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"""Email generator functions

These functions assemble the necessary arguments to be parsed in email templates
to be sent to relevant parties. All these functions return a tuple with the first
element being a context dictionary with the available variables to be parsed in
the message. The second element is the Person object. All these functions are
called by NotificationQueueConsumer, which inserts the variables into a message,
using the participant object to fetch their email address and to record.

Objects should be fetched from the database here as it is an asynchronous process,
thus the object itself cannot be passed.
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING

from django.utils import formats
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from adjallocation.allocation import AdjudicatorAllocation
from options.utils import use_team_code_names
from participants.prefetch import populate_win_counts
from results.result import ConsensusDebateResultWithScores, DebateResult, DebateResultByAdjudicatorWithScores
from results.utils import side_and_position_names

    from django.db.models import QuerySet
    from participants.models import Person
    from tournaments.models import Round, Tournament
    from draw.models import Debate

adj_position_names = {
    AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_CHAIR: _("the chair"),
    AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_ONLY: _("the only"),
    AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_PANELLIST: _("a panellist"),
    AdjudicatorAllocation.POSITION_TRAINEE: _("a trainee"),

class EmailContextData:

def _assemble_panel(adjs: List[Tuple['Person', str]]) -> str:
    adj_string = []
    for adj, pos in adjs:
        adj_string.append("%s (%s)" % (, adj_position_names[pos]))

    return ", ".join(adj_string)

def _check_in_to(pk: int, to_ids: Set[int]) -> bool:
    except KeyError:
        return False
    return True

class NotificationContextGenerator:
    context_class = EmailContextData

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        return [(cls.context_class(), person) for person in to]

class AdjudicatorAssignmentEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class AdjudicatorAssignmentContext(EmailContextData):
        ROUND: str
        VENUE: str
        PANEL: str
        DRAW: str
        POSITION: str
        URL: str

    context_class = AdjudicatorAssignmentContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', url: str, round: 'Round') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        emails = []
        to_ids = { for p in to}
        draw = round.debate_set_with_prefetches(speakers=False).filter(debateadjudicator__adjudicator__in=to)
        use_codes = use_team_code_names(round.tournament, False)

        for debate in draw:
            matchup = debate.matchup_codes if use_codes else debate.matchup
            context = {
                'VENUE': debate.venue.display_name if debate.venue is not None else _("TBA"),
                'PANEL': _assemble_panel(debate.adjudicators.with_positions()),
                'DRAW': matchup,

            for adj, pos in debate.adjudicators.with_positions():
                if not _check_in_to(, to_ids):

                context_user = cls.context_class(**context, POSITION=adj_position_names[pos],
                    URL=url + adj.url_key + '/' if adj.url_key else '')
                emails.append((context_user, adj))

        return emails

class RandomizedUrlEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class RandomizedUrlContext(EmailContextData):
        KEY: str
        TOURN: str
        URL: str

    context_class = RandomizedUrlContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', url: str, tournament: 'Tournament') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        return [(cls.context_class(URL=url + p.url_key + '/', KEY=p.url_key, TOURN=str(tournament)), p) for p in to]

class BallotsEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class BallotsContext(EmailContextData):
        DEBATE: str
        SCORES: str

    context_class = BallotsContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', debate: 'Debate') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        emails = []
        tournament = debate.round.tournament
        results = DebateResult(debate.confirmed_ballot)
        round_name = _("%(tournament)s %(round)s @ %(room)s") % {'tournament': str(tournament),
            'round':, 'room': debate.venue.display_name if debate.venue is not None else _("TBA")}

        use_codes = use_team_code_names(tournament, False)

        def _create_ballot(result, scoresheet):
            ballot = "<ul>"

            for side, (side_name, pos_names) in zip(tournament.sides, side_and_position_names(tournament)):
                side_string = ""
                if tournament.pref('teams_in_debate') == 'bp':
                    side_string += _("<li>%(side)s: %(team)s (%(points)d points with %(speaks)s total speaks)")
                    points = 4 - scoresheet.rank(side)
                    side_string += _("<li>%(side)s: %(team)s (%(points)s - %(speaks)s total speaks)")
                    points = _("Win") if side in else _("Loss")

                ballot += side_string % {
                    'side': side_name,
                    'team': result.debateteams[side].team.code_name if use_codes else result.debateteams[side].team.short_name,
                    'speaks': formats.localize(scoresheet.get_total(side)),
                    'points': points,

                ballot += "<ul>"

