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2 hrs
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env node

 * Module dependencies.
import * as program from "yargs";

import { BeautifyCommand } from "./commands/BeautifyCommand";
import { SupportCommand } from "./commands/SupportCommand";

    builder: {
      "config-file": {
        alias: "c",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Beautifier configuration file",
        type: "string",
      "config-json": {
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Beautifier configuration as stringified JSON",
        type: "string",
      "file-path": {
        alias: "f",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Path of the file to beautify from stdin",
        type: "string",
      inplace: {
        alias: "i",
        default: false,
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Replace file(s) with beautified results",
        type: "boolean",
      language: {
        alias: "l",
        demandOption: true,
        describe: "Language of file to beautify",
        type: "string",
      "out-file": {
        alias: "o",
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "Output file of beautified results",
        type: "string",
    command: "*",
    describe: "Beautify Files",
    handler: (argv: any) => {
      const main = new BeautifyCommand();
      main.beautify(argv).catch((error: Error) => {});
    aliases: ["list", "ls"],
    builder: {
      all: {
        alias: "a",
        default: false,
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "List all languages supported",
      beautifiers: {
        alias: "b",
        default: false,
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "List installed beautifiers",
      json: {
        alias: "j",
        default: false,
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "List as JSON array",
      languages: {
        alias: "l",
        default: false,
        demandOption: false,
        describe: "List supported languages based on installed beautifiers",
    command: "support",
    describe: "List languages and beautifiers",
    handler: (argv: any) => {
      const main = new SupportCommand();
      main.support(argv).catch((error: Error) => {});

// .option("-i, --input-file [file]", "Input file to be beautified")
// .option("-b, --beautifiers [beautifier...]", "Installed Beautifiers to load")
// .option("--input-dir [directory]", "Input directory of files to be beautified")
// .option("--output-dir [directory]", "Output directory of beautified results")