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1 mo
Test Coverage
/* eslint-env mocha */
/* eslint-disable no-undefined */

'use strict'

 * lets pull in what we're testing here

var fs = require( 'fs' )
var assert = require( 'assert' )
require( 'chai' ).should() // add should assertions on top
var chokidar = require( 'chokidar' )
var touch = require( 'touch' )
var sinon = require( 'sinon' )
var app = require( '../index' )().create()
var stripJsonComments = require( 'strip-json-comments' )

// turn on strict mode from this point and turn off unnecessary logging
app.state.quiet = true
app.state.watching = true

describe( 'Core Methods: ', function() {

    beforeEach( function() {
        app.state.strictMode = false
    } )

    describe( 'Done: ', function() {
        it( 'should be a function', function() {
   'function' )
        } )
    } )

    // describe( 'Init should: ', function() {
    //     sinon.spy( app, 'init' )

    //     it( 'be a function', function() {
    // 'function' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'set path if one passed in', function() {
    //         app.state.path = null
    //         app.init( null, 'test-styl/' )
    //         assert.equal( app.state.path, 'test-styl/' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'set path if state.path is set', function() {
    //         app.state.path = 'test-styl/'
    //         app.init()
    //         assert.equal( app.state.path, 'test-styl/' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'override state.path if one is passed in', function() {
    //         app.state.path = 'test-styl/'
    //         app.init( null, 'test-styl/test2.styl' )
    //         assert.equal( app.state.path, 'test-styl/test2.styl' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'set path to cwd if none passed in', function() {
    //         app.state.path = null
    //         app.init()
    //         assert.equal( app.state.path, process.cwd() )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'set reporter if default if one not passed in', function() {
    //         app.config.reporter = undefined
    //         app.init()
    //         assert.ok( app.reporter !== false )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'use custom config if passed --config flag', function() {
    //         app.init( {
    //             config: './.stylintrc'
    //         } )
    //         assert.deepEqual( app.config, app.setConfig( './.stylintrc' ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'call watch if passed --watch flag', function() {
    //         app.init( {
    //             watch: true
    //         } )
    //         app.init.getCall( 3 ).returned( sinon.match.same( ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return read if no flags', function() {
    //         app.init()
    //         app.init.getCall( 4 ).returned( sinon.match.same( ) )
    //     } )
    // } )

    // describe( 'Read: ', function() {
    //     sinon.spy( app, 'read' )

    //     it( 'should be a function', function() {
    // 'function' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return parse function if passed a dir', function() {
    //         app.state.path = 'test-styl/'
    // 0 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return parse function if passed a filename', function() {
    //         app.state.path = 'test-styl/test2.styl'
    // 1 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return parse function if nothing passed', function() {
    //         app.state.path = process.cwd()
    // 2 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
    //     } )
    // } )

    // describe( 'Parse should: ', function() {
    //     sinon.spy( app, 'parse' )

    //     it( 'be a function', function() {
    // 'function' )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'throws err if passed non-existant file name', function() {
    //         app.cache.file = undefined
    //         assert.throws(
    //             app.parse,
    //             TypeError,
    //             'readFile err. Did you pass in a correct filename?'
    //         )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return a forEach if passed a filename', function() {
    //         app.parse( false, ['test-styl/test2.styl'] )
    //         app.parse.getCall( 0 ).returned( sinon.match.same( ['test-styl/test2.styl'].forEach ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'return a forEach if passed a list of files', function() {
    //         app.parse( false, ['test-styl/test2.styl, styl/test.styl'] )
    //         app.parse.getCall( 1 ).returned( sinon.match.same( ['test-styl/test2.styl, styl/test.styl'].forEach ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'handle empty or one line files fine', function() {
    //         app.parse( false, ['test-styl/oneLine.styl'] )
    //         app.parse.getCall( 2 ).returned( sinon.match.same( ['test-styl/oneLine.styl'].forEach ) )
    //     } )

    //     it( 'returns app.done when done parsing last file', function() {
    //         app.cache.fileNo = app.cache.filesLen
    //         app.parse( false, ['test-styl/test2.styl'] )
    //         app.parse.getCall( 3 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.done ) )
    //     } )
    // } )

    describe( 'Lint: ', function() {
        sinon.spy( app, 'lint' )

        afterEach( function() {
            app.config.maxErrors = false
            app.config.maxWarnings = false
            app.cache.errs = []
            app.cache.warnings = []
            app.cache.brackets = false
        } )

        it( 'should be a function', function() {
   'function' )
        } )

        it( 'should pick up severity of current check', function() {
            app.config.brackets = {
                expect: 'never',
                error: true

            app.lint.getCall( 0 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.done ) )
        } )

        it( 'should return done if over maxErrs', function() {
            app.config.maxErrors = 5
            app.cache.errs.length = 6
            app.lint.getCall( 1 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.done ) )
        } )

        it( 'should return done if over maxWarnings', function() {
            app.config.maxWarnings = 5
            app.cache.warnings.length = 6
            app.lint.getCall( 2 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.done ) )
        } )

        it( 'should cache rule name as one of warning properties', function() {
            app.config = { brackets: 'never' }
            assert.equal( app.cache.rule, 'brackets' )

            app.config = { leadingZero: 'never' }
            assert.equal( app.cache.rule, 'leadingZero' )

            // restore config
            app.config = app.setConfig()
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'Watch: ', function() {
        sinon.spy( app, 'watch' )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.watcher = undefined
            app.state.path = '.' // Chokidar throws without a path.
        } )

        it( 'should be a function', function() {
   'function' )
        } )

        it( 'watcher should be undefined if not called yet', function() {
            assert.ok( typeof app.watcher === 'undefined' )
        } )

        it( 'should set watcher if called', function() {
            assert.ok( typeof app.watcher !== 'undefined' )
        } )

        it( 'should call ready event when fired', function() {
            app.watcher = app.state.path )
            app.watcher.on( 'ready', function() {
                assert( true )
            } )
        } )

        it( 'should call change event when file changed', function() {
            app.watcher = 'test-styl/test.styl' )
            app.watcher.on( 'change', function() {
                assert( true )
            } )
            touch( 'test-styl/test.styl' )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'Reporter should: ', function() {
        sinon.spy( app, 'reporter' )

        it( 'be a function', function() {
   'function' )
        } )

        it( 'return correctly formatted msg', function() {
            app.state.severity = 'Warning'
            app.cache.file = 'testReporter'
            app.cache.col = 0
            app.cache.lineNo = 1
            app.cache.origLine = 'Reporter Lyfe*'
            app.cache.rule = 'universal'
            var msg = 'universal disallowed'
            var expectedOutput = '\u001b[4mtestReporter\u001b[24m\n1:0 \u001b[90muniversal\u001b[39m \u001b[33mwarning\u001b[39m universal disallowed'

