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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package java.util;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;

 * This is a bucket map which acts as the raw internal hash table
 * implementation.
 * @see HashMap
 * @see HashSet
 * @see LinkedHashMap
 * @see LinkedHashSet
 * @param <K> The key type.
 * @param <V> The value type.
 * @since 2018/10/07
final class __BucketMap__<K, V>
    //extends AbstractMap<K, V>
    /** Special holder for when backing for a set. */
    static final Object _TAKEN =
        new Object();
    /** The default capacity. */
    static final int _DEFAULT_CAPACITY =
    /** The default load factor. */
    static final float _DEFAULT_LOAD =
    /** Is this bucket map ordered? */
    protected final boolean ordered;
    /** Is this bucket map in accessed order? */
    protected final boolean accessorder;
    /** Track put order? */
    protected final boolean trackputorder;
    /** The load factor. */
    protected final float loadfactor;
    /** Linked order of entries. */
    final LinkedList<__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>> _links;
    /** The entry chains for each element. */
    __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] _buckets;
    /** The hashcode divisor for buckets. */
    int _bucketdiv;
    /** The number of elements in the map. */
    int _size;
    /** The current capacity. */
    int _capacity;
    /** The size threshold before a rebuild is done. */
    int _loadthreshold;
    /** Modification count. */
    int _modcount;
    /** The rehash count. */
    int _numrehash;
    /** Entry set cache. */
    private volatile Reference<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> _entrySetCache;
     * Initializes the map with the default capacity and load factor.
     * @param __o Is the backing iterator ordered?
     * @since 2018/10/07
    __BucketMap__(boolean __o)
        this(__o, false, __BucketMap__._DEFAULT_CAPACITY,
     * Initializes the map with the given capacity and the default load factor.
     * @param __o Is the backing iterator ordered?
     * @param __cap The capacity used.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the capacity is negative.
     * @since 2018/10/07
    __BucketMap__(boolean __o, int __cap)
        this(__o, false, __cap, __BucketMap__._DEFAULT_LOAD);
     * Initializes the map with the given capacity and load factor.
     * @param __o Is the backing iterator ordered?
     * @param __ao Is access order used additionally?
     * @param __cap The capacity used.
     * @param __load The load factor used.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the capacity is negative or the
     * load factor is not positive.
     * @since 2018/10/07
    __BucketMap__(boolean __o, boolean __ao, int __cap, float __load)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ36 The initial capacity of the map cannot be
        negative.} */
        if (__cap < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZZ36");
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ37 The load factor must be a positive value.} */
        if (__load <= 0.0F)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("ZZ37");
        this.ordered = __o;
        this.accessorder = (__ao = (__o && __ao));
        this.trackputorder = (__o && !__ao);
        this.loadfactor = __load;
        this._buckets = __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newBucket(__cap);
        this._bucketdiv = __cap;
        this._capacity = __cap;
        this._loadthreshold = (int)(__cap * __load);
        // Set linked list for ordered storage if it is used
        this._links = ((__o || __ao) ?
            new LinkedList<__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>>() : null);
     * Clears the bucket map.
     * @since 2023/02/09
    public void clear()
        // Forward clear
     * Returns the entry set over the bucket map.
     * @return The entry set.
     * @since 2018/11/01
    public final Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet()
        Reference<Set<Map.Entry<K, V>>> ref = this._entrySetCache;
        Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> rv;
        if (ref == null || (rv = ref.get()) == null)
            rv = new __EntrySet__();
            this._entrySetCache = new WeakReference<>(rv);
        return rv;
     * Gets the entry for the given key.
     * @param __k The key to get.
     * @return The entry for the given or {@code null} if none exists.
     * @since 2018/10/08
    public final __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> getEntry(Object __k)
        // Where to look in the table?
        int hash = (__k == null ? 0 : __k.hashCode());
        int div = (hash & 0x7FFF_FFFF) % this._bucketdiv;
        // If the chain does not exist then do not bother at all
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] chain = this._buckets[div];
        if (chain == null)
            return null;
        // Go through the chain and find the matching entry
        for (__BucketMapEntry__<K, V> e : chain)
            // Ignore blank entries
            if (e == null)
            // Has the wrong hashcode
            if (hash != e._keyhash)
            // If the objects actually match, it is found
            if (Objects.equals(e._key, __k))
                // In access order?
                if (this.accessorder)
                    throw Debugging.todo();    
                return e;
        // Not found
        return null;
     * Is this bucket map empty?
