"php": {
"Member Of": "Member of",
"Birthdate": "Date of birth",
"Contact Id": "Contact ID",
"Contact Image": "Contact image",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"Email": "Primary email",
"LBL_CONTACT_INFORMATION": "Basic information",
"LBL_COPY_MAILING_ADDRESS": "Copy mailing address",
"LBL_COPY_OTHER_ADDRESS": "Copy other address",
"LBL_CUSTOMER_PORTAL_INFORMATION": "Customer portal details",
"LBL_IMAGE_INFORMATION": "Profile picture",
"Office Phone": "Office phone",
"Portal User": "Portal user",
"Reference": "Reference",
"Reports To": "Parent Contact",
"Secondary Email": "Secondary email",
"SINGLE_Contacts": "Contact",
"Title": "Title",
"User List": "User list",
"Job title": "Job title",
"Dr.": "Dr.",
"Mr.": "Mr.",
"Mrs.": "Mrs.",
"Ms.": "Ms.",
"Prof.": "Prof.",
"Active": "Active",
"Inactive": "Inactive",
"Other Po Box": "Additional address: PO box",
"Mailing Po Box": "Primary address: PO box",
"LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION": "Primary address",
"LBL_CONTACT_INFO": "Contact information",
"Approval for phone calls": "Permission to call",
"Approval for email": "Permission to send emails",
"Do Not Call": "Do not call",
"LBL_LANGUAGE_NOTIFICATIONS": "Language notifications",
"SINGLE_Leads": "Lead",
"SINGLE_Vendors": "Vendor",
"Decision maker": "Decision maker",
"End of support for contact": "End of support for contact",
"Birthdays of contacts": "Birthdays of contacts",
"LBL_SHOW_HIERARCHY": "Contact hierarchy",
"FL_APPROVALS": "Approvals",
"LBL_PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"FL_GENDER": "Gender",
"PLL_WOMAN": "Woman",
"PLL_MAN": "Man",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "A contact with this email address already exists in the system.",
"History": "History",
"Overdue Activities": "Overdue activities"
"js": {}