"php": {
"LBL_BUSINESS_HOURS": "Business hours",
"LBL_BUSINESS_HOURS_DESCRIPTION": "Business hours is a module where you can set working hours of your team.",
"LBL_WORKING_DAYS": "Working days",
"LBL_WORKING_HOURS": "Working hours",
"LBL_DEFAULT": "Default",
"LBL_NAME": "Name",
"LBL_HOLIDAYS": "Holidays",
"LBL_EDIT_BUSINESS_HOURS": "Edit business hours",
"LBL_ADD_BUSINESS_HOURS": "Add business hours entry",
"LBL_DEFAULT_TIMES": "Default times",
"LBL_DEFAULT_REACTION_TIME": "Default reaction time",
"LBL_DEFAULT_IDLE_TIME": "Default idle time",
"LBL_DEFAULT_RESOLVE_TIME": "Default resolve time",
"LBL_HOLIDAYS_LINK": "Go to holidays settings",
"LBL_HOLIDAYS_INFO": "Checking 'Holidays' will cause holidays to be omitted when calculating Business time."
"js": {
"JS_BUSINESSHOURS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are your sure you want to delete this entry?",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_WORKING_DAYS": "Please select at least one working day."