import { boolean, oneOf, string, shape, number } from 'prop-types';
* When declaring a new, commonly utilized prop type, please also export an object that can be used
* by the Knobs Storybook addon easily. See Button's default story with analyticsObject for example.
* NOTE: Export it as a function so that the object isn't mutable across multiple stories.
/* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */
// See: for reference
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prevent-abbreviations
export const googleAnalyticsEventPropType = shape({
// A description of the behaviour. E.g. 'Clicked Delete', 'Added a component', 'Deleted account'
action: string.isRequired,
// A top level category for these events. E.g. 'User', 'Navigation', 'App Editing', etc.
category: string.isRequired,
// More precise labelling of the related action. E.g. alongside the 'Added a component' action,
// we could add the name of a component as the label. E.g. 'Survey', 'Heading', 'Button', etc.
label: string,
// A means of recording a numerical value against an event. E.g. a rating, a score, etc.
value: number,
// If an event is not triggered by a user interaction, but instead by our code (e.g. on page
// load, it should be flagged as a nonInteraction event to avoid skewing bounce rate data.
nonInteraction: boolean,
// This specifies the transport mechanism with which hits will be sent. Valid values include
// 'beacon', 'xhr', or 'image'.
transport: oneOf(['beacon', 'xhr', 'image']),
export const googleAnalyticsEventStoryObjectFactory = () => ({
action: '',
category: '',
label: '',
value: undefined,
nonInteraction: false,
transport: undefined,
export function validStep(propValue, key, componentName, location, propFullName) {
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(propValue[key]).includes('validationSchema')) {
return new Error(
`${propFullName} does not have a validateSchema function.
All form steps must contain both validateSchema and submitHandler functions`,
if (!Object.getOwnPropertyNames(propValue[key]).includes('submitHandler')) {
return new Error(
`${propFullName} does not have a submitHandler function.
All form steps must contain both validateSchema and submitHandler functions`,
return null;