"php": {
"PaymentsIn": "Payments in",
"SINGLE_PaymentsIn": "Payment in",
"LBL_MAIN_INFORMATION": "Basic information",
"LBL_PAYMENT_INFORMATION": "Payment information",
"LBL_PAYMENTSTITLE": "Payment title",
"LBL_BANK_ACCOUNT": "Bank account number",
"LBL_PAYMENTS_IMPORT": "Payments import",
"LBL_RELATEDID": "Related to",
"LBL_SALESID": "Invoice / order",
"LBL_PAYMENTSNAME": "Payment name",
"LBL_ADD_RECORD": "Add record",
"LBL_RECORDS_LIST": "Records list",
"LBL_PARENTID": "Parent payment in",
"PLL_DENIED": "Denied",
"PLL_CREATED": "Created",
"PLL_PAID": "Paid",
"Account": "Account account number",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Go to Payments": "Records list",
"Create records": "Import",
"LBL_ERROR_FILE": "File must be added.",
"LBL_ERROR_TYPE": "Wrong file format.",
"MSG_SAVE_OK": "Records have been created.",
"MSG_SAVE_ERROR": "Error when saving.",
"Back": "Back",
"Summary": "Summary (examples)",
"Amount": "Amount",
"Date": "Effective date (of currency)",
"DateK": "Accounting date",
"Kontrahent": "Account",
"Currancy operation": "Transactions currency",
"Amount operation": "Amount in currency",
"Liczba transakcji:": "Number of transactions:",
"Title": "Subject",
"NEXT": "Next",
"ing": "Ing Bank Śląski",
"mbank": "mBank",
"Millennium": "Millenium",
"WBK": "Bank Zachodni WBK SA",
"BGK": "Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego",
"Alior": "Alior Bank",
"Pekao": "Pekao SA",
"BOS": "The Bank Of Environmental Protection",
"Kontrahent address": "Account address",
"Pocztowy": "Postbank SA",
"Deutsche": "Deutsche Bank",
"RaboBank": "Rabobank Poland SA",
"Raiffeisen": "Raiffeisen Bank Polska SA",
"Paribas": "BNP PARIBAS",
"SGB": "Spółdzielcza Grupa Bankowa",
"Citi": "Citi Handlowy",
"idea": "Idea Bank S.A.",
"FL_TRANSACTION": "Transaction",
"FL_ORDER": "Order",
"FL_INVOICE": "Invoice",
"FL_PAYMENT_SYSTEM": "Payment system",