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55 mins
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'use strict';

const rss = require('rss');
const nconf = require('nconf');
const validator = require('validator');

const posts = require('../posts');
const topics = require('../topics');
const user = require('../user');
const categories = require('../categories');
const meta = require('../meta');
const controllerHelpers = require('../controllers/helpers');
const privileges = require('../privileges');
const db = require('../database');
const utils = require('../utils');
const controllers404 = require('../controllers/404');
const routeHelpers = require('./helpers');

const terms = {
    daily: 'day',
    weekly: 'week',
    monthly: 'month',
    alltime: 'alltime',

module.exports = function (app, middleware) {
    app.get('/topic/:topic_id.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForTopic));
    app.get('/category/:category_id.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForCategory));
    app.get('/topics.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForTopics));
    app.get('/recent.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForRecent));
    app.get('/top.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForTop));
    app.get('/top/:term.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForTop));
    app.get('/popular.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForPopular));
    app.get('/popular/:term.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForPopular));
    app.get('/recentposts.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForRecentPosts));
    app.get('/category/:category_id/recentposts.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForCategoryRecentPosts));
    app.get('/user/:userslug/topics.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForUserTopics));
    app.get('/tags/:tag.rss', middleware.maintenanceMode, routeHelpers.tryRoute(generateForTag));

async function validateTokenIfRequiresLogin(requiresLogin, cid, req, res) {
    const uid = parseInt(req.query.uid, 10) || 0;
    const { token } = req.query;

    if (!requiresLogin) {
        return true;

    if (uid <= 0 || !token) {
        return controllerHelpers.notAllowed(req, res);
    const userToken = await db.getObjectField(`user:${uid}`, 'rss_token');
    if (userToken !== token) {
        await user.auth.logAttempt(uid, req.ip);
        return controllerHelpers.notAllowed(req, res);
    const userPrivileges = await privileges.categories.get(cid, uid);
    if (! {
        return controllerHelpers.notAllowed(req, res);
    return true;

async function generateForTopic(req, res, next) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return next();

    const tid = req.params.topic_id;

    const [userPrivileges, topic] = await Promise.all([
        privileges.topics.get(tid, req.uid),

    if (!privileges.topics.canViewDeletedScheduled(topic, userPrivileges)) {
        return next();

    if (await validateTokenIfRequiresLogin(!userPrivileges['topics:read'], topic.cid, req, res)) {
        const topicData = await topics.getTopicWithPosts(topic, `tid:${tid}:posts`, req.uid || req.query.uid || 0, 0, 24, true);

        topics.modifyPostsByPrivilege(topicData, userPrivileges);

        const feed = new rss({
            title: utils.stripHTMLTags(topicData.title, utils.tags),
            description: topicData.posts.length ? topicData.posts[0].content : '',
            feed_url: `${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${tid}.rss`,
            site_url: `${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${topicData.slug}`,
            image_url: topicData.posts.length ? topicData.posts[0].picture : '',
            author: topicData.posts.length ? topicData.posts[0].username : '',
            ttl: 60,

        if (topicData.posts.length > 0) {
            feed.pubDate = new Date(parseInt(topicData.posts[0].timestamp, 10)).toUTCString();
        const replies = topicData.posts.slice(1);
        replies.forEach((postData) => {
            if (!postData.deleted) {
                const dateStamp = new Date(
                    parseInt(parseInt(postData.edited, 10) === 0 ? postData.timestamp : postData.edited, 10)

                    title: `Reply to ${utils.stripHTMLTags(topicData.title, utils.tags)} on ${dateStamp}`,
                    description: postData.content,
                    url: `${nconf.get('url')}/post/${}`,
                    author: postData.user ? postData.user.username : '',
                    date: dateStamp,

        sendFeed(feed, res);

async function generateForCategory(req, res, next) {
    const cid = req.params.category_id;
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS'] || !parseInt(cid, 10)) {
        return next();
    const uid = req.uid || req.query.uid || 0;
    const [userPrivileges, category, tids] = await Promise.all([
        privileges.categories.get(cid, req.uid),
            sets: ['topics:tid', `cid:${cid}:tids:lastposttime`],
            start: 0,
            stop: 24,
            weights: [1, 0],

