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3 days
Test Coverage
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import random
import logging
from typing import Tuple, Optional

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def set_emoji(teams, tournament):
    """Sets the emoji of every team in `teams` to a randomly chosen and unique
    emoji.  Every team in `teams` must be from the same tournament, and that
    tournament must be provided as the second argument."""

    used_emoji = tournament.team_set.filter(emoji__isnull=False).values_list('emoji', flat=True)
    unused_emoji = [e for e in EMOJI_RANDOM_OPTIONS if e[0] not in used_emoji]

    if len(teams) > len(unused_emoji):
        teams = teams[:len(unused_emoji)]
    emojis = random.sample(unused_emoji, len(teams))

    for team, emoji in zip(teams, emojis):
        team.emoji = emoji[0]
        if not team.code_name:
            team.code_name = emoji[1]

def pick_unused_emoji(tournament_id=None) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
    """Picks an emoji that is not already in use by any team in the database. If
    no emoji are left, it returns `None`."""
    from .models import Team
    teams = Team.objects.filter(emoji__isnull=False)
    if tournament_id is not None:
        teams = teams.filter(tournament_id=tournament_id)
    unused_emoji = [e for e in EMOJI_RANDOM_OPTIONS if e[0] not in teams.values_list('emoji', flat=True)]

        return random.choice(unused_emoji)
    except IndexError:
        return None, None

def populate_code_names_from_emoji(teams, overwrite=True):
    """Populates team code names based on existing emoji."""
    count = 0

    for team in teams:
            new_code_name = EMOJI_NAMES[team.emoji]
        except KeyError:
            logger.warning("Unrecognized emoji for team %s: %s (%#x)", team.short_name, team.emoji, ord(team.emoji))

        if team.code_name:
            if team.code_name == new_code_name:
            elif overwrite:
      "Team %s already has code name %s, overwriting with %s",
                    team.short_name, team.code_name, new_code_name)
      "Team %s already has code name %s, leaving unchanged",
                    team.short_name, team.code_name)

        team.code_name = new_code_name
        count += 1

    return count

# With thanks to
    # emoji,    include in random choices, description
    # Use tab not space after first comma, as emoji sometimes have different widths

    # Unicode Version 1.1
    ("☺️",    False, "White Smiling"),                    # doesn't show
    ("☹",    False, "White Frowning"),                   # doesn't show
    ("☝️",    False, "White Up Pointing Index"),          # doesn't show
    ("✌️",    False, "Victory Hand"),                     # doesn't show
    ("✍",    False, "Writing Hand"),                     # doesn't show
    ("❤️",    False, "Heavy Black Heart"),                # doesn't show
    ("❣",    False, "Heart Exclamation Mark"),           # doesn't show
    ("☠",    False, "Skull and Crossbones"),             # doesn't show
    ("♨️",    False, "Hot Springs"),                      # doesn't show
    ("✈️",    False, "Airplane"),                         # doesn't show
    ("⌛",    False, "Hourglass"),                        # doesn't show
    ("⌚",    False, "Watch"),                            # doesn't show
    ("♈",    False, "Aries"),                            # dull
    ("♉",    False, "Taurus"),                           # dull
    ("♊",    False, "Gemini"),                           # dull
    ("♋",    False, "Cancer"),                           # dull
    ("♌",    False, "Leo"),                              # dull
    ("♍",    False, "Virgo"),                            # dull
    ("♎",    False, "Libra"),                            # dull
    ("♏",    False, "Scorpius"),                         # dull
    ("♐",    False, "Sagittarius"),                      # dull
    ("♑",    False, "Capricorn"),                        # dull
    ("♒",    False, "Aquarius"),                         # dull
    ("♓",    False, "Pisces"),                           # dull
    ("☀️",    False, "Black Sun With Rays"),              # doesn't show
    ("☁️",    True , "Cloud"),
    ("☂",    False, "Umbrella"),                         # doesn't show
    ("❄️",    True , "Snowflake"),
    ("☃",    False, "Snowman"),                          # doesn't show
    ("☄️",    False, "Comet"),                            # doesn't show
    ("♠️",    False, "Spade Suit"),                       # doesn't show
    ("♥️",    False, "Heart Suit"),                       # doesn't show
    ("♦️",    False, "Diamond Suit"),                     # doesn't show
    ("♣️",    False, "Club Suit"),                        # doesn't show
    ("▶️",    False, "Black Right-Pointing Triangle"),    # dull
    ("◀️",    False, "Black Left-Pointing Triangle"),     # dull
    ("☎️",    False, "Black Telephone"),                  # doesn't show
    ("⌨",    False, "Keyboard"),                         # doesn't show
    ("✉️",    True , "Envelope"),
    ("✏️",    False, "Pencil"),                           # doesn't show
    ("✒️",    False, "Black Nib"),                        # doesn't show
    ("✂️",    True , "Scissors"),
    ("↗️",    False, "North East Arrow"),                 # dull
    ("➡️",    False, "Black Rightwards Arrow"),           # dull
    ("↘️",    False, "South East Arrow"),                 # dull
    ("↙️",    False, "South West Arrow"),                 # dull
    ("↖️",    False, "North West Arrow"),                 # dull
    ("↕️",    False, "Up Down Arrow"),                    # dull
    ("↔️",    False, "Left Right Arrow"),                 # dull
    ("↩️",    False, "Leftwards Arrow With Hook"),        # dull
    ("↪️",    False, "Rightwards Arrow With Hook"),       # dull
    ("✡",    False, "Star of David"),                    # potentially offensive
    ("☸",    False, "Wheel of Dharma"),                  # potentially offensive
    ("☯",    False, "Yin Yang"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("✝",    False, "Latin Cross"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("☦",    False, "Orthodox Cross"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("☪",    False, "Star and Crescent"),                # potentially offensive
    ("☮",    False, "Peace Symbol"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("☢",    False, "Radioactive Sign"),                 # potentially offensive
    ("☣",    False, "Biohazard Sign"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("☑️",    False, "Ballot Box With Check"),            # doesn't show
    ("✔️",    False, "Heavy Check Mark"),                 # dull
    ("✖️",    False, "Heavy Multiplication X"),           # dull
    ("✳️",    False, "Eight Spoked Asterisk"),            # dull
    ("✴️",    False, "Eight Pointed Black Star"),         # dull
    ("❇️",    False, "Sparkle"),                          # dull
    ("‼️",    False, "Double Exclamation Mark"),          # doesn't show
    ("〰️",    False, "Wavy Dash"),                        # dull
    ("©️",    False, "Copyright Sign"),                   # dull
    ("®️",    False, "Registered Sign"),                  # dull
    ("™️",    False, "Trade Mark Sign"),                  # dull
    ("Ⓜ️",    False, "Capital M"),                        # dull
    ("㊗️",    False, "Congratulations"),                  # dull
    ("㊙️",    False, "Secret"),                           # dull
    ("▪️",    False, "Black Square"),                     # dull
    ("▫️",    False, "White Square"),                     # dull

    # Unicode Version 3.0
    ("#⃣️",    False, "Keycap Number Sign"),               # doesn't show
    ("*⃣",    False, "Keycap Asterisk"),                  # doesn't show
    ("0⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Zero"),                # doesn't show
    ("1⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit One"),                 # doesn't show
    ("2⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Two"),                 # doesn't show
    ("3⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Three"),               # doesn't show
    ("4⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Four"),                # doesn't show
    ("5⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Five"),                # doesn't show
    ("6⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Six"),                 # doesn't show
    ("7⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Seven"),               # doesn't show
    ("8⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Eight"),               # doesn't show
    ("9⃣️",    False, "Keycap Digit Nine"),                # doesn't show
    ("⁉️",    False, "Exclamation Question Mark"),        # doesn't show
    ("ℹ️",    False, "Information Source"),               # doesn't show

    # Unicode Version 3.2
    ("⤴️",    False, "Right-Curve-Up"),                   # dull
    ("⤵️",    False, "Right-Curve-Down"),                 # dull
    ("♻️",    True , "Recycling"),
    ("〽️",    False, "Part Alternation Mark"),            # dull
    ("◻️",    False, "White Medium Square"),              # dull
    ("◼️",    False, "Black Medium Square"),              # dull
    ("◽",    False, "White Medium Small Square"),        # dull
    ("◾",    False, "Black Medium Small Square"),        # dull

    # Unicode Version 4.0
    ("☕",    True , "Hot Beverage"),
    ("⚠️",    True , "Warning Sign"),
    ("☔",    False, "Umbrella With Rain Drops"),         # doesn't show
    ("⏏",    False, "Eject Symbol"),                     # dull
    ("⬆️",    False, "Upwards Black Arrow"),              # dull
    ("⬇️",    False, "Downwards Black Arrow"),            # dull
    ("⬅️",    False, "Leftwards Black Arrow"),            # dull
    ("⚡",    True , "High Voltage"),

    # Unicode Version 4.1
    ("☘",    False, "Shamrock"),                         # doesn't show
    ("⚓",    True , "Anchor"),
    ("♿",    False, "Wheelchair Symbol"),                # doesn't show
    ("⚒",    False, "Hammer and Pick"),                  # doesn't show
    ("⚙",    True , "Gear"),
    ("⚗",    False, "Alembic"),                          # doesn't show
    ("⚖",    True , "Scales"),
    ("⚔",    False, "Crossed Swords"),                   # doesn't show
    ("⚰",    False, "Coffin"),                           # doesn't show
    ("⚱",    False, "Funeral Urn"),                      # doesn't show
    ("⚜",    False, "Fleur-De-Lis"),                     # doesn't show
    ("⚛",    False, "Atom Symbol"),                      # doesn't show
    ("⚪",    False, "Medium White Circle"),              # dull
    ("⚫",    False, "Medium Black Circle"),              # dull

    # Unicode Version 5.1
    ("🀄",    False, "Mahjong Tile Red Dragon"),          # dull
    ("⭐",    False, "White Medium Star"),                # doesn't show
    ("⬛",    True , "Black Square"),
    ("⬜",    True , "White Square"),

    # Unicode Version 5.2
    ("⛑",    True , "Rescue Hat"),
    ("⛰",    True , "Mountain"),
    ("⛪",    True , "Church"),
    ("⛲",    True , "Fountain"),
    ("⛺",    True , "Tent"),
    ("⛽",    False, "Fuel Pump"),                        # dull
    ("⛵",    True , "Sailboat"),
    ("⛴",    False, "Ferry"),                            # dull
    ("⛔",    True , "No Entry"),
    ("⛅",    True , "Overcast"),
    ("⛈",    True , "Storm"),
    ("⛱",    True , "Umbrella"),
    ("⛄",    True , "Snowman"),
    ("⚽",    True , "Soccer"),
    ("⚾",    True , "Baseball"),
    ("⛳",    True , "Hole in One"),
    ("⛸",    True , "Ice Skate"),
    ("⛷",    False, "Skier"),                            # dull
    ("⛹",    False, "Person With Ball"),                 # dull
    ("⛏",    True , "Pick"),
    ("⛓",    False, "Chains"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("⛩",    False, "Shinto Shrine"),                    # dull
    ("⭕",    False, "Heavy Large Circle"),               # dull
    ("❗",    False, "Heavy Exclamation Mark"),           # dull
    ("🅿️",    False, "Squared P"),                        # dull
    ("🈯",    False, "Squared 指 (Finger)"),               # dull
    ("🈚",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7121"), # dull

