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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace XoopsModules\Xoopspoll;

 * Class Utility
class Utility extends Common\SysUtility
    //--------------- Custom module methods -----------------------------
     * gets the name of the host located at a specific ip address
     * @param string $ipAddr the ip address of the host
     * @return string host name
    public static function getHostByAddrWithCache(string &$ipAddr): string
        static $ipArray = [];
        $retVal  = &$ipAddr;
        $options = ['flags' => \FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE, \FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE];
        if (\filter_var($ipAddr, \FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, $options)) {
            if (\array_key_exists($ipAddr, $ipArray)) {
                $retVal = $ipArray[$ipAddr];
            } else {
                $hostAddr = \gethostbyaddr($ipAddr);
                if ($hostAddr === $ipAddr) {
                    $retVal = &$ipAddr;
                } else {
                    $ipArray[$ipAddr] = \htmlspecialchars($hostAddr, \ENT_QUOTES | \ENT_HTML5);
                    $retVal           = $ipArray[$ipAddr];

        return $retVal;

     * Returns the global comment mode for this module
     * @static
    public static function commentMode()
        static $mConfig;
        if (!isset($mConfig)) {
            $mHandler = \xoops_getHandler('module');
            $mod      = $mHandler->getByDirname('xoopspoll');
            /** @var \XoopsConfigHandler $cHandler */
            $cHandler = \xoops_getHandler('config');
            $mConfig  = &$cHandler->getConfigsByCat(0, $mod->getVar('mid'));

        return $mConfig['com_rule'];

     * Creates a visibility array from module default values
     * @return array visibility options available for a poll
    public static function getVisibilityArray(): array
         * {@internal Do NOT add/delete from $visOptions after the module has been installed}
        static $visOptions = [];
        if (empty($visOptions)) {
            \xoops_loadLanguage('main', 'xoopspoll');
            $visOptions = [
                Constants::HIDE_NEVER  => \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_NEVER,
                Constants::HIDE_END    => \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_END,
                Constants::HIDE_VOTED  => \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_VOTED,
                Constants::HIDE_ALWAYS => \_MD_XOOPSPOLL_HIDE_ALWAYS,

        return $visOptions;

     * Retrieves vote cookie from client system
     * The cookie name is based on the module directory. If module is
     * installed in default location then cookie name is 'voted_polls'
     * for backward compatibility. Otherwise , cookie is named
     * '<dirname>_voted_polls' to allow for module to be cloned using
     * smartClone module.
     * @param string $cookieBaseName
     * @return array  contains cookie for polls, empty array if not found
    public static function getVoteCookie(string $cookieBaseName = 'voted_polls'): array
        $pollDir = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
        if ('xoopspoll' === $pollDir) {
            $pollCookie = !empty($_COOKIE[$cookieBaseName]) ? $_COOKIE[$cookieBaseName] : [];
        } else {
            $pollCookie = !empty($_COOKIE["{$pollDir}_{$cookieBaseName}"]) ? $_COOKIE["{$pollDir}_{$cookieBaseName}"] : [];

        return $pollCookie;

     * Sets vote cookie on client system
     * The cookie name is based on the module directory. If module is
     * installed in default location then cookie name is 'voted_polls'
     * for backward compatibility. Otherwise , cookie is named
     * '<dirname>_voted_polls' to allow for module to be cloned using
     * smartClone module.
     * @param bool|int|string $index          array index to set in cookie
     * @param string          $value          data to store in cookie
     * @param int             $expires        time when cookie expires
     * @param string          $cookieBaseName name of cookie (without directory prefix)
     * @return bool         success in setting cookie
    public static function setVoteCookie($index, string $value, int $expires = 0, string $cookieBaseName = 'voted_polls'): bool
        $pollDir = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
        $success = false;
        // do a little sanity check on $index and $cookieBaseName
        if (!\is_bool($index) && !empty($cookieBaseName)) {
            if ('xoopspoll' === $pollDir) {
                $cookieName = $cookieBaseName;
            } else {
                $cookieName = $pollDir . '_' . $cookieBaseName;
            $iVal = (string)$index;
            if (!empty($iVal)) {
                $success = setcookie($cookieName[$index], $value, (int)$expires);
                if ($success) {
                    $clientCookie = self::getVoteCookie();
                    if (!\array_key_exists($index, $clientCookie) || $clientCookie[$index] !== $value) {
                        $success = false;
            } else {  //clear the cookie
                $success = setcookie($cookieName, '', (int)$expires);
                if ($success) {
                    $clientCookie = self::getVoteCookie();
                    if (!empty($clientCookie)) {
                        $success = false;

        return $success;

     * Sets vote cookie on client system
     * The cookie name is based on the module directory. If module is
     * installed in default location then cookie name is 'voted_polls'
     * for backward compatibility. Otherwise , cookie is named
     * '<dirname>_voted_polls' to allow for module to be cloned using
     * smartClone module.
     * @param \XoopsDatabase|null $db
     * @param  string $tablename
     * @return bool success in setting cookie
     * @internal param int|string $index array index to set in cookie
     * @internal param unknown_type $value data to store in cookie
     * @internal param int $expires time when cookie expires
     * @internal param string $cookieBaseName name of cookie (without directory prefix)
    public static function dbTableExists(\XoopsDatabase $db, string $tablename): bool
        $tablename = \addslashes($tablename);
        $mytable   = $db->prefix((string)$tablename);
        $result    = $db->queryF("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$mytable}'");
        $found     = $db->getRowsNum($result);

        return !empty($found);