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/*    Copyright (c) 2013-2020
    REhints <>
    All rights reserved.
    This file is part of HexRaysCodeXplorer

     HexRaysCodeXplorer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     (at your option) any later version.

     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
     WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     General Public License for more details.

     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     along with this program.  If not, see <>.


#include "Common.h"
#include "ObjectExplorer.h"
#include "GCCObjectFormatParser.h"
#include "Utility.h"

#include "Debug.h"

#include <functional>
#include <utility>

#if !defined (__LINUX__) && !defined (__MAC__)
#include <tchar.h>
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"

extern plugin_t PLUGIN;

qvector <VTBL_info_t> vtbl_t_list;    // list of vtables found in the binary
qvector <qstring> vtbl_list;        // list of string for ObjectExplrer vtables view

std::unordered_map<ea_t, VTBL_info_t> rtti_vftables;

void free_vtable_lists() {

// VTBL code parsing

bool get_text_disasm(const ea_t ea, qstring& rv) {

    if (!generate_disasm_line(&rv, ea))
        return false;


    return true;

static bool check_vtable_load_instruction(ea_t ea_code) {

    qstring dism;
    if (!get_text_disasm(ea_code, dism))
        return false;

    if (dism.find("mov ") == 0 && dism.find(" offset ") != dism.npos)
        return true;

    if (dism.find("lea") == 0)
        return true;

    return false;

// Try to find vtable at the specified address
static bool get_vtbl_info(ea_t ea_address, VTBL_info_t &vtbl_info)
    const auto flags = get_flags(ea_address);
    if (has_xref(flags) && has_any_name(flags) && (isEa(flags) || is_unknown(flags))) {
        auto is_move_xref = false;

        auto ea_code_ref = get_first_dref_to(ea_address);
        if(ea_code_ref && ea_code_ref != BADADDR) {
            do {
                if(is_code(get_flags(ea_code_ref)) && check_vtable_load_instruction(ea_code_ref)) {
                    is_move_xref = true;

                ea_code_ref = get_next_dref_to(ea_address, ea_code_ref);

            } while(ea_code_ref && ea_code_ref != BADADDR);

        if(is_move_xref) {
            ZeroMemory(&vtbl_info, sizeof(VTBL_info_t));

            get_ea_name(&vtbl_info.vtbl_name, ea_address);

            const auto ea_start = vtbl_info.ea_begin = ea_address;

            while(true) {
                const auto index_flags = get_flags(ea_address);
                if(!(isEa(index_flags) || is_unknown(index_flags)))

                const auto ea_index_value = getEa(ea_address);
                if(!ea_index_value || ea_index_value == BADADDR)

                if (ea_address != ea_start && has_xref(index_flags))

                const auto value_flags = get_flags(ea_index_value);
                if(!is_code(value_flags)) {
                } else {
                    if(is_unknown(index_flags)) {
#ifndef __EA64__
                        create_dword(ea_address, sizeof(ea_t));
                        create_qword(ea_address, sizeof(ea_t));

                ea_address += sizeof(ea_t);

            if((vtbl_info.methods = ((ea_address - ea_start) / sizeof(ea_t))) > 0) {
                vtbl_info.ea_end = ea_address;
                return true;

    return false;

// Try to find and parse vtable at the specified address
static void process_vtbl(ea_t &ea_sect)
    VTBL_info_t vftable_info_t;
    // try to parse vtable at this address
    if(get_vtbl_info(ea_sect, vftable_info_t))
        ea_sect = vftable_info_t.ea_end;

        if(vftable_info_t.methods > 1) {
            // check if we have already processed this table
            if (rtti_vftables.count(vftable_info_t.ea_begin) == 0) {
                vftable_info_t.vtbl_name = get_short_name(vftable_info_t.ea_begin);

                qstring vtbl_info_str;
#ifndef  __EA64__
                vtbl_info_str.cat_sprnt(" 0x%0x - 0x%0x:  %s  methods count: %d", vftable_info_t.ea_begin, vftable_info_t.ea_end, vftable_info_t.vtbl_name.c_str(), vftable_info_t.methods);
                vtbl_info_str.cat_sprnt(" 0x%016llx - 0x%016llx:  %s  methods count: %d", vftable_info_t.ea_begin, vftable_info_t.ea_end, vftable_info_t.vtbl_name.c_str(), vftable_info_t.methods);
#endif // !#ifndef __EA64__


            ea_sect = vftable_info_t.ea_end;

    // nothing found: increment ea_sect by size of the pointer to continue search at the next location
    ea_sect += sizeof(ea_t);

