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package com.github.polybooks.database

import android.content.Context
import com.github.polybooks.R
import com.github.polybooks.core.*
import com.github.polybooks.utils.FieldWithName
import java.io.Serializable
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture

 * Provides the API for accessing sales in a Database.
 * */
interface SaleDatabase {

     * Create a new query for Sales. It originally matches all sales.
     * */
    fun querySales(): SaleQuery

     * Get all the sales in the database
     * */
    fun listAllSales(): CompletableFuture<List<Sale>> = querySales().getAll()

     * Add the sale defined by the given parameters to the database
     * @param bookISBN the isbn of the book being sold
     * @param seller the user selling the book (can't be the local user)
     * @param price the price of the sale
     * @param condition the condition of the book
     * @param state the state of the sale
     * @param image the image describing the book being sold
     * @return a future containing the sale created and added to the database
    fun addSale(bookISBN : ISBN,
                seller : User,
                price : Float,
                condition : BookCondition,
                state : SaleState,
                image : Image?) : CompletableFuture<Sale>

     * Add a sale defined by the attributes of the given sale.
     * @param sale the sale defining the new sale.
     * @return a future containing the sale created and added to the database.
     * */
    fun addSale(sale: Sale) : CompletableFuture<Sale> =
        addSale(sale.book.isbn, sale.seller, sale.price, sale.condition, sale.state, sale.image)

     * Delete the given sale to the database
     * @param sale The sale to delete
     * @return A completable future of whether a sale was deleted (i.e. if it existed)
    fun deleteSale(sale: Sale) : CompletableFuture<Boolean>

 * A SaleQuery is a builder for a query to the database that will yield Sales.
 * Most methods return themselves for function chaining.
 * */
interface SaleQuery: Query<Sale> {

     * Set this query to only include sales that satisfy the given interests.
     * */
    fun onlyIncludeInterests(interests: Set<Interest>): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to only search for sales with book's title that are like the given one.
     *  If called successively only the last call is taken into account
     * */
    fun searchByTitle(title: String): SaleQuery

     *  Set this query to only search for sales in the given states.
     *  If called successively only the last call is taken into account
     *  (see {@link SaleState})
     * */
    fun searchByState(state: Set<SaleState>): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to only search for sales of books in the given condition.
     * If called successively only the last call is taken into account
     * (see {@link BookCondition})
     * */
    fun searchByCondition(condition: Set<BookCondition>): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to only search for sales above a certain price.
     * */
    fun searchByMinPrice(min: Float): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to only search for sales below a certain price.
     * */
    fun searchByMaxPrice(max: Float): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to only search for sales within the given price range.
     * */
    fun searchByPrice(min: Float, max: Float): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to order books with the given ordering.
     * (see {@link BookOrdering})
     * */
    fun withOrdering(ordering: SaleOrdering): SaleQuery

     * Set this query to get sales of books associated with the given isbn13.
     * (ignoring other filters)
     * */
    fun searchByISBN(isbn: String): SaleQuery

     * Get Settings from the book
     * */
    fun getSettings(): SaleSettings

     * Reset this query using the given settings
    fun fromSettings(settings: SaleSettings): SaleQuery


 * The Settings contains the values for all the possible query parameters (ig. ordering, price).
 * In contrary to a Query object, it is independent to the state of the database and thus it
 * implement Serializable and can be passed as parameter between activities.
 * To define a Query, a SaleSettings can be used along with fromSettings in substitution to
 * calling the other methods (ig. searchByPrice)
data class SaleSettings(
    val ordering: SaleOrdering,
    val isbn: String?,
    val title: String?,
    val interests: Set<Interest>?,
    val states: Set<SaleState>?,
    val conditions: Set<BookCondition>?,
    val minPrice: Float?,
    val maxPrice: Float?
): Serializable

 * Defines an ordering for books. DEFAULT is implementation defined.
 * */
enum class SaleOrdering: FieldWithName {

    override fun fieldName(c: Context?): String {
        return c?.resources?.getStringArray(R.array.sale_orderings_array)?.get(ordinal)
               ?: name