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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.classfile;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
import net.multiphasicapps.collections.UnmodifiableArrayList;
import net.multiphasicapps.io.SizeLimitedInputStream;

 * This represents a class file which was most likely derived from the binary
 * class file format of a class.
 * @since 2017/09/26
public final class ClassFile
    implements Annotated, HasAccessibleFlags
    /** The magic number of the class file. */
    private static final int _MAGIC_NUMBER =
    /** The version of this class. */
    protected final ClassVersion version;
    /** The flags for this class. */
    protected final ClassFlags classflags;
    /** The name of this class. */
    protected final ClassName thisname;
    /** The class this extends. */
    protected final ClassName supername;
    /** The annotation table of the class. */
    protected final AnnotationTable annotations;
    /** The referenced inner classes. */
    protected final InnerClasses innerclasses;
    /** The source file the class is in. */
    protected final String sourcefilename;
    /** The interfaces this class implements. */
    protected final ClassNames interfaces;
    /** The constant pool of the class. */
    protected final Pool pool;
    /** The fields within this class. */
    private final Field[] _fields;
    /** The methods within this class. */
    private final Method[] _methods;
     * Initializes the class file.
     * @param __ver The version of the class.
     * @param __cf The flags for this class.
     * @param __tn The name of this class.
     * @param __sn The class this class extends, may be {@code null}.
     * @param __in The interfaces this class implements.
     * @param __fs The fields in this class.
     * @param __ms The methods in this class.
     * @param __icl Defined inner classes.
     * @param __at Annotations that are declared on the class.
     * @param __sfn Source file name.
     * @param __pool The constant pool.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the class is not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments, except for {@code __sn}.
     * @since 2017/09/26
    ClassFile(ClassVersion __ver, ClassFlags __cf, ClassName __tn,
        ClassName __sn, ClassName[] __in, Field[] __fs, Method[] __ms,
        InnerClasses __icl, AnnotationTable __at, String __sfn,
        Pool __pool)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        if (__ver == null || __cf == null || __tn == null ||
            __in == null || __fs == null || __ms == null || __icl == null ||
            __at == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Check sub-arrays for null
        for (Object[] foo : new Object[][]{(__in = __in.clone()),
            (__fs = __fs.clone()), (__ms = __ms.clone())})
            for (Object f : foo)
                if (f == null)
                    throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC29 Either Object has a superclass which it
        cannot extend any class or any other class does not have a super
        class. Additionally primitive types cannot have a super class.
        (The current class name; The super class name; Object class name;
        Is this primitive?)} */
        ClassName objectcn = new ClassName("java/lang/Object");
        if ((__tn.isPrimitive() ||
            __tn.equals(objectcn)) != (__sn == null))
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(String.format(
                "JC29 %s %s %s %s",
                __tn, __sn, objectcn, __tn.isPrimitive()));
        // Set
        this.version = __ver;
        this.classflags = __cf;
        this.thisname = __tn;
        this.supername = __sn;
        this.innerclasses = __icl;
        this.annotations = __at;
        this.interfaces = new ClassNames(__in);
        this._fields = __fs;
        this._methods = __ms;
        this.sourcefilename = __sfn;
        this.pool = __pool;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/03/06
    public final AnnotationTable annotationTable()
        return this.annotations;
     * Returns the fields within this class.
     * @return The class fields.
     * @since 2017/10/12
    public final List<Field> fields()
        return UnmodifiableArrayList.<Field>of(this._fields);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/10/09
    public final ClassFlags flags()
        return this.classflags;
     * Returns the inner classes.
     * @return The inner classes.
     * @since 2018/06/16
    public final InnerClasses innerClasses()
        return this.innerclasses;
     * Returns the names of implemented interfaces.
     * @return The implemented interface names.
     * @since 2017/10/09
    public final ClassNames interfaceNames()
        return this.interfaces;
     * Methods which exist within this class.
     * @return The class methods.
     * @since 2017/10/09
    public final Method[] methods()
        return this._methods.clone();
     * Returns the constant pool.
     * @return The constant pool.
     * @since 2024/01/20
    public final Pool pool()
        return this.pool;
     * Returns the source file the class is in.
     * @return The source file the class is in or {@code null} if it is not
     * in one.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final String sourceFile()
        return this.sourcefilename;
     * Returns the name of the super class.
     * @return The name of the super class.
     * @since 2017/10/09
    public final ClassName superName()
        return this.supername;
     * Returns the name of the current class.
     * @return The current class name.
     * @since 2017/10/02
    public final ClassName thisName()
        return this.thisname;
     * Returns the type of class this is.
     * @return The class type.
     * @since 2018/05/14
    public final ClassType type()
        ClassFlags flags = this.classflags;
        if (flags.isEnum())
            return ClassType.ENUM;
        else if (flags.isAnnotation())
            return ClassType.ANNOTATION;
        else if (flags.isInterface())
            return ClassType.INTERFACE;
        return ClassType.CLASS;
     * Returns the class version.