     * @return If this is empty.
     * @since 2023/02/09
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return this.size() <= 0;
     * Returns the chain that the hashed object is within for the bucket.
     * @param __k The key.
     * @return The key for the given entry.
     * @since 2018/10/07
    public final __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> putEntry(K __k)
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] buckets = this._buckets;
        int bucketdiv = this._bucketdiv;
        // Used to determine if we rebuild
        int size = this._size,
            nextsize = size + 1;
        // Hypothetically putting a new entry could cause the threshold to be
        // hit, so just in this case a new entry would be put so rebuild
        // the hash table. The buckets need to remain the same object
        // references for iteration.
        if (nextsize >= this._loadthreshold)
            // Increase rehash count
            // Double the number of buckets
            int newbucketdiv = (bucketdiv * 2);
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] newbuckets =
                __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newBucket(newbucketdiv);
            // Go through every source bucket and redistribute entries
            for (int i = 0; i < bucketdiv; i++)
                // Ignore empty chains
                __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] chain = buckets[i];
                if (chain == null)
                // Go through chain and re-add entries, we do not need to
                // worry about object equality since if something is in the
                // map it is already unique!
                for (__BucketMapEntry__<K, V> e : chain)
                    // Was an entry which was removed, ignore
                    if (e == null)
                    // Determine the new placement for it
                    int hash = e._keyhash,
                        div = (hash & 0x7FFF_FFFF) % newbucketdiv;
                    // Get the new chain for it
                    __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] newchain = newbuckets[div];
                    if (newchain == null)
                        newchain = __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newChain(1);
                        // Need to setup new chain
                        int cn = newchain.length;
                        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] newnewchain =
                            __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newChain(cn + 1);
                        // Copy all the old chain stuff over
                        System.arraycopy(newchain, 0,
                            newnewchain, 0, cn);
                        // Use this chain
                        newchain = newnewchain;
                    // Store entry in the last spot
                    newchain[newchain.length - 1] = e;
                    // New chain was created so update it naturally
                    newbuckets[div] = newchain;
            // Map was modified, in case hashCode() fails!
            // Store new data for later
            this._buckets = newbuckets;
            this._bucketdiv = newbucketdiv;
            this._capacity = newbucketdiv;
            this._loadthreshold = (int)(newbucketdiv * this.loadfactor);
            // Use these new properties and continue on
            buckets = newbuckets;
            bucketdiv = newbucketdiv;
        // Where to look in the table?
        int hash = (__k == null ? 0 : __k.hashCode());
        int div = (hash & 0x7FFF_FFFF) % bucketdiv;
        // This will be set depending on the situation
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> rv;
        // No entries exist in the chain, we can just create one
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] chain = buckets[div];
        if (chain == null)
            // Setup chain
            chain = __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newChain(1);
            buckets[div] = chain;
            // Fill
            chain[0] = (rv = new __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>(__k));
            // Add to order?
            if (this.trackputorder)
            // Map is modified
            // Size would have been increased at this point
            this._size = nextsize;
            return rv;
        // Go through and find if there was a pre-existing item
        int nulldx = -1,
            n = chain.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> e = chain[i];
            // If no entry is here remember this blank spot in the event
            // nothing is ever found
            if (e == null)
                if (nulldx < 0)
                    nulldx = i;
            // Has the wrong hashcode
            if (hash != e._keyhash)
            // If the objects actually match, it is found
            if (Objects.equals(__k, e._key))
                return e;
        // Found a blank spot, we can just put the entry here
        if (nulldx >= 0)
            chain[nulldx] = (rv = new __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>(__k));
        // Otherwise, increase the chain and use that instead
            // Copy the old chain over
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] dup =
                __BucketMap__.<K, V>__newChain(n + 1);
            System.arraycopy(chain, 0, dup, 0, n);
            // Set at end
            dup[n] = (rv = new __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>(__k));
            // Use this chain again
            buckets[div] = dup;
        // Map has been modified
        // Add to order?
        if (this.trackputorder)
        // Size would have been increased at this point
        this._size = nextsize;
        return rv;
     * Removes the given key from the bucket map.