    # Unicode Version 6.0
    ("😁",    False, "Smiling Eyes"),                     # too similar to another
    ("😂",    True , "Joy Tears"),
    ("😃",    False, "Smiling Face With Open Mouth"),     # too similar to another
    ("😄",    False, "Smiling Face With Open Mouth and Smiling Eyes"), # too similar to another
    ("😅",    False, "Cold Sweat"),                       # too similar to another
    ("😆",    True , "Closed Eyes"),
    ("😉",    True , "Winky"),
    ("😊",    True , "Smiling Eyes"),
    ("😋",    False, "Face Savouring Delicious Food"),    # too similar to another
    ("😎",    True , "Shaded Eyes"),
    ("😍",    True , "Heart Eyes"),
    ("😘",    True , "Kissy"),
    ("😚",    False, "Kissing Face With Closed Eyes"),    # too similar to another
    ("😇",    True , "Halo"),
    ("😐",    True , "Neutral"),
    ("😶",    True , "No Mouth"),
    ("😏",    True , "Smirking"),
    ("😣",    True , "Persevering"),
    ("😥",    True , "Disappointed"),
    ("😪",    False, "Sleepy"),                           # too similar to another
    ("😫",    False, "Tired"),                            # too similar to another
    ("😌",    False, "Relieved"),                         # too similar to another
    ("😜",    True , "Tongue Out"),
    ("😝",    False, "Tongue Out Closed Eyes"),           # too similar to another
    ("😒",    False, "Unamused"),                         # too similar to another
    ("😓",    True , "Cold Sweat"),
    ("😔",    True , "Pensive"),
    ("😖",    True , "Confounded"),
    ("😷",    True , "Medical Mask"),
    ("😲",    True , "Astonished"),
    ("😞",    False, "Disappointed"),                     # too similar to another
    ("😤",    False, "Face With Look of Triumph"),        # too similar to another
    ("😢",    False, "Crying"),                           # too similar to another
    ("😭",    True , "Sobbing"),
    ("😨",    True , "Fearful"),
    ("😩",    False, "Weary"),                            # too similar to another
    ("😰",    False, "Open Mouth Cold Sweat"),            # too similar to another
    ("😱",    True , "Screaming"),
    ("😳",    True , "Flushed"),
    ("😵",    True , "Dizzy"),
    ("😡",    True , "Pouting"),
    ("😠",    False, "Angry"),                            # too similar to another
    ("👿",    False, "Imp"),                              # potentially offensive
    ("😈",    False, "Smiling Face With Horns"),          # too similar to another
    ("👦",    False, "Boy"),                              # dull
    ("👧",    False, "Girl"),                             # dull
    ("👨",    False, "Generic Man"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("👩",    False, "Generic Woman"),                    # potentially offensive
    ("👴",    False, "Older Man"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("👵",    False, "Older Woman"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("👶",    True , "Baby"),
    ("👱",    False, "Person With Blond Hair"),           # dull
    ("👮",    False, "Police Officer"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("👲",    False, "Man With Gua Pi Mao"),              # potentially offensive
    ("👳",    False, "Man With Turban"),                  # potentially offensive
    ("👷",    False, "Trade Worker"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("👸",    False, "Princess"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("💂",    False, "Guardsman"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🎅",    False, "Santa Claus"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("👼",    False, "Baby Angel"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("👯",    False, "Bunny Women"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("💆",    False, "Face Massage"),                     # dull
    ("💇",    False, "Haircut"),                          # dull
    ("👰",    False, "Bride"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🙍",    False, "Person Frowning"),                  # dull
    ("🙎",    False, "Person With Pouting"),              # dull
    ("🙅",    True , "Block Gesture"),
    ("🙆",    True , "OK Gesture"),
    ("💁",    False, "Sass Gesture"),                     # used in UI: reply standings
    ("🙋",    True , "Raised Hand"),
    ("🙇",    True , "Deep Bow"),
    ("🙌",    True , "Praise Hands"),
    ("🙏",    False, "Prayer Hands"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("👤",    False, "Bust in Silhouette"),               # dull
    ("👥",    False, "Busts in Silhouette"),              # dull
    ("🚶",    False, "Pedestrian"),                       # dull
    ("🏃",    False, "Runner"),                           # dull
    ("💃",    False, "Dancer"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("💏",    False, "Kiss"),                             # potentially offensive
    ("💑",    False, "Heteronormative Couple"),           # potentially offensive
    ("👪",    False, "Hetero Family"),                    # potentially offensive
    ("👫",    False, "Man & Woman"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("👬",    False, "Two Men"),                          # potentially offensive
    ("👭",    False, "Two Women"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("💪",    False, "Biceps"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("👈",    False, "Left Pointing Backhand"),           # dull
    ("👉",    False, "Right Pointing Backhand"),          # dull
    ("👆",    True , "Pointing Hand"),
    ("👇",    False, "Down Pointing Backhand"),           # dull
    ("✊",    True , "Power Hand"),
    ("✋",    True , "Palm Hand"),
    ("👊",    True , "Fist Hand"),
    ("👌",    True , "OK Hand"),
    ("👍",    True , "Thumbs Up"),
    ("👎",    True , "Thumbs Down"),
    ("👋",    False, "Waving Hand Sign"),                 # used by UI: for the welcome pages
    ("👏",    True , "Clappy Hands"),
    ("👐",    False, "Open Hands Sign"),                  # dull
    ("💅",    True , "Nail Polish"),
    ("👣",    True , "Footprints"),
    ("👀",    True , "Eyes"),
    ("👂",    True , "Ear"),
    ("👃",    True , "Nose"),
    ("👅",    True , "Lick"),
    ("👄",    True , "Mouth"),
    ("💋",    False, "Kiss Mark"),                        # too similar to another
    ("💘",    True , "Cupid Arrow"),
    ("💓",    False, "Beating Heart"),                    # too similar to another
    ("💔",    True , "Broken Heart"),
    ("💕",    False, "Two Hearts"),                       # too similar to another
    ("💖",    True , "Sparkly Heart"),
    ("💗",    False, "Growing Heart"),                    # too similar to another
    ("💙",    False, "Blue Heart"),                       # too similar to another
    ("💚",    False, "Green Heart"),                      # too similar to another
    ("💛",    False, "Yellow Heart"),                     # too similar to another
    ("💜",    False, "Purple Heart"),                     # too similar to another
    ("💝",    False, "Heart With Ribbon"),                # too similar to another
    ("💞",    False, "Revolving Hearts"),                 # too similar to another
    ("💟",    False, "Heart Decoration"),                 # dull
    ("💌",    True , "Love Letter"),
    ("💧",    True , "Droplet"),
    ("💤",    True , "ZZZ"),
    ("💢",    True , "Anger"),
    ("💣",    False, "Bomb"),                             # potentially offensive
    ("💥",    True , "Sparks"),
    ("💦",    True , "Splashing"),
    ("💨",    True , "Dash"),
    ("💫",    True , "Shooting Star"),
    ("💬",    True , "Speech Bubble"),
    ("💭",    True , "Thinky Cloud"),
    ("👓",    True , "Eyeglasses"),
    ("👔",    True , "Business Casual"),
    ("👕",    False, "T-Shirt"),                          # dull
    ("👖",    True , "Jeans"),
    ("👗",    False, "Dress"),                            # dull
    ("👘",    False, "Kimono"),                           # dull
    ("👙",    False, "Bikini"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("👚",    False, "Womans Clothes"),                   # dull
    ("👛",    False, "Purse"),                            # dull
    ("👜",    True , "Handbag"),
    ("👝",    False, "Pouch"),                            # dull
    ("🎒",    True , "Backpack"),
    ("👞",    False, "Mans Shoe"),                        # dull
    ("👟",    True , "Running Shoe"),
    ("👠",    True , "Heels"),
    ("👡",    False, "Womans Sandal"),                    # dull
    ("👢",    False, "Womans Boots"),                     # dull
    ("👑",    True , "Crown"),
    ("👒",    False, "Lady's Hat"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🎩",    True , "Top Hat"),
    ("💄",    True , "Lipstick"),
    ("💍",    True , "Proposal"),
    ("💎",    True , "Gem"),
    ("👹",    False, "Japanese Ogre"),                    # dull
    ("👺",    False, "Japanese Goblin"),                  # dull
    ("👻",    True , "Ghost"),
    ("💀",    True , "Skull"),
    ("👽",    True , "Alien"),
    ("👾",    True , "Space Invader"),
    ("💩",    False, "Pile of Poo"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("🐵",    False, "Monkey"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🙈",    True , "See No Evil"),
    ("🙉",    True , "Hear No Evil"),
    ("🙊",    True , "Speak No Evil"),
    ("🐒",    False, "Monkey"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🐶",    True , "Dog"),
    ("🐕",    False, "Dog"),                              # dull
    ("🐩",    False, "Poodle"),                           # dull
    ("🐺",    True , "Wolf"),
    ("🐱",    False, "Cat"),                              # is a cat
    ("😸",    False, "Grinning Cat with Smiling Eyes"),   # is a cat
    ("😹",    False, "Cat with Tears of Joy"),            # is a cat
    ("😺",    False, "Smiling Cat with Open Mouth"),      # is a cat
    ("😻",    False, "Smiling Cat with Heart Eyes"),      # is a cat
    ("😼",    False, "Cat with Wry Smile"),               # is a cat
    ("😽",    False, "Kissing Cat with Closed Eyes"),     # is a cat
    ("😾",    False, "Pouting Cat Face"),                 # is a cat
    ("😿",    False, "Crying Cat Face"),                  # is a cat
    ("🙀",    False, "Weary Cat Face"),                   # is a cat
    ("🐈",    False, "Cat"),                              # dull
    ("🐯",    True , "Tiger"),
    ("🐅",    False, "Tiger"),                            # dull
    ("🐆",    False, "Leopard"),                          # dull
    ("🐴",    True , "Horse"),
    ("🐎",    False, "Horse"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🐮",    True , "Cow"),
    ("🐂",    False, "Ox"),                               # dull
    ("🐃",    False, "Water Buffalo"),                    # dull
    ("🐄",    False, "Cow"),                              # dull
    ("🐷",    False, "Pig"),                              # potentially offensive
    ("🐖",    False, "Pig"),                              # dull
    ("🐗",    True , "Boar"),
    ("🐽",    False, "Pig Nose"),                         # dull
    ("🐏",    False, "Ram"),                              # dull
    ("🐑",    True , "Sheep"),
    ("🐐",    False, "Goat"),                             # dull
    ("🐪",    False, "Dromedary Camel"),                  # dull
    ("🐫",    False, "Bactrian Camel"),                   # dull
    ("🐘",    False, "Elephant"),                         # dull
    ("🐭",    True , "Mouse"),
    ("🐁",    False, "Mouse"),                            # dull
    ("🐀",    False, "Rat"),                              # dull
    ("🐹",    True , "Hamster"),
    ("🐰",    True , "Rabbit"),
    ("🐇",    False, "Rabbit"),                           # dull
    ("🐻",    True , "Bear"),
    ("🐨",    True , "Koala"),
    ("🐼",    True , "Panda"),
    ("🐾",    True , "Paw Prints"),
    ("🐔",    True , "Chicken"),
    ("🐓",    False, "Rooster"),                          # dull
    ("🐣",    True , "Hatching"),
    ("🐤",    True , "Chick"),
    ("🐥",    False, "Front-Facing Baby Chick"),          # too similar to another
    ("🐦",    True , "Bird"),
    ("🐧",    True , "Penguin"),
    ("🐸",    False, "Frog"),                             # potentially offensive
    ("🐊",    True , "Croc"),
    ("🐢",    True , "Turtle"),
    ("🐍",    True , "Slithering"),
    ("🐲",    True , "Dragon"),
    ("🐉",    False, "Dragon"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🐳",    True , "Whale"),
    ("🐋",    False, "Whale"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🐬",    True , "Dolphin"),
    ("🐟",    False, "Fish"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🐠",    True , "Fish"),
    ("🐡",    False, "Blowfish"),                         # dull
    ("🐙",    True , "Octopus"),
    ("🐚",    True , "Shell"),
    ("🐌",    True , "Snail"),
    ("🐛",    True , "Bug"),
    ("🐜",    True , "Ant"),
    ("🐝",    True , "Honeybee"),
    ("🐞",    True , "Lady Beetle"),
    ("💐",    True , "Bouquet"),
    ("🌸",    True , "Sakura"),
    ("💮",    False, "White Flower"),                     # dull
    ("🌹",    True , "Rose"),
    ("🌺",    False, "Hibiscus"),                         # dull
    ("🌻",    True , "Sunflower"),
    ("🌼",    False, "Blossom"),                          # dull
    ("🌷",    True , "Tulip"),
    ("🌱",    True , "Seedling"),
    ("🌲",    True , "Evergreen Tree"),
    ("🌳",    True , "Deciduous Tree"),
    ("🌴",    True , "Palm Tree"),
    ("🌵",    True , "Cactus"),
    ("🌾",    False, "Ear of Rice"),                      # dull
    ("🌿",    True , "Herb"),
    ("🍀",    True , "Clover"),
    ("🍁",    True , "Maple Leaf"),
    ("🍂",    False, "Fallen Leaf"),                      # dull
    ("🍃",    True , "Blown Leaves"),
    ("🍇",    True , "Grapes"),
    ("🍈",    False, "Melon"),                            # dull
    ("🍉",    True , "Watermelon"),
    ("🍊",    False, "Tangerine"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🍋",    True , "Lemon"),
    ("🍌",    True , "Banana"),
    ("🍍",    True , "Pineapple"),
    ("🍎",    True , "Red Apple"),
    ("🍏",    False, "Green Apple"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🍐",    False, "Pear"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🍑",    True , "Peach"),
    ("🍒",    True , "Cherries"),
    ("🍓",    True , "Strawberry"),
    ("🍅",    False, "Tomato"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🍆",    True , "Eggplant"),
    ("🌽",    True , "Corn"),
    ("🍄",    True , "Mushroom"),
    ("🌰",    True , "Chestnut"),
    ("🍞",    True , "Bread"),
    ("🍖",    False, "Meat on Bone"),                     # dull
    ("🍗",    False, "Poultry Leg"),                      # dull
    ("🍔",    True , "Hamburger"),
    ("🍟",    True , "Fries"),
    ("🍕",    True , "Pizza"),
    ("🍲",    False, "Pot of Food"),                      # dull
    ("🍱",    False, "Bento Box"),                        # dull
    ("🍘",    False, "Rice Cracker"),                     # dull
    ("🍙",    True , "Rice Ball"),
    ("🍚",    False, "Cooked Rice"),                      # dull
    ("🍛",    False, "Curry and Rice"),                   # dull
    ("🍜",    False, "Steaming Bowl"),                    # dull
    ("🍝",    True , "Spaghetti"),
    ("🍠",    True , "Sweet Potato"),
    ("🍢",    False, "Oden"),                             # dull
    ("🍣",    False, "Sushi"),                            # dull
    ("🍤",    False, "Fried Shrimp"),                     # dull
    ("🍥",    False, "Fish Cake With Swirl Design"),      # dull
    ("🍡",    False, "Dango"),                            # dull
    ("🍦",    True , "Ice Cream"),
    ("🍧",    False, "Shaved Ice"),                       # dull
    ("🍨",    False, "Ice Cream"),                        # dull
    ("🍩",    True , "Doughnut"),
    ("🍪",    True , "Cookie"),
    ("🎂",    False, "Birthday Cake"),                    # dull
    ("🍰",    True , "Shortcake"),
    ("🍫",    True , "Chocolate Bar"),
    ("🍬",    True , "Candy"),
    ("🍭",    True , "Lollipop"),
    ("🍮",    False, "Custard"),                          # dull
    ("🍯",    False, "Honey Pot"),                        # dull
    ("🍼",    True , "Baby Bottle"),
    ("🍵",    False, "Teacup Without Handle"),            # dull
    ("🍶",    False, "Sake Bottle and Cup"),              # dull
    ("🍷",    False, "Wine Glass"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🍸",    False, "Cocktail Glass"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🍹",    False, "Tropical Drink"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🍺",    False, "Beer"),                             # potentially offensive
    ("🍻",    False, "Clinking Beer Mugs"),               # potentially offensive
    ("🍴",    True , "Fork & Knife"),
    ("🍳",    False, "Cooking"),                          # dull
    ("🌍",    False, "Earth Globe Europe-Africa"),        # dull
    ("🌎",    False, "Earth Globe Americas"),             # dull
    ("🌏",    False, "Earth Globe Asia-Australia"),       # dull
    ("🌐",    False, "Globe With Meridians"),             # dull
    ("🌋",    True , "Volcano"),
    ("🗻",    False, "Mount Fuji"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🏠",    True , "House"),
    ("🏡",    False, "House With Garden"),                # dull
    ("🏢",    True , "Office"),
    ("🏣",    False, "Japanese Post Office"),             # too similar to another
    ("🏤",    False, "European Post Office"),             # too similar to another
    ("🏥",    True , "Hospital"),
    ("🏦",    False, "Bank"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🏨",    False, "Hotel"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🏩",    False, "Love Hotel"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🏪",    False, "Convenience Store"),                # too similar to another
    ("🏫",    False, "School"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🏬",    False, "Department Store"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🏭",    False, "Factory"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🏯",    False, "Japanese Castle"),                  # too similar to another
    ("🏰",    True , "Castle"),
    ("💒",    False, "Wedding"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🗼",    False, "Tokyo Tower"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🗽",    True , "Liberty"),
    ("🗾",    False, "Silhouette of Japan"),              # too similar to another
    ("🌁",    False, "Foggy"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🌃",    False, "Night With Stars"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🌄",    False, "Sunrise Over Mountains"),           # too similar to another
    ("🌅",    False, "Sunrise"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🌆",    False, "Cityscape at Dusk"),                # too similar to another
    ("🌇",    False, "Sunset Over Buildings"),            # too similar to another
    ("🌉",    False, "Bridge at Night"),                  # too similar to another
    ("🌊",    True , "Big Wave"),
    ("🗿",    False, "Moyai"),                            # dull
    ("🌌",    True , "Milky Way"),
    ("🎠",    True , "Carousel Horse"),
    ("🎡",    True , "Ferris Wheel"),
    ("🎢",    True , "Roller Coaster"),
    ("💈",    False, "Barber Pole"),                      # dull
    ("🎪",    False, "Circus Tent"),                      # used in UI: venue checkins
    ("🎭",    True , "Performing Arts"),
    ("🎨",    True , "Palette"),
    ("🎰",    False, "Slot Machine"),                     # dull
    ("🚂",    False, "Steam Locomotive"),                 # dull
    ("🚃",    True , "Railcar"),
    ("🚄",    True , "Fast Train"),
    ("🚅",    False, "Fast Train with Bullet Nose"),      # too similar to another
    ("🚆",    False, "Train"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🚇",    False, "Metro"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🚈",    False, "Light Rail"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🚉",    False, "Station"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🚊",    False, "Tram"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🚝",    True , "Monorail"),
    ("🚞",    False, "Mountain Railway"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🚋",    False, "Tram Car"),                         # too similar to another
    ("🚌",    True , "Bus"),
    ("🚍",    False, "Bus"),                              # too similar to another
    ("🚎",    False, "Trolleybus"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🚏",    False, "Bus Stop"),                         # too similar to another
    ("🚐",    False, "Minibus"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🚑",    False, "Ambulance"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🚒",    False, "Fire Engine"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🚓",    False, "Police Car"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🚔",    True , "Police Car"),
    ("🚕",    False, "Taxi"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🚖",    False, "Oncoming Taxi"),                    # too similar to another
    ("🚗",    False, "Automobile"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🚘",    True , "Automobile"),
    ("🚙",    False, "Recreational Vehicle"),             # too similar to another
    ("🚚",    True , "Truck"),
    ("🚛",    False, "Articulated Lorry"),                # too similar to another
    ("🚜",    True , "Tractor"),
    ("🚲",    True , "Bicycle"),
    ("🚳",    False, "No Bicycles"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🚨",    True , "Alert Light"),
    ("🔱",    True , "Trident"),
    ("🚣",    True , "Rowboat"),
    ("🚤",    True , "Speedboat"),
    ("🚢",    False, "Ship"),                             # dull
    ("💺",    False, "Seat"),                             # dull
    ("🚁",    True , "Helicopter"),
    ("🚟",    False, "Suspension Railway"),               # dull
    ("🚠",    True , "Sky Tram"),
    ("🚡",    False, "Aerial Tramway"),                   # dull
    ("🚀",    True , "Rocket"),
    ("🏧",    False, "ATM"),                              # dull
    ("🚮",    False, "Put Litter in Its Place"),          # dull
    ("🚥",    False, "Horizontal Traffic Light"),         # dull
    ("🚦",    True , "Traffic Light"),
    ("🚧",    True , "Hazard Sign"),
    ("🚫",    True , "Prohibited"),
    ("🚭",    False, "No Smoking"),                       # dull
    ("🚯",    True , "Do Not Litter"),
    ("🚰",    True , "Tap Water"),
    ("🚱",    False, "Non-Potable Water"),                # dull
    ("🚷",    False, "No Pedestrians"),                   # dull
    ("🚸",    False, "Children Crossing"),                # dull
    ("🚹",    False, "Mens Symbol"),                      # dull
    ("🚺",    False, "Womens Symbol"),                    # dull
    ("🚻",    False, "Restroom"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("🚼",    False, "Baby Symbol"),                      # dull
    ("🚾",    False, "Water Closet"),                     # dull
    ("🛂",    False, "Passport Control"),                 # dull
    ("🛃",    False, "Customs"),                          # dull
    ("🛄",    False, "Baggage Claim"),                    # dull
    ("🛅",    False, "Left Luggage"),                     # dull
    ("🚪",    True , "Door"),
    ("🚽",    False, "Toilet"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🚿",    False, "Shower"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🛀",    True , "Bath"),
    ("🛁",    False, "Bathtub"),                          # dull
    ("⏳",    True , "Hourglass"),
    ("⏰",    True , "Alarm Clock"),
    ("⏱",    False, "Stopwatch"),                        # dull
    ("⏲",    False, "Timer Clock"),                      # dull
    ("🕛",    False, "Twelve O'Clock"),                   # dull
    ("🕧",    False, "Half Past Twelve"),                 # dull
    ("🕐",    False, "One O'Clock"),                      # dull
    ("🕜",    False, "Half Past One"),                    # dull
    ("🕑",    False, "Two O'Clock"),                      # dull
    ("🕝",    False, "Half Past Two"),                    # dull
    ("🕒",    False, "Three O'Clock"),                    # dull
    ("🕞",    False, "Half Past Three"),                  # dull
    ("🕓",    False, "Four O'Clock"),                     # dull
    ("🕟",    False, "Half Past Four"),                   # dull
    ("🕔",    False, "Five O'Clock"),                     # dull
    ("🕠",    False, "Half Past Five"),                   # dull
    ("🕕",    False, "Six O'Clock"),                      # dull
    ("🕡",    False, "Half Past Six"),                    # dull
    ("🕖",    False, "Seven O'Clock"),                    # dull
    ("🕢",    False, "Half Past Seven"),                  # dull
    ("🕗",    False, "Eight O'Clock"),                    # dull
    ("🕣",    False, "Half Past Eight"),                  # dull
    ("🕘",    False, "Nine O'Clock"),                     # dull
    ("🕤",    False, "Half Past Nine"),                   # dull
    ("🕙",    False, "Ten O'Clock"),                      # dull
    ("🕥",    False, "Half Past Ten"),                    # dull
    ("🕚",    False, "Eleven O'Clock"),                   # dull
    ("🕦",    False, "Half Past Eleven"),                 # dull
    ("⛎",    False, "Ophiuchus"),                        # dull
    ("🌑",    False, "New Moon"),                         # dull
    ("🌒",    False, "Waxing Crescent"),                  # dull
    ("🌓",    False, "First Quarter Moon Symbol"),        # dull
    ("🌔",    False, "Waxing Gibbous"),                   # dull
    ("🌕",    True , "Full Moon"),
    ("🌖",    False, "Waning Gibbous"),                   # dull
    ("🌗",    True , "Half Moon"),
    ("🌘",    False, "Waning Crescent"),                  # dull
    ("🌙",    False, "Crescent Moon"),                    # dull
    ("🌚",    False, "New Moon With Face"),               # potentially offensive
    ("🌛",    False, "First Quarter Moon With Face"),     # dull
    ("🌜",    False, "Last Quarter Moon With Face"),      # dull
    ("🌝",    False, "Full Moon With Face"),              # dull
    ("🌞",    True , "Sun"),
    ("🌀",    False, "Cyclone"),                          # dull
    ("🌈",    True , "Rainbow"),
    ("🌂",    False, "Umbrella"),                         # dull
    ("🌟",    True , "Glowing Star"),
    ("🌠",    False, "Shooting Star"),                    # dull
    ("🔥",    True , "Fire"),
    ("🎃",    True , "Jack-O-Lantern"),
    ("🎄",    True , "Presents Tree"),
    ("🎆",    True , "Fireworks"),
    ("🎇",    False, "Firework Sparkler"),                # dull
    ("✨",    False, "Sparkles"),                         # dull
    ("🎈",    True , "Balloon"),
    ("🎉",    True , "Party Pop"),
    ("🎊",    False, "Confetti Ball"),                    # dull
    ("🎋",    False, "Tanabata Tree"),                    # dull
    ("🎌",    False, "Crossed Flags"),                    # dull
    ("🎍",    False, "Pine Decoration"),                  # dull
    ("🎎",    False, "Japanese Dolls"),                   # dull
    ("🎏",    False, "Carp Streamer"),                    # dull
    ("🎐",    False, "Wind Chime"),                       # dull
    ("🎑",    False, "Moon Viewing Ceremony"),            # dull
    ("🎓",    True , "Grad Cap"),
    ("🎯",    True , "Bullseye"),
    ("🎴",    False, "Flower Playing Cards"),             # dull
    ("🎀",    True , "Ribbon"),
    ("🎁",    False, "Wrapped Present"),                  # dull
    ("🎫",    False, "Ticket"),                           # dull
    ("🏀",    True , "Basketball"),
    ("🏈",    True , "America Ball"),
    ("🏉",    False, "Rugby Ball"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🎾",    True , "Tennis"),
    ("🎱",    True , "Billiards"),
    ("🎳",    True , "Bowling"),
    ("🎣",    False, "Fishing Pole and Fish"),            # dull
    ("🎽",    False, "Running Shirt With Sash"),          # dull
    ("🎿",    False, "Ski and Ski Boot"),                 # dull
    ("🏂",    False, "Snowboarder"),                      # dull
    ("🏄",    False, "Surfer"),                           # dull
    ("🏇",    False, "Horse Racing"),                     # dull
    ("🏊",    True , "Swimmer"),
    ("🚴",    False, "Bicyclist"),                        # dull
    ("🚵",    False, "Mountain Bicyclist"),               # dull
    ("🏆",    False, "Trophy"),                           # dull
    ("🎮",    True , "Video Game"),
    ("🎲",    True , "Random Cube"),
    ("🃏",    False, "Playing Card Black Joker"),         # dull
    ("🔇",    False, "Speaker With Cancellation Stroke"), # dull
    ("🔈",    True , "Speaker"),
    ("🔉",    False, "Speaker With One Sound Wave"),      # dull
    ("🔊",    False, "Speaker With Three Sound Waves"),   # dull
    ("📢",    False, "Public Address Loudspeaker"),       # too similar to another
    ("📣",    True , "Loud Phone"),
    ("📯",    False, "Horn"),                             # dull
    ("🔔",    True , "Bell"),
    ("🔕",    False, "No Bells"),                         # dull
    ("🔀",    False, "Shuffle"),                          # dull
    ("🔁",    False, "Repeat"),                           # dull
    ("🔂",    False, "Repeat Once"),                      # dull
    ("⏩",    False, "Fast Forward"),                     # dull
    ("⏭",    False, "Next Track"),                       # dull
    ("⏯",    False, "Play/Pause"),                       # dull
    ("⏪",    False, "Rewind"),                           # dull
    ("⏮",    False, "Previous Track"),                   # dull
    ("🔼",    False, "Up-Pointing Small Red Triangle"),   # dull
    ("⏫",    False, "Up to Top"),                        # dull
    ("🔽",    False, "Down-Pointing Small Red Triangle"), # dull
    ("⏬",    False, "Down to Bottom"),                   # dull