    if (!category || ! {
        return next();

    if (await validateTokenIfRequiresLogin(!, cid, req, res)) {
        let topicsData = await topics.getTopicsByTids(tids, uid);
        topicsData = await user.blocks.filter(uid, topicsData);
        const feed = await generateTopicsFeed({
            uid: uid,
            description: category.description,
            feed_url: `/category/${cid}.rss`,
            site_url: `/category/${category.cid}`,
        }, topicsData, 'timestamp');

        sendFeed(feed, res);

async function generateForTopics(req, res, next) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return next();
    const uid = await getUidFromToken(req);

    await sendTopicsFeed({
        uid: uid,
        title: 'Most recently created topics',
        description: 'A list of topics that have been created recently',
        feed_url: '/topics.rss',
        useMainPost: true,
    }, 'topics:tid', res);

async function generateForRecent(req, res, next) {
    await generateSorted({
        title: 'Recently Active Topics',
        description: 'A list of topics that have been active within the past 24 hours',
        feed_url: '/recent.rss',
        site_url: '/recent',
        sort: 'recent',
        timestampField: 'lastposttime',
        term: 'alltime',
    }, req, res, next);

async function generateForTop(req, res, next) {
    await generateSorted({
        title: 'Top Voted Topics',
        description: 'A list of topics that have received the most votes',
        feed_url: `/top/${req.params.term || 'daily'}.rss`,
        site_url: `/top/${req.params.term || 'daily'}`,
        sort: 'votes',
        timestampField: 'timestamp',
        term: 'day',
    }, req, res, next);

async function generateForPopular(req, res, next) {
    await generateSorted({
        title: 'Popular Topics',
        description: 'A list of topics that are sorted by post count',
        feed_url: `/popular/${req.params.term || 'daily'}.rss`,
        site_url: `/popular/${req.params.term || 'daily'}`,
        sort: 'posts',
        timestampField: 'timestamp',
        term: 'day',
    }, req, res, next);

async function generateSorted(options, req, res, next) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return next();

    const term = terms[req.params.term] || options.term;
    const uid = await getUidFromToken(req);

    const params = {
        uid: uid,
        start: 0,
        stop: 19,
        term: term,
        sort: options.sort,

    const { cid } = req.query;
    if (cid) {
        if (!await privileges.categories.can('topics:read', cid, uid)) {
            return controllerHelpers.notAllowed(req, res);
        params.cids = [cid];

    const result = await topics.getSortedTopics(params);
    const feed = await generateTopicsFeed({
        uid: uid,
        title: options.title,
        description: options.description,
        feed_url: options.feed_url,
        site_url: options.site_url,
    }, result.topics, options.timestampField);

    sendFeed(feed, res);

async function sendTopicsFeed(options, set, res, timestampField) {
    const start = options.hasOwnProperty('start') ? options.start : 0;
    const stop = options.hasOwnProperty('stop') ? options.stop : 19;
    const topicData = await topics.getTopicsFromSet(set, options.uid, start, stop);
    const feed = await generateTopicsFeed(options, topicData.topics, timestampField);
    sendFeed(feed, res);

async function generateTopicsFeed(feedOptions, feedTopics, timestampField) {
    feedOptions.ttl = 60;
    feedOptions.feed_url = nconf.get('url') + feedOptions.feed_url;
    feedOptions.site_url = nconf.get('url') + feedOptions.site_url;

    feedTopics = feedTopics.filter(Boolean);

    const feed = new rss(feedOptions);

    if (feedTopics.length > 0) {
        feed.pubDate = new Date(feedTopics[0][timestampField]).toUTCString();

    async function addFeedItem(topicData) {
        const feedItem = {
            title: utils.stripHTMLTags(topicData.title, utils.tags),
            url: `${nconf.get('url')}/topic/${topicData.slug}`,
            date: new Date(topicData[timestampField]).toUTCString(),

        if (topicData.deleted) {

        if (topicData.teaser && topicData.teaser.user && !feedOptions.useMainPost) {
            feedItem.description = topicData.teaser.content;
   = topicData.teaser.user.username;