            // Warning: universal disallowed\nFile: testReporter\nLine: 1: Reporter Lyfe*
            // app.reporter( 'universal disallowed' )
            assert.equal( expectedOutput, app.reporter( msg ) )
        } )

        it( 'return done() if done passed in', function() {
            var expectedDoneObj = {
                exitCode: 0,
                msg: '',
                errs: [],
                warnings: []

            assert.deepEqual( expectedDoneObj, app.reporter( 'reporter test', 'done' ) )
        } )

        it( 'return done() and kill if kill passed in', function() {
            var expectedDoneObj = {
                exitCode: 0,
                msg: 'Stylint: 0 Errors.\nStylint: 0 Warnings.\nStylint: Over Error or Warning Limit.',
                errs: [],
                warnings: []

            assert.deepEqual( expectedDoneObj, app.reporter( 'reporter test', 'done', 'kill' ) )
        } )

        it( 'return done() if done passed in', function() {
            var expectedDoneObj = {
                exitCode: 1,
                msg: 'Stylint: 1 Errors.\nStylint: 1 Warnings.',
                errs: [1],
                warnings: [2]

            app.cache.errs = [1]
            app.cache.warnings = [2]

            assert.deepEqual( expectedDoneObj, app.reporter( 'reporter test', 'done' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'setState should: ', function() {

        it( 'be a function', function() {
   'function' )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if line empty', function() {
            // app.reporter( 'universal disallowed' )
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( ' ' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '\t\t' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '\s\s' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '\s\t' ) )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if @stylint ignore comment', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( 'margin 0 // @stylint ignore' ) )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if @stylint off comment', function() {
            app.cache.origLine = '// @stylint off'
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '// @stylint off' ) )
        } )

        it( 'testsEnabled should set to false now', function() {
            assert.equal( false, app.state.testsEnabled )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if @stylint on comment', function() {
            app.cache.origLine = '// @stylint on'
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '// @stylint on' ) )
        } )

        it( 'testsEnabled should set to true now', function() {
            assert.ok( app.state.testsEnabled )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if hash starting', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( 'my-hash = {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'hashOrCSS should be set to true now', function() {
            assert.ok( app.state.hashOrCSS )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if hash ending', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = true
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'hashOrCSS should be set to false now', function() {
            assert.equal( false, app.state.hashOrCSS )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if keyframes starting', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '@keyframes' ) )
        } )

        it( 'keyframes should be set to true now', function() {
            assert.ok( app.state.keyframes )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if keyframes ending', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '' ) )
        } )

        it( 'keyframes should be set to false now', function() {
            assert.equal( false, app.state.keyframes )
        } )

        it( 'return undefined if line is just a comment', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, app.setState( '// stuff about this code' ) )
        } )
    } )
} )

describe( 'Utility Methods: ', function() {
    beforeEach( function() {
        app.state.strictMode = false
    } )

    describe( 'Set Config should:', function() {
        process.argv[2] = '-c'
        process.argv[3] = '.stylintrc'
        var testMethod = app.setConfig( '.stylintrc' )
        var testConfig = JSON.parse( stripJsonComments( fs.readFileSync( process.cwd() + '/.stylintrc', 'utf-8' ) ) )

        it( 'update config state if passed a valid path', function() {
            assert.deepEqual( testMethod, testConfig )
        } )

        it( 'throw if passed invalid path', function() {
                'setConfig err. Expected string, but received: ' + typeof dir
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'Get Files should: ', function() {
        sinon.spy( app, 'getFiles' )

        it( 'return app.parse if passed directory', function() {
            app.getFiles( '/styl' )
            app.getFiles.getCall( 0 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
        } )

        it( 'return app.parse if passed filename', function() {
            app.getFiles( '/styl/test2.styl' )
            app.getFiles.getCall( 1 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
        } )

        it( 'return app.parse if passed array of files', function() {
            app.getFiles( ['/styl/test2.styl'] )
            app.getFiles.getCall( 2 ).returned( sinon.match.same( app.parse ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'Reset (after change)', function() {
        var resetTest = app.resetOnChange.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.watching = false
        } )

        it( 'reset on change should change dir to curr file', function() {
            resetTest( '../styl/_ads.styl' )
            assert.ok( app.state.path === '../styl/_ads.styl' )
        } )

        it( 'reset should reset all caches', function() {
            resetTest( '../styl/_ads.styl' )
                Object.keys( app.cache.sCache ).length === 0 &&
                app.cache.errs.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.alphaCache.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.rootCache.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.prevLine.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.prevFile.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.prevContext === 0 &&
                app.cache.warnings.length === 0 &&
                app.cache.zCache.length === 0
        } )

        it( 'reset should set prevLine and prevFile to empty strings', function() {
            resetTest( '../styl/_ads.styl' )
                app.cache.prevLine === '' &&
                app.cache.prevFile === ''
        } )

        it( 'reset should set prevContext to 0', function() {
            resetTest( '../styl/_ads.styl' )
            assert.ok( app.cache.prevContext === 0 )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'trim line should: ', function() {
        var trimTest = app.trimLine.bind( app )

        it( 'do nothing if line has no comment', function() {
            assert.equal( '.noCommentOnThisLine ', trimTest( '.noCommentOnThisLine ' ) )
        } )

        it( 'do nothing if comment is 1st character', function() {
            assert.equal( '// .noCommentOnThisLine ', trimTest( '// .noCommentOnThisLine ' ) )
        } )

        it( 'trim comment if not first character', function() {
            assert.equal( '.noCommentOnThisLine', trimTest( '.noCommentOnThisLine //' ) )
        } )

        it( 'trim interpolated variables', function() {
            assert.equal( '.test-', trimTest( '.test-{interpolation}' ) )
        } )
    } )
} )

describe( 'Linter Style Checks: ', function() {
    var lint = app.lintMethods

    beforeEach( function() {
        app.state.strictMode = true
        app.state.conf = 'always'
        app.state.severity = 'warning'
    } )

    afterEach( function() {
        app.cache.warnings = []
        app.cache.errs = []
    } )

    describe( 'blocks: prefer @block when defining block vars', function() {
        var blockTest = lint.blocks.bind( app )

