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6 hrs
Test Coverage
 * Class for tab navigation
 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  * @copyright   {@link http://xoops.org/ XOOPS Project}
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html)
 * @author      John Neill (AKA Catzwolf)
 * @author      Andricq Nicolas (AKA MusS)

defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || die();

 * Class APCalAdminMenuHandler
class APCalAdminMenuHandler
     * @var string
    public $_menutop  = array();
    public $_menutabs = array();
    public $_obj;
    public $_header;
    public $_subheader;

     * Constructor
    public function __construct()
        global $xoopsModule;
        $this->_obj = $xoopsModule;

     * @param $addon
    public function getAddon($addon)
        $this->_obj = $addon;

     * @param        $value
     * @param string $name
    public function addMenuTop($value, $name = '')
        if ($name !== '') {
            $this->_menutop[$value] = $name;
        } else {
            $this->_menutop[$value] = $value;

     * @param      $options
     * @param bool $multi
    public function addMenuTopArray($options, $multi = true)
        if (is_array($options)) {
            if ($multi === true) {
                foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                    $this->addOptionTop($k, $v);
            } else {
                foreach ($options as $k) {
                    $this->addOptiontop($k, $k);

     * @param        $value
     * @param string $name
    public function addMenuTabs($value, $name = '')
        if ($name !== '') {
            $this->_menutabs[$value] = $name;
        } else {
            $this->_menutabs[$value] = $value;

     * @param      $options
     * @param bool $multi
    public function addMenuTabsArray($options, $multi = true)
        if (is_array($options)) {
            if ($multi === true) {
                foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
                    $this->addMenuTabsTop($k, $v);
            } else {
                foreach ($options as $k) {
                    $this->addMenuTabsTop($k, $k);

     * @param $value
    public function addHeader($value)
        $this->_header = $value;

     * @param $value
    public function addSubHeader($value)
        $this->_subheader = $value;

     * @param  string $basename
     * @return string
    public function breadcrumb_nav($basename = 'Home')
        global $bc_site, $bc_label;
        $site       = $bc_site;
        $return_str = "<a href=\"/\">$basename</a>";
        $str        = substr(dirname(xoops_getenv('PHP_SELF')), 1);

        $arr = explode('/', $str);
        $num = count($arr);

        if ($num > 1) {
            foreach ($arr as $val) {
                $return_str .= ' &gt; <a href="' . $site . $val . '/">' . $bc_label[$val] . '</a>';
                $site       .= $val . '/';
        } elseif ($num == 1) {
            $arr        = $str;
            $return_str .= ' &gt; <a href="' . $bc_site . $arr . '/">' . $bc_label[$arr] . '</a>';

        return $return_str;

     * @param  int  $currentoption
     * @param  bool $display
     * @return string
    public function render($currentoption = 1, $display = true)
        global $modversion;
        $_dirname = $this->_obj->getVar('dirname');
        $i        = 0;

         * Selects current menu tab
        foreach ($this->_menutabs as $k => $menus) {
            $menuItems[] = $menus;
        $breadcrumb                = $menuItems[$currentoption];
        $menuItems[$currentoption] = 'current';
        //Not the best method of adding CSS but the only method available at the moment since xoops is shitty with the backend
        $menu = '<style type="text/css" media="screen">@import "' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->_obj->getVar('dirname') . '/css/menu.css";</style>';
        $menu .= "<div id='buttontop_mod'>";
        $menu .= "<table style='width: 100%; padding: 0;' cellspacing='0'>\n<tr>";
        $menu .= "<td style='font-size: 10px; text-align: left; color: #2F5376; padding: 0 6px; line-height: 18px;'>";
        foreach ($this->_menutop as $k => $v) {
            $menu .= " <a href=\"$k\">$v</a> |";
        $menu = substr($menu, 0, -1);

        $menu .= '</td>';
        $menu .= "<td style='text-align: right;'><strong>" . $this->_obj->getVar('name') . '</strong> : ' . $breadcrumb . '</td>';
        $menu .= "</tr>\n</table>\n";
        $menu .= "</div>\n";
        $menu .= "<div id='buttonbar_mod'><ul>";
        foreach ($this->_menutabs as $k => $v) {
            $menu .= "<li id='" . $menuItems[$i] . "'><a href='" . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $this->_obj->getVar('dirname') . '/' . $k . "'><span>$v</span></a></li>\n";
        $menu .= "</ul>\n</div>\n";
        if ($this->_header) {
            $menu .= "<h4 class='admin_header'>";
            if (isset($modversion['name'])) {
                if ($modversion['image'] && $this->_obj->getVar('mid') == 1) {
                    $system_image = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/system/images/system/' . $modversion['image'];
                } else {
                    $system_image = XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $_dirname . '/assets/images/' . $modversion['image'];
                $menu .= "<img src='$system_image' align='middle' height='32' width='32' alt='' />";
                $menu .= ' ' . $modversion['name'] . "</h4>\n";
            } else {
                $menu .= ' ' . $this->_header . "</h4>\n";
        if ($this->_subheader) {
            $menu .= "<div class='admin_subheader'>" . $this->_subheader . "</div>\n";
        $menu .= '<div class="clear">&nbsp;</div>';
        if ($display === true) {
            echo $menu;
        } else {
            return $menu;