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 * Remove extra slashes from URL
 * @param url - URL to clean
 * @returns Cleaned URL
function removeExtraSlashes (url: string) {
  return url.replace(/\/{2,}/gu, '/')

export const isBrowser = typeof document !== 'undefined'

 * Get the path from a URL
 * @param url - URL to get path from
 * @param addLang - Add language to path
 * @returns Path
export function getPath (url = '', addLang = '') {
  let path = (url === '' && /* c8 ignore next */isBrowser) ? document.location.pathname : url
  path = removeExtraSlashes(path)
  path = path.replace(/^\/[a-z]{2}\//u, '/') // remove any lang from path
  if (addLang !== '') path = `/${addLang}/${path}` // add target lang to path
  return removeExtraSlashes(path)

 * Get the page from a URL
 * @param url - URL to get page from
 * @returns Page
export function getPage (url = '') {
  const path = getPath(url).slice(1)
  if (path === '') return 'index'
  return path.split('.')[0] /* c8 ignore next */ ?? ''