"php": {
"FCorectingInvoice": "Correcting Invoices",
"SINGLE_FCorectingInvoice": "Correcting Invoice",
"LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION": "System information",
"LBL_INVOICE_ADDRESS": "Invoice address",
"FL_SUBJECT": "Subject",
"FL_PAYMENT_DATE": "Due date",
"FL_SALE_DATE": "Sale date",
"FL_BANK_ACCOUNT": "Bank account number",
"FL_NUMBER": "Invoice number",
"FL_ACCOUNT": "Account",
"FL_TOTAL": "Net",
"FL_GROSS": "Gross",
"FL_STATUS": "Status",
"PLL_WIRE_TRANSFER": "Electronic transfer",
"LBL_YEAR": "Year",
"FL_INVOICE": "Invoice",
"LBL_COMMENTS": "Comments",
"FL_EXTERNAL_COMMENT": "External comment",
"FL_INTERNAL_COMMENT": "Internal comment",
"LBL_BEFORE_CORRECTION": "Before correction",
"LBL_AFTER_CORRECTION": "After correction",
"LBL_CHOOSE_INVOICE": "Select invoice to be corrected",
"LBL_COPY_FROM_INVOICE": "Copy from initial invoice",
"LBL_INVOICE_INFO": "Initial invoice fields - before corrections.",
"LBL_AFTER_INVOICE_INFO": "How should final invoice look like after correction.",
"LBL_AFTER_INVOICE_INFO_EDIT": "Invoice fields to be corrected. Copy all fields from initial invoice and change values as needed."
"js": {
"JS_FCORECTINGINVOICE_CHOOSE_INVOICE": "Select invoice to be corrected"