// Get vtable structure from the list by address
bool get_vbtbl_by_ea(const ea_t vtbl_addr, VTBL_info_t &vtbl) {
    auto result = false;


    for (auto& vtbl_iter : vtbl_t_list)
        if (vtbl_iter.ea_begin == vtbl_addr) {
            vtbl = vtbl_iter;
            result = true;

    return result;

// Create a structurte in IDA local types which represents vtable
tid_t create_vtbl_struct(const ea_t vtbl_addr, const ea_t vtbl_addr_end, const qstring& vtbl_name, uval_t idx, unsigned int* vtbl_len)
    auto struc_name = vtbl_name;
    struc_name += "::vtable";
    auto id = add_struc(BADADDR, struc_name.c_str());

    if (id == BADADDR) {
        if (!ask_str(&struc_name, HIST_IDENT, "Default name %s not correct. Enter other structure name: ", struc_name.c_str()))
            return BADNODE;
        id = add_struc(BADADDR, struc_name.c_str());
        if (id == BADADDR)
            msg("failed to add struct: %s\n", struc_name.c_str());
            return BADNODE;
        set_struc_cmt(id, vtbl_name.c_str(), true);

    const auto new_struc = get_struc(id);
    if (!new_struc)
        return BADNODE;

    auto ea = vtbl_addr;
    ea_t offset = 0;

    while (ea < vtbl_addr_end) {
        offset = ea - vtbl_addr;
        qstring method_name;
        auto method_ea = getEa(ea);

        if ( == PLFM_ARM)
            method_ea &= static_cast<ea_t>(-2);

        if (method_ea == 0)
            ea = ea + sizeof(ea_t);
        if (!is_mapped(method_ea))

        const auto method_flags = get_flags(method_ea);
        const char* struc_member_name = nullptr;
        if (is_func(method_flags)) {
            method_name = get_short_name(method_ea);
            if (!method_name.empty())
                struc_member_name = method_name.c_str();
#ifndef __EA64__
        add_struc_member(new_struc, nullptr, offset, dword_flag(), nullptr, sizeof(ea_t));
        add_struc_member(new_struc, NULL, offset, qword_flag(), NULL, sizeof(ea_t));
        if (struc_member_name) {
            if (!set_member_name(new_struc, offset, struc_member_name)) {
                get_ea_name(&method_name, method_ea);
                set_member_name(new_struc, offset, struc_member_name);

        ea = ea + sizeof(ea_t);
        const auto ea_flags = get_flags(ea);

        if (has_any_name(ea_flags))

    return id;

void find_vtables_rtti()
    logmsg(DEBUG, "\nprocess_rtti()\n");

    if (!object_format_parser && !init_object_format_parser())

    // get rtti_vftables map using rtti data

    // store this inormation in the lists
    for (auto it = rtti_vftables.begin(); it != rtti_vftables.end(); ++it) {
        VTBL_info_t vftable_info_t;
        vftable_info_t.ea_begin = it->second.ea_begin;
        vftable_info_t.ea_end = it->second.ea_end;
        vftable_info_t.methods = it->second.methods;
        vftable_info_t.vtbl_name = it->second.vtbl_name;

        qstring vtbl_info_str;
#ifdef __EA64__
        vtbl_info_str.cat_sprnt(" 0x%llx - 0x%llx:  %s  methods count: %d", vftable_info_t.ea_begin, vftable_info_t.ea_end, vftable_info_t.vtbl_name.c_str(), vftable_info_t.methods);
        vtbl_info_str.cat_sprnt(" 0x%x - 0x%x:  %s  methods count: %d", vftable_info_t.ea_begin, vftable_info_t.ea_end, vftable_info_t.vtbl_name.c_str(), vftable_info_t.methods);


// Find vtables in the binary
void find_vtables()
    // set of the processed segments
    std::set<segment_t *> seg_set;

    // start with .rdata section
    logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - going for .rdata\n");
    if (const auto seg = get_segm_by_name(".rdata")) {
        logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - .rdata exist\n");


        auto ea_text = seg->start_ea;
        while (ea_text <= seg->end_ea)

    } else {
        logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - .rdata does not exist\n");

    // look also at .data section
    logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - going for .data\n");
    const auto seg_count = get_segm_qty();
    qstring segm_name;

    for (auto i = 0; i < seg_count; i++) {
        auto seg = getnseg(i);
        if (!seg || seg->type != SEG_DATA)

        if (seg_set.find(seg) == seg_set.end())
            if (get_segm_name(&segm_name, seg) > 0 && segm_name == ".data")
                logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - .data exist\n");
                auto ea_text = seg->start_ea;
                while (ea_text <= seg->end_ea)