    ("🎼",    True , "Musical Score"),
    ("🎵",    False, "Musical Note"),                     # dull
    ("🎶",    True , "Music Notes"),
    ("🎤",    True , "Microphone"),
    ("🎧",    True , "Headphone"),
    ("🎷",    True , "Saxophone"),
    ("🎸",    True , "Guitar"),
    ("🎹",    True , "Keyboard"),
    ("🎺",    True , "Trumpet"),
    ("🎻",    True , "Violin"),
    ("📻",    True , "Boom Box"),
    ("📱",    True , "Internet Phone"),
    ("📳",    False, "Vibration Mode"),                   # dull
    ("📴",    False, "Mobile Phone Off"),                 # dull
    ("📲",    False, "Download to Phone"),                # too similar to another
    ("📵",    False, "No Mobile Phones"),                 # dull
    ("📞",    True , "Old Phone"),
    ("🔟",    False, "Keycap Ten"),                       # dull
    ("📶",    False, "Antenna With Bars"),                # dull
    ("📟",    True , "Pager"),
    ("📠",    True , "Fax Machine"),
    ("🔋",    True , "Battery"),
    ("🔌",    True , "Plug"),
    ("💻",    False, "Personal Computer"),                # dull
    ("💽",    False, "Minidisc"),                         # dull
    ("💾",    True , "Floppy"),
    ("💿",    True , "Compact Disc"),
    ("📀",    False, "DVD"),                              # dull
    ("🎥",    False, "Movie Camera"),                     # dull
    ("🎦",    False, "Cinema"),                           # dull
    ("🎬",    True , "Clapper"),
    ("📺",    True , "Television"),
    ("📷",    True , "Camera"),
    ("📹",    False, "Video Camera"),                     # dull
    ("📼",    False, "Videocassette"),                    # dull
    ("🔅",    False, "Low Brightness Symbol"),            # dull
    ("🔆",    False, "High Brightness Symbol"),           # dull
    ("🔍",    True , "Bigger Glass"),
    ("🔎",    False, "Right-Pointing Magnifying Glass"),  # dull
    ("🔬",    True , "Microscope"),
    ("🔭",    True , "Telescope"),
    ("📡",    False, "Satellite Dish"),                   # dull
    ("💡",    True , "Light Bulb"),
    ("🔦",    False, "Electric Torch"),                   # dull
    ("🏮",    False, "Izakaya Lantern"),                  # dull
    ("📔",    False, "Notebook With Decorative Cover"),   # too similar to another
    ("📕",    True , "Closed Book"),
    ("📖",    False, "Open Book"),                        # too similar to another
    ("📗",    False, "Green Book"),                       # too similar to another
    ("📘",    False, "Blue Book"),                        # too similar to another
    ("📙",    False, "Orange Book"),                      # too similar to another
    ("📚",    False, "Books"),                            # too similar to another
    ("📓",    False, "Notebook"),                         # too similar to another
    ("📒",    False, "Ledger"),                           # too similar to another
    ("📃",    False, "Page With Curl"),                   # too similar to another
    ("📜",    False, "Scroll"),                           # too similar to another
    ("📄",    False, "Page Facing Up"),                   # too similar to another
    ("📰",    True , "Newspaper"),
    ("📑",    False, "Bookmark Tabs"),                    # too similar to another
    ("🔖",    False, "Bookmark"),                         # too similar to another
    ("💰",    False, "Money Bag"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("💴",    False, "Banknote With Yen Sign"),           # too similar to another
    ("💵",    False, "Banknote With Dollar Sign"),        # too similar to another
    ("💶",    False, "Banknote With Euro Sign"),          # too similar to another
    ("💷",    False, "Banknote With Pound Sign"),         # too similar to another
    ("💸",    False, "Flying Money"),                     # dull
    ("💱",    False, "Currency Exchange"),                # dull
    ("💲",    False, "Heavy Dollar Sign"),                # dull
    ("💳",    False, "Credit Card"),                      # dull
    ("💹",    False, "Upwards Trend in Yen"),             # dull
    ("📧",    False, "E-Mail Symbol"),                    # dull
    ("📨",    False, "Incoming Envelope"),                # dull
    ("📩",    False, "Going Into Envelope"),              # dull
    ("📤",    False, "Outbox Tray"),                      # dull
    ("📥",    False, "Inbox Tray"),                       # dull
    ("📦",    True , "Package"),
    ("📫",    True , "Mailbox"),
    ("📪",    False, "Closed Mailbox With Lowered Flag"), # dull
    ("📬",    False, "Open Mailbox With Raised Flag"),    # dull
    ("📭",    False, "Open Mailbox With Lowered Flag"),   # dull
    ("📮",    False, "Postbox"),                          # dull
    ("📝",    False, "Memo"),                             # dull
    ("💼",    True , "Briefcase"),
    ("📁",    False, "File Folder"),                      # dull
    ("📂",    False, "Open File Folder"),                 # dull
    ("📅",    True , "Dated"),
    ("📆",    False, "Tear-Off Calendar"),                # dull
    ("📇",    False, "Card Index"),                       # dull
    ("📈",    True , "Up Trend"),
    ("📉",    True , "Down Trend"),
    ("📊",    False, "Bar Chart"),                        # dull
    ("📋",    False, "Clipboard"),                        # dull
    ("📌",    True , "Pushpin"),
    ("📍",    True , "Location"),
    ("📎",    True , "Paperclip"),
    ("📏",    True , "Straight Line"),
    ("📐",    True , "Three Sides"),
    ("📛",    False, "Name Badge"),                       # dull
    ("🔒",    True , "Lock"),
    ("🔓",    False, "Open Lock"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🔏",    False, "Lock With Ink Pen"),                # too similar to another
    ("🔐",    False, "Closed Lock With Key"),             # too similar to another
    ("🔑",    True , "Key"),
    ("🔨",    True , "Hammer"),
    ("🔧",    True , "Spanner"),
    ("🔩",    False, "Calipers"),                         # too similar to another
    ("🔗",    False, "Link Symbol"),                      # dull
    ("💉",    False, "Syringe"),                          # potentially offensive
    ("💊",    True , "Pill"),
    ("🔪",    True , "Chef Knife"),
    ("🔫",    True , "Pistol"),
    ("🚬",    True , "Durry"),
    ("🏁",    True , "Get Set Go"),
    ("🚩",    False, "Triangular Flag on Post"),          # dull
    ("🇦🇫",    False, "Afghanistan"),                      # national flag
    ("🇦🇽",    False, "Åland Islands"),                    # national flag
    ("🇦🇱",    False, "Albania"),                          # national flag
    ("🇩🇿",    False, "Algeria"),                          # national flag
    ("🇦🇸",    False, "American Samoa"),                   # national flag
    ("🇦🇩",    False, "Andorra"),                          # national flag
    ("🇦🇴",    False, "Angola"),                           # national flag
    ("🇦🇮",    False, "Anguilla"),                         # national flag
    ("🇦🇶",    False, "Antarctica"),                       # national flag
    ("🇦🇬",    False, "Antigua & Barbuda"),                # national flag
    ("🇦🇷",    False, "Argentina"),                        # national flag
    ("🇦🇲",    False, "Armenia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇦🇼",    False, "Aruba"),                            # national flag
    ("🇦🇨",    False, "Ascension Island"),                 # national flag
    ("🇦🇺",    False, "Australia"),                        # national flag
    ("🇦🇹",    False, "Austria"),                          # national flag
    ("🇦🇿",    False, "Azerbaijan"),                       # national flag
    ("🇧🇸",    False, "Bahamas"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇭",    False, "Bahrain"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇩",    False, "Bangladesh"),                       # national flag
    ("🇧🇧",    False, "Barbados"),                         # national flag
    ("🇧🇾",    False, "Belarus"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇪",    False, "Belgium"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇿",    False, "Belize"),                           # national flag
    ("🇧🇯",    False, "Benin"),                            # national flag
    ("🇧🇲",    False, "Bermuda"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇹",    False, "Bhutan"),                           # national flag
    ("🇧🇴",    False, "Bolivia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇧🇦",    False, "Bosnia & Herzegovina"),             # national flag
    ("🇧🇼",    False, "Botswana"),                         # national flag
    ("🇧🇻",    False, "Bouvet Island"),                    # national flag
    ("🇧🇷",    False, "Brazil"),                           # national flag
    ("🇮🇴",    False, "British Indian Ocean Territory"),   # national flag
    ("🇻🇬",    False, "British Virgin Islands"),           # national flag
    ("🇧🇳",    False, "Brunei"),                           # national flag
    ("🇧🇬",    False, "Bulgaria"),                         # national flag
    ("🇧🇫",    False, "Burkina Faso"),                     # national flag
    ("🇧🇮",    False, "Burundi"),                          # national flag
    ("🇰🇭",    False, "Cambodia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇨🇲",    False, "Cameroon"),                         # national flag
    ("🇨🇦",    False, "Canada"),                           # national flag
    ("🇮🇨",    False, "Canary Islands"),                   # national flag
    ("🇨🇻",    False, "Cape Verde"),                       # national flag
    ("🇧🇶",    False, "Caribbean Netherlands"),            # national flag
    ("🇰🇾",    False, "Cayman Islands"),                   # national flag
    ("🇨🇫",    False, "Central African Republic"),         # national flag
    ("🇪🇦",    False, "Ceuta & Melilla"),                  # national flag
    ("🇹🇩",    False, "Chad"),                             # national flag
    ("🇨🇱",    False, "Chile"),                            # national flag
    ("🇨🇳",    False, "China"),                            # national flag
    ("🇨🇽",    False, "Christmas Island"),                 # national flag
    ("🇨🇵",    False, "Clipperton Island"),                # national flag
    ("🇨🇨",    False, "Cocos Islands"),                    # national flag
    ("🇨🇴",    False, "Colombia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇰🇲",    False, "Comoros"),                          # national flag
    ("🇨🇬",    False, "Congo - Brazzaville"),              # national flag
    ("🇨🇩",    False, "Congo - Kinshasa"),                 # national flag
    ("🇨🇰",    False, "Cook Islands"),                     # national flag
    ("🇨🇷",    False, "Costa Rica"),                       # national flag
    ("🇨🇮",    False, "Côte D’Ivoire"),                    # national flag
    ("🇭🇷",    False, "Croatia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇨🇺",    False, "Cuba"),                             # national flag
    ("🇨🇼",    False, "Curaçao"),                          # national flag
    ("🇨🇾",    False, "Cyprus"),                           # national flag
    ("🇨🇿",    False, "Czech Republic"),                   # national flag
    ("🇩🇰",    False, "Denmark"),                          # national flag
    ("🇩🇬",    False, "Diego Garcia"),                     # national flag
    ("🇩🇯",    False, "Djibouti"),                         # national flag
    ("🇩🇲",    False, "Dominica"),                         # national flag
    ("🇩🇴",    False, "Dominican Republic"),               # national flag
    ("🇪🇨",    False, "Ecuador"),                          # national flag
    ("🇪🇬",    False, "Egypt"),                            # national flag
    ("🇸🇻",    False, "El Salvador"),                      # national flag
    ("🇬🇶",    False, "Equatorial Guinea"),                # national flag
    ("🇪🇷",    False, "Eritrea"),                          # national flag
    ("🇪🇪",    False, "Estonia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇪🇹",    False, "Ethiopia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇪🇺",    False, "European Union"),                   # national flag
    ("🇫🇰",    False, "Falkland Islands"),                 # national flag
    ("🇫🇴",    False, "Faroe Islands"),                    # national flag
    ("🇫🇯",    False, "Fiji"),                             # national flag
    ("🇫🇮",    False, "Finland"),                          # national flag
    ("🇫🇷",    False, "France"),                           # national flag
    ("🇬🇫",    False, "French Guiana"),                    # national flag
    ("🇵🇫",    False, "French Polynesia"),                 # national flag
    ("🇹🇫",    False, "French Southern Territories"),      # national flag
    ("🇬🇦",    False, "Gabon"),                            # national flag
    ("🇬🇲",    False, "Gambia"),                           # national flag
    ("🇬🇪",    False, "Georgia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇩🇪",    False, "Germany"),                          # national flag
    ("🇬🇭",    False, "Ghana"),                            # national flag
    ("🇬🇮",    False, "Gibraltar"),                        # national flag
    ("🇬🇷",    False, "Greece"),                           # national flag
    ("🇬🇱",    False, "Greenland"),                        # national flag
    ("🇬🇩",    False, "Grenada"),                          # national flag
    ("🇬🇵",    False, "Guadeloupe"),                       # national flag
    ("🇬🇺",    False, "Guam"),                             # national flag
    ("🇬🇹",    False, "Guatemala"),                        # national flag
    ("🇬🇬",    False, "Guernsey"),                         # national flag
    ("🇬🇳",    False, "Guinea"),                           # national flag
    ("🇬🇼",    False, "Guinea-Bissau"),                    # national flag
    ("🇬🇾",    False, "Guyana"),                           # national flag
    ("🇭🇹",    False, "Haiti"),                            # national flag
    ("🇭🇲",    False, "Heard & McDonald Islands"),         # national flag
    ("🇭🇳",    False, "Honduras"),                         # national flag
    ("🇭🇰",    False, "Hong Kong"),                        # national flag
    ("🇭🇺",    False, "Hungary"),                          # national flag
    ("🇮🇸",    False, "Iceland"),                          # national flag
    ("🇮🇳",    False, "India"),                            # national flag
    ("🇮🇩",    False, "Indonesia"),                        # national flag
    ("🇮🇷",    False, "Iran"),                             # national flag
    ("🇮🇶",    False, "Iraq"),                             # national flag
    ("🇮🇪",    False, "Ireland"),                          # national flag
    ("🇮🇲",    False, "Isle of Man"),                      # national flag
    ("🇮🇱",    False, "Israel"),                           # national flag
    ("🇮🇹",    False, "Italy"),                            # national flag
    ("🇯🇲",    False, "Jamaica"),                          # national flag
    ("🇯🇵",    False, "Japan"),                            # national flag
    ("🇯🇪",    False, "Jersey"),                           # national flag
    ("🇯🇴",    False, "Jordan"),                           # national flag
    ("🇰🇿",    False, "Kazakhstan"),                       # national flag
    ("🇰🇪",    False, "Kenya"),                            # national flag
    ("🇰🇮",    False, "Kiribati"),                         # national flag
    ("🇽🇰",    False, "Kosovo"),                           # national flag
    ("🇰🇼",    False, "Kuwait"),                           # national flag
    ("🇰🇬",    False, "Kyrgyzstan"),                       # national flag
    ("🇱🇦",    False, "Laos"),                             # national flag
    ("🇱🇻",    False, "Latvia"),                           # national flag
    ("🇱🇧",    False, "Lebanon"),                          # national flag
    ("🇱🇸",    False, "Lesotho"),                          # national flag
    ("🇱🇷",    False, "Liberia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇱🇾",    False, "Libya"),                            # national flag
    ("🇱🇮",    False, "Liechtenstein"),                    # national flag
    ("🇱🇹",    False, "Lithuania"),                        # national flag
    ("🇱🇺",    False, "Luxembourg"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇴",    False, "Macau"),                            # national flag
    ("🇲🇰",    False, "Macedonia"),                        # national flag
    ("🇲🇬",    False, "Madagascar"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇼",    False, "Malawi"),                           # national flag
    ("🇲🇾",    False, "Malaysia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇲🇻",    False, "Maldives"),                         # national flag
    ("🇲🇱",    False, "Mali"),                             # national flag
    ("🇲🇹",    False, "Malta"),                            # national flag
    ("🇲🇭",    False, "Marshall Islands"),                 # national flag
    ("🇲🇶",    False, "Martinique"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇷",    False, "Mauritania"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇺",    False, "Mauritius"),                        # national flag
    ("🇾🇹",    False, "Mayotte"),                          # national flag
    ("🇲🇽",    False, "Mexico"),                           # national flag
    ("🇫🇲",    False, "Micronesia"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇩",    False, "Moldova"),                          # national flag
    ("🇲🇨",    False, "Monaco"),                           # national flag
    ("🇲🇳",    False, "Mongolia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇲🇪",    False, "Montenegro"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇸",    False, "Montserrat"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇦",    False, "Morocco"),                          # national flag
    ("🇲🇿",    False, "Mozambique"),                       # national flag
    ("🇲🇲",    False, "Myanmar"),                          # national flag
    ("🇳🇦",    False, "Namibia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇳🇷",    False, "Nauru"),                            # national flag
    ("🇳🇵",    False, "Nepal"),                            # national flag
    ("🇳🇱",    False, "Netherlands"),                      # national flag
    ("🇳🇨",    False, "New Caledonia"),                    # national flag
    ("🇳🇿",    False, "New Zealand"),                      # national flag
    ("🇳🇮",    False, "Nicaragua"),                        # national flag
    ("🇳🇪",    False, "Niger"),                            # national flag
    ("🇳🇬",    False, "Nigeria"),                          # national flag
    ("🇳🇺",    False, "Niue"),                             # national flag
    ("🇳🇫",    False, "Norfolk Island"),                   # national flag
    ("🇲🇵",    False, "Northern Mariana Islands"),         # national flag
    ("🇰🇵",    False, "North Korea"),                      # national flag
    ("🇳🇴",    False, "Norway"),                           # national flag
    ("🇴🇲",    False, "Oman"),                             # national flag
    ("🇵🇰",    False, "Pakistan"),                         # national flag
    ("🇵🇼",    False, "Palau"),                            # national flag
    ("🇵🇸",    False, "Palestinian Territories"),          # national flag
    ("🇵🇦",    False, "Panama"),                           # national flag
    ("🇵🇬",    False, "Papua New Guinea"),                 # national flag
    ("🇵🇾",    False, "Paraguay"),                         # national flag
    ("🇵🇪",    False, "Peru"),                             # national flag
    ("🇵🇭",    False, "Philippines"),                      # national flag
    ("🇵🇳",    False, "Pitcairn Islands"),                 # national flag
    ("🇵🇱",    False, "Poland"),                           # national flag
    ("🇵🇹",    False, "Portugal"),                         # national flag
    ("🇵🇷",    False, "Puerto Rico"),                      # national flag
    ("🇶🇦",    False, "Qatar"),                            # national flag
    ("🇷🇪",    False, "Réunion"),                          # national flag
    ("🇷🇴",    False, "Romania"),                          # national flag
    ("🇷🇺",    False, "Russia"),                           # national flag
    ("🇷🇼",    False, "Rwanda"),                           # national flag
    ("🇼🇸",    False, "Samoa"),                            # national flag
    ("🇸🇲",    False, "San Marino"),                       # national flag
    ("🇸🇹",    False, "São Tomé & Príncipe"),              # national flag
    ("🇸🇦",    False, "Saudi Arabia"),                     # national flag
    ("🇸🇳",    False, "Senegal"),                          # national flag
    ("🇷🇸",    False, "Serbia"),                           # national flag
    ("🇸🇨",    False, "Seychelles"),                       # national flag
    ("🇸🇱",    False, "Sierra Leone"),                     # national flag
    ("🇸🇬",    False, "Singapore"),                        # national flag
    ("🇸🇽",    False, "Sint Maarten"),                     # national flag
    ("🇸🇰",    False, "Slovakia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇸🇮",    False, "Slovenia"),                         # national flag
    ("🇸🇧",    False, "Solomon Islands"),                  # national flag
    ("🇸🇴",    False, "Somalia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇿🇦",    False, "South Africa"),                     # national flag
    ("🇬🇸",    False, "South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands"), # national flag
    ("🇰🇷",    False, "South Korea"),                      # national flag
    ("🇸🇸",    False, "South Sudan"),                      # national flag
    ("🇪🇸",    False, "Spain"),                            # national flag
    ("🇱🇰",    False, "Sri Lanka"),                        # national flag
    ("🇧🇱",    False, "St. Barthélemy"),                   # national flag
    ("🇸🇭",    False, "St. Helena"),                       # national flag
    ("🇰🇳",    False, "St. Kitts & Nevis"),                # national flag
    ("🇱🇨",    False, "St. Lucia"),                        # national flag
    ("🇲🇫",    False, "St. Martin"),                       # national flag
    ("🇵🇲",    False, "St. Pierre & Miquelon"),            # national flag
    ("🇻🇨",    False, "St. Vincent & Grenadines"),         # national flag
    ("🇸🇩",    False, "Sudan"),                            # national flag
    ("🇸🇷",    False, "Suriname"),                         # national flag
    ("🇸🇯",    False, "Svalbard & Jan Mayen"),             # national flag
    ("🇸🇿",    False, "Swaziland"),                        # national flag
    ("🇸🇪",    False, "Sweden"),                           # national flag
    ("🇨🇭",    False, "Switzerland"),                      # national flag
    ("🇸🇾",    False, "Syria"),                            # national flag
    ("🇹🇼",    False, "Taiwan"),                           # national flag
    ("🇹🇯",    False, "Tajikistan"),                       # national flag
    ("🇹🇿",    False, "Tanzania"),                         # national flag
    ("🇹🇭",    False, "Thailand"),                         # national flag
    ("🇹🇱",    False, "Timor-Leste"),                      # national flag
    ("🇹🇬",    False, "Togo"),                             # national flag
    ("🇹🇰",    False, "Tokelau"),                          # national flag
    ("🇹🇴",    False, "Tonga"),                            # national flag
    ("🇹🇹",    False, "Trinidad & Tobago"),                # national flag
    ("🇹🇦",    False, "Tristan Da Cunha"),                 # national flag
    ("🇹🇳",    False, "Tunisia"),                          # national flag
    ("🇹🇷",    False, "Turkey"),                           # national flag
    ("🇹🇲",    False, "Turkmenistan"),                     # national flag
    ("🇹🇨",    False, "Turks & Caicos Islands"),           # national flag
    ("🇹🇻",    False, "Tuvalu"),                           # national flag
    ("🇺🇬",    False, "Uganda"),                           # national flag
    ("🇺🇦",    False, "Ukraine"),                          # national flag
    ("🇦🇪",    False, "United Arab Emirates"),             # national flag
    ("🇬🇧",    False, "United Kingdom"),                   # national flag
    ("🇺🇸",    False, "United States"),                    # national flag
    ("🇺🇾",    False, "Uruguay"),                          # national flag
    ("🇺🇲",    False, "U.S. Outlying Islands"),            # national flag
    ("🇻🇮",    False, "U.S. Virgin Islands"),              # national flag
    ("🇺🇿",    False, "Uzbekistan"),                       # national flag
    ("🇻🇺",    False, "Vanuatu"),                          # national flag
    ("🇻🇦",    False, "Vatican City"),                     # national flag
    ("🇻🇪",    False, "Venezuela"),                        # national flag
    ("🇻🇳",    False, "Vietnam"),                          # national flag
    ("🇼🇫",    False, "Wallis & Futuna"),                  # national flag
    ("🇪🇭",    False, "Western Sahara"),                   # national flag
    ("🇾🇪",    False, "Yemen"),                            # national flag
    ("🇿🇲",    False, "Zambia"),                           # national flag
    ("🇿🇼",    False, "Zimbabwe"),                         # national flag
    ("🔃",    False, "Clockwise Arrows"),                 # dull
    ("🔄",    False, "Anticlockwise Arrows"),             # dull
    ("🔙",    False, "Back"),                             # dull
    ("🔚",    False, "End"),                              # dull
    ("🔛",    False, "On"),                               # dull
    ("🔜",    False, "Soon"),                             # dull
    ("🔝",    False, "Top"),                              # dull
    ("🔰",    False, "Beginner"),                         # dull
    ("🔮",    True , "Crystal Ball"),
    ("🔯",    False, "Six Pointed Star With Middle Dot"), # dull
    ("✅",    False, "White Heavy Check Mark"),           # dull
    ("❌",    True , "Cross"),
    ("❎",    False, "Negative Squared Cross Mark"),      # dull
    ("➕",    False, "Heavy Plus Sign"),                  # dull
    ("➖",    False, "Heavy Minus Sign"),                 # dull
    ("➗",    False, "Heavy Division Sign"),              # dull
    ("➰",    False, "Curly Loop"),                       # dull
    ("➿",    False, "Double Curly Loop"),                # dull
    ("❓",    True , "Question"),
    ("❔",    False, "White Question Mark Ornament"),     # too similar to another
    ("❕",    False, "White Exclamation Mark Ornament"),  # too similar to another
    ("💯",    True , "Hundred Points"),
    ("🔞",    False, "Over Eighteen"),                    # dull
    ("🔠",    False, "Latin Capital Letters"),            # dull
    ("🔡",    False, "Latin Small Letters"),              # dull
    ("🔢",    False, "Numbers"),                          # dull
    ("🔣",    False, "Symbols"),                          # dull
    ("🔤",    False, "Latin Letters"),                    # dull
    ("🅰️",    False, "Squared A"),                        # dull
    ("🆎",    False, "Squared AB"),                       # dull
    ("🅱️",    False, "Squared B"),                        # dull
    ("🆑",    False, "Squared CL"),                       # dull
    ("🆒",    True , "Cool Square"),
    ("🆓",    False, "Squared Free"),                     # dull
    ("🆔",    False, "Squared ID"),                       # dull
    ("🆕",    True , "New Square"),
    ("🆖",    False, "Squared NG"),                       # dull
    ("🅾️",    False, "Squared O"),                        # dull
    ("🆗",    True , "OK Square"),
    ("🆘",    True , "SOS Square"),
    ("🆙",    False, "Squared Up!"),                      # dull
    ("🆚",    False, "Squared Vs"),                       # dull
    ("🈁",    False, "Squared Katakana Koko"),            # dull
    ("🈂️",    False, "Squared Katakana Sa"),              # dull
    ("🈷️",    False, "Squared 月 (Moon)"),                 # dull
    ("🈶",    False, "Squared 有 (Have)"),                 # dull
    ("🉐",    False, "Circled Ideograph Advantage"),      # dull
    ("🈹",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5272"), # dull
    ("🈲",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7981"), # dull
    ("🉑",    False, "Circled 可 (Accept)"),               # dull
    ("🈸",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7533"), # dull
    ("🈴",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-5408"), # dull
    ("🈳",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7a7a"), # dull
    ("🈺",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-55b6"), # dull
    ("🈵",    False, "Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-6e80"), # dull
    ("🔶",    False, "Large Orange Diamond"),             # dull
    ("🔷",    False, "Large Blue Diamond"),               # dull
    ("🔸",    False, "Small Orange Diamond"),             # dull
    ("🔹",    False, "Small Blue Diamond"),               # dull
    ("🔺",    False, "Up-Pointing Red Triangle"),         # dull
    ("🔻",    False, "Down-Pointing Red Triangle"),       # dull
    ("💠",    False, "Diamond Shape With a Dot Inside"),  # dull
    ("🔘",    False, "Radio Button"),                     # dull
    ("🔲",    False, "Black Square Button"),              # dull
    ("🔳",    False, "White Square Button"),              # dull
    ("🔴",    False, "Large Red Circle"),                 # dull
    ("🔵",    False, "Large Blue Circle"),                # dull

