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# 2014/08/28

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 07:09

Awake, now to get back to work.

## 07:27

Need to remember in any future sorting code that List set() returns the old
value which makes sorting a bit easier to implement.

## 07:45

Using the pathform really does simplify things. Soon I should be able to start
work on the actual compile and get compilation work done.

## 08:09

The LanguagePlugin getPlugin() needs to be stronger so that it is capable of
using more bounds. There could be multiple plugins which support input of Java
but they might not output to intermediate language. This has to be checked
otherwise strange things will occur.

## 12:32

Thought about writing a TTY library that I can use to handle xterm sequences
and provide a terminal for later usage by the OS. Also thought about writing
an interface to telnet. Also thought about writing a NetHack bot as some
sample code for the terminal and telnet libraries. Writing those would be
handy because then I could have a full TTY by the time I get my OS operational
and I would not have to worry about the terminal stuff at all. However, I
should worry about that after I got a bit more of my compiler and package
system setup. I need to think about how to go about putting input and output,
do I read from a FileChannel and output a class? I would need a wrapper class
which exposes a specific kind of object, which could be a FileChannel or could
be a class which represents the abstract syntax of compiled code. However,
that abstract syntax could also be input so that is why it must work both

## 13:01

The bot would only work when tiledata is enabled however.

## 18:30

I am going to need a class which can handle realization of object types based
on varying identities that are possible. The class must be able to handle
class files, JAR files, source files, and even source files that are currently
being compiled. So I will have to read a source file first then perform any
realization at the end to make it very worthwhile. If there are any unknown
identities then the file fails to compile due to invalid symbols being used. I
will have to perform structure analyzation along with reading the actual code.

## 21:16

I added some color to the build script so I could see what goes on better.
Quite colorful, but if the terminal supports color it would be easier to
distinguish a few things.