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# 2014/08/26

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 12:12

Looks like I never said anything yesterday. Working on the handling of files
in a project. Also documenting the project JSON files because it should be
done now before anything is forgotten.

## 13:42

Wrote a bunch of the build package and plugin code and it is getting a bit
ugly. Building of a package is complex work and the javac tool is starting to
get a bit messy. However, I do not believe I can avoid it becoming a mess
because these are complex parts of the code. I would suppose the best thing to
do is to keep it as neat as possible but not a requirement to be pure.
However, I must keep the actual language translation matrix clean because that
is very important to the compiler.

## 15:27

I need a better map type, one that can handle inner lists and maps and treat
them like a normal map of sorts. However, such a data structure is a tree
rather than being a map. Storing and creating maps inside of maps is tricky
because the inner map or list could be modified on the outside, and messed
around with. This would be a class that makes it so get returns a different
value than what was put in with put. So putting in a List or a Map would just
add all the entries inside of it. Getting an inner map or list would then just
be a view. I can also cheat the major map and just use \0 to access inner list
entries and map entries by encoding the key as a string. However, that would
not work because the key could be of any value. So the resulting map would
then be a multi-dimensional key map of sorts.

## 15:51

I could exploit generics some more, it can be a map of multiple whatever key
and value. So it still looks like a map, but could have multiple values.

## 16:10

I believe I am just over complicating the build process with maps of maps and
lists, inputs and outputs to the map. The tasks will always have input files
and output files, along with a UnitLocator. I could make that part of the
toolbox plugin. It would at least simplify things greatly. I could also remove
the innerclass nature of the ToolBoxPlugin.Task and instead just make a big
class for it, there is plenty of room in the package for that.

## 16:25

What I need to do is setup a new base class for toolbox tasks and use common
stuff there, the map could be used for extra options. In fact the task COULD
be a map itself which permits string values.

## 16:32

I can see that Task with an inner class of Result is a good idea, because they
are coupled together yet generic enough for good usage.