    // If still none found, try any remaining data type segments
    if (vtbl_t_list.empty())
        logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects() - going for other data sections\n");
        for (auto i = 0; i < seg_count; i++)
            auto seg = getnseg(i);
            if (!seg || seg->type != SEG_DATA)

            if (seg_set.find(seg) == seg_set.end())
                auto ea_text = seg->start_ea;
                while (ea_text <= seg->end_ea)

// Handle VTBL & RTTI 

bool b_scaned = false;

void search_objects(const bool b_force)
    if (!b_scaned || b_force) {
        logmsg(DEBUG, "search_objects()");

        // free previously found objects

        // first search vtables using rtti information

        // find all the other vtables

        b_scaned = true;

// IDA Custom View Window Initialization 

static int current_line_pos = 0;

bool idaapi make_vtbl_struct_cb()
    const auto vtbl_t = vtbl_t_list[current_line_pos];
    const auto id = add_struc(BADADDR, vtbl_t.vtbl_name.c_str());

    create_vtbl_struct(vtbl_t.ea_begin, vtbl_t.ea_end, vtbl_t.vtbl_name, id);

    return true;

// Popup window with VTBL XREFS
qvector<qstring> xref_list;
qvector<ea_t> xref_addr;
static void get_xrefs_to_vtbl()
    const auto cur_vt_ea = vtbl_t_list[current_line_pos].ea_begin;
    for (auto addr = get_first_dref_to(cur_vt_ea); addr != BADADDR; addr = get_next_dref_to(cur_vt_ea, addr))
        qstring name;
        get_func_name(&name, addr);


        qstring tmp;
        tmp.cat_sprnt(" 0x%x:  %s", addr, name.c_str());

static bool idaapi ct_vtbl_xrefs_window_dblclick(TWidget *v, int shift, void *ud)
    int x, y;
    const auto place = get_custom_viewer_place(v, true, &x, &y);
    if (!place)
        return false;
    const auto spl = reinterpret_cast<simpleline_place_t*>(place);
    const auto line_num = spl->n;

    if (line_num < 0 || line_num >= static_cast<int>(xref_addr.size()))
        return false;

    const auto cur_xref_ea = xref_addr[line_num];

    return jumpto(cur_xref_ea);

bool idaapi show_vtbl_xrefs_window_cb()

    if (xref_list.empty())
        warning("ObjectExplorer not found any xrefs here ...\n");
        logmsg(DEBUG, "ObjectExplorer not found any xrefs here ...\n");

        return false;

    const auto widget = create_empty_widget(vtbl_t_list[current_line_pos].vtbl_name.c_str());

    auto si = new object_explorer_info_t(widget);

    for (const auto& xref : xref_list)

    simpleline_place_t s1;
    simpleline_place_t s2(static_cast<int>(si->sv.size()) - 1);
    si->cv = create_custom_viewer("", &s1, &s2, &s1, nullptr, &si->sv, nullptr, nullptr, widget);
    si->codeview = create_code_viewer(si->cv, CDVF_STATUSBAR, widget);
    auto fptr = &ct_vtbl_xrefs_window_dblclick;
    set_custom_viewer_handler(si->cv, CVH_DBLCLICK, reinterpret_cast<void *&>(fptr));

    display_widget(widget, WOPN_RESTORE);

    return true;


static bool idaapi ct_object_explorer_keyboard(TWidget * /*v*/, const int key, const int shift, void *ud)
    if (shift == 0)
        const auto si = static_cast<object_explorer_info_t*>(ud);
        switch (key)
        case IK_ESCAPE:
            close_widget(si->widget, WOPN_CLOSED_BY_ESC);
            return true;

        case 83: // S
            return true;

        case 88: // X
            return true;
        default: ;
    return false;

static bool idaapi ct_object_explorer_dblclick(TWidget *v, int shift, void *ud)
    int x, y;
    const auto place = get_custom_viewer_place(v, true, &x, &y);
    const auto spl = reinterpret_cast<simpleline_place_t*>(place);
    const int line_num = spl->n;

    if (line_num < 0 || line_num >= static_cast<int>(vtbl_t_list.size()))
        return false;

    const auto cur_vt_ea = vtbl_t_list[line_num].ea_begin;

    return jumpto(cur_vt_ea);

static qstring get_vtbl_hint(const int line_num)
    current_line_pos = line_num;
    qstring tag_lines;

    if (is_mapped(vtbl_t_list[line_num].ea_begin))
        auto flags = calc_default_idaplace_flags();
        linearray_t ln(&flags);

