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'use strict'

var stringRe = /(?=["'])(?:"[^"\\]*(?:\\[\s\S][^"\\]*)*"|'[^'\\]*(?:\\[\s\S][^'\\]*)*')/g

 * @description check that quote style is consistent with config
 * @param  {string} [line] curr line being linted
 * @param {string} [origLine] curr line before being stripped
 * @return {boolean} true if in order, false if not
var quotePref = function( line, origLine ) {
    if ( origLine.indexOf( '"' ) === -1 &&
            origLine.indexOf( "'" ) === -1 ) {

    stringRe.lastIndex = 0

    var badQuotes = false
    var hasInnerQuote = true
    var match

    // for each quote match, check err
    while ( ( match = stringRe.exec( origLine ) ) !== null ) {
        // just checks the first inner quote, most common case
        // almost certainly not the best way to do this
        var content = match[0].slice( 1, -1 )

        // if '' quotes preferred and match starts with double "" quote
        if ( this.state.conf === 'single' && match[0].indexOf( '"' ) === 0 ) {
            // "" is allowed when it's cases like "Someone's string here"
            hasInnerQuote = content.indexOf( "'" ) !== -1

            if ( !hasInnerQuote ) {
                badQuotes = true
                this.msg( 'preferred quote style is ' + this.state.conf + ' quotes', match[0].indexOf( '"' ) )
        // if "" quotes preferred and match start with single '' quote
        else if ( this.state.conf === 'double' && match[0].indexOf( "'" ) === 0 ) {
            // "" is allowed when it's cases like "Someone's string here"
            hasInnerQuote = content.indexOf( '"' ) !== -1

            if ( !hasInnerQuote ) {
                badQuotes = true
                this.msg( 'preferred quote style is ' + this.state.conf + ' quotes', match[0].indexOf( "'" ) )

    return badQuotes

module.exports = quotePref