"php": {
"Activity Type": "Activity type",
"Call": "Call",
"Completed": "Completed",
"Deferred": "Deferred",
"first": "First",
"ICAL_FORMAT": "iCal format",
"last": "Last",
"LBL_ACTIVITY_TYPES": "Activity types",
"LBL_ADD_CALENDAR_VIEW": "Add Calendar view",
"LBL_ADDED_CALENDARS": "Added Calendars",
"LBL_ADD_EVENT": "Add Event",
"LBL_ADD_TASK": "Add To Do",
"LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS": "Calendar settings",
"LBL_CALENDAR_SHARING": "Calendar sharing",
"LBL_CALENDAR_VIEW": "Calendar",
"LBL_CALENDAR_LIST": "Records list (from calendar)",
"LBL_CALL": "Call",
"LBL_CHANGE_OWNER": "Change owner",
"LBL_CONTACTS_BIRTH_DAY": "Date of birth",
"LBL_PARTICIPANTS_EMAIL": "Participant's email",
"LBL_PARTICIPANTS_NAME": "Name of the participant",
"LBL_ADD_PARTICIPANT": "Invite a participant outside of CRM",
"LBL_DAY0": "Sunday",
"LBL_DAY1": "Monday",
"LBL_DAY2": "Tuesday",
"LBL_DAY3": "Wednesday",
"LBL_DAY4": "Thursday",
"LBL_DAY5": "Friday",
"LBL_DAY6": "Saturday",
"LBL_DAY_OF_THE_MONTH": "day of the month",
"LBL_DEFAULT_EVENT_DURATION": "Default Event duration",
"LBL_DEFAULT_STATUS_TYPE": "Default status and type",
"LBL_DELETE_CALENDAR": "Delete Calendar",
"LBL_EDIT_COLOR": "Edit color",
"LBL_EDITING_CALENDAR_VIEW": "Editing Calendar view",
"LBL_EVENT": "Event",
"LBL_EVENT_INFORMATION": "Event details",
"LBL_EVENT_OR_TASK": "Event / To Do",
"LBL_EVENTS": "Events",
"LBL_FINISH": "Finish",
"LBL_IMPORT_RECORDS": "Import records",
"LBL_LAST_IMPORT_UNDONE": "Your last import was not completed",
"LBL_MINUTES": "Minutes",
"LBL_ON": "on",
"LBL_OTHER_EVENTS": "Other Events",
"LBL_RESULT": "Result",
"LBL_SELECT_ACTIVITY_TYPE": "Select activity type",
"LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR_COLOR": "Select Calendar color",
"LBL_SELECT_USERS": "Select Users",
"LBL_SHARED_CALENDAR": "Shared Calendar",
"LBL_STATUS": "Status",
"Status": "Status",
"LBL_TASKS": "To Do",
"LBL_TASK": "To Do",
"LBL_TODOS": "To Do",
"LBL_TOTAL_EVENTS_IMPORTED": "No. of Events successfully imported",
"LBL_TOTAL_EVENTS_SKIPPED": "No. of Events skipped as they were missing one or more required fields ",
"LBL_TOTAL_TASKS_IMPORTED": "No. of Tasks successfully imported ",
"LBL_TOTAL_TASKS_SKIPPED": "No. of Tasks skipped as they were missing one or more required fields ",
"LBL_TYPE": "Type",
"LBL_UNDO_LAST_IMPORT": "Undo last import",
"Location": "Location",
"Medium": "Medium",
"Meeting": "Meeting",
"Not Started": "Not started",
"Pending Input": "Pending input",
"Cancelled": "Cancelled",
"Held": "Held",
"Not Held": "Not held",
"Send Notification": "Send notification",
"SINGLE_Calendar": "To Do",
"SINGLE_Events": "Event",
"Start Date & Time": "Start date & time",
"End Date & Time": "End date & time",
"Start Date & Time": "Start date & time",
"End Date & Time": "End date & time",
"End Date": "End date",
"Subject": "Subject",
"Tasks": "To Do",
"Task": "To Do",
"All day": "All day",
"Sunday": "Sunday",
"Monday": "Monday",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
"Wednesday": "Wednesday",
"Thursday": "Thursday",
"Friday": "Friday",
"Saturday": "Saturday",
"LBL_STATE": "Show as",
"PLL_OPAQUE": "Busy",
"Private": "Private",
"Selected Users": "Selected Users",
"Send Reminder": "Send reminder",
"Time Start": "Time start",
"End Time": "End time",
"Start Time": "Start time",
"Recurrence": "Recurrence",
"Visibility": "Visibility",
"Duration": "Duration",
"Duration Minutes": "Duration in minutes",
"No Time": "No time",
"LBL_NO_DESCRIPTION": "No description",
"LBL_IMPORT_ICS_SUCCESS": "Added entry to the Calendar",
"LBL_SHITF_TASK_SHOW": "Show or hide activity type: task",
"LBL_SHITF_MEETING_SHOW": "Show or hide activity type: meeting",
"LBL_SHITF_CALL_SHOW": "Show or hide activity type: user",
"LBL_SHIFT_USER_SHOW": "Show or hide user",
"Activity Type_BLOCK_SHIFT": "Show or hide activity block type",
"LBL_USERS_BLOCK_SHIFT": "Show or hide users block type",
"LBL_GROUPS_BLOCK_SHIFT": "Show or hide groups block type",
"LBL_SHIFT_BLOCK": "Show or hide block",
"LBL_FOLLOWUP": "Related event",
"PLL_PLANNED": "Planned",
"PLL_OVERDUE": "Overdue",
"PLL_POSTPONED": "Postponed",
"PLL_CANCELLED": "Cancelled",
"PLL_COMPLETED": "Completed",
"LBL_NO_AVAILABLE_ACTIONS": "No available actions",
"LBL_RELATED_TO": "Related to",
"LBL_RECURRENCE_INFORMATION": "Recurrence details",
"LBL_FILTER": "Filters",
"LBL_EDIT_EVENT": "Edit event",
"LBL_USER_NAME": "User name",
"LBL_AUTO_FILL_DESCRIPTION": "Clicking this button will result in filling the start date based on the earliest available date for the current user.",
"LBL_CACHE_SELECTED_FILTERS": "Standard view in calendar changed. Click \"Clear view\" to clear it.",
"LBL_CACHE_CLEAR": "Clear view",
"LBL_PROCESS": "Process",
"LBL_SAVE_AND_CLOSE": "Save and close",
"LBL_SHOW_LOCATION": "Show location",
"FL_RECURRENCE": "Repetition",
"FL_REAPEAT": "Repeat",
"LBL_RECURRING_TYPE": "Recurring type",
"LBL_REPEAT_INTERVAL": "Repeat each",
"LBL_REAPEAT_BY": "Repeat according to",
"LBL_DAY_IN_MONTH": "Day of the month",
"LBL_DAY_IN_WEEK": "Day of the week",
"LBL_NEVER": "Never",
"LBL_COUNT": "Number of occurrences",
"LBL_REAPEAT_IN": "Repeat in",
"LBL_DAYS_TYPE": "Day(s)",
"LBL_WEEKS_TYPE": "Week(s)",
"LBL_MONTHS_TYPE": "Month(s)",
"LBL_YEAR_TYPE": "Year",
"LBL_SM_FRI": "Fri",
"LBL_SM_MON": "Mon",
"LBL_SM_SAT": "Sat",
"LBL_SM_SUN": "Sun",
"LBL_SM_THU": "Thu",
"LBL_SM_TUE": "Tue",
"LBL_SM_WED": "Wed",
"LBL_UNTIL": "Until",
"LBL_INVITE_RECORDS": "Invite participants",
"LBL_SELECT_INVITE": "Invite a participant from CRM",
"LBL_NEEDS-ACTION": "Awaiting acceptance",
"LBL_ACCEPTED": "Accepted",
"LBL_DECLINED": "Rejected",
"LBL_TITLE_TYPE_SAVING": "Saving mode",
"LBL_UPDATE_THIS_EVENT": "Update only this record",
"LBL_UPDATE_THIS_EVENT_DESCRIPTION": "Only this record will be modified, the rest will remain unchanged",
"LBL_UPDATE_FUTURE_EVENTS": "Update subsequent records",
"LBL_UPDATE_FUTURE_EVENTS_DESCRIPTION": "Only subsequent records will be modified",
"LBL_UPDATE_ALL_EVENTS": "Update all records",
"LBL_UPDATE_ALL_EVENTS_DESCRIPTION": "All records in sequence will be modified",
"LBL_TITLE_TYPE_DELETE": "Delete mode",
"LBL_DELETE_THIS_EVENT": "Delete only this record",
"LBL_DELETE_THIS_EVENT_DESCRIPTION": "Only this record will be deleted, the rest will remain unchanged",
"LBL_DELETE_FUTURE_EVENTS": "Delete subsequent records",
"LBL_DELETE_FUTURE_EVENTS_DESCRIPTION": "Only subsequent records will be deleted",
"LBL_DELETE_ALL_EVENTS": "Delete all records",
"LBL_DELETE_ALL_EVENTS_DESCRIPTION": "All records in sequence will be deleted",
"LBL_REPEATEVENT": "Once in every",
"LBL_VIEW_CALENDAREXTENDED": "Graphical calendar",
"LBL_REMAIND_HOURS": "Remind after the selected number of hours",
"LBL_REMAIND_MINS": "Remind after the selected number of minutes",
"LBL_WORK_DAYS": "Work days",
"LBL_EDIT_FROM_CALENDAR": "Edit from Calendar",
"FL_SUBPROCESS_SECOND_LEVEL": "Second level subprocess",
"LBL_GROUP_NAME": "Group name",
"FL_MEETING_URL": "Meeting URL",
"LBL_SEND_CALENDAR": "Send e-mail notification about Event",
"LBL_DATES_SELECTED_HOLIDAYS_CONFIRM": "Selected dates include holidays. Do you want to save?"
"js": {
"JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_ADDED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Calendar view added successfully",
"JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_COLOR_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Calendar view color updated successfully",
"JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this Calendar view ?",
"JS_CALENDAR_VIEW_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Calendar view deleted successfully",
"JS_EDIT_CALENDAR": "Edit Calendar",
"JS_NO_CALENDAR_VIEWS_TO_ADD": "No Calendar view to add",
"JS_NO_DELETE_PERMISSION": "You do not have permission to delete Calendar entries.",
"JS_NO_EDIT_PERMISSION": "You do not have permission to modify Calendar entries.",
"JS_TASK_IS_SUCCESSFULLY_ADDED_TO_YOUR_CALENDAR": "To Do successfully added to your Calendar",
"JS_RECORD_DELETED": "Calendar entry deleted successfully",
"JS_START_DATE": "Start date",
"JS_END_DATE": "End date",
"JS_STATUS": "Status",
"JS_LOCATION": "Location",
"JS_PRIORITY": "Priority",
"JS Activity Type": "Activity type",
"JS_Not Started": "Not started",
"JS_In Progress": "In progress",
"JS_Completed": "Completed",
"JS_Pending Input": "Pending input",
"JS_Deferred": "Deferred",
"JS_Cancelled": "Cancelled",
"JS_Call": "Call",
"JS_Held": "Held",
"JS_Not Held": "Not held",
"JS_Meeting": "Meeting",
"JS_Task": "Task",
"JS_Low": "Low",
"JS_Normal": "Normal",
"JS_Medium": "Medium",
"JS_High": "High",
"JS_ACCOUNTS": "Accounts",
"JS_STATE": "Show as",
"JS_VISIBILITY": "Visibility",
"JS_ASSIGNED_TO": "Assigned To",
"PLL_OPAQUE": "Busy",
"JS_Private": "Private",
"JS_Public": "Public",
"LBL_CANT_SELECT_CONTACT_FROM_LEADS": "Cant select contact from leads",
"Mobile Call": "Mobile Call",
"JS_CHANGE_ACTIVITY_TIME": "Change status to: for processing or history",
"JS_SWITCHING_DAYS": "Switch days "