        it( 'false if block style incorrect', function() {
            assert.equal( false, blockTest( 'myBlock = ' ) )
            assert.equal( false, blockTest( 'myBlock =' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if block style correct', function() {
            assert.ok( blockTest( 'myBlock = @block' ) )
            assert.ok( blockTest( 'myBlock = @block ' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if block style not applicable', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, blockTest( '.class' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'blocks: disallow @block when defining block vars', function() {
        var blockTest = lint.blocks.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if block style IS correct', function() {
            assert.equal( false, blockTest( 'myBlock = ' ) )
            assert.equal( false, blockTest( 'myBlock =' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if block style NOT correct', function() {
            assert.ok( blockTest( 'myBlock = @block' ) )
            assert.ok( blockTest( 'myBlock = @block ' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if block style not applicable', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, blockTest( '.class' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, blockTest( 'input[type="submit"]' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'brackets: always use brackets', function() {
        var bracketsTest = lint.brackets.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            app.state.openBracket = false
        } )

        it( 'false if no bracket found', function() {
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( '#id' ) )
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( 'body.main' ) )
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( '+ span' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if bracket found', function() {
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( 'body {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( '+ span {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( 'div.div {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( '.class-name {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( '#id {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if hash', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = true
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '.something' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if css or ,$ or } or =', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '.my-class,' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( 'pointer-events none' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$b = { "bar": "baz" }' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{ "foo" }' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{foo() + "bar"}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$foo = {' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$foo-color ?= #0976b5;' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$x += $i;' ) )
        } )
        it( 'undefined if empty', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '  ' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'brackets: disallow brackets', function() {
        var bracketsTest = lint.brackets.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if no bracket found', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( 'div' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if incorrect config', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'something'
            assert.equal( false, bracketsTest( 'div {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if bracket found, not in hash', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( '.class-name {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( 'div {' ) )
            assert.ok( bracketsTest( '}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if in hash or syntax', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = true
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{interpolation}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '.class-name-with-{i}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$b = { "bar": "baz" }' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{ "foo" }' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '{foo() + "bar"}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$foo = {' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$foo-color ?= #0976b5;' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, bracketsTest( '$x += $i;' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'colon never: prefer margin 0 over margin: 0', function() {
        var colonTest = lint.colons.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        afterEach( function() {
            app.state.hash = false
        } )

        it( 'true if unnecessary colon is found', function() {
            app.state.context = 1
            app.state.hash = false
            assert.ok( colonTest( 'margin: 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if html', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'div' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no colon found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '&:hover' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( ':global' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( ':local' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if root context', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
            app.state.hash = true
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'key: value' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if hash', function() {
            app.state.hash = true
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'key: value' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if syntax or css selector', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '#id' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '$.some-class' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '> child selector' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'for ( 0..9 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@media $med' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'if ( $var == 50px )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'hash = {' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name a' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '&.class-name a' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '&:active' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'return: $value' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'return $value' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@media screen and (max-width: 1183px)' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'colon always: prefer margin: 0 over margin 0', function() {
        var colonTest = lint.colons.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if no colon is found', function() {
            app.state.context = 1
            assert.equal( false, colonTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if html', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'div' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if root context', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'margin: 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if colon found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'background-image: ' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'margin: 0 auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'margin: 0 auto;' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if syntax or css selector', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '#id' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '$.some-class' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '> child selector' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'for ( 0..9 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@media $med' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@extend $med' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@extends $med' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@import _some-file' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name, #id-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name + #id-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'p ~ ul' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'p > ul' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'if ( $var == 50px )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'hash = {' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '.class-name a' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '&.class-name a' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '&:active' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'return: $value' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( 'return $value' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colonTest( '@media screen and (max-width: 1183px)' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'colors', function() {
        var colorsTest = lint.colors.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = true
        } )

        it( 'undefined if line is an id selector', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colorsTest( '#aaa' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if a line doesnt have a hex color', function() {
            assert.equal( false, colorsTest( 'color: red' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line has hex color', function() {
            assert.ok( colorsTest( 'color: #fff' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if hex color is being assigned to a variable', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, colorsTest( '$foobar ?= #fff' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, colorsTest( '$foobar = #fff' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'comma space: prefer space after commas', function() {
        var commaTest = lint.commaSpace.bind( app )

        it( 'false if space after comma, or comma in quotes', function() {
            assert.equal( false, commaTest( '', '0, 0, 0, .18' ) )
            assert.equal( false, commaTest( '', '0,0, 0, .18' ) )
            assert.equal( false, commaTest( '', 'content: ","' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if no space after commas', function() {
            assert.ok( commaTest( '', '0,0,0,.18' ) )
            assert.ok( commaTest( '', 'mixin( $param1,$param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no comma on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, commaTest( '', 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if comma is last character', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, commaTest( '', '.class,' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'comma space: prefer NO space after commas', function() {
        var commaTest = lint.commaSpace.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if space after comma', function() {
            assert.equal( false, commaTest( '', '0, 0, 0, .18' ) )
            assert.equal( false, commaTest( '', '0,0, 0, .18' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if no space after commas', function() {
            assert.ok( commaTest( '', '0,0,0,.18' ) )
            assert.ok( commaTest( '', 'mixin( $param1,$param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no comma on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, commaTest( '', 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if comma is last character', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, commaTest( '', '.class,' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'comment space: prefer spaces after line comments', function() {
        var commentSpaceTest = lint.commentSpace.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.hasComment = true
        } )

        it( 'false if line comment doesnt have a space after it', function() {
            app.cache.comment = '//test'
            assert.equal( false, commentSpaceTest( '', '' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line comment has space after it', function() {
            app.cache.comment = '// test'
            assert.ok( commentSpaceTest( '', '' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if line has no comment', function() {
            app.state.hasComment = false
            assert.equal( undefined, commentSpaceTest( '', '.test' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'comment space: prefer NO spaces after line comments', function() {
        var commentSpaceTest = lint.commentSpace.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.hasComment = true
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if line comment doesnt have a space after it', function() {
            app.cache.comment = '//test'
            assert.equal( false, commentSpaceTest( '', '' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line comment has space after it', function() {
            app.cache.comment = '// test'
            assert.ok( commentSpaceTest( '', '' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if line has no comment', function() {
            app.state.hasComment = false
            assert.equal( undefined, commentSpaceTest( '', '.test' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'css literal', function() {
        var cssTest = lint.cssLiteral.bind( app )

        it( 'false if @css is not used', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            assert.equal( false, cssTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, cssTest( '@extends $placeholderconst' ) )
            assert.equal( false, cssTest( '@require "lint.styl"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if @css is used ', function() {
            assert.ok( cssTest( '@css {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if already in css literal', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = true
            assert.equal( undefined, cssTest( '.test' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'depthLimit', function() {
        var nestTest = lint.depthLimit.bind( app )

        it( 'false if less indents than depth limit', function() {
            app.config.depthLimit = 4
            app.config.indentPref = 4
            app.state.context = app.setContext( 'margin 0' )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '            margin 0' )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '            margin 0' ) )
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    margin 0                             ' )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '            margin 0' ) )
            app.config.indentPref = 'tabs'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '&:hover' )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '&:hover' ) )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '            &:hover' ) )
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '.class-name' )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( false, nestTest( '        .class-name                                ' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if more indents than depth limit', function() {
            app.config.depthLimit = 2
            app.config.indentPref = 2
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '       margin 0' )
            assert.ok( nestTest( '       margin 0' ) )
            app.config.indentPref = 4
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '          margin 0' )
            assert.ok( nestTest( '          margin 0' ) )
            app.config.depthLimit = 4
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '                   margin 0' )
            assert.ok( nestTest( '                   margin 0' ) )
            app.config.indentPref = 'tabs'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '                    margin 0' )
            assert.ok( nestTest( '                    margin 0' ) )
            app.config.depthLimit = 1
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '        margin 0 )' )
            assert.ok( nestTest( '        margin 0 )' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'duplicates', function() {
        var dupeTest = lint.duplicates.bind( app )

        it( 'tabs: false if no dupe, not root, diff context, same selector', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 'tabs'
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            dupeTest( '    .test' )
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '            .test' ) // 3
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '            .test' ) )
        } )

        it( 'tabs: false if globalDupe off, diff files, same context, same selector', function() {
            app.config.globalDupe = true
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file5.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file6.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .test' ) )
            app.config.globalDupe = false
        } )

        it( 'tabs: false if prev selector was in a list, same file, same context, same selector', function() {
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .classy,' ) // to set the context
            dupeTest( '    .classy,' ) // prev selecto
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .classy' ) )
        } )

        it( 'tabs: false if selector is in a list', function() {
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .classy,' ) )
        } )

        it( 'tabs: false if global dupe off and file changed', function() {
            dupeTest( '    .test4' ) // to set the context
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file2.styl'
            app.config.globalDupe = false
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .test4' ) )
        } )

        it( 'spaces: false if no dupe, not root, diff context, same selector', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 4
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            dupeTest( '    .test' )
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '            .test' ) // 3
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '            .test' ) )
        } )

        it( 'spaces: false if globalDupe off, diff files, same context, same selector', function() {
            app.config.globalDupe = true
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file5.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file6.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .test' ) // 1
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .test' ) )
            app.config.globalDupe = false
        } )

        it( 'spaces: false if prev selector was in a list, same file, same context, same selector', function() {
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = app.setContext( '    .classy,' ) // to set the context
            dupeTest( '    .classy,' ) // prev selector
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .classy' ) )
        } )

        it( 'spaces: false if selector is in a list', function() {
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .classy,' ) )
        } )

        it( 'space: false if global dupe off and file changed', function() {
            dupeTest( '    .test4' ) // to set the context
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file2.styl'
            app.config.globalDupe = false
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '    .test4' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if root selector dupe was in list', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            app.state.prevContext = 0
            app.config.globalDupe = false
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            dupeTest( '.test,' ) // to set the context
            assert.equal( false, dupeTest( '.test' ) )
        } )

        it( 'tabs: true if nested selector is dupe', function() {
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = 1
            app.state.prevContext = 1
            dupeTest( '    .test' )
            assert.ok( dupeTest( '    .test' ) )
        } )

        it( 'spaces: true if nested selector is dupe', function() {
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            app.cache.file = 'file.styl'
            app.state.context = 1
            app.state.prevContext = 1
            dupeTest( '    .test2' )
            assert.ok( dupeTest( '    .test2' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if root selector is dupe, same file', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            app.state.prevContext = 0
            dupeTest( '.test3' ) // to set the context
            assert.ok( dupeTest( '.test3' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if root selector is dupe, global dupe test', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            app.state.prevContext = 0
            app.config.globalDupe = true
            app.cache.prevFile = 'file.styl'
            dupeTest( '.test' ) // to set the context
            app.cache.file = 'file2.styl'
            assert.ok( dupeTest( '.test' ) )
            app.config.globalDupe = false
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'efficient: prefer margin 0 over margin 0 0 0 0', function() {
        var efficientTest = lint.efficient.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if value is not efficient', function() {
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 5px 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 5px 5px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if value is efficient', function() {
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin: 5px 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding: 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if nothing to test', function() {
            app.cache.line = 'border 0'
            assert.equal( undefined, efficientTest() )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'efficient: prefer margin 0 0 0 0 over margin 0', function() {
        var efficientTest = lint.efficient.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if value is not efficient', function() {
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px 5px 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px 5px 5px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if value is efficient', function() {
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 0 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin: 5px 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 5px 0 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'margin 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 0 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px 0 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding: 0' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( efficientTest( 'padding: 1px 2px 3px 4px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if nothing to test', function() {
            app.cache.line = 'border 0'
            assert.equal( undefined, efficientTest() )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'extends style: prefer @extends over @extend', function() {
        var extendTest = lint.extendPref.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = '@extends'
        } )

        it( 'false if value already matches preferred style', function() {
            assert.equal( false, extendTest( '@extends $placeHolderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if value doesnt match preferred style', function() {
            assert.ok( extendTest( '@extend $placeHolderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no extend on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, extendTest( '$var = #fff' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'extends style: prefer @extend over @extends', function() {
        var extendTest = lint.extendPref.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = '@extend'
        } )

        it( 'false if value already matches preferred style', function() {
            assert.equal( false, extendTest( '@extend $placeHolderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if value doesnt match preferred style', function() {
            assert.ok( extendTest( '@extends $placeHolderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no extend on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, extendTest( '$var = #fff' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'hash start', function() {
        var hashTest = app.hashOrCSSStart.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            app.state.testsEnabled = true
        } )

        it( 'false if hash start not found', function() {
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( '$myconst =' ) )
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( 'myconst = @block' ) )
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( '.mistakenUseOfBracket {' ) )
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if = and { are found on the same line (hash start)', function() {
            assert.ok( hashTest( 'myHash = {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'app.state.hashOrCSS should be true after hash start', function() {
            hashTest( 'myHash = {' )
            assert.ok( app.state.hashOrCSS )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if in a hash', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = true
            assert.equal( undefined, hashTest( 'myHash = {' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'hash end', function() {
        var hashTest = app.hashOrCSSEnd.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = true
        } )

