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package com.github.polybooks.database

import com.github.polybooks.core.*
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture

 * Provides the API for accessing/modifying interests in a database.
 * */
interface InterestDatabase {

     * Add a new field document to the fields collection
    fun addField(field: Field) : CompletableFuture<Field>

     * Add a new semester document to the semesters collection
    fun addSemester(semester: Semester) : CompletableFuture<Semester>

     * Add a new course document to the courses collection
    fun addCourse(course: Course) : CompletableFuture<Course>

     * List all the Fields in the database.
     * */
    fun listAllFields() : CompletableFuture<List<Field>>

     * List all the Semesters in the database.
     * */
    fun listAllSemesters() : CompletableFuture<List<Semester>>

     * List all the Courses in the database.
     * */
    fun listAllCourses() : CompletableFuture<List<Course>>

     * List all the interests in the database.
     * */
    fun listAllInterests() : CompletableFuture<Triple<List<Field>, List<Semester>, List<Course>>>
        = listAllFields().thenCombine(listAllSemesters()) { fields, semester -> Pair(fields, semester) }
        .thenCombine(listAllCourses()){pair, courses -> Triple(pair.first, pair.second, courses)}
     * Get the interests of the specified user
     * TODO: Might need to add an authentication token to restrict authenticated users to only modify their interests.
     * */
    fun getUserInterests(user : User) : CompletableFuture<Triple<List<Field>, List<Semester>, List<Course>>>
        //TODO : Change this
        = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Triple(emptyList(), emptyList(), emptyList()))

     * Sets the interests of the specified user.
     * TODO: Might need to add an authentication token to restrict authenticated users to only modify their interests.
     * @return A Future to receive confirmation of success/failure asynchronously
     * */
    fun setUserInterests(user : User, interests : List<Interest>) : CompletableFuture<Unit>