        idaplace_t here;
        here.ea = vtbl_t_list[line_num].ea_begin;
        here.lnnum = 0;

        auto used = 0;
        for (auto i = 0; i < ln.get_linecnt(); i++)
            auto line = *ln.down();

            tag_lines.cat_sprnt((COLSTR(SCOLOR_INV"%s\n", SCOLOR_DREF)), line.c_str());
            const auto n = qmin(ln.get_linecnt(), 20);
            used += n;
            for (auto j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                tag_lines.cat_sprnt("%s\n", ln.down()->c_str());
    return tag_lines;

ssize_t idaapi ui_object_explorer_callback(void *ud, const int code, va_list va)
    auto*si = static_cast<object_explorer_info_t*>(ud);
    switch (code)
        case ui_get_custom_viewer_hint:
            auto& hint = *va_arg(va, qstring *);
            const auto viewer = va_arg(va, TWidget *);
            const auto place = va_arg(va, place_t *);
            const auto important_lines = va_arg(va, int *);

            if (si->cv == viewer)
                if ( place == nullptr )
                    return 0;

                const auto spl = reinterpret_cast<simpleline_place_t*>(place);
                hint = get_vtbl_hint (spl->n);
                *important_lines = 20;
                return 1;
        case ui_widget_invisible:
            const auto f = va_arg(va, TWidget *);
            if ( f == si->widget )
                delete si;
                unhook_from_notification_point(HT_UI, ui_object_explorer_callback, nullptr);

        case ui_populating_widget_popup:
            const auto viewer = va_arg(va, TWidget *);
            const auto popup = va_arg(va, TPopupMenu *);
            if (si->widget == viewer || si->cv == viewer)
                attach_action_to_popup(viewer, popup, "codexplorer::make_vtbl_struct");
                attach_action_to_popup(viewer, popup, "codexplorer::show_vtbl_xrefs_window");
    default: ;
    return 0;

struct handler_cb_action_t final : public action_handler_t
    typedef std::function<bool()> handler_t;

    handler_t handler;

    explicit handler_cb_action_t(handler_t handler)
        : handler(std::move(handler))

    int idaapi activate(action_activation_ctx_t* ctx) override
        return handler() ? 1 : 0;

    action_state_t idaapi update(action_update_ctx_t*) override
        return AST_ENABLE_ALWAYS;

static handler_cb_action_t kMakeVTBLStructActionHandler{ make_vtbl_struct_cb };
static handler_cb_action_t kShowVTBLXrefsWindowActionHandler{ show_vtbl_xrefs_window_cb };

//static const action_desc_t kMakeVTBLStrucActionDesc = ACTION_DESC_LITERAL("codexplorer::make_vtbl_struct",
//    "Make VTBL_Struct", &kMakeVTBLStructActionHandler, "S", NULL, -1);
//static const action_desc_t kShowVTBLXrefsWindowActionDesc = ACTION_DESC_LITERAL("codexplorer::show_vtbl_xrefs_window",
//    "Show all XREFS to VTBL", &kShowVTBLXrefsWindowActionHandler, "X", NULL, -1);

void object_explorer_form_init()
    if (vtbl_list.empty() || vtbl_t_list.empty())
        warning("ObjectExplorer not found any virtual tables here ...\n");
        logmsg(DEBUG, "ObjectExplorer not found any virtual tables here ...\n");

    auto widget = find_widget("Object Explorer");
    if (widget)
        warning("Object Explorer window already open. Switching to it.\n");
        logmsg(DEBUG, "Object Explorer window already open. Switching to it.\n");
        activate_widget(widget, true);

    widget = create_empty_widget("Object Explorer");
    static auto actions_initialized = false;
    if (!actions_initialized)
        actions_initialized = true;
        // register_action(kShowVTBLXrefsWindowActionDesc);
    auto si = new object_explorer_info_t(widget);

    for (auto& vtbl_iter : vtbl_list)

    simpleline_place_t s1;
    simpleline_place_t s2(static_cast<int>(si->sv.size()) - 1);
    si->cv = create_custom_viewer("", &s1, &s2, &s1, nullptr, &si->sv, nullptr, nullptr, widget);
    si->codeview = create_code_viewer(si->cv, CDVF_STATUSBAR, widget);

    auto cvh = custom_viewer_handlers_t();
    cvh.keyboard = ct_object_explorer_keyboard;
    cvh.dblclick = ct_object_explorer_dblclick;
    set_custom_viewer_handlers(si->cv, &cvh, si);

    hook_to_notification_point(HT_UI, ui_object_explorer_callback, si);
    display_widget(widget, WOPN_DP_TAB | WOPN_RESTORE);