        it( 'false if in hash and valid } found', function() {
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( '}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if hash end } not found', function() {
            assert.ok( hashTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.ok( hashTest( 'myHash = {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'after finding end of hash, hash state should equal false', function() {
            assert.equal( false, hashTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, app.state.hashOrCSS )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if not in a hash', function() {
            app.state.hashOrCSS = false
            assert.equal( undefined, hashTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, hashTest( 'myHash = {' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, hashTest( '}' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'indent pref', function() {
        var indentTest = lint.indentPref.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 2
        } )

        it( 'false if line indented with incorrect # of spaces', function() {
            app.state.context = 1.5
            assert.equal( false, indentTest( '   .test' ) )
            app.state.context = 0.5
            assert.equal( false, indentTest( ' .test2' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line indented with correct # of spaces', function() {
            app.state.context = 1
            assert.ok( indentTest( '  .test' ) )
            app.state.context = 2
            assert.ok( indentTest( '    .test2' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'keyframes end', function() {
        var keyframesEndTest = app.keyframesEnd.bind( app )

        it( 'false if keyframes active and context set to 0 (keyframes ended)', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            app.state.context = 0
            assert.equal( false, keyframesEndTest( '.newClass' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line doesnt have a context of zero', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            app.state.context = 1
            assert.ok( keyframesEndTest( '        from {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if NOT already in @keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            assert.equal( undefined, keyframesEndTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'keyframes start', function() {
        var keyframesStartTest = app.keyframesStart.bind( app )

        afterEach( function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
        } )

        it( 'true if line has @keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            assert.ok( keyframesStartTest( '@keyframes {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line has vendor @keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            assert.ok( keyframesStartTest( '@-webkit-keyframes {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if line isnt a start of @keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            assert.equal( false, keyframesStartTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if already in @keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            assert.equal( undefined, keyframesStartTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'leading zero always: prefer 0.9 over .9', function() {
        var zeroTest = lint.leadingZero.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'null if leading zero not found', function() {
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'color (0, 0, 0, .18)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'color (0,0,0,.18)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'font-size .9em' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'transform rotate( .33deg )' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'transform rotate(.33deg)' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line has a zero before a decimal point and not part of range', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'color (0, 0, 0, 0.18)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'color (0,0,0,0.18)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'transform rotate(0.33deg)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'transform rotate( 0.33deg )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if range', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for 0..9' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for 0...9' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for $ in (0..9)' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if leading num not zero', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'font-size: 1.1em' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'transform rotate( 22.33deg )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'width 33.3333333%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no .\d in line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'margin auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( '.className' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( '.class.other-class' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'leading zero never: prefer .9 or 0.9', function() {
        var zeroTest = lint.leadingZero.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'null if leading zero not found', function() {
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'color (0, 0, 0, .18)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'color (0,0,0,.18)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'font-size .9em' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'transform rotate( .33deg )' ) )
            assert.equal( null, zeroTest( 'transform rotate(.33deg)' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if range', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for 0..9' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for 0...9' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'for $ in (0..9)' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line has a zero before a decimal point and', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'color (0, 0, 0, 0.18)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'color (0,0,0,0.18)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'transform rotate(0.33deg)' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'transform rotate( 0.33deg )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if leading num not zero', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'font-size: 1.1em' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'transform rotate( 22.33deg )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'width 33.3333333%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no . in line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'margin auto' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'mixed spaces and tabs', function() {
        var mixed = lint.mixed.bind( app )

        it( 'false if no mixed spaces and tabs found: spaces preferred', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 4
            assert.equal( false, mixed( '', '    margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if no mixed spaces and tabs found: tabs preferred', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 'tabs'
            assert.equal( false, mixed( '', '    margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if spaces and tabs are mixed: spaces preferred', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 4
            assert.ok( mixed( '', '      margin 0' ) )
            assert.ok( mixed( '', '    padding 0em' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if spaces and tabs are mixed: tabs preferred', function() {
            app.config.indentPref = 'tabs'
            assert.ok( mixed( '', '        margin 0' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'naming convention', function() {
        var conventionTest = lint.namingConvention.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.config.namingConventionStrict = true
        } )

        afterEach( function() {
            app.config.namingConventionStrict = false
        } )

        it( 'false if correct naming convention: lowercase-dash', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'lowercase-dash'

            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$var-name-like-this =' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.block-{$class-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#{$class-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#block-{$class-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( ':{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$constname' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$constname = "Font Name"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if correct naming convention: lowercase_underscore', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'lowercase_underscore'

            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$const_name_like_this =' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.block_{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#block_{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( ':{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$constname' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$constname = "Font Name"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if correct naming convention: camelCase', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'camelCase'

            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varNameLikeThis =' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.classNameLikeThis' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#idNameLikeThis' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.block{$varName}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#{$varName}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#block{$varName}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( ':{$varName}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varname' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varname = "Font-name"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if correct naming convention: BEM', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'BEM'

            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$var-name__like-this =' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class-name__like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id-name__like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.block-{$var__name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#{$var__name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( ':{$var__name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#block__{$var-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#block{$var-name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varname' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varname = "Font Name"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if NOT correct naming convention: lowercase-dash', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'lowercase-dash'

            assert.ok( conventionTest( '$var_name_like_this =' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.class_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#id_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$var-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$var_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#block_{$var_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( ':{$var_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$var-name}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if NOT correct naming convention: lowercase_underscore', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'lowercase_underscore'

            assert.ok( conventionTest( '$const-name-like-this =' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.class-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#id-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block-{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#block-{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( ':{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block-{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#block-{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( ':{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$const-name}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if NOT correct naming convention: camelCase', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'camelCase'

            assert.ok( conventionTest( '$const-name-like-this =' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.class-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#id-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '$const_name_like_this =' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.class_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#id_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#block{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( ':{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( ':{$const_name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$const-name}' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if not correct naming convention: BEM', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'BEM'

            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.classNameLikeThis' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#id_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#{$constName}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '#block_{$const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( conventionTest( '.block_{$const-name}' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'naming convention: strict turned off: ', function() {
        var conventionTest = lint.namingConvention.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.config.namingConventionStrict = false
        } )

        it( 'false if using classes or ids', function() {
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id_name_like_this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '.class-name-like-this' ) )
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '#id-name-like-this' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if custom convention matches', function() {
            app.state.conf = '[$]varExample'
            assert.equal( false, conventionTest( '$varExample' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if custom convention doesnt match', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'somethin'
            assert.equal( true, conventionTest( '$var_name_like_this' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'noImportant: disallow !important', function() {
        var importantTest = lint.noImportant.bind( app )

        before( function() {
            app.state.conf = true
        } )

        it( 'false if a line doesnt have !important', function() {
            assert.equal( false, importantTest( '.foo' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if line has an !important', function() {
            assert.ok( importantTest( 'margin 5px !important' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'none: prefer 0 over none', function() {
        var noneTest = lint.none.bind( app )

        before( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        // commenting out for now because the
        // state is getting stuck incorrectly here
        // so yeah @FIXME
        // running tests manually, they're passing