     * @return The class version.
     * @since 2019/04/14
    public final ClassVersion version()
        return this.version;
     * Initializes a class file which is a special representation of the
     * following field descriptor which is either an array or a primitive
     * type.
     * @param __d The descriptor to create a special class for.
     * @return The generated class file from the specified descriptor.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the descriptor is not an array
     * or a pritimive type.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/10/09
    public static ClassFile special(FieldDescriptor __d)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__d == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC2a Cannot create a special class because it
        is not an array or primitive type. (The descriptor)} */
        if (!__d.isArray() && !__d.isPrimitive())
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("JC2a %s", __d));
        // Pre-composed parts to fake things
        ClassFlags cflags = new ClassFlags(ClassFlag.PUBLIC, ClassFlag.FINAL,
            ClassFlag.SUPER, ClassFlag.SYNTHETIC);
        Method[] methods = new Method[0];
        // Use the names of the types in the language
        ClassName name;
        boolean isPrimitive = __d.isPrimitive();
        if (isPrimitive)
            name = ClassName.fromPrimitiveType(__d.primitiveType());
        // Something else
            name = __d.className();
        // Build
        return new ClassFile(ClassVersion.MAX_VERSION, cflags, name,
            (isPrimitive ? null : new ClassName("java/lang/Object")),
            new ClassName[0], new Field[0], methods, new InnerClasses(),
            new AnnotationTable(), "<special>", null);
     * This parses the input stream as a class file and returns the
     * representation of that class file.
     * @param __is The input stream to source classes from.
     * @return The decoded class file.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the class file is not formatted
     * correctly.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/09/26
    public static ClassFile decode(InputStream __is)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, IOException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__is == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC2b The magic number for the class is not
        valid. (The read magic number; The expected magic number)} */
        DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(__is);
        int magic = in.readInt();
        if (magic != ClassFile._MAGIC_NUMBER)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(String.format(
                "JC2b %08x %08x", magic, ClassFile._MAGIC_NUMBER));
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC2c The version number of the input class
        file is not valid. (The version number)} */
        int cver = in.readShort() | (in.readShort() << 16);
        ClassVersion version = ClassVersion.findVersion(cver);
        if (version == null)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(String.format("JC2c %d.%d",
                cver >>> 16, (cver & 0xFFFF)));
        // Decode the constant pool
        Pool pool = Pool.decode(in);
        // Decode flags
        ClassFlags classflags = new ClassFlags(in.readUnsignedShort());
        // Name of the current class
        ClassName thisname = pool.<ClassName>require(ClassName.class,
        // Read super class
        ClassName supername = pool.<ClassName>get(ClassName.class,
        // Read interfaces
        int icount = in.readUnsignedShort();
        ClassName[] interfaces = new ClassName[icount];
        for (int i = 0; i < icount; i++)
            interfaces[i] = pool.<ClassName>require(ClassName.class,
        // Read fields
        Field[] fields = Field.decode(version, thisname, classflags, pool, in);
        // Read methods
        Method[] methods = Method.decode(version, thisname, classflags, pool,
        // Read in attributes
        AttributeTable attrs = AttributeTable.parse(pool, in);
        // Read annotation table, if it is valid and exists
        AnnotationTable annotations = AnnotationTable.parse(pool, attrs);
        // Parse inner classes
        InnerClasses innerclasses = InnerClasses.parse(pool, attrs);
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC2d Expected end of the class to follow the
        attributes in the class. (The name of this class)} */
        if (in.read() >= 0)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC2d %s", thisname));
        // Source file name, if any
        Attribute attr = attrs.get("SourceFile");
        String sourcefilename = null;
        if (attr != null)
            try (DataInputStream ai = attr.open())
                sourcefilename = pool.<UTFConstantEntry>require(
                    UTFConstantEntry.class, ai.readUnsignedShort()).toString();
        // Build
        return new ClassFile(version, classflags, thisname, supername,
            interfaces, fields, methods, innerclasses, annotations,
            sourcefilename, pool);
     * Reads the next attribute from the class.
     * @param __in The input stream where bytes come from.
     * @param __pool The constant pool.
     * @param __aname The output name of the attribute which was just read.
     * @param __alens The length of the attribute.
     * @return The stream to the attribute which just has been read.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the attribute is not correct.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/04/09
    static DataInputStream __nextAttribute(DataInputStream __in,
        Pool __pool, String[] __aname, int[] __alens)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, IOException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__aname == null || __alens == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // The name is not parsed here
        __aname[0] = __pool.<UTFConstantEntry>require(UTFConstantEntry.class,
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC2e Attribute exceeds 2GiB in length. (The
        size of the attribute)} */
        int len = __in.readInt();
        if (len < 0)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(String.format("JC2e %d",
                len & 0xFFFFFFFFL));
        // Used as a hint
        __alens[0] = len;
        // Setup reader
        return new DataInputStream(new SizeLimitedInputStream(__in, len, true,