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"""Base classes for rank annotators for the standings generator.

Each rank annotator is responsible for computing a particular type of ranking
for each team and annotating team standings with them. The most obvious example
is the basic ranking from first to last (taking into account equal rankings),
but there are other "types" of ranks, for example, ranks within brackets

import logging
from itertools import groupby

from django.db.models import Count, F, Window
from django.db.models.functions import Rank

from .metrics import metricgetter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BaseRankAnnotator:
    """Base class for all rank annotators.

    A rank annotator is a class that adds rankings to a TeamStandings object.
    Subclasses must implement the method `annotate()`.

    Subclasses must also set the `key`, `name` and `abbr` attributes, either as
    class attributes or object attributes. The `icon` attribute is

     - `name` is a name for display in the user interface
     - `abbr` is used instead of `name` when there is not enough space for `name`
     - `icon` (optional) is the name of an icon to be used if possible

    The default constructor does nothing, but subclasses may have constructors
    that initialise themselves with parameters."""

    key = None  # Must be set by subclasses
    name = None  # Must be set by subclasses
    abbr = None  # Must be set by subclasses
    icon = None

    def run(self, standings):
        standings.record_added_ranking(self.key,, self.abbr, self.icon)

    def run_queryset(self, queryset, standings):
        standings.record_added_ranking(self.key,, self.abbr, self.icon)
        self.annotate_by_queryset(queryset, standings)

    def annotate(self, standings):
        """Annotates the given `standings` by calling `add_ranking()` on every
        `TeamStandingInfo` object in `standings`.

        `standings` is a `TeamStandings` object.
        raise NotImplementedError("BaseRankAnnotator subclasses must implement annotate()")

    def _get_ordering(metrics, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        ordering = []
        annotations = {a.key: a for a in annotators}
        for key in metrics:
            annotation = annotations[key]
            if annotation.ascending:
                ordering.append(annotation.get_ranking_annotation(min_field, min_rounds).asc(nulls_last=True))
                ordering.append(annotation.get_ranking_annotation(min_field, min_rounds).desc(nulls_last=True))
        return ordering

    def get_annotated_queryset(self, queryset, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        self.queryset_annotated = True
        return queryset.annotate(**{
            self.key          : self.get_annotation(annotators, min_field, min_rounds),
            self.key + '_tied': self.get_tied_annotation(annotators, min_field, min_rounds),

    def get_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_tied_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        annotations = {a.key: a for a in annotators}
        return Window(
            partition_by=[annotations[key].get_ranking_annotation(min_field, min_rounds) for key in self.metrics],

    def annotate_with_queryset(self, queryset, standings):
        """Annotates items with the given QuerySet, using the "metric" field."""
        tied_key = self.key + '_tied'
        for item in queryset:
            standings.add_ranking(item, self.key, (getattr(item, self.key), getattr(item, tied_key) > 1))

    def annotate_by_queryset(self, queryset, standings):
        assert self.queryset_annotated, "get_annotated_queryset() must be run before annotate_by_queryset()"
        self.annotate_with_queryset(queryset, standings)

class BasicRankAnnotator(BaseRankAnnotator):

    key = "rank"
    name = "rank"
    abbr = "Rk"
    icon = "bar-chart"

    def __init__(self, metrics):
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.rank_key = metricgetter(metrics)

    def annotate(self, standings):
        rank = 1
        for key, group in groupby(standings, key=self.rank_key):
            group = list(group)
            for info in group:
                info.add_ranking("rank", (rank, len(group) > 1))
            rank += len(group)

    def get_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        return Window(
            order_by=self._get_ordering(self.metrics, annotators, min_field, min_rounds),

class BaseRankWithinGroupAnnotator(BaseRankAnnotator):
    """Base class for ranking annotators that rank within groups.

    Subclasses must define `self.group_key` and `self.rank_key`."""

    def annotate(self, standings):
        filtered = [tsi for tsi in standings if self.group_key(tsi) is not None]
        by_group = sorted(filtered, key=self.group_key)
        for key, group in groupby(by_group, key=self.group_key):
            rank_in_group = 1
            for _, subgroup in groupby(group, self.rank_key):
                subgroup = list(subgroup)
                for tsi in subgroup:
                    tsi.add_ranking(self.key, (rank_in_group, len(subgroup) > 1))
                rank_in_group += len(subgroup)

class SubrankAnnotator(BaseRankWithinGroupAnnotator):

    key = "subrank"
    name = "subrank"
    abbr = "Sub"

    def __init__(self, metrics):
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.group_key = metricgetter(metrics[:1])  # don't crash if there are no metrics
        self.rank_key = metricgetter(metrics[1:])

    def get_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        annotations = {a.key: a for a in annotators}
        return Window(
            order_by=self._get_ordering(self.metrics[1:], annotators, min_field, min_rounds),
            partition_by=[annotations[key].get_ranking_annotation(min_field, min_rounds) for key in self.metrics[:1]],

class RankFromInstitutionAnnotator(BaseRankWithinGroupAnnotator):

    key = "institution_rank"
    name = "rank from institution"
    abbr = "Inst"

    def __init__(self, metrics):
        self.metrics = metrics
        self.rank_key = metricgetter(metrics)

    def group_key(tsi):

    def get_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        return Window(
            order_by=self._get_ordering(self.metrics[1:], annotators, min_field, min_rounds),

    def get_tied_annotation(self, annotators, min_field, min_rounds):
        annotations = {a.key: a for a in annotators}
        return Window(
            partition_by=[F('institution_id')] + [annotations[key].get_ranking_annotation(min_field, min_rounds) for key in self.metrics],