        // it( 'false (no err) if border 0', function() {
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'border 0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'border: 0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'border:0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'border 1px solid red' ) )
        // } )

        // it( 'false (no err) if outline 0', function() {
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'outline 0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'outline: 0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'outline:0' ) )
        //     assert.equal( false, noneTest( 'outline 1px solid red' ) )
        // } )

        // it( 'true (err found) if border none', function() {
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'border none' ) )
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'border: none' ) )
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'border:none' ) )
        // } )

        // it( 'true (err found) if outline none', function() {
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline none' ) )
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline: none' ) )
        //     assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline:none' ) )
        // } )

        it( 'undefined if border or outline not on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, noneTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, noneTest( 'padding inherit' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'none: prefer none over 0', function() {
        var noneTest = lint.none.bind( app )

        before( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false (no err) if border none', function() {
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'border none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'border: none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'border:none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'border 1px solid red' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false (no err) if outline none', function() {
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'outline none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'outline: none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'outline:none' ) )
            assert.ok( !noneTest( 'outline 1px solid red' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true (err) if border 0 or not applicable', function() {
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'border 0' ) )
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'border: 0' ) )
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'border:0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true (err) if outline 0 or not applicable', function() {
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline 0' ) )
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline: 0' ) )
            assert.ok( noneTest( 'outline:0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if border or outline not on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, noneTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, noneTest( 'padding inherit' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'parens: prefer ( param ) over (param)', function() {
        var parenTest = lint.parenSpace.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'null if no extra space', function() {
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin(param1, param2)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin( param1, param2)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin(param1, param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if has extra spaces', function() {
            assert.ok( parenTest( '', 'myMixin( param1, param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no parens on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, parenTest( '', '.notAMixin ' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'parens: prefer (param) over ( param )', function() {
        var parenTest = lint.parenSpace.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'null if no extra space', function() {
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin(param1, param2)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin( param1, param2)' ) )
            assert.equal( null, parenTest( '', 'myMixin(param1, param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if has extra spaces', function() {
            assert.ok( parenTest( '', 'myMixin( param1, param2 )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no parens on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, parenTest( '', '.notAMixin ' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'placeholders: prefer $var over .class when extending: ', function() {
        var placeholderTest = lint.placeholders.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if placeholder var not used', function() {
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extend .notVar' ) )
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extends .notVar' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if @extend by itself', function() {
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extend$placeholderconst' ) )
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extends' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if placeholder var is used', function() {
            assert.ok( placeholderTest( '@extends $placeholderconst' ) )
            assert.ok( placeholderTest( '@extend $placeholderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no extend found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, placeholderTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'placeholders: prefer $var over .class when extending: ', function() {
        var placeholderTest = lint.placeholders.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if placeholder var not used', function() {
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extend .notVar' ) )
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extends .notVar' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if @extend by itself', function() {
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extend$placeholderconst' ) )
            assert.equal( false, placeholderTest( '@extends' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if placeholder var is used', function() {
            assert.ok( placeholderTest( '@extends $placeholderconst' ) )
            assert.ok( placeholderTest( '@extend $placeholderconst' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no extend found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, placeholderTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'prefix var with $: always', function() {
        var varTest = lint.prefixVarsWithDollar.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if $ is missing when declaring variable', function() {
            assert.equal( false, varTest( 'var = 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if $ is found and is correct', function() {
            assert.ok( varTest( '$my-var = 0' ) )
            assert.ok( varTest( '$first-value = floor( (100% / $columns) * $index )' ) )
            assert.ok( varTest( '$-my-private-var = red' ) )
            assert.ok( varTest( '$_myPrivateVar = red' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if @block var', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, varTest( 'var = @block' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'prefix var with $: never', function() {
        var varTest = lint.prefixVarsWithDollar.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'false if $ is missing', function() {
            assert.equal( false, varTest( 'var = 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, varTest( 'transition( param, param )' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if $ is found anywhere on line', function() {
            assert.ok( varTest( 'margin $gutter' ) )
            assert.ok( varTest( 'transition $param $param' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if @block var', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, varTest( 'var = @block' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'quote style', function() {
        var quoteTest = lint.quotePref.bind( app )

        it( 'false if correct quote style used: single', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'single'
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "$var = 'test string' " ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "$var = 'test \"substring\" string' " ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', ".show-content( $content = 'Hello!' )" ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', ".show-content( $content = 'Hello!' ) {" ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '.join-strings( $content1 = \'Hello!\', $content2 = \'World!\' )' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "[class*='--button']" ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "[class*='--button'] {" ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "show-content( $content = 'Hello!' ) {" ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if correct quote style used: double', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'double'
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "$var = 'test \"substring\" string' " ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', "$var = 'test \"substring string' " ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '$var = "test \'substring\' string"' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '$var = "test let\'s string"' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '$var = "test string" ' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '$var = "test \'substring\' string"' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '$var = "test let\'s string"' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '.show-content( $content = "Hello!" )' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '.show-content( $content = "Hello!" ) {' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '.join-strings( $content1 = "Hello!", $content2 = "World!" )' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '[class*="--button"]' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', '[class*="--button"] {' ) )
            assert.equal( false, quoteTest( '', 'show-content( $content = "Hello!" ) {' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if incorrect quote style used: single', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'single'
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '$var = "test string" ' ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '.show-content( $content = "Hello!" )' ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '.join-strings( $content1 = "Hello!", $content2 = \'World!\' )' ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '.show-content( $content = "Hello!" ) {' ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '[class*="--button"]' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if incorrect quote style used: double', function() {
            app.state.conf = 'double'
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', "$var = 'test string' " ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', ".show-content( $content = 'Hello!' )" ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', ".show-content( $content = 'Hello!' ) {" ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', '.join-strings( $content1 = "Hello!", $content2 = \'World!\' )' ) )
            assert.ok( quoteTest( '', "[class*='--button']" ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no quotes on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, quoteTest( '', '$var = #000 ' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'semicolon never (prefer margin 0 to margin 0;)', function() {
        var semiTest = lint.semicolons.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'true if semicolon found', function() {
            assert.ok( semiTest( 'margin 0 auto;' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no semicolon is found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '        margin 0 auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '        .class-name' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if line skipped (syntax)', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'var =' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'var = @block' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'for ( 0..9 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'if ( 1 > 0 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '&__anything' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'path,' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'semicolon always (prefer margin 0; to margin 0)', function() {
        var semiTest = lint.semicolons.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if no semicolon is found', function() {
            app.state.context = 1
            assert.equal( false, semiTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if semicolon is found', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'margin 0 auto;' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if line skipped (syntax)', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'var =' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'var = @block' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'for ( 0..9 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '}' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '.class-name' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'if ( 1 > 0 )' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( '&__anything' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, semiTest( 'path,' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'sort order', function() {
        var sortTest = lint.sortOrder.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.prevContext = 1
            app.state.context = 1
        } )