    # Unicode Version 6.1
    ("😀",    False, "Grinning"),                         # too similar to another
    ("😗",    False, "Kissing"),                          # too similar to another
    ("😙",    True , "Smooch"),
    ("😑",    True , "True Neutral"),
    ("😮",    True , "Stunned"),
    ("😯",    False, "Hushed"),                           # too similar to another
    ("😴",    True , "Sleepy"),
    ("😛",    False, "Tongue"),                           # too similar to another
    ("😕",    False, "Confused"),                         # too similar to another
    ("😟",    True , "Worried"),
    ("😦",    False, "Frowning Face With Open Mouth"),    # too similar to another
    ("😧",    True , "Anguish Face"),
    ("😬",    True , "Grimace"),

    # Unicode Version 7.0
    ("🙂",    False, "Slightly Smiling"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🙁",    False, "Slightly Frowning"),                # too similar to another
    ("🕵",    True , "Spy"),
    ("🗣",    False, "Speaking Head in Silhouette"),      # dull
    ("🕴",    False, "Man in Business Suit Levitating"),  # dull
    ("🖕",    False, "Middle Finger"),                    # potentially offensive
    ("🖖",    True , "Vulcan Hand"),
    ("🖐",    False, "Raised Hand With Fingers Splayed"), # too similar to another
    ("👁",    False, "Eye"),                              # too similar to another
    ("🕳",    False, "Hole"),                             # dull
    ("🗯",    False, "Right Anger Bubble"),               # dull
    ("🕶",    True , "Sunglasses"),
    ("🛍",    True , "Shopping"),
    ("🐿",    True , "Chipmunk"),
    ("🕊",    True , "Peace Dove"),
    ("🕷",    True , "Spider"),
    ("🕸",    True , "Spider Web"),
    ("🏵",    False, "Rosette"),                          # dull
    ("🌶",    True , "Chilli"),
    ("🍽",    False, "Fork and Knife With Plate"),        # dull
    ("🗺",    False, "World Map"),                        # dull
    ("🏔",    False, "Snow Capped Mountain"),             # dull
    ("🏕",    False, "Camping"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🏖",    True , "Beach"),
    ("🏜",    False, "Desert"),                           # dull
    ("🏝",    False, "Desert Island"),                    # dull
    ("🏞",    False, "National Park"),                    # dull
    ("🏟",    False, "Stadium"),                          # dull
    ("🏛",    True , "Architecture"),
    ("🏗",    False, "Building Construction"),            # dull
    ("🏘",    False, "House Buildings"),                  # dull
    ("🏙",    False, "Cityscape"),                        # dull
    ("🏚",    False, "Derelict House Building"),          # dull
    ("🖼",    False, "Frame With Picture"),               # dull
    ("🛢",    True , "Oil Drum"),
    ("🛣",    False, "Motorway"),                         # dull
    ("🛤",    False, "Railway Track"),                    # dull
    ("🛳",    False, "Passenger Ship"),                   # dull
    ("🛥",    True , "Boat"),
    ("🛩",    True , "Airplane"),
    ("🛫",    False, "Airplane Departure"),               # dull
    ("🛬",    False, "Airplane Arriving"),                # dull
    ("🛰",    True , "Satellite"),
    ("🛎",    True , "Service Bell"),
    ("🛌",    True , "Bed"),
    ("🛏",    False, "Bed"),                              # dull
    ("🛋",    False, "Couch and Lamp"),                   # dull
    ("🕰",    True , "Mantelpiece"),
    ("🌡",    True , "Thermometer"),
    ("🌤",    False, "Small Cloud"),                      # dull
    ("🌥",    False, "White Sun Behind Cloud"),           # dull
    ("🌦",    False, "White Sun Behind Cloud With Rain"), # dull
    ("🌧",    False, "Cloud With Rain"),                  # dull
    ("🌨",    False, "Cloud With Snow"),                  # dull
    ("🌩",    True , "Lightning"),
    ("🌪",    True , "Tornado"),
    ("🌫",    False, "Fog"),                              # dull
    ("🌬",    True , "Blowing"),
    ("🎖",    True , "Medal"),
    ("🎗",    False, "Ribbon"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🎞",    True , "Film"),
    ("🎟",    False, "Admission Tickets"),                # dull
    ("🏷",    True , "Label"),
    ("🏌",    False, "Golfer"),                           # dull
    ("🏋",    True , "Lifting"),
    ("🏎",    False, "Racing Car"),                       # dull
    ("🏍",    False, "Racing Motorcycle"),                # dull
    ("🏅",    False, "Medal"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🕹",    True , "Joystick"),
    ("⏸",    False, "Double Vertical Bar"),              # dull
    ("⏹",    False, "Black Square for Stop"),            # dull
    ("⏺",    False, "Black Circle for Record"),          # dull
    ("🎙",    False, "Microphone"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🎚",    False, "Level Slider"),                     # dull
    ("🎛",    False, "Control Knobs"),                    # dull
    ("🖥",    True , "Desktop"),
    ("🖨",    True , "Printer"),
    ("🖱",    False, "Three Button Mouse"),               # dull
    ("🖲",    False, "Trackball"),                        # dull
    ("📽",    False, "Film Projector"),                   # dull
    ("📸",    False, "Camera With Flash"),                # too similar to another
    ("🕯",    True , "Candle"),
    ("🗞",    False, "Newspaper"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🗳",    False, "Ballot Box With Ballot"),           # dull
    ("🖋",    True , "Fancy Pen"),
    ("🖊",    False, "Lower Left Ballpoint Pen"),         # dull
    ("🖌",    False, "Lower Left Paintbrush"),            # dull
    ("🖍",    False, "Lower Left Crayon"),                # dull
    ("🗂",    False, "Card Index Dividers"),              # dull
    ("🗒",    False, "Spiral Note Pad"),                  # dull
    ("🗓",    False, "Spiral Calendar Pad"),              # dull
    ("🖇",    False, "Linked Paperclips"),                # dull
    ("🗃",    False, "Card File Box"),                    # dull
    ("🗄",    False, "File Cabinet"),                     # dull
    ("🗑",    True , "Wastebasket"),
    ("🗝",    True , "Old Key"),
    ("🛠",    True , "Tools"),
    ("🗜",    True , "Compression"),
    ("🗡",    True , "Dagger"),
    ("🛡",    True , "Shield"),
    ("🏳",    True , "White Flag"),
    ("🏴",    True , "Black Flag"),
    ("🕉",    False, "Om Symbol"),                        # dull
    ("🗨",    False, "Left Speech Bubble"),               # dull