     * @param __k The key to remove.
     * @return The removed key.
     * @since 2018/11/04
    public final V remove(Object __k)
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> rv = this.removeEntry(__k, false);
        if (rv != null)
            return rv._value;
        return null;
     * Removes the specified key from this map.
     * Note that because iterators need to keep the same order, the entries
     * cannot be shuffled or the map rebuilt.
     * @param __k The key to remove.
     * @param __preunlinked If this is true then the link chain will not have
     * the entry removed by this method, it is assumed it was already
     * removed by an iterator.
     * @return The removed map entry or {@code null} if one did not exist.
     * @since 2018/11/04
    public final __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> removeEntry(Object __k,
        boolean __preunlinked)
        // Where to look in the table?
        int hash = (__k == null ? 0 : __k.hashCode());
        int div = (hash & 0x7FFF_FFFF) % this._bucketdiv;
        // If the chain does not exist then do not bother at all
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] chain = this._buckets[div];
        if (chain == null)
            return null;
        // Go through the chain and find the matching entry
        for (int i = 0, n = chain.length; i < n; i++)
            // Ignore blank entries
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> e = chain[i];
            if (e == null)
            // Has the wrong hashcode
            if (hash != e._keyhash)
            // If the objects actually match, it is found so it must be
            // removed
            if (Objects.equals(e._key, __k))
                // Removing an entry from the chain is as simple as just
                // setting it to null. We do not need to move entries around
                // since that can be a bit slow
                chain[i] = null;
                // If this was not pre-unlinked from the iterator call then
                // it will be removed from the chain accordingly
                if (!__preunlinked)
                    Collection<__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>> links = this._links;
                    if (links != null)
                // Size goes down
                // Map has been modified
                // This entry was removed, so it gets returned by the map
                return e;
        // Not found
        return null;
     * Returns the size of the bucket map.
     * @return The bucket map size.
     * @since 2018/10/08
    public final int size()
        return this._size;
     * Clears the bucket map.
     * @since 2018/11/05
    final void __clear()
        // Set all buckets to null so they are empty
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] buckets = this._buckets;
        for (int i = 0, n = buckets.length; i < n; i++)
            buckets[i] = null;
        // Set size to zero
        this._size = 0;
        // Clear the linked list if there is one
        LinkedList<__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>> links = this._links;
        if (links != null)
        // Modification count goes up
     * Return the iterator over the map entries.
     * @return The map iterator.
     * @since 2018/11/01
    final Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> __iterator()
        if (__BucketMap__.this.ordered)
            return new __IteratorLinkedOrder__();
        return new __IteratorBucketOrder__();
     * Creates a new bucket array.
     * @param <K> Key type.
     * @param <V> Value type.
     * @param __n The length.
     * @return The array.
     * @since 2018/10/08
    private static <K, V> __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] __newBucket(int __n)
        return (__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][])
            ((Object)new __BucketMapEntry__[__n][]);
     * Creates a new chain array.
     * @param <K> Key type.
     * @param <V> Value type.
     * @param __n The length.
     * @return The array.
     * @since 2018/10/08
    private static <K, V> __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] __newChain(int __n)
        return (__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[])
            ((Object)new __BucketMapEntry__[__n]);
     * Implements the entry set over the map, this iterates in a given order.
     * @since 2018/11/01
    final class __EntrySet__
        extends AbstractSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final void clear()
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator()
            return __BucketMap__.this.__iterator();
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final int size()
            return __BucketMap__.this._size;
     * Base iterator.
     * @since 2018/11/01
    abstract class __IteratorBase__
        implements Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>>
        /** The mod init this iterator is at, to detect modifications. */
        int _atmod =
         * Checks if the map's internal structure modification count has
         * changed.
         * @throws ConcurrentModificationException If the map was modified.
