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1 day
Test Coverage

 * Module: Lexikon
 * Author: Yerres
 * adapted from xwords
 * Licence: GNU
defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || exit('Restricted access');

 * @param $a
 * @return string
function uchr($a)
    if (is_scalar($a)) {
        $a = func_get_args();
    $str = '';
    foreach ($a as $code) {
        $str .= html_entity_decode('&#' . $code . ';', ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    return $str;

 * @param $options
 * @return array
function b_lxentries_alpha_show($options)
    global $xoopsDB, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModule;
    $myts = \MyTextSanitizer::getInstance();

    /** @var \XoopsModuleHandler $moduleHandler */
    $moduleHandler = xoops_getHandler('module');
    $lexikon       = $moduleHandler->getByDirname('lexikon');
    if (!isset($lxConfig)) {
        /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $configHandler */
        $configHandler = xoops_getHandler('config');
        $lxConfig      = $configHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $lexikon->getVar('mid'));
    $groups = is_object($xoopsUser) ? $xoopsUser->getGroups() : XOOPS_GROUP_ANONYMOUS;
    /** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
    $grouppermHandler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm');
    $module_id        = $lexikon->getVar('mid');
    $allowed_cats     = $grouppermHandler->getItemIds('lexikon_view', $groups, $module_id);
    $catids           = implode(',', $allowed_cats);
    $catperms         = " AND categoryID IN ($catids) ";

    $block = [];
    // To handle options in the template
    if (1 == $options[0]) {
        $block['layout'] = 1;
    } else {
        $block['layout'] = 0;
    if ($options[1]) {
        $block['number'] = $options[1];
    } else {
        $block['number'] = 8;
    $block['title']         = _MB_LEXIKON_TERMINITIAL;
    $block['moduledirname'] = $lexikon->dirname();
    $count                  = 0;
    for ($a = 48; $a < (48 + 10); ++$a) {
        $letterlinks             = [];
        $initial                 = uchr($a);
        $sql                     = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT init FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('lxentries') . " WHERE init = '$initial' AND datesub < '" . time() . "' AND datesub > '0' AND offline= '0' AND submit='0' AND request='0' " . $catperms . ' ');
        $howmany                 = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($sql);
        $letterlinks['total']    = $howmany;
        $letterlinks['id']       = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['linktext'] = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['count']    = $count;

        $block['initstuff'][] = $letterlinks;
    for ($a = 65; $a < (65 + 26); ++$a) {
        $letterlinks             = [];
        $initial                 = uchr($a);
        $sql                     = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT init FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('lxentries') . " WHERE init = '$initial' AND datesub < '" . time() . "' AND datesub > '0' AND offline= '0' AND submit='0' AND request='0' " . $catperms . ' ');
        $howmany                 = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($sql);
        $letterlinks['total']    = $howmany;
        $letterlinks['id']       = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['linktext'] = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['count']    = $count;

        $block['initstuff'][] = $letterlinks;
    /*for ($a = 1040; $a < (1040 + 32); ++$a) {
        $letterlinks = [];
        $initial     = uchr($a);
        $sql                     = $xoopsDB->query('SELECT init FROM '
                                                   . $xoopsDB->prefix('lxentries')
                                                   . " WHERE init = '$initial' AND datesub < '"
                                                   . time()
                                                   . "' AND datesub > '0' AND offline= '0' AND submit='0' AND request='0' "
                                                   . $catperms
                                                   . ' ');
        $howmany                 = $xoopsDB->getRowsNum($sql);
        $letterlinks['total']    = $howmany;
        $letterlinks['id']       = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['linktext'] = uchr($a);
        $letterlinks['count']    = (int)$count;

        $block['initstuff'][] = $letterlinks;

    return $block;

 * @param $options
 * @return string
function b_lxentries_alpha_edit($options)
    $form = _ALIGN;
    $form .= "<input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='1'" . ((1 == $options[0]) ? ' checked' : '') . ' >' . _YES . '&nbsp;';
    $form .= "<input type='radio' name='options[0]' value='0'" . ((0 == $options[0]) ? ' checked' : '') . ' >' . _NO . '<br>';
    $form .= '' . _MB_LEXIKON_LETTERS . " <input type='text' name='options[]' value='" . $options[1] . "' >&nbsp; <br>";

    return $form;