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File index.ts has 787 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

import type { IconData } from '$lib/components/Icon.svelte';
export const glass: Record<string, IconData> = {"glass":{"width":1792,"height":1792,"paths":[{"d":"M1699 186q0 35-43 78l-632 632v768h320q26 0 45 19t19 45-19 45-45 19h-896q-26 0-45-19t-19-45 19-45 45-19h320v-768l-632-632q-43-43-43-78 0-23 18-36.5t38-17.5 43-4h1408q23 0 43 4t38 17.5 18 36.5z"}]}};
export const music: Record<string, IconData> = {"music":{"width":1536,"height":1792,"paths":[{"d":"M1536 224v1120q0 50-34 89t-86 60.5-103.5 32-96.5 10.5-96.5-10.5-103.5-32-86-60.5-34-89 34-89 86-60.5 103.5-32 96.5-10.5q105 0 192 39v-537l-768 237v709q0 50-34 89t-86 60.5-103.5 32-96.5 10.5-96.5-10.5-103.5-32-86-60.5-34-89 34-89 86-60.5 103.5-32 96.5-10.5q105 0 192 39v-967q0-31 19-56.5t49-35.5l832-256q12-4 28-4 40 0 68 28t28 68z"}]}};
export const search: Record<string, IconData> = {"search":{"width":1664,"height":1792,"paths":[{"d":"M1152 832q0-185-131.5-316.5t-316.5-131.5-316.5 131.5-131.5 316.5 131.5 316.5 316.5 131.5 316.5-131.5 131.5-316.5zM1664 1664q0 52-38 90t-90 38q-54 0-90-38l-343-342q-179 124-399 124-143 0-273.5-55.5t-225-150-150-225-55.5-273.5 55.5-273.5 150-225 225-150 273.5-55.5 273.5 55.5 225 150 150 225 55.5 273.5q0 220-124 399l343 343q37 37 37 90z"}]}};
export const envelopeO: Record<string, IconData> = {"envelope-o":{"width":1792,"height":1792,"paths":[{"d":"M1664 1504v-768q-32 36-69 66-268 206-426 338-51 43-83 67t-86.5 48.5-102.5 24.5h-1-1q-48 0-102.5-24.5t-86.5-48.5-83-67q-158-132-426-338-37-30-69-66v768q0 13 9.5 22.5t22.5 9.5h1472q13 0 22.5-9.5t9.5-22.5zM1664 453v-11-13.5t-0.5-13-3-12.5-5.5-9-9-7.5-14-2.5h-1472q-13 0-22.5 9.5t-9.5 22.5q0 168 147 284 193 152 401 317 6 5 35 29.5t46 37.5 44.5 31.5 50.5 27.5 43 9h1 1q20 0 43-9t50.5-27.5 44.5-31.5 46-37.5 35-29.5q208-165 401-317 54-43 100.5-115.5t46.5-131.5zM1792 416v1088q0 66-47 113t-113 47h-1472q-66 0-113-47t-47-113v-1088q0-66 47-113t113-47h1472q66 0 113 47t47 113z"}]}};
Severity: Major
Found in src/lib/icons/index.ts - About 1 day to fix