        afterEach( function() {
            app.cache.sortOrderCache = []
        } )

        it( 'undefined if root level', function() {
            app.state.context = 0
            assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'cache length should only be 1 (the current prop) if context switched', function() {
            app.cache.sortOrderCache = ['border', 'margin', 'padding']
            app.state.prevContext = 0
            app.state.context = 1

            assert.equal( 3, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
            sortTest( 'margin 0' )
            assert.equal( 1, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
        } )

        describe( 'disabled', function() {
            beforeEach( function() {
                app.state.conf = false
            } )

            it( 'should allow any order when disabled', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['background', 'z-index', 'border', 'width']

                assert.equal( false, app.state.conf )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    background' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    z-index' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    border' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    width' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )
        } )

        describe( 'alphabetical', function() {
            beforeEach( function() {
                app.state.conf = 'alphabetical'
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = ['border', 'margin', 'padding']
            } )

            afterEach( function() {
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = []
            } )

            it( 'true if correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['border', 'margin', 'padding', 'position', 'z-index']

                assert.equal( 'alphabetical', app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 3, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    position absolute' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( '    z-index 1' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )

            it( 'false if not correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = [

                assert.equal( 'alphabetical', app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 3, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( '    line-height 1' ) )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( '    background none' ) )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( 'border 1px solid #fff' ) )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( 'color: rgba( 0, 0, 0, 1 )' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )

            it( 'undefined if not checkable syntax', function() {
                assert.equal( 'alphabetical', app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 3, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( 'mixin()' ) )
                assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( '$var-name' ) )
                assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( '.class-name' ) )
                assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( '#id' ) )
                assert.equal( undefined, sortTest( '{interpolated}' ) )
            } )
        } )

        describe( 'grouped', function() {
            beforeEach( function() {
                app.state.conf = 'grouped'
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = ['position', 'right']
            } )

            afterEach( function() {
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = []
            } )

            it( 'false if sorted array is shorter than cache', function() {
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = ['border', 'margin', 'padding']
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( 'margin 0' ) )
            } )

            it( 'false if not correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['position', 'right', 'top']

                assert.equal( 'grouped', app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 2, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( 'top 0' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )

            it( 'true if correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['position', 'right', 'bottom', 'z-index', 'width']

                assert.equal( 'grouped', app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 2, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'bottom 0' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'z-index 1' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'width 50%' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )
        } )

        describe( 'Array', function() {
            beforeEach( function() {
                app.state.conf = ['z-index', 'animation', 'top']
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = ['z-index']
            } )

            afterEach( function() {
                app.cache.sortOrderCache = []
            } )

            it( 'false if not correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['z-index', 'top', 'animation']

                assert.deepEqual( ['z-index', 'animation', 'top'], app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 1, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'top 50px' ) )
                assert.equal( false, sortTest( 'animation fade-out' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )

            it( 'true if correct sort order with mocked sort order cache', function() {
                var expectedCache = ['z-index', 'animation', 'top', 'width', 'border']

                assert.deepEqual( ['z-index', 'animation', 'top'], app.state.conf )
                assert.equal( 1, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'animation fade-in' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'top 0' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'width 50%' ) )
                assert.ok( sortTest( 'border 0' ) )
                assert.equal( expectedCache.length, app.cache.sortOrderCache.length )
                assert.deepEqual( expectedCache, app.cache.sortOrderCache )
            } )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'stacked properties', function() {
        var stackedTest = lint.stackedProperties.bind( app )

        it( 'false if not a one liner', function() {
            assert.equal( false, stackedTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if one liner', function() {
            assert.ok( stackedTest( 'margin 0 auto; padding: 5px;' ) )
            assert.ok( stackedTest( 'margin 0 auto; padding: 5px' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'starts with comment', function() {
        var startsWithComment = app.startsWithComment.bind( app )

        it( 'false if // not first char on line', function() {
            assert.equal( false, startsWithComment( 'margin 0 auto //test' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if // is the first character on the line', function() {
            assert.ok( startsWithComment( '//test' ) )
            assert.ok( startsWithComment( ' // test' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'stylint off toggle:', function() {
        var toggleTest = app.stylintOff.bind( app )

        it( 'false if tests enabled and toggle found', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = true
            assert.equal( false, toggleTest( '@stylint off' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if tests enabled and toggle not found', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = true
            assert.ok( toggleTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if tests already disabled', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = false
            assert.equal( undefined, toggleTest( '@stylint on' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'stylint on toggle:', function() {
        var toggleTest = app.stylintOn.bind( app )

        it( 'false if tests disabled and toggle not found', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = false
            assert.equal( false, toggleTest( 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if tests disabled and toggle found', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = false
            assert.ok( toggleTest( '@stylint on' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if tests already enabled', function() {
            app.state.testsEnabled = true
            assert.equal( undefined, toggleTest( '@stylint on' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'trailing whitespace', function() {
        var whitespaceTest = lint.trailingWhitespace.bind( app )

        it( 'false if no trailing whitespace', function() {
            assert.equal( false, whitespaceTest( '', 'margin 0 auto' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if whitespace found', function() {
            assert.ok( whitespaceTest( '', 'margin 0 auto    ' ) )
            assert.ok( whitespaceTest( '', 'margin 0 auto ' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'universal selector', function() {
        var universalTest = lint.universal.bind( app )

        it( 'false if no invalid * is found', function() {
            assert.equal( false, universalTest( 'return ( $width*$height )' ) )
            assert.equal( false, universalTest( 'content: "*"' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if * is found', function() {
            assert.ok( universalTest( '*' ) )
            assert.ok( universalTest( '*:before' ) )
            assert.ok( universalTest( '*::after' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no * on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, universalTest( 'img' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'valid property:', function() {
        var validTest = lint.valid.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
        } )

