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// @flow
/* eslint-disable no-console */
// Import React.
import React from 'react'
// Import our CSS.
import compiledCSS from '../lib/index.css'

// Ink out the type of our props.
type Props = {
  anim?: boolean,
  id: string,
  checkered?: boolean | string,
  children: string,
  text: string,
  progressCount: number,

// A function to define the error thrown on invalid props.
function ReactInvalidPropException (info: {
  prop: string | Array<string>,
  type: string,
  expectedValue?: string,
  actualValue?: string,
}) {
  // Actual code starts here. = 'ReactInvalidPropException'
  // Extract values from info to make code line length smaller.
  const { type, prop, expectedValue, actualValue } = info
  // If..
  if (type === 'invalid-type' && expectedValue !== undefined && actualValue !== undefined && typeof prop === 'string') {
    this.message = `ProgressBar has incorrectly recieved a ${actualValue} for the prop "${prop}" when it expected a ${expectedValue}.`
  // Else..
  } else if (info.type === 'unassigned-prop' && typeof prop === 'string') {
    this.message = `ProgressBar has not recieved the required prop "${prop}". Click "OK" to rectify.`
  } else if (info.type === 'dual-props') {
    this.message = `ProgressBar has recieved 2 incompatible props, ${prop[0]} and ${prop[1]}. Please resolve the issue.`

// Our component.
export default function ProgressBar (props: Props) {
  // If progressCount is not a number then..
  if (!props.progressCount || typeof props.progressCount !== 'number') {
    throw new ReactInvalidPropException({
      prop: 'progressCount',
      type: 'invalid-type',
      expectedValue: 'number',
      actualValue: typeof props.progressCount
  // If the prop `id` is undefined..
  if (! {
    throw new ReactInvalidPropException({
      prop: 'id',
      type: 'unassigned-prop'

  // Regular CSS props.
  let CSSProp: string = ''
  // If prop `checkered` is true then add CSS prop of sorts `_checkered`.
  if (props.checkered === true) {
    CSSProp = '_checkered'
  } else if (props.checkered === 'animated') {
    // If prop `checkered` is true then add CSS prop of sorts `_checkered`.
    CSSProp = '_animated'

  // props.children and props.text should not co-exist.
  if (props.children && props.text) {
    throw new ReactInvalidPropException({
      prop: ['props.children', 'props.text'],
      type: 'dual-props'

  // Content to be included on the progress bar.
  const text = props.children.length > 0 ? `${props.progressCount}% ${props.children}` : `${props.progressCount}% ${props.text}`

  // Ugly code.
  if (props.anim === true && props.children) {
    console.error('Now you are in "anim"-mode. Move your "children" to arguments in anim() function !!!')

  // Return our final component.
  return (
      <div className={`ProgressBar${CSSProp}`} key={5} {...props}>
        <div className={`PP${CSSProp}`} id={} style={{ width: `${props.progressCount}%` }} key={3}>

// Our default props.
ProgressBar.defaultProps = {
  anim: false,
  checkered: false,
  text: '' // eslint-disable-line react/default-props-match-prop-types