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# 2014/07/14

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 03:51

Soon once I invoke the compiler to build hairball and the compiler, it will
then be time to work on both of them. My Java compiler could be neatened up a
bit by using shorter class names and such. The build system will use the
compiler for build scripts by either implementing an interface or extended an
abstract class. An abstract class may be the way to go. So the scripts will be
compiled against the current VM and executed. I thought about having a host
compiler setup, but it really is not needed at all. I could reflect from the
run-time which class stuff is available. Another alternative is that I could
try and figure out the current VM boot classpath.

Had this idea for a package manager, I can use the ext dir for installed
packages that do other things, like in the classpath. Similar to Debian sort
of but for Java instead. Packages could be simple JAR or PACK200 files.
Another idea is a standard configuration system for storing settings that k8
programs use. Using a standard programmatic interface (say with enums) is much
easier than writing up parsers for all of them.

But yes, my compiler will have to be rethought a bit to be more extensible
than I previously planned. Also the current code set is rather a bit ugly for
now. At least with the build system using the compiler time will be saved as
writing a separate interpreter for scripts is not needed. Do it once. Once the
compiler is complete the next step after is writing the actual kernel parts of
the system. Then it being all Java 8 would make things easier. So the current
goal set appears to be: initialize bootstrapped build of Hairball/Compiler,
work on Hairball/Compiler to make it complete, move into kernel land.

Minor note for the build system, I can use enum for rules and default in
interfaces since Java 8 would be available for compilation.

## 17:24

I cut my hairs.

## 18:26

Seems redirecting the input or output of a sub process in Java became a
feature in 1.7, so right now things are rather blind. However, for the shell
script I will just make a wrapper script which calls javac and pipes output to
errors or whatnot. But a wrapper script works really well just requires an
extra step.

## 18:58

HbProgramMain being a String rather than Class[?] seems a bit better. And the
result of my shell script (which can now invoke the compiler) is that it is
extremely hacky. But I would rather have hacky shell scripts than hacky code
in my main build system. Rough build is hacky code. Now the next thing is to
make the build system work, which will be fun.

## 21:16

I should make it so my stuff from this point on is possible to be
internationalized. However, I want to do a keyword based approach. Editing
strings which are completely separate would complicate things. So I believe
the best approach would provide the key and the text to be internationalized.
Then that could handle printf and such, etc. I should also use codes for all
the exceptions so in the event that there are no symbols or even source
locations, I can determine which exception fired. However having tons of
strings for the exception codes would be quite long. I could use a randomly
generated random number and keep a table of numbers I have yet to use. Would
make it easier to not run out. I could also make an exception code
registration system which could go through the entire source and strip
exception IDs as needed when the kernel builds. Though for
internationalization in the random strings that exist, I should provide the
locale also. The internationalization class should be really minimal though.
Should use a static import in this case. Perhaps the method should be called
l10n, since that is rather short. Perhaps l10nf for printf, l10ns for string.
Although there are some cases where I do not want to get it as a String, so
there should be a "o" for actual object where toString() could be used with
the current locale or otherwise.