    # Unicode Version 8.0
    ("🤗",    True , "Hugging"),
    ("🤔",    True , "Thinking"),
    ("🙄",    True , "Rolling Eyes"),
    ("🤐",    True , "Hushed"),
    ("🤓",    True , "Nerd"),
    ("🙃",    True , "Upside Down"),
    ("🤒",    True , "Sick"),
    ("🤕",    True , "Hurt Head"),
    ("🤑",    False, "Money"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🏻",    False, "Emoji Modifier 1-2"),               # dull
    ("🏼",    False, "Emoji Modifier 3"),                 # dull
    ("🏽",    False, "Emoji Modifier 4"),                 # dull
    ("🏾",    False, "Emoji Modifier 5"),                 # dull
    ("🏿",    False, "Emoji Modifier 6"),                 # dull
    ("🤘",    True , "Rock On"),
    ("📿",    False, "Prayer Beads"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("🤖",    True , "Robot"),
    ("🦁",    True , "Lion"),
    ("🦄",    True , "Unicorn"),
    ("🦃",    True , "Turkey"),
    ("🦀",    True , "Crab"),
    ("🦂",    True , "Scorpion"),
    ("🧀",    True , "Cheese"),
    ("🌭",    False, "Hot Dog"),                          # dull
    ("🌮",    True , "Taco"),
    ("🌯",    True , "Burrito"),
    ("🍿",    True , "Popcorn"),
    ("🍾",    False, "Popping Cork"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("🏺",    False, "Amphora"),                          # dull
    ("🛐",    False, "Place of Worship"),                 # dull
    ("🕋",    False, "Kaaba"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🕌",    False, "Mosque"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🕍",    False, "Synagogue"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🕎",    False, "Menorah"),                          # potentially offensive
    ("🏏",    True , "Bat and Ball"),
    ("🏐",    True , "Volleyball"),
    ("🏑",    False, "Field Hockey"),                     # too similar to another
    ("🏒",    False, "Ice Hockey"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🏓",    True , "Table Tennis"),
    ("🏸",    False, "Badminton"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🏹",    True , "Archer"),