        const mainPost = await topics.getMainPost(topicData.tid, feedOptions.uid);
        if (!mainPost) {
        feedItem.description = mainPost.content; = mainPost.user && mainPost.user.username;

    for (const topicData of feedTopics) {
        /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */
        await addFeedItem(topicData);
    return feed;

async function generateForRecentPosts(req, res, next) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return next();
    const page = parseInt(, 10) || 1;
    const postsPerPage = 20;
    const start = Math.max(0, (page - 1) * postsPerPage);
    const stop = start + postsPerPage - 1;
    const postData = await posts.getRecentPosts(req.uid, start, stop, 'month');
    const feed = generateForPostsFeed({
        title: 'Recent Posts',
        description: 'A list of recent posts',
        feed_url: '/recentposts.rss',
        site_url: '/recentposts',
    }, postData);

    sendFeed(feed, res);

async function generateForCategoryRecentPosts(req, res) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return controllers404.handle404(req, res);
    const cid = req.params.category_id;
    const page = parseInt(, 10) || 1;
    const topicsPerPage = 20;
    const start = Math.max(0, (page - 1) * topicsPerPage);
    const stop = start + topicsPerPage - 1;
    const [userPrivileges, category, postData] = await Promise.all([
        privileges.categories.get(cid, req.uid),
        categories.getRecentReplies(cid, req.uid || req.query.uid || 0, start, stop),

    if (!category) {
        return controllers404.handle404(req, res);

    if (await validateTokenIfRequiresLogin(!, cid, req, res)) {
        const feed = generateForPostsFeed({
            title: `${} Recent Posts`,
            description: `A list of recent posts from ${}`,
            feed_url: `/category/${cid}/recentposts.rss`,
            site_url: `/category/${cid}/recentposts`,
        }, postData);

        sendFeed(feed, res);

function generateForPostsFeed(feedOptions, posts) {
    feedOptions.ttl = 60;
    feedOptions.feed_url = nconf.get('url') + feedOptions.feed_url;
    feedOptions.site_url = nconf.get('url') + feedOptions.site_url;

    const feed = new rss(feedOptions);

    if (posts.length > 0) {
        feed.pubDate = new Date(parseInt(posts[0].timestamp, 10)).toUTCString();

    posts.forEach((postData) => {
            title: postData.topic ? postData.topic.title : '',
            description: postData.content,
            url: `${nconf.get('url')}/post/${}`,
            author: postData.user ? postData.user.username : '',
            date: new Date(parseInt(postData.timestamp, 10)).toUTCString(),

    return feed;

async function generateForUserTopics(req, res, next) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return next();

    const { userslug } = req.params;
    const uid = await user.getUidByUserslug(userslug);
    if (!uid) {
        return next();
    const userData = await user.getUserFields(uid, ['uid', 'username']);
    await sendTopicsFeed({
        uid: req.uid,
        title: `Topics by ${userData.username}`,
        description: `A list of topics that are posted by ${userData.username}`,
        feed_url: `/user/${userslug}/topics.rss`,
        site_url: `/user/${userslug}/topics`,
    }, `uid:${userData.uid}:topics`, res);

async function generateForTag(req, res) {
    if (meta.config['feeds:disableRSS']) {
        return controllers404.handle404(req, res);
    const uid = await getUidFromToken(req);
    const tag = validator.escape(String(req.params.tag));
    const page = parseInt(, 10) || 1;
    const topicsPerPage = meta.config.topicsPerPage || 20;
    const start = Math.max(0, (page - 1) * topicsPerPage);
    const stop = start + topicsPerPage - 1;
    await sendTopicsFeed({
        uid: uid,
        title: `Topics tagged with ${tag}`,
        description: `A list of topics that have been tagged with ${tag}`,
        feed_url: `/tags/${tag}.rss`,
        site_url: `/tags/${tag}`,
        start: start,
        stop: stop,
    }, `tag:${tag}:topics`, res);

async function getUidFromToken(req) {
    let token = null;
    if (req.query.token && req.query.uid) {
        token = await db.getObjectField(`user:${req.query.uid}`, 'rss_token');

    return token && token === req.query.token ? req.query.uid : req.uid;

function sendFeed(feed, res) {
    const xml = feed.xml();
    res.type('xml').set('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(xml)).send(xml);