         * @since 2018/10/13
        final void __checkModified()
            throws ConcurrentModificationException
            /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ38 Backing map has been modified.} */
            if (this._atmod != __BucketMap__.this._modcount)
                throw new ConcurrentModificationException("ZZ38");
     * Iterator over the entries in this map.
     * @since 2018/10/13
    final class __IteratorBucketOrder__
        extends __IteratorBase__
        /** The current bucket this is at. */
        int _bucketat;
        /** The current chain link this is at. */
        int _chainat;
        /** The cached next entry. */
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> _next;
        /** The last entry. */
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> _last;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/10/13
        public final boolean hasNext()
            // Check modification
            // Already cached, do not need to check anything more
            if (this._next != null)
                return true;
            // No more buckets remain?
            int bucketat = this._bucketat,
                bucketdiv = __BucketMap__.this._bucketdiv;
            if (bucketat >= bucketdiv)
                return false;
            // Get the current chain
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[][] buckets = __BucketMap__.this._buckets;
            // We can store the current location parameters at the end rather
            // than every time (keeps everything in locals)
            int chainat = this._chainat;
                // We might try looking at the next bucket if we reach the end
                // of this chain.
                for (;;)
                    __BucketMapEntry__<K, V>[] chain = buckets[bucketat];
                    // No more chain links remain? Or there is no chain?
                    int chaindiv = (chain == null ? -1 : chain.length);
                    if (chainat >= chaindiv)
                        // Reset to start of next bucket
                        chainat = 0;
                        // No more buckets to look in
                        if (bucketat >= bucketdiv)
                            return false;
                        // Try again
                    // Will use the next chain
                    int oldchainat = chainat++;
                    // If no link was here try again
                    __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> link = chain[oldchainat];
                    if (link == null)
                    // Cache that link for returning
                    this._next = link;
                    return true;
            // Store properties
                this._bucketat = bucketat;
                this._chainat = chainat;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/10/13
        public final Map.Entry<K, V> next()
            throws NoSuchElementException
            /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ39 Map has no more entries remaining.} */
            if (!this.hasNext())
                throw new NoSuchElementException("ZZ39");
            // hasNext() caches this
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> rv = this._next;
            this._next = null;
            this._last = rv;
            return rv;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/10/13
        public final void remove()
            // Check modification
            // No last element was nexted
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> last = this._last;
            if (last == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("NSEE");
            // Remove from the map but we never unlinked it, so if there is
            // a link it will be scanned and removed accordingly
            if (__BucketMap__.this.removeEntry(last.getKey(), false) != last)
                throw Debugging.oops();
            // The map likely was structurally modified so use the new state
            this._atmod = __BucketMap__.this._modcount;
     * Iterator over the linked order in this map.
     * @since 2018/11/01
    final class __IteratorLinkedOrder__
        extends __IteratorBase__
        /** The iterator for entries in linked order. */
        final Iterator<__BucketMapEntry__<K, V>> _iterator =
        /** The last returned entry, for removal. */
        __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> _last;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final boolean hasNext()
            // Check for modification
            // Just if it has a next anyway
            return this._iterator.hasNext();
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final Map.Entry<K, V> next()
            // Check for modification
            // Use the direct next entry
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> rv = this._iterator.next();
            this._last = rv;
            return rv;
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2018/11/01
        public final void remove()
            // Check for modification
            // No last element was nexted
            __BucketMapEntry__<K, V> last = this._last;
            if (last == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("NSEE");
            // Clear last because it will be invalid
            this._last = null;
            // Try removing it from the link first, if the state is bad then
            // we cannot remove the link. Has to be removed from the iterator
            // because otherwise there will be a concurrent modification
            // exception thrown when modification is detected.
            // Just rethrow this, this means the entry was already removed
            catch (IllegalStateException e)
                throw e;
            // Otherwise, remove the entry from the map but hint that it was
            // already removed from the ordered list
            // The entry being mismatched to the key should not happen ever
            // but if it does then something is very wrong
            if (__BucketMap__.this.removeEntry(last.getKey(), true) != last)
                throw Debugging.oops();
            // The map likely was structurally modified so use the new state
            this._atmod = __BucketMap__.this._modcount;