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import * as functions from "firebase-functions";
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
import {Change} from "firebase-functions";
import {DataSnapshot} from "@firebase/database-types";

  credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
  databaseURL: "",

// // Start writing functions
// //

    ***************   INFO   ***************

    Always before running the sendPushNotification cloud function locally,
    add the service account key to the environment variables:



    where serviceAccountKey.json is the service account key file

    Then, you can run the cloud function locally as follows:
     - cd into the functions folder
     - run the command "npm run serve"
     - run the command "firebase emulators:start"
     - in the terminal, you can click on the View in Emulator UI link
        to open the Emulator UI in your browser
     - there, you can also upload a database instance from a json file
        (that you can download from the actual database in the Firebase console)

     To deploy the cloud function to Firebase, run the command:
     "firebase deploy --only functions"


 * Cloud function that sends a push notification to the recipient
 * of the message if the recipient has not already read the message.
 * @param change - the database write event that triggered the function
 * @param context - the context of the function
export const sendPushNotification = functions.database
  .onWrite(async (change, context) => {
    functions.logger.log("sendPushNotification function started");
    const chatId = context.params.chatId;
    const message = change.after.val();
    const sender = message.sender;
    const readState = message.readState;
    const readByUsers = message.readByUsers;

    const senderWithCommas = sender.replace(/\./g, ",");

    // if recipient has already read the message or
    // received a push notification for it, no need for push notification
    if (readState == "RECEIVED" || readState == "READ") {

    const [dotChatIdSnapshot, // needed since the key chatId above has commas
      lastNameSenderSnapshot]: DataSnapshot[] =
        await fetchSnapshotValues(change, chatId, senderWithCommas);

    // if no participants found for given chatId (i.e., .val() returns null)
    // return without sending push notification
    if (!participantsSnapshot.val()) {

    const recipientsTokenSnapshot: DataSnapshot[] =
      await fetchRecipientsTokensSnapshotValues(
        change, participantsSnapshot.val(), sender, readByUsers);

    const payload = createPayload(
      firstNameSenderSnapshot.val(), lastNameSenderSnapshot.val(),
      message.content, dotChatIdSnapshot.val());

    for (const recipientTokenSnapshot of recipientsTokenSnapshot) {
      // if recipient has not registered a token, no need for push notification
      if (!recipientTokenSnapshot.val()) {
      // send push notification
      await admin.messaging()
        .sendToDevice(recipientTokenSnapshot.val(), payload);
    // update readState to RECEIVED
    await change.after.ref.update({readState: "RECEIVED"});

 * Helper function that fetches snapshot values for the recipient tokens
 * @param {Change<DataSnapshot>} change - db event that triggered the function
 * @param {string[]} participants - the context of the function
 * @param {string} sender - the sender of the message
 * @param {string[]} readByUsers - the users that have already read the message
 * @return {Promise<DataSnapshot[]>} An object containing the tokens
 *   snapshot for each recipient.
async function fetchRecipientsTokensSnapshotValues(
  change: Change<DataSnapshot>,
  participants: string[],
  sender: string,
  readByUsers: string[],
): Promise<DataSnapshot[]> {
  const recipientsTokensSnapshotPromises: Promise<DataSnapshot>[] = [];
  for (const participant of participants) {
    if (participant == sender) { // sender doesn't need push notification
    const recipientWithCommas = participant.replace(/\./g, ",");
    if (readByUsers != null && readByUsers.includes(recipientWithCommas)) {
      continue; // If already read by this user, no push notification needed
        .child("/coachme/fcmTokens/" + recipientWithCommas)
  return Promise.all(recipientsTokensSnapshotPromises);

 * Helper function that fetches snapshot values for the chat participants,
 * sender's first name, and sender's last name from the database in parallel.
 * @param {Change<DataSnapshot>} change The database change object.
 * @param {string} chatId The ID of the chat.
 * @param {string} senderWithCommas The sender ID with dots replaced by commas.
 * @param {string} recipientWithCommas The ID of the recipient with
 *   dots replaced by commas.
 * @return {Promise<DataSnapshot[]>} An object containing the
 *   participants snapshot, sender's first name snapshot,
 *   and sender's last name snapshot.
async function fetchSnapshotValues(
  change: Change<DataSnapshot>,
  chatId: string,
  senderWithCommas: string,
): Promise<DataSnapshot[]> {
  const [dotChatIdSnapshot,
    lastNameSenderSnapshot] =
      await Promise.all([
          .child("/coachme/messages/" + chatId + "/id")
          .child("/coachme/messages/" + chatId + "/participants")
          .child("/coachme/accounts/" + senderWithCommas + "/firstName")
          .child("/coachme/accounts/" + senderWithCommas + "/lastName")

  return [dotChatIdSnapshot,

 * Helper function that creates the payload for the push notification.
 * @param {string} firstNameSender - The first name of the sender.
 * @param {string} lastNameSender - The last name of the sender.
 * @param {string} bodyContent - The message content.
 * @param {string} chatId - The ID of the chat.
 * @return {admin.messaging.MessagingPayload} - The payload object.
function createPayload(
  firstNameSender: string,
  lastNameSender: string,
  bodyContent: string,
  chatId: string): admin.messaging.MessagingPayload {
  return {
    notification: {
      title: `${firstNameSender} ${lastNameSender}`,
      body: bodyContent,
      // needed to tell the app to open the chat activity
      click_action: "OPEN_CHAT_ACTIVITY",
    data: {
      // needed to tell the app what type of notification this is
      // (to enable different types of push notifications in the future)
      notificationType: "messaging",
      chatId: chatId,