        it( 'true if from or to used INSIDE keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            assert.ok( validTest( 'from 0%' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'to 100%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if property not valid', function() {
            app.cache.mixins = []
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'marg 0 auto' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'pad 0' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'dog: irish-setter }' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( '{const name}' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'div[attribute test]' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( '::selects' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'nonsense:active' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'test-mixin: $val' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'mixin 5px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'multiplyBy5 10 5' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( 'test-mixin $val' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if property is valid', function() {
            assert.ok( validTest( 'background' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'border-bottom 0' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'margin-top 0' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'padding 0' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '-webkit-border-radius 0' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'input' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'body' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '::selection' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'div:hover' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'button:active' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'p:optional' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'p.classname' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'div[attribute]' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'picture' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'source' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'src: "url/to/font"' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'background linear-gradient(to top, grey 50%, transparent 50%)' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'img.attachment-event_thumb_single' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'a.b-logo' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if syntax, class, id, interpolation, attribute, mixin etc', function() {
            assert.ok( validTest( '.el:hover' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '$const-name = ' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '{const-name}' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'my-hash = {' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'for i in 0..9' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '&--append-class-name' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '[data-js]' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '#id:hover' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'transition( opacity )' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'return $val' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'width calc(100% - 16px)' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if transparent mixin (thats been declared)', function() {
            app.cache.customProperties = ['test-mixin', 'mixin', 'multiplyBy']

            assert.ok( validTest( 'test-mixin: $val' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'mixin 5px' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'multiplyBy 10 5' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( 'test-mixin $val' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if from or to used outside keyframes', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, validTest( 'from 0%' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, validTest( 'to 100%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if pseudo is standalone and valid', function() {
            assert.ok( validTest( '::-webkit-resizer' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '::-webkit-scrollbar' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '::-moz-inner-focus' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( ':focus' ) )
            assert.ok( validTest( '::placeholder' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if pseudo is standalone and not valid', function() {
            assert.equal( false, validTest( '::-any-thing' ) )
            assert.equal( false, validTest( ':focush' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'zero units: prefer no unit values', function() {
        var zeroTest = lint.zeroUnits.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            app.state.conf = 'never'
        } )

        it( 'true if value above 0', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 50px' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin: 100%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if just 0 has no unit value', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if \d0 + any unit type is found', function() {
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0px' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0em' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0rem' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0pt' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0pc' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0vh' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0vw' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0vmin' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0vmax' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0mm' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0cm' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0in' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0mozmm' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0ex' ) )
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0ch' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if in keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'from 0%' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( '0% {' ) )
            app.state.keyframes = false
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no 0 on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'margin auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'padding 53px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if relative value', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'line-height 1' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'font-weight 600' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'zero units: prefer unit values', function() {
        var zeroTest = lint.zeroUnits.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.keyframes = false
            app.state.conf = 'always'
        } )

        it( 'false if 0 value does not have unit values', function() {
            assert.equal( false, zeroTest( 'margin 0' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if value is above 0 (like 50px)', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 50px' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin: 100%' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if 0 + any unit type is found', function() {
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0px' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0em' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0rem' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0pt' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0pc' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0vh' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0vw' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0vmin' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0vmax' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0mm' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0cm' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0in' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0mozmm' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0ex' ) )
            assert.ok( zeroTest( 'margin 0ch' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if in keyframes', function() {
            app.state.keyframes = true
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'from 0%' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( '0% {' ) )
            app.state.keyframes = false
        } )

        it( 'undefined if no 0 on line', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'margin auto' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'padding 53px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if relative value', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'line-height 1' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zeroTest( 'font-weight 600' ) )
        } )
    } )

    describe( 'zIndex Normalizer', function() {
        var zNormalizrTest = lint.zIndexNormalize.bind( app )

        beforeEach( function() {
            app.state.conf = 5
        } )

        it( 'false if z index value already normalized', function() {
            assert.equal( false, zNormalizrTest( 'z-index 5' ) )
        } )

        it( 'false if no z-index', function() {
            assert.equal( false, zNormalizrTest( 'margin 5px' ) )
        } )

        it( 'true if z index value needs to be normalized', function() {
            assert.ok( zNormalizrTest( 'z-index 4' ) )
        } )

        it( 'undefined if 0 or -1', function() {
            assert.equal( undefined, zNormalizrTest( 'z-index -1' ) )
            assert.equal( undefined, zNormalizrTest( 'z-index 0' ) )
        } )
    } )
} )

describe( 'Done, again: ', function() {

    beforeEach( function() {
        app.cache.msg = ''
        app.state.quiet = true
        app.state.watching = true
        app.cache.errs = []
        app.cache.warnings = []
        app.state.exitCode = 0
    } )

    it( 'should return an object', function() {
        assert.ok( typeof app.done() === 'object' )
    } )

    it( 'which should have msg as a property', function() {
        assert.ok( typeof app.done().msg === 'string' )
    } )

    it( 'exit code should be 0 if no errs', function() {
        assert.equal( 0, app.done().exitCode )
    } )

    it( 'exit code should be 0 if has warnings and no errs', function() {
        app.cache.warnings = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        assert.equal( 0, app.done().exitCode )
    } )

    it( 'msg should be be empty if no errs or warnings', function() {
        assert.equal( '', app.done().msg )
    } )

    it( 'exit code of 1 if not clear', function() {
        app.cache.warnings = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        app.cache.errs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        assert.equal( 1, app.done().exitCode )
    } )

    it( 'msg should be the default warnings/errors message', function() {
        app.state.quiet = false
        app.config.groupOutputByFile = false
        app.config.maxWarnings = 10
        app.config.maxErrors = 10
        app.cache.warnings = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        app.cache.errs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        app.cache.messages = null
        app.cache.msg = '\nStylint: 5 Errors. (Max Errors: 10)\nStylint: 5 Warnings. (Max Warnings: 10)'
        assert.equal( app.cache.msg, app.done().msg )
    } )

    it( 'exit code should be 1 if over max warnings', function() {
        app.config.maxWarnings = 1
        app.config.maxErrors = 10
        app.cache.warnings = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
        app.cache.errs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

        assert.equal( 1, app.done().exitCode )
    } )

    // it( 'should exit if watch off', function() {
    //     app.state.watching = false
    //     sinon.spy( app, 'done' )
    //     app.done()

    //     app.done.getCall(0).returned( sinon.match.same( process.exit ) )
    //     app.state.watching = true
    // } )
} )