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# 2014/08/09

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 03:46

I just cannot think of how I should proceed for AnnotatedEnumThunk. I have the
idea to use a protected class to be used with the sub-search mechanism.

## 04:00

I would use that rather than a method which takes tens of arguments.

## 05:02

Actually, what I can do is rather than storing the enumeration class and
anything it contains, is to instead cache it at the start then I can run
through it whenever some request is made with all of them.

## 06:33

My ArgumentParsing is far too complex, it currently is about just under 700

## 06:48

I broke my code stripping the class, that way it can be rewritten better. I
solved a problem that has been on my mind coding all of this, extending off an
enumeration and a handler. What I can do is pass an enumeration and some class
that handles the specific data (at least for the argument parser). This way I
do not have to have super complex enumerations extending off some handler and
the Enum class.

## 06:55

I will have to figure out something because this is turning into a generic
mess with type parameters thrown everywhere. A AnnotatedEnumThunk is wrong
because that is for enumerations, I need some kind of super generic annotation
handling thing that can run through anything that is annotated.

## 07:06

A class which iterates through annotations at runtime would be handy,
especially if it were an Iterator of sorts or an Iterable.

## 07:39

A class which can take in AnnotatedElement (an array) and can iterate through
it multiple times if needed, that could be done with an ArrayIterable which is
similar to ArrayIterator except it creates Iterators instead.

## 07:48

Now with that I can use the iterable to assist in the annotation handler
class. Then the annotation processor thing could also be used in my compiler
and not just handling a bunch of command line options.

## 08:22

For fun I decided on appending a ZIP file of a source checkout to the actual
repository when other/mkfossil.sh is executed. Bloats the space a bit, but it
could be handy in extracting and building a source database while having the
original repository on hand.

## 08:39

Luckily for me, my fancy upgraded fossil is backwards compatible with my more
out of date fossil installations on my other systems. So I do not have to
worry about that much at all. The appended ZIP file could also make a static
repository on say a CD-ROM distribution a bit more sane so to speak.

## 08:45

But, enough distractions sort of, I wonder what the best way it would be to
use something that iterates over AnnotatedElement. Perhaps a class which is
constructed by an Iterable of them, of which that class itself (not the one
passed to the constructor) is Iterable with a handler of sorts for each entry.
Then with that, a "new" syntax for loop could be used "for (foo x : bar)". The
handler will be called on every invocation (if wanted to handle). This way it
is rather generic and can be done on anything. Then I can squash
AnnotatedEnumThunk and replace it with that, in which ArgumentParsing uses
that class instead of this giant mess I have now.

## 09:32

Perhaps an Iterable of Iterables that handle Annotations, although it could be
very handy for a very singular annotation processor which is just an iterable
of some handler type. Then stack a grouped version of that on top or perhaps a
very generic class which can work on any set of iterable and run a callback of
sorts. So an Iterable which takes an AnnotatedElement and emits Iterators for
annotations. Then another class that does stuff on top of that. That could
work. Now I need to figure out what to call it, and that could take a few
hours. Something short. Perhaps something to the point, such as
IterableAnnotatedElement, but that is a bit long at 25 characters. Suppose 25
is not that bad.

## 10:02

Not sure if I mentioned this, but in either case I can add a new part that
exists above the AnnotatedElement that Iterates through those, but that would
be rather complex and would be a specialized class when it can be done in a
singular way. So perhaps a Factory class (despite being supposedly bad) which
creates inner iterables for iteration handling and such.

## 10:34

My blog is quite long now, around about 2600 lines of LaTeX. I am currently
tired so I am not sure if I will be capable of writing the factory or other
classes. Suppose I will watch Star Trek Voyager and fall asleep somehow.

## 19:04

Awake now, sort of. I will have to resume work.