    # Unicode Version 9.0
    ("🤣",    True , "ROFL Face"),
    ("🤤",    True , "Drooling"),
    ("🤢",    False, "Nauseated"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🤧",    True , "Sneezing"),
    ("🤠",    True , "Cowboy"),
    ("🤡",    True , "Clown"),
    ("🤥",    False, "Lying"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🤴",    False, "Prince"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🤵",    False, "Tuxedo Man"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🤰",    False, "Pregnant"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("🤶",    False, "Mrs. Claus"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🤦",    True , "Facepalm"),
    ("🤷",    True , "Shrugging"),
    ("🕺",    False, "Man Dancing"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("🤺",    True , "Fencing"),
    ("🤸",    True , "Cartwheel"),
    ("🤼",    True , "Wrestling"),
    ("🤽",    False, "Water Polo"),                       # dull
    ("🤾",    False, "Handball"),                         # dull
    ("🤹",    True , "Juggling"),
    ("🤳",    True , "Selfie"),
    ("🤞",    True , "Luck Hand"),
    ("🤙",    False, "Call Me Hand"),                     # too similar to another
    ("🤛",    False, "Left-Facing Fist"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🤜",    False, "Right-Facing Fist"),                # too similar to another
    ("🤚",    False, "Raised Back of Hand"),              # too similar to another
    ("🤝",    True , "Business Hi"),
    ("🖤",    True , "Black Heart"),
    ("🦍",    False, "Gorilla"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🦊",    True , "Fox"),
    ("🦌",    False, "Deer"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🦏",    False, "Rhinoceros"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🦇",    True , "Bat"),
    ("🦅",    True , "Eagle"),
    ("🦆",    True , "Duck"),
    ("🦉",    True , "Owl"),
    ("🦎",    True , "Lizard"),
    ("🦈",    True , "Shark"),
    ("🦐",    True , "Shrimp"),
    ("🦑",    True , "Squid"),
    ("🦋",    True , "Butterfly"),
    ("🥀",    True , "Wilted"),
    ("🥝",    True , "Kiwifruit"),
    ("🥑",    True , "Pricey Fruit"),
    ("🥔",    True , "Potato"),
    ("🥕",    True , "Carrot"),
    ("🥒",    True , "Cucumber"),
    ("🥜",    True , "Peanuts"),
    ("🥐",    True , "Croissant"),
    ("🥖",    True , "Bread Sword"),
    ("🥞",    True , "Pancakes"),
    ("🥓",    False, "Bacon"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🥙",    False, "Stuffed Flatbread"),                # dull
    ("🥚",    True , "Chicken Rock"),
    ("🥘",    False, "Shallow Pan"),                      # dull
    ("🥗",    False, "Salad"),                            # dull
    ("🥛",    True , "Cow Juice"),
    ("🥂",    False, "Clinking Glasses"),                 # dull
    ("🥃",    False, "Tumbler"),                          # dull
    ("🥄",    True , "Spoon"),
    ("🛴",    True , "Scoot Scoot"),
    ("🛵",    False, "Motor Scooter"),                    # dull
    ("🛑",    False, "Stop Sign"),                        # dull
    ("🛶",    False, "Canoe"),                            # dull
    ("🥇",    False, "Gold Medal"),                       # dull
    ("🥈",    False, "Silver Medal"),                     # dull
    ("🥉",    True , "Participation"),
    ("🥊",    True , "Boxing"),
    ("🥋",    True , "Martial Arts"),
    ("🥅",    True , "Hashtag Goals"),
    ("🥁",    True , "Drum Roll"),
    ("🛒",    True , "Food Ute"),

