"php": {
"FL_NAME": "Name",
"FL_PROVIDER": "Provider",
"FL_STATUS": "Status",
"FL_SMSAPI_FROM": "Sender name",
"FL_API_KEY": "Api key",
"LBL_ADD_RECORD": "New configuration",
"LBL_SMSNOTIFIER": "SMS provider configuration",
"LBL_ADD_CONFIGURATION": "New configuration",
"LBL_EDIT_CONFIGURATION": "Edit configuration",
"BTN_SAVE": "Save",
"BTN_CLOSE": "Cancel",
"LBL_SMSPROVIDER_EDIT": "Edit provider",
"LBL_CALLBACK_ADDRESSES": "Callback addresses",
"LBL_CALLBACK_ADDRESSES_DESC": "In order to generate callback addresses for SMS communication, it is necessary to first create a webservice connection for SMS.\nThe following URLs must be entered in the callback section directly at the provider.",
"FL_CALLBACK_URL_FOR_REPORT_DESC": "URL for delivery reports. To be entered directly at the provider.",
"FL_CALLBACK_URL_FOR_REPLY_DESC": "URL for receptions. To be entered directly at the provider."
"js": {
"LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this configuration?",
"JS_RECORD_DELETED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Configuration removed successfully",