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# 2014/07/23

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 01:17

I had this idea for my compiler to machine code (which would also work
decompiling). I will have a map of core instructions and what they mean in my
abstract language which is used by compilation. When generating machine code
the language will be matched depending on the functions. It will have to
handle purely stack based and purely register based instruction sets along
with those in the middle. It would be quite effective, yes. It might be a bit
slow with brute forcing but a sort of map could be utilized with this
information. However, it would be very possible to just describe how an
instruction set works and have the code target that than writing specialized
optimizers for the specific sets, or rewriting the parsing encoder stuff to be
highly abstract and generic. Rather than write the outputter multiple times, I
would then only have to write it once. Doing it once would save me much time
in the future. I could theoretically support a new instruction with minor
testing, by writing in all that logic in place. Of course writing in that
logic will take quite some time as some instruction sets are very complex. I
may need to write different "understanders" for each instruction set. However,
I could see this being done with varying systems.

## 02:55

Looking at my location code, my existing Tuple is not going to work because it
lacks the needed stuff in values, what there needs to be is an alternative key
that is the type and the file, and have the value side be the mode and units.

## 03:25

Another flaw in my previous design, open modes should be handled by the Unit
and not the UnitLocator. Which means the UnitLocator loses the open mode and
just returns any old unit. Input would fall through, but output would be first

## 03:30

Actually what UnitLocator needs is not a mode but one that specifies what to
do with all the beacons. And that should really go in Beacon since that does
most of the dirty work while UnitLocator just groups up all the beacons into a
single group.

## 06:18

After some thinking, the Unit mode is pretty pointless because Units may just
open direct input and output streams, where the output stream has the
overwrite mode and such.

## 06:58

For assembled machine output, the compiler will have magical tables of
mappings between abstract logic and machine code instructions. So it can
operate in any direction. Initially the abstract language will be translated
to an infinite register machine, then profiled down to the target. So if the
target only has 2 registers, then it would move much of that work to the

## 07:37

My Java parser is going to need checkers for the printf formatting to make
sure those strings are sane.

## 08:24

I am rather tired, for my Unit to correctly handle semi-abstract stages and
for knowing whether something is in input or output, Unit will have to have
protected inner classes for InputStream and OutputStream. Then the subclassed
Units which are implemented in the Beacon will need to have the specified
streams also set.

## 16:17

Instead of extended subclasses, I could just use the filter streams to handle
everything, then things may remain private and such. There would be no need to
extend a subclass, so this would be the better result.

## 17:49

Realized that there would be a strange contention between using multiple
beacons in a locator and using EXISTS or MISSING for output. Prevent this
could be rather complex, but I should probably not bother with it much. Seems
I am stuck on how to implement the ALWAYS, EXISTS, and MISSING for the memory
beacon although this should be quite simple.

## 18:21

I came to a realization that the initial memory beacon is entirely blank, so
if internalGet() is called ever then it does not exist. Therefor any attempt
to use EXISTS will fail anyway.

## 18:49

My MemoryBeacon implementation is complete and appears to work well. I should
make Units able to be closed so that memory may be regained if ever needed.

## 19:16

Beacons and Units are very intertwined. Currently the super classes exist as
separate classes while extended classes have the Units as an inner class.
Perhaps Beacon should make Unit an inner class instead that requires

## 20:54

The hacks to the hairball gunk that I have now currently does not work and
breaks other things, I will need to revert that. However, once my compiler is
done I can get rid of it and use something far greater to run project files

## 21:09

Now that I have at least a base for reading and writing in a memory based file
structure (the MemoryBeacon code), I can start the initial parsing of Java
source code.

## 22:50

What I need to do now is work on an option parser class which handles the map
of options.