    # Unicode Version 10.0
    ("🤩",    True , "Star Struck"),
    ("🤨",    True , "Unexpected Face"),
    ("🤯",    True , "Mind Blown"),
    ("🤪",    True , "Zany Face"),
    ("🤬",    True , "Swear Face"),
    ("🤮",    False, "Vomiting"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("🤫",    True , "Shushing"),
    ("🤭",    False, "Hand Over Mouth"),                  # too similar to another
    ("🧐",    True , "Monocle"),
    ("🧒",    True , "Child Face"),
    ("🧑",    False, "Adult"),                            # dull
    ("🧓",    False, "Older Adult"),                      # dull
    ("🧕",    False, "Headscarf"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🧔",    False, "Bearded Person"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🤱",    False, "Breast Feeding"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🧙",    True , "Mage"),
    ("🧚",    False, "Fairy"),                            # potentially offensive
    ("🧛",    True , "Vampire"),
    ("🧜",    False, "Merperson"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🧝",    True , "Cosplay"),
    ("🧞",    False, "Genie"),                            # dull
    ("🧟",    True , "Unalive"),
    ("🧖",    False, "Steamy Room"),                      # dull
    ("🧗",    False, "Person Climbing"),                  # dull
    ("🧘",    False, "Lotus Position"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🤟",    False, "Love-You Gesture"),                 # too similar to another
    ("🤲",    False, "Palms Up Together"),                # dull
    ("🧠",    True , "Big Brain"),
    ("🧡",    False, "Orange Heart"),                     # too similar to another
    ("🧣",    True , "Neck Hider"),
    ("🧤",    True , "Hand Socks"),
    ("🧥",    True , "Coat"),
    ("🧦",    True , "Feet Gloves"),
    ("🧢",    False, "Billed Cap"),                       # dull
    ("🦓",    False, "Zebra"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🦒",    False, "Giraffe"),                          # too similar to another
    ("🦔",    True , "Spikehog"),
    ("🦕",    True , "Long Neck"),
    ("🦖",    True , "Big Roar"),
    ("🦗",    True , "Cricket"),
    ("🥥",    True , "Coconut"),
    ("🥦",    True , "Tiny Tree"),
    ("🥨",    True , "Twisty Bread"),
    ("🥩",    False, "Cut of Meat"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("🥪",    False, "Sandwich"),                         # dull
    ("🥣",    False, "Bowl With Spoon"),                  # dull
    ("🥫",    True , "Canned Good"),
    ("🥟",    True , "Dumpling"),
    ("🥠",    True , "Tasty Future"),
    ("🥡",    False, "Takeout Box"),                      # dull
    ("🥧",    True , "Pie"),
    ("🥤",    False, "Cup With Straw"),                   # dull
    ("🥢",    False, "Chopsticks"),                       # dull
    ("🛸",    True , "Alien Plane"),
    ("🛷",    True , "Sled"),
    ("🥌",    True , "Curling"),

