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7 hrs
Test Coverage
'use strict'

// 1 grab attribute selectors OR mixins that are by themselves
// 2 strip attr selectors or classes/ids from elements
// 3 ignore syntax
// 4 ignore numbers
// 5 ( from || to ) are only valid inside @keyframe
// 6 the actual JSON property whitelist we will test against
// 7 if interpolated value just give it a pass
var attrOrMixinRe = /^\[\S+\]|({[\S]+})|(\([\S ]+\))|(\(\))/ // 1
var stripRe = /(?=\S)\[\S+\]|(\.|#)(\w|-)+/ // /(?=\S)\[\S+\]/ // 2
var ignoreRe = /^[$.#]|[&=>+~]|if|for|else|return|@block|calc|@extend|@media/ // 3
var numRe = /\d+?(?=px|%|em|rem|v(h|w)|v(min|max)|ex|ch|mm|cm|in|pt|pc|mozmm)/ // 4
var keyRe = /((from)|(to))+(?= $| {| \d|\n|{)/ // 5
var validJSON = require( '../data/valid.json' ) // 6
var interpolatedRe = /( *{\S+} *)/ // 7

* @description check against a JSON of all valid css properties and values
* @param {string} [line] current line being linted
* @returns {boolean | undefined} true if problem, false if no prob, undefined if we skipped
module.exports = function valid( line ) {
    // from and to are valid keyframes properties, but not outside that context
    if ( !this.state.keyframes && line.match( keyRe ) ) { return }

    // 1 split by tabs and spaces, tabs mess with pattern matching
    var isValid = false
    var arr = this.splitAndStrip( new RegExp( /[\s\t,:]/ ), line ) // 1

    // if not splittable for some reason
    if ( typeof arr[0] === 'undefined' ) return

    // in order, let line be considered valid if:
    // 1 we are in a hash or css block or root block
    // 2 classname, varname, id, or syntax.
    // 3 if the selector only consists of an attr or mixin (which can be custom)
    // 4 if it's a number
    if ( this.state.hashOrCSS || // 1
        this.state.root || // 1
        interpolatedRe.test( this.cache.origLine ) ||
        ignoreRe.test( line.trim() ) || // 2
        attrOrMixinRe.test( line ) || // 3
        numRe.test( arr[0] ) ) { // 3
        isValid = true

    // if using an attr selector ( div[madeUpAttribute] ), strip it out ( div )
    if ( !isValid ) {
        arr[0] = arr[0].replace( stripRe, '' ).trim()

    // if no match yet, check for css && prefix + css, will return true at first match
    if ( !isValid ) {
        isValid = validJSON.css.some( function( css ) {
            return arr[0] === css || this.checkPrefix( arr[0], css, validJSON )
        }.bind( this ) )

    // if no match yet, try html && html + pseudo
    if ( !isValid ) {
        isValid = validJSON.html.some( function( html ) {
            return arr[0] === html || this.checkPseudo( arr[0], html, validJSON )
        }.bind( this ) )

    // if no match yet, try pseudo as standalone
    if ( !isValid ) {
        isValid = validJSON.pseudo.some( function( pseudo ) {
            // psuedo selectors could have one of two colons
            return ':' + arr[0] === pseudo || '::' + arr[0] === pseudo
        } )

    // if no match yet, try declared mixins and custom properties
    if ( !isValid ) {
        isValid = this.cache.customProperties.some( function( mixin ) {
            return arr[0] === mixin
        } )

    if ( isValid === false ) {
        this.msg( 'property is not valid', line.indexOf( arr[0] ) )

    return isValid