"php": {
"GlobalPermission": "Access to records",
"LBL_SEND_EMAIL": "Send via email",
"--None--": "--None--",
"Account Name": "Account name",
"Accounts": "Accounts",
"Acquired": "Acquired",
"Active": "Active",
"DetailView": "Detail view",
"Activities": "Activities",
"Add Comment": "Add comment",
"Add Note": "Add document",
"All Comments": "All comments",
"All": "All",
"Annual Revenue": "Annual revenue",
"Approved": "Approved",
"APPTITLE": "YetiForce CRM",
"Assets": "Assets",
"OSSTimeControl": "Time Control",
"Assigned To": "Assigned To",
"Was read": "Updated",
"BlueDart": "BlueDart",
"Calendar": "Calendar",
"Campaigns": "Campaigns",
"Cancelled": "Cancelled",
"Carrier": "Carrier",
"Category": "Category",
"City": "City",
"Cold Call": "Cold Call",
"Comment": "Comment",
"Conference": "Conference",
"Contact Name": "Contact Name",
"Contacts": "Contacts",
"Conversion Rate": "Conversion rate",
"Currency Name": "Currency name",
"Currency Code": "Currency code",
"Country": "Country",
"Created Time": "Created time",
"Closed Time": "Closed time",
"Created": "Created",
"Currency": "Currency",
"Customer Name": "Customer name",
"Delivered": "Delivered",
"Description": "Description",
"DHL": "DHL",
"Direct Mail": "Direct mail",
"Discount Amount": "Discount amount",
"Discount Percent": "Discount percent",
"Discount": "Discount",
"Documents": "Documents",
"Due Date & Time": "Due date & time",
"Due Date": "Due date",
"Email": "Primary email",
"FL_EMAIL": "Email",
"Emails": "Emails",
"Employee": "Employee",
"Excise Duty": "Excise duty",
"Existing Customer": "Existing customer",
"Expected Close Date": "Expected close date",
"Fax": "Fax",
"Fax: ": "Fax: ",
"FedEx": "FedEx",
"First Name": "First name",
"Forecast": "Forecast",
"Funnel Amount": