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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat;

import cc.squirreljme.emulator.profiler.ProfiledFrame;
import cc.squirreljme.jdwp.host.JDWPHostController;
import cc.squirreljme.jdwp.host.trips.JDWPGlobalTrip;
import cc.squirreljme.jdwp.host.trips.JDWPTripThread;
import cc.squirreljme.jdwp.host.trips.JDWPTripVmState;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.ThreadShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.TracePointBracket;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.VMThreadBracket;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.ThreadModelType;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.ThreadStatusType;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.VerboseDebugFlag;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.CallTraceElement;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.brackets.VMThreadObject;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringMLECallError;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassName;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.MethodNameAndType;

 * Functions for {@link ThreadShelf}.
 * @since 2020/06/18
public enum MLEThread
    implements MLEFunction
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#aliveThreadCount(boolean, boolean)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            boolean includeMain = ((int)__args[0] != 0);
            boolean includeDaemon = ((int)__args[1] != 0);
            // Count every thread
            int count = 0;
            SpringMachine machine = __thread.machine;
            synchronized (machine)
                for (SpringThread thread : machine.getThreads())
                    // Ignore any threads that are marked terminated or has not
                    // been started as it has no frames
                    if (thread.isTerminated() || thread.numFrames() == 0)
                    boolean isMain = thread.isMain();
                    boolean isDaemon = thread.isDaemon();
                    if ((includeMain && isMain) ||
                        (includeDaemon && isDaemon) ||
                        (!isMain && !isDaemon))
            return count;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#createVMThread(Thread, String)}. */
    CREATE_VM_THREAD( "createVMThread:(Ljava/lang/Thread;" +
        "Ljava/lang/String;)Lcc/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringSimpleObject javaThread = MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread,
            String name = (__args[1] == null ||
                __args[1] == SpringNullObject.NULL ? null :
                __thread.<String>asNativeObject(String.class, __args[1]));
            // Find the thread which the given passed object is bound to, this
            // is the target thread
            SpringThread target = null;
            SpringMachine machine = __thread.machine;
            synchronized (machine)
                // Search through every thread
                SpringThread[] threads = machine.getThreads();
                for (SpringThread thread : threads)
                    SpringObject instance;
                        instance = thread.threadInstance();
                    catch (IllegalStateException ignored)
                    // If this is the thread for this, then use that!
                    if (javaThread == instance)
                        target = thread;
                // If there is exactly one thread, we can rather get into a bit
                // of a loop where our main thread is created outside of normal
                // means by the VM and not by any other thread.. but only if
                // this initial thread has no actual instance
                if (threads.length == 1 && !threads[0].hasThreadInstance())
                    target = threads[0];
                // No actual thread exists that the object is bound to, so
                // oops! We need to actually create one here and bind it
                // accordingly!
                if (target == null)
                    target = machine.createThread(name,
                        false, false);
            // New thread?
            if (__thread.verboseCheck(VerboseDebugFlag.THREAD_NEW))
                __thread.verboseEmit("New Thread: %s", target);
            // Inherit verbose flags for this new thread?
            if (__thread.verboseCheck(VerboseDebugFlag.INHERIT_VERBOSE_FLAGS))
                target._initVerboseFlags = __thread.verbose().activeFlags();
            // Create object with this attached thread
            VMThreadObject vmThread = new VMThreadObject(machine, target);
            // The thread gets these as well
            // If we are debugging, we are going to need to tell the debugger
            // some important details
            JDWPHostController jdwp = target.machine()
            if (jdwp != null)
                // If we are debugging, we need to tell the debugger that the
                // virtual machine actually started
                if (target.machine().rootVm && target.isMain())
                        JDWPGlobalTrip.VM_STATE).alive(target, true);
                // If we are debugging, signal that this thread is in the start
                // state. We need the instance to have been set for this to
                // even properly work!
                    JDWPGlobalTrip.THREAD).alive(target, true);
            return vmThread;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#currentExitCode()}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return __thread.machine.getExitCode();
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#currentJavaThread()}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return __thread.thread.threadInstance();
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#currentVMThread()}. */
    CURRENT_VM_THREAD("currentVMThread:" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2021/05/08
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return new VMThreadObject(__thread.machine, __thread.thread);
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#equals(VMThreadBracket, VMThreadBracket)}. */
    EQUALS("equals:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/brackets/VMThreadBracket;" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2021/05/08
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread() ==
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadClearInterrupt(Thread)}. */
    JAVA_THREAD_CLEAR_INTERRUPT("javaThreadClearInterrupt:" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/28
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringFieldStorage field = MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread,
                "_interrupted", "Z");
            // Get and clear the field value
            Object old = field.get();
            return old;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadFlagStarted(Thread)}. */
    JAVA_THREAD_FLAG_STARTED("javaThreadFlagStarted:(Ljava/lang/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            // Just set the started field to true
            MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread, __args[0]).fieldByNameAndType(
                false, "_started", "Z").set(true);
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadIsStarted(Thread)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            // Just get the state of the given field
            return MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread, __args[0])
                    "_started", "Z").get();
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadRunnable(Thread)}. */
    JAVA_THREAD_RUNNABLE("javaThreadRunnable:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)" +
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            // Just get the state of the given field
            return MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread, __args[0])
                false, "_runnable",
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadSetAlive(Thread, boolean)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            // Just set the started field to true
            MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread, __args[0]).fieldByNameAndType(
                false, "_isAlive", "Z")
                .set((int)__args[1] != 0);
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#javaThreadSetDaemon(Thread)}. */ 
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/09/12
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringThread vmThread = MLEThread.__vmThread(
                MLEThread.TO_VM_THREAD.handle(__thread, __args[0]))
            synchronized (vmThread)
                // Cannot be changed once started
                if (vmThread.isTerminated() || vmThread.numFrames() > 0)
                    throw new SpringMLECallError("Thread is started.");
                // Set as a daemon thread
            // No value is returned
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#model()}. */ 
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2021/05/07
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            // SpringCoat is always multi-threaded
            return ThreadModelType.SIMULTANEOUS_MULTI_THREAD;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#runProcessMain()}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#setCurrentExitCode(int)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/27
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            int exitCode = (int)__args[0];
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#setTrace(String, TracePointBracket[])}. */ 
    SET_TRACE("setTrace:(Ljava/lang/String;[Lcc/squirreljme/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/07/06
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            if (!(__args[1] instanceof SpringArrayObjectGeneric))
                throw new SpringMLECallError("Wrong trace array type.");
            SpringObject[] gen = ((SpringArrayObjectGeneric)__args[1]).array();
            // Get the message used
            String message = __thread.<String>asNativeObject(String.class,
            if (message == null)
                throw new SpringMLECallError("No message set.");
            // Map trace points to the call trace for future get
            int n = gen.length;
            CallTraceElement[] trace = new CallTraceElement[n];
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                trace[i] = MLEDebug.__trace(gen[i]).getTrace();
            // Store the call trace for other tasks to get
            __thread.machine.storeTrace(message, trace);
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#sleep(int, int)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            int ms = (int)__args[0];
            int ns = (int)__args[1];
            if (ms < 0 || ns < 0 || ns > 1000000000)
                throw new SpringMLECallError("Out of range time.");
            // Get the profiler information
            SpringThreadFrame currentFrame = __thread.thread.currentFrame();
            ProfiledFrame profiler = (currentFrame == null ? null :
            // We need to restore profiler states
            boolean interrupted = false;
                // Indicate that we are in sleep mode
                // Stop counting CPU time for this
                if (profiler != null)
                    profiler.sleep(true, System.nanoTime());
                // Just giving up CPU time?
                if (ms == 0 && ns == 0)
                // Normal sleep
                        Thread.sleep(ms, ns);
                    catch (InterruptedException ignored)
                        interrupted = true;
                // We have left sleep mode
                // Continue counting CPU time
                if (profiler != null)
                    profiler.sleep(false, System.nanoTime());
            return interrupted;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#toJavaThread(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    TO_JAVA_THREAD("toJavaThread:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/29
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            VMThreadObject vmThread = MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]);
            return vmThread.getThread().threadInstance();
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#toVMThread(Thread)}. */
    TO_VM_THREAD("toVMThread:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)Lcc/squirreljme/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return MLEThread.__javaThread(__thread, __args[0]).fieldByField(
                .lookupField(false, "_vmThread",
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadEnd(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    VM_THREAD_END("vmThreadEnd:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/brackets/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2021/03/14
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringThread thread = MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread();
            // If debugging, signal that the thread has ended
            JDWPHostController jdwp = thread.machine()
            if (jdwp != null)
                    JDWPGlobalTrip.THREAD).alive(thread, true);
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadId(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    VM_THREAD_ID("vmThreadId:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/brackets/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread().id;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadInterrupt(VMThreadBracket)}. */ 
    VM_THREAD_INTERRUPT("vmThreadInterrupt:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/22
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            VMThreadObject vmThread = MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]);
            // Send an interrupt to the thread
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadIsMain(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    VM_THREAD_IS_MAIN("vmThreadIsMain:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread().isMain();
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadSetPriority(VMThreadBracket, int)}. */
    VM_THREAD_SET_PRIORITY("vmThreadSetPriority:(Lcc/squirreljme/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/29
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringThread thread = MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread();
            int priority = (int)__args[1];
            if (priority < Thread.MIN_PRIORITY ||
                priority > Thread.MAX_PRIORITY)
                throw new SpringMLECallError(
                    "Thread priority out of range.");
            // Try to set the priority
                if (thread._worker == null)
                    thread._initPriority = priority;
            catch (IllegalArgumentException|SecurityException e)
                throw new SpringMLECallError(
                    "Could not set priority.", e);
            return null;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadStart(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    VM_THREAD_START("vmThreadStart:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/brackets/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/18
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            SpringThread target = MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread();
            // Create worker for thread and start it
            SpringThreadWorker worker = new SpringThreadWorker(
                __thread.machine, target, false);
            // Inherited verbose flags for this new thread?
            if (target._initVerboseFlags != 0)
                worker.verbose().add(0, target._initVerboseFlags);
            // Enter the base setup frame
                .lookupMethod(true, MLEThread._BASE_THREAD_METHOD));
            // Try to start it
                return true;
            catch (IllegalThreadStateException ignored)
                return false;
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#vmThreadTask(VMThreadBracket)}. */
    VM_THREAD_TASK("vmThreadTask:(Lcc/squirreljme/jvm/mle/brackets/" +
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2021/05/08
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            return MLEThread.__vmThread(__args[0]).getThread()
    /** {@link ThreadShelf#waitForUpdate(int)}. */
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2020/06/29
        public Object handle(SpringThreadWorker __thread, Object... __args)
            int ms = (int)__args[0];
            if (ms < 0)
                throw new SpringMLECallError("Negative milliseconds");
            // Waiting for nothing? just give up our slice
            if (ms == 0)
                return false;
            // Wait until the monitor is hit
            SpringMachine machine = __thread.machine;
            synchronized (machine)
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    return true;
            // Assume not interrupted
            return false;
    /* End. */
    /** The class which contains the thread starting point. */
    static final ClassName _START_CLASS =
        new ClassName("java/lang/__Start__");
    /** The method to enter for main threads. */
    static final MethodNameAndType _BASE_THREAD_METHOD =
        new MethodNameAndType("__base", "()V");
    /** The dispatch key. */
    protected final String key;
     * Initializes the dispatcher info.
     * @param __key The key.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2020/06/18
    MLEThread(String __key)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__key == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.key = __key;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/06/18
    public String key()
        return this.key;
     * Checks if this is a Java thread.
     * @param __thread The context thread.
     * @param __object The object to check.
     * @return The verified object.
     * @throws SpringMLECallError If {@code __object} is {@code null} or is
     * not an instance of {@link Throwable}.
     * @since 2020/06/28
    static SpringSimpleObject __javaThread(SpringThreadWorker __thread,
        Object __object)
        throws SpringMLECallError
        if (__thread == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (!(__object instanceof SpringSimpleObject))
            throw new SpringMLECallError("Not a Java Thread");
        SpringSimpleObject rv = (SpringSimpleObject)__object;
        if (!__thread.resolveClass("java/lang/Thread")
            throw new SpringMLECallError("Not instance of Thread.");
        return rv;
     * Ensures that this is a {@link VMThreadObject}.
     * @param __object The object to check.
     * @return As a {@link VMThreadObject}.
     * @throws SpringMLECallError If this is not one.
     * @since 2020/06/27
    static VMThreadObject __vmThread(Object __object)
        throws SpringMLECallError
        if (!(__object instanceof VMThreadObject))
            throw new SpringMLECallError("Not a VMThreadObject.");
        return (VMThreadObject)__object; 