    # Unicode Version 11.0
    ("🥰",    False, "Smiling Face With 3 Hearts"),       # too similar to another
    ("🥵",    False, "Overheated"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🥶",    True , "Freezing Face"),
    ("🥴",    False, "Woozy Face"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🥳",    True , "Party Face"),
    ("🥺",    True , "Pleading Face"),
    ("🦵",    False, "Leg"),                              # dull
    ("🦶",    True , "Foot"),
    ("🦷",    True , "Tooth"),
    ("🦴",    True , "Bone"),
    ("🦸",    False, "Superhero"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🦹",    True , "Supervillain"),
    ("🦝",    True , "Trash Bandit"),
    ("🦙",    True , "Llama"),
    ("🦛",    False, "Hippopotamus"),                     # too similar to another
    ("🦘",    True , "Kangaroo"),
    ("🦡",    True , "Badger"),
    ("🦢",    True , "Swan"),
    ("🦚",    True , "Peacock"),
    ("🦜",    True , "Parrot"),
    ("🦟",    False, "Mosquito"),                         # potentially offensive
    ("🦠",    False, "Microbe"),                          # potentially offensive
    ("🥭",    True , "Mango"),
    ("🥬",    True , "Leafy Green"),
    ("🥯",    True , "Bagel"),
    ("🧂",    True , "Salty"),
    ("🥮",    False, "Moon Cake"),                        # too similar to another
    ("🦞",    True , "Lobster"),
    ("🧁",    True , "Cupcake"),
    ("🧭",    False, "Compass"),                          # dull
    ("🧱",    False, "Brick"),                            # dull
    ("🛹",    True , "Skateboard"),
    ("🧳",    True , "Baggage"),
    ("🧨",    True , "Firework"),
    ("🧧",    False, "Red Envelope"),                     # dull
    ("🥎",    False, "Softball"),                         # too similar to another
    ("🥏",    True , "Throwing Disc"),
    ("🥍",    True , "Lacrosse"),
    ("🧿",    False, "Nazar Amulet"),                     # dull
    ("🧩",    True , "Puzzle Piece"),
    ("🧸",    False, "Teddy Bear"),                       # too similar to another
    ("🧵",    False, "Thread"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🧶",    True , "Yarn Ball"),
    ("🥽",    True , "The Goggles"),
    ("🥼",    False, "Lab Coat"),                         # dull
    ("🥾",    False, "Hiking Boot"),                      # dull
    ("🥿",    True , "Flat Shoe"),
    ("🧮",    True , "Abacus"),
    ("🧾",    False, "Receipt"),                          # dull
    ("🧰",    True , "Toolbox"),
    ("🧲",    True , "Magnet"),
    ("🧪",    True , "Test Tube"),
    ("🧫",    True , "Petri Dish"),
    ("🧬",    True , "DNA"),
    ("🧴",    True , "Lotion"),
    ("🧷",    True , "Safety Pin"),
    ("🧹",    True , "Broom"),
    ("🧺",    True , "Basket"),
    ("🧻",    False, "Roll of Paper"),                    # dull
    ("🧼",    True , "Soap"),
    ("🧽",    True , "Fun sponge"),
    ("🧯",    True , "Anti-fire Can"),

    # Unicode Version 12.0
    ("🥱",    True , "Yawning Face"),
    ("🤎",    False, "Brown Heart"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🤍",    False, "White Heart"),                      # too similar to another
    ("🤏",    True , "Pinching Hand"),
    ("🦾",    False, "Mechanical Arm"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🦿",    False, "Mechanical Leg"),                   # potentially offensive
    ("🦻",    False, "Ear with Hearing Aid"),             # potentially offensive
    ("🧏",    False, "Deaf Person"),                      # potentially offensive
    ("🧍",    False, "Person Standing"),                  # too similar to another
    ("🧎",    False, "Person Kneeling"),                  # dull
    ("🦧",    False, "Orangutan"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🦮",    True , "Guide Dog"),
    ("🦥",    True , "Lazy Tree Dog"),
    ("🦦",    True , "Water Dog"),
    ("🦨",    True , "Stinky dog"),
    ("🦩",    True , "Pink Dog"),
    ("🧄",    False, "Garlic"),                           # dull
    ("🧅",    False, "Onion"),                            # dull
    ("🧇",    True , "Waffle"),
    ("🧆",    True , "Falafel"),
    ("🧈",    True , "Butter"),
    ("🦪",    True , "Oyster"),
    ("🧃",    True , "Beverage Box"),
    ("🧉",    False, "Mate"),                             # too similar to another
    ("🧊",    True , "Cold Cuboid"),
    ("🛕",    False, "Hindu Temple"),                     # potentially offensive
    ("🦽",    False, "Manual Wheelchair"),                # potentially offensive
    ("🦼",    False, "Motorized Wheelchair"),             # potentially offensive
    ("🛺",    True , "Auto Rickshaw"),
    ("🪂",    True , "Parachute"),
    ("🪐",    True , "Ringed Planet"),
    ("🤿",    True , "Diving Mask"),
    ("🪀",    False, "Yo-Yo"),                            # too similar to another
    ("🪁",    True , "Kite"),
    ("🦺",    True , "Safety Vest"),
    ("🥻",    True , "Sari"),
    ("🩱",    False, "One-Piece Swimsuit"),               # potentially offensive
    ("🩲",    False, "Briefs"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🩳",    True , "Shorts"),
    ("🩰",    True , "Ballet Shoes"),
    ("🪕",    True , "Banjo"),
    ("🪔",    False, "Diya Lamp"),                        # dull
    ("🪓",    True , "Axe"),
    ("🦯",    False, "White Cane"),                       # potentially offensive
    ("🩸",    False, "Drop of Blood"),                    # potentially offensive
    ("🩹",    False, "Adhesive Bandage"),                 # dull
    ("🩺",    True , "Stethoscope"),
    ("🪑",    True , "Chair"),
    ("🪒",    True , "Razor"),
    ("🟠",    False, "Orange Circle"),                    # dull
    ("🟡",    False, "Yellow Circle"),                    # dull
    ("🟢",    False, "Green Circle"),                     # dull
    ("🟣",    False, "Purple Circle"),                    # dull
    ("🟤",    False, "Brown Circle"),                     # dull
    ("🟥",    False, "Red Square"),                       # dull
    ("🟧",    False, "Orange Square"),                    # dull
    ("🟨",    False, "Yellow Square"),                    # dull
    ("🟩",    False, "Green Square"),                     # dull
    ("🟦",    False, "Blue Square"),                      # dull
    ("🟪",    False, "Purple Square"),                    # dull
    ("🟫",    False, "Brown Square"),                     # dull

    # Unicode Version 13.0
    ("🥲",    False, "Smiling Face with Tear"),           # too similar to another
    ("🥸",    True , "Disguised Face"),
    ("🤌",    False, "Pinched Fingers"),                  # potentially offensive
    ("🫀",    True , "Anatomical Heart"),
    ("🫁",    True , "Lungs"),
    ("🥷",    True , "Ninja"),
    ("🫂",    True , "People Hugging"),
    ("🦬",    True , "Bison"),
    ("🦣",    True , "Mammoth"),
    ("🦫",    True , "Beaver"),
    ("🦤",    True , "Dodo"),
    ("🪶",    True , "Feather"),
    ("🦭",    True , "Seal"),
    ("🪲",    False, "Beetle"),                           # potentially offensive
    ("🪳",    False, "Cockroach"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🪰",    False, "Fly"),                              # potentially offensive
    ("🪱",    False, "Worm"),                             # potentially offensive
    ("🪴",    True , "Potted Plant"),
    ("🫐",    True , "Blueberries"),
    ("🫒",    True , "Olive"),
    ("🫑",    True , "Bell Pepper"),
    ("🫓",    True , "Flatbread"),
    ("🫔",    True , "Tamale"),
    ("🫕",    False, "Fondue"),                           # too similar to another
    ("🫖",    True , "Teapot"),
    ("🧋",    True , "Bubble Tea"),
    ("🪨",    True , "Rock"),
    ("🪵",    True , "Wood"),
    ("🛖",    False, "Hut"),                              # potentially offensive
    ("🛻",    True , "Pickup Truck"),
    ("🛼",    True , "Roller Skate"),
    ("🪄",    True , "Magic Wand"),
    ("🪅",    True , "Piñata"),
    ("🪆",    True , "Nesting Dolls"),
    ("🪡",    False, "Sewing Needle"),                    # dull
    ("🪢",    True , "Knot"),
    ("🩴",    True , "Thong Sandal"),
    ("🪖",    False, "Military Helmet"),                  # potentially offensive
    ("🪗",    True , "Accordion"),
    ("🪘",    True , "Long Drum"),
    ("🪙",    True , "Coin"),
    ("🪃",    True , "Boomerang"),
    ("🪚",    True , "Carpentry Saw"),
    ("🪛",    True , "Screwdriver"),
    ("🪝",    True , "Hook"),
    ("🪜",    True , "Ladder"),
    ("🛗",    False, "Elevator"),                         # dull
    ("🪞",    False, "Mirror"),                           # dull
    ("🪟",    False, "Window"),                           # dull
    ("🪠",    True , "Plunger"),
    ("🪤",    True , "Mouse Trap"),
    ("🪣",    True , "Bucket"),
    ("🪥",    True , "Toothbrush"),
    ("🪦",    False, "Headstone"),                        # potentially offensive
    ("🪧",    False, "Placard"),                          # dull

# The field choices are the permissible values
EMOJI_FIELD_CHOICES = [(emoji, emoji + " " + name) for emoji, _, name in EMOJI_LIST]

# The random options are a reduced set
EMOJI_RANDOM_OPTIONS = [(emoji, name) for emoji, include, name in EMOJI_LIST if include]

EMOJI_NAMES = {emoji: name for emoji, _, name in EMOJI_LIST}

EMOJI_BY_NAME = {name: emoji for emoji, _, name in EMOJI_LIST}