                for pos, pos_name in zip(tournament.positions, pos_names):
                    ballot += _("<li>%(pos)s: %(speaker)s (%(score)s)</li>") % {
                        'pos': pos_name,
                        'speaker': result.get_speaker(side, pos).name,
                        'score': formats.localize(scoresheet.get_score(side, pos)),

                ballot += "</ul></li>"

            ballot += "</ul>"

            return mark_safe(ballot)

        if isinstance(results, DebateResultByAdjudicatorWithScores):
            for adj, ballot in results.scoresheets.items():
                if is None:  # As "to" is None, must check if eligible email

                context = cls.context_class(DEBATE=round_name, SCORES=_create_ballot(results, ballot))
                emails.append((context, adj))
        elif isinstance(results, ConsensusDebateResultWithScores):
            context = cls.context_class(DEBATE=round_name, SCORES=_create_ballot(results, results.scoresheet))
            for adj in debate.debateadjudicator_set.all().select_related('adjudicator'):
                if is None:

                emails.append((context, adj.adjudicator))

        return emails

class StandingsEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class StandingsContext(EmailContextData):
        TOURN: str
        ROUND: str
        URL: str
        POINTS: str
        TEAM: str

    context_class = StandingsContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', url: str, round: 'Round') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        emails = []
        to_ids = { for p in to}

        teams = round.active_teams.filter(speaker__in=to).prefetch_related('speaker_set')
        populate_win_counts(teams, round)

        context = {
            'TOURN': str(round.tournament),
            'URL': url,

        for team in teams:
            team_context = {"POINTS": str(team.points_count), "TEAM": team.short_name}
            for speaker in team.speaker_set.all():
                if not _check_in_to(, to_ids):

                context_user = cls.context_class(**context, **team_context)
                emails.append((context_user, speaker))

        return emails

class MotionReleaseEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class MotionReleaseContext(EmailContextData):
        TOURN: str
        ROUND: str
        MOTIONS: str

    context_class = MotionReleaseContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', round: 'Round') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        def _create_motion_list():
            motion_list = "<ul>"
            for motion in round.motion_set.all():
                motion_list += _("<li>%(text)s (%(ref)s)</li>") % {'text': motion.text, 'ref': motion.reference}

                if motion.info_slide:
                    motion_list += "   %s\n" % motion.info_slide

            motion_list += "</ul>"

            return mark_safe(motion_list)
        context = cls.context_class(TOURN=str(round.tournament),, MOTIONS=_create_motion_list())

        return [(context, p) for p in to]

class TeamSpeakerEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class TeamSpeakerContext(EmailContextData):
        TOURN: str
        SHORT: str
        LONG: str
        CODE: str
        BREAK: str
        SPEAKERS: str
        INSTITUTION: str
        EMOJI: str

    context_class = TeamSpeakerContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', tournament: 'Tournament') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        emails = []
        to_ids = { for p in to}

        teams = tournament.team_set.filter(speaker__in=to).prefetch_related(
            'speaker_set', 'break_categories').select_related('institution')
        for team in teams:
            context = cls.context_class(
                TOURN=str(tournament), SHORT=team.short_name, LONG=team.long_name, CODE=team.code_name,
                BREAK=_(", ").join([ for breakq in team.break_categories.all()]),
                SPEAKERS=_(", ").join([ for p in team.speaker_set.all()]),
                INSTITUTION=str(team.institution), EMOJI=team.emoji,
            for speaker in team.speakers:
                if not _check_in_to(, to_ids):

                emails.append((context, speaker))

        return emails

class TeamDrawEmailGenerator(NotificationContextGenerator):

    class TeamDrawContext(EmailContextData):
        ROUND: str
        VENUE: str
        PANEL: str
        DRAW: str
        TEAM: str
        SIDE: str

    context_class = TeamDrawContext

    def generate(cls, to: 'QuerySet[Person]', round: 'Round') -> List[Tuple[EmailContextData, 'Person']]:
        emails = []
        to_ids = { for p in to}
        tournament = round.tournament
        draw = round.debate_set_with_prefetches(speakers=True).filter(debateteam__team__speaker__in=to)
        use_codes = use_team_code_names(tournament, False)

        for debate in draw:
            context_debate = {"ROUND":, "VENUE": debate.venue.display_name if debate.venue is not None else _("TBA"),
                "DRAW": debate.matchup_codes if use_codes else debate.matchup,
                "PANEL": _assemble_panel(debate.adjudicators.with_positions())}
            for dt in debate.debateteam_set.all():
                context = cls.context_class(**context_debate,
           if use_codes else,
                for speaker in
                    if not _check_in_to(, to_ids):

                    emails.append((context, speaker))

        return emails