"php": {
"OpenStreetMap": "OpenStreetMap",
"LBL_GROUP_BY": "Group",
"LBL_GROUP_NEIGHBOURS": "Group neighboring elements",
"LBL_NOT_FOUND_PLACE": "Place not found",
"LBL_SEARCH_ADDRESS_DESCRIPTION": "Address finder: street building number, city, country",
"LBL_IN_RADIUS": "Within radius [km]",
"LBL_ROUTE_DESCRIPTION": "Description of the route",
"LBL_DISTANCE": "Distance [km]",
"LBL_TRAVEL_TIME": "Time [min]",
"LBL_SEARCH_IN_RADIUS": "Search in radius",
"LBL_CLIPBOARD": "Clipboard",
"LBL_CLIPBOARD_DESC": "The clipboard allows you to save the current map points for later retrieval without the need to search or add them to the map again.",
"LBL_INDIRECT_POINT": "Indirect point",
"LBL_SEARCH_COMPANY_INPUT": "Search in the system",
"LBL_SEARCH_COMPANY_DESCRIPTION": "The search engine allows you to find and add data from the system on the map.",
"LBL_SEARCH_MY_LOCATION": "Show my location on the map",
"LBL_MY_LOCATION": "My location",
"BTN_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Save to clipboard",
"BTN_DELETE_CLIPBOARD": "Delete from clipboard",
"BTN_LOAD_ALL_CLIPBOARD": "Load and save all address data from the module to the clipboard.",
"LBL_GROUP_POINTS": "Group points on the map",
"LBL_GROUP_POINTS_DESC": "Group map points based on the selected field. When selected, a legend with field values is displayed.",
"ERR_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND": "Address not found"