf');
const fs = require('fs').promises;
const crypto = require('crypto');
const path = require('path');
const winston = require('winston');
const mime = require('mime');
const validator = require('validator');
const cronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
const chalk = require('chalk');

const db = require('../database');
const image = require('../image');
const user = require('../user');
const topics = require('../topics');
const file = require('../file');
const meta = require('../meta');

module.exports = function (Posts) {
    Posts.uploads = {};

    const md5 = filename => crypto.createHash('md5').update(filename).digest('hex');
    const pathPrefix = path.join(nconf.get('upload_path'));
    const searchRegex = /\/assets\/uploads\/(files\/[^\s")]+\.?[\w]*)/g;

    const _getFullPath = relativePath => path.join(pathPrefix, relativePath);
    const _filterValidPaths = async filePaths => (await Promise.all( (filePath) => {
        const fullPath = _getFullPath(filePath);
        return fullPath.startsWith(pathPrefix) && await file.exists(fullPath) ? filePath : false;

    const runJobs = nconf.get('runJobs');
    if (runJobs) {
        new cronJob('0 2 * * 0', async () => {
            const orphans = await Posts.uploads.cleanOrphans();
            if (orphans.length) {
      `[posts/uploads] Deleting ${orphans.length} orphaned uploads...`);
                orphans.forEach((relPath) => {
                    process.stdout.write(`${'  - ')} ${relPath}`);
        }, null, true);

    Posts.uploads.sync = async function (pid) {
        // Scans a post's content and updates sorted set of uploads

        const [content, currentUploads, isMainPost] = await Promise.all([
            Posts.getPostField(pid, 'content'),

        // Extract upload file paths from post content
        let match = searchRegex.exec(content);
        const uploads = [];
        while (match) {
            uploads.push(match[1].replace('-resized', ''));
            match = searchRegex.exec(content);

        // Main posts can contain topic thumbs, which are also tracked by pid
        if (isMainPost) {
            const tid = await Posts.getPostField(pid, 'tid');
            let thumbs = await topics.thumbs.get(tid);
            thumbs = => thumb.path).filter(path => !validator.isURL(path, {
                require_protocol: true,
            thumbs = => t.slice(1)); // remove leading `/` or `\\` on windows

        // Create add/remove sets
        const add = uploads.filter(path => !currentUploads.includes(path));
        const remove = currentUploads.filter(path => !uploads.includes(path));
        await Promise.all([
            Posts.uploads.associate(pid, add),
            Posts.uploads.dissociate(pid, remove),

    Posts.uploads.list = async function (pid) {
        return await db.getSortedSetMembers(`post:${pid}:uploads`);

    Posts.uploads.listWithSizes = async function (pid) {
        const paths = await Posts.uploads.list(pid);
        const sizes = await db.getObjects( => `upload:${md5(path)}`)) || [];

        return, idx) => ({
            name: paths[idx],

    Posts.uploads.getOrphans = async () => {
        let files = await fs.readdir(_getFullPath('/files'));
        files = files.filter(filename => filename !== '.gitignore');

        // Exclude non-timestamped files (e.g. group covers; see gh#10783/gh#10705)
        const tsPrefix = /^\d{13}-/;
        files = files.filter(filename => tsPrefix.test(filename));

        files = await Promise.all( filename => (await Posts.uploads.isOrphan(`files/${filename}`) ? `files/${filename}` : null)));
        files = files.filter(Boolean);

        return files;

    Posts.uploads.cleanOrphans = async () => {
        const now =;
        const expiration = now - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * meta.config.orphanExpiryDays);
        const days = meta.config.orphanExpiryDays;
        if (!days) {
            return [];

        let orphans = await Posts.uploads.getOrphans();

        orphans = await Promise.all( (relPath) => {
            const { mtimeMs } = await fs.stat(_getFullPath(relPath));
            return mtimeMs < expiration ? relPath : null;
        orphans = orphans.filter(Boolean);

        await Promise.all( (relPath) => {
            await file.delete(_getFullPath(relPath));

        return orphans;

    Posts.uploads.isOrphan = async function (filePath) {
        const length = await db.sortedSetCard(`upload:${md5(filePath)}:pids`);
        return length === 0;

    Posts.uploads.getUsage = async function (filePaths) {
        // Given an array of file names, determines which pids they are used in
        if (!Array.isArray(filePaths)) {
            filePaths = [filePaths];

        if (process.platform === 'win32') {
            // windows path => 'files\\1685368788211-1-profileimg.jpg'
            // turn it into => 'files/1685368788211-1-profileimg.jpg'
            filePaths.forEach((file) => {
                file.path = file.path.split(path.sep).join(path.posix.sep);

        const keys = => `upload:${md5(fileObj.path.replace('-resized', ''))}:pids`);
        return await Promise.all( => db.getSortedSetRange(k, 0, -1)));

    Posts.uploads.associate = async function (pid, filePaths) {
        // Adds an upload to a post's sorted set of uploads
        filePaths = !Array.isArray(filePaths) ? [filePaths] : filePaths;
        if (!filePaths.length) {
        filePaths = await _filterValidPaths(filePaths); // Only process files that exist and are within uploads directory

        const now =;
        const scores = => now);
        const bulkAdd = => [`upload:${md5(path)}:pids`, now, pid]);
        await Promise.all([
            db.sortedSetAdd(`post:${pid}:uploads`, scores, filePaths),

    Posts.uploads.dissociate = async function (pid, filePaths) {
        // Removes an upload from a post's sorted set of uploads
        filePaths = !Array.isArray(filePaths) ? [filePaths] : filePaths;
        if (!filePaths.length) {

        const bulkRemove = => [`upload:${md5(path)}:pids`, pid]);
        const promises = [
            db.sortedSetRemove(`post:${pid}:uploads`, filePaths),

        await Promise.all(promises);

        if (!meta.config.preserveOrphanedUploads) {
            const deletePaths = (await Promise.all(
       filePath => (await Posts.uploads.isOrphan(filePath) ? filePath : false))

            const uploaderUids = (await db.getObjectsFields( => `upload:${md5(path)}`, ['uid']))).map(o => (o ? o.uid || null : null));
            await Promise.all(, idx) => (
                uid && isFinite(uid) ? user.deleteUpload(uid, uid, deletePaths[idx]) : null
            await Posts.uploads.deleteFromDisk(deletePaths);

    Posts.uploads.dissociateAll = async (pid) => {
        const current = await Posts.uploads.list(pid);
        await Posts.uploads.dissociate(pid, current);

    Posts.uploads.deleteFromDisk = async (filePaths) => {
        if (typeof filePaths === 'string') {
            filePaths = [filePaths];
        } else if (!Array.isArray(filePaths)) {
            throw new Error(`[[error:wrong-parameter-type, filePaths, ${typeof filePaths}, array]]`);

        filePaths = (await _filterValidPaths(filePaths)).map(_getFullPath);
        await Promise.all(;

    Posts.uploads.saveSize = async (filePaths) => {
        filePaths = filePaths.filter((fileName) => {
            const type = mime.getType(fileName);
            return type && type.match(/image./);
        await Promise.all( (fileName) => {
            try {
                const size = await image.size(_getFullPath(fileName));
                await db.setObject(`upload:${md5(fileName)}`, {
                    width: size.width,
                    height: size.height,
            } catch (err) {
                winston.error(`[posts/uploads] Error while saving post upload sizes (${fileName}): ${err.message}`);