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 * Module: xsitemap
 * @author     Taiwen Jiang <phppp@users.sourceforge.net>
 * @author     ZySpec <zyspec@yahoo.com>
 * @copyright  https://xoops.org 2001-2017 XOOPS Project
 * @license    http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU public license
 * @link       https://xoops.org XOOPS
 * @since      1.00

use XoopsModules\Xsitemap\{
/** @var Helper $helper */
/** @var Utility $utility */

 * @internal {Make sure you PROTECT THIS FILE}
if ((!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH'))
    || !($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser)
    || !$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->isAdmin()) {
    exit('Restricted access' . PHP_EOL);
 * Prepares system prior to attempting to install module
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @return bool true if ready to install, false if not
function xoops_module_pre_install_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module)
    $moduleDirName = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
    $utility       = new Utility();
    $xoopsSuccess  = $utility::checkVerXoops($module);
    $phpSuccess    = $utility::checkVerPhp($module);
    return $xoopsSuccess && $phpSuccess;

 * Performs tasks required during installation of the module
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @return bool true if installation successful, false if not
function xoops_module_install_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module)
    return true;
    /** @internal following code removed, it will fail because module not fully loaded/available until
     * after install, module now uses XOOPS preload instead */
    //28/08/2009 by urbanspaceman
    require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path("class/tree.php");
    require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path("modules/" . $module->dirname() . "/class/plugin.php");
    require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path("modules/" . $module->dirname() . "/include/functions.php");
    require_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path("modules/" . $module->dirname(). "/class/DummyObject.php");

    //Create the xsitemap.xml file in the site root
    $xsitemap_show = Utility::generateSitemap();
    return Utility::saveSitemap($xsitemap_show) ? true : false;

 * Prepares system prior to attempting to update module
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @return bool true if successfully ready to update module, false if not
function xoops_module_pre_update_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module)
    $moduleDirName = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
    $helper        = Helper::getInstance();
    $utility       = new Utility();
    $xoopsSuccess  = $utility::checkVerXoops($module);
    $phpSuccess    = $utility::checkVerPhp($module);
    return $xoopsSuccess && $phpSuccess;

 * Functions to upgrade from previous version of the module
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @param int|null     $previousVersion
 * @return bool true if successfully updated module, false if not
 * @internal param int $curr_version version number of module currently installed
function xoops_module_update_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module, $previousVersion = null)
        // Remove xSitemap uploads folder (and all subfolders) if they exist
        $utility = new Utility();
        if (!class_exists($utility)) {
            xoops_load('utility', $moduleDirName);

        // Recursively delete directories
        $xsUploadDir = realpath(XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . "/" . $module->dirname());
        $success = $utility::rrmdir($xsUploadDir);
        if (true !== $success) {
            \Xmf\Language::load('admin', $module->dirname());
            $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_DEL_PATH, $xsUploadDir));
        return $success;
    $moduleDirName      = \basename(\dirname(__DIR__));
    $moduleDirNameUpper = mb_strtoupper($moduleDirName);

    $helper       = Helper::getInstance();
    $utility      = new Utility();

    // Upgrade for Xsitemap < 1.54
    $success = true;
    if ($previousVersion < 154) {
        // Remove previous css & images directories since they've been relocated to ./assets
        // Also remove uploads directories since they're no longer used
        $old_directories = [
            XOOPS_UPLOAD_PATH . '/' . $module->dirname(),
        foreach ($old_directories as $old_dir) {
            $dirInfo = new \SplFileInfo($old_dir);
            if ($dirInfo->isDir()) {
                // The directory exists so delete it
                if (false === $utility::rrmdir($old_dir)) {
                    $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_DEL_PATH, $old_dir));
                    return false;
        // Remove ./template/*.html (except index.html) files since they've
        // been replaced by *.tpl files
        // Note: this will also remove /template/xsitemap_style.html since it's no longer used
        $path       = $helper->path('templates/');
        $unfiltered = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
        $iterator   = new RegexIterator($unfiltered, '/.*\.html/');
        foreach ($iterator as $name => $fObj) {
            if ($fObj->isFile() && ('index.html' !== $fObj->getFilename())) {
                if (false === ($success = unlink($fObj->getPathname()))) {
                    $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_REMOVE, $fObj->getPathname()));
                    return false;
        // Now remove a some misc files that were renamed or deprecated
        $oldFiles = [
        foreach ($oldFiles as $file) {
            if (is_file($file)) {
                if (false === ($delOk = unlink($file))) {
                    $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_REMOVE, $file));
                $success = $success && $delOk;
    return $success;

 * Function to perform before module uninstall
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @return bool true if successfully executed, false if not
function xoops_module_pre_uninstall_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module)
    return true;

 * Function to complete upon module uninstall
 * @param \XoopsModule $module
 * @return bool true if successfully executed uninstall of module, false if not
function xoops_module_uninstall_xsitemap(\XoopsModule $module)
    //    return true;
    $moduleDirName = $module->getVar('dirname');
    $helper  = Helper::getInstance();
    $utility = new Utility();
    $delOk         = false;
    //    if (!class_exists($utility)) {
    //        xoops_load('utility', $moduleDirName);
    //    }
    $success = true;
    // Remove xSitemap uploads folder (and all subfolders) if they exist
    $old_directories = [$GLOBALS['xoops']->path("uploads/{$moduleDirName}")];
    foreach ($old_directories as $old_dir) {
        $dirInfo = new \SplFileInfo($old_dir);
        if ($dirInfo->isDir()) {
            // The directory exists so delete it
            if (false === $utility::rrmdir($old_dir)) {
                $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_DEL_PATH, $old_dir));
                $success = false;
    // Remove xsitemap.xml from XOOPS root folder if it exists
    $xmlfile = $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('xsitemap.xml');
    if (is_file($xmlfile)) {
        if (false === ($delOk = unlink($xmlfile))) {
            $module->setErrors(sprintf(_AM_XSITEMAP_ERROR_BAD_REMOVE, $xmlfile));
    return $success && $delOk;