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# 2014/11/08

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 03:07

Now that I am awake, work continues. Must annotate and informationize the
remaining opcodes so that I can begin writing descriptor information along
with actual byte code parsing.

## 06:10

I need a better design on my LogicalClass and LogicalMethod code. Byte code
descriptions of a method just rely on the descriptor.

## 06:26

I need to actually recreate any classes which are enums to not sort those
constants because if enumerations are switched around then static code that
relies on the ordinal order (such as switch) will break completely between
virtual machines, ouch. There are only 93 enumerated types in the standard
library however.

## 06:41

Actually I do not have to worry about that, because using an enum switch
creates a new class which handles potential out of orders by statically
referring to the elements there.

## 07:02

My logical class work needs to change to a factory like system and the
ClassFile locks need to change to the self object rather than an internal lock
because ClassFiles are operated on. The class cannot change while the logical
information is being constructed.

## 09:51

I also do not like the LogicalClass, LogicalMethod, and LogicalField classes,
they should just be a single LogicalClass. Thought about reflection permission
checking, but all that is would be a simple access modifier check based on the
source call performing invoke. I do know that in my method tables I will need
to handle reflective call site stuff. Basically each class has its own method
tables which are mostly static, but the last entries will be when static
methods use reflection on a class or similar. Non static methods in classes
doing such things will then add it to the local field table in a hidden
manner. One thing my code generator must do it make it so the classes inside
reflect the same as initialization time as they do during run-time. This means
that calls such as Class.forName() or Method.invoke() will just be transformed
into call sites with potential cache (if applicable). So similar to my plan
for boxed types being simple, stuff like Method and Fields will be very basic
pointer-ish types. So if any code is detected which appears to just do the
invoke call on a Method will use a special bridge-like method that is only
internally visible at static compilation time which checks access control and
then invokes. The only real access control there is is the normal private,
package private, protected, and public. There would be two tiers though, one
for in same package and one outside of same package. But I need to work on
merging the Logicals into a single class, and make it a factory that locks on
a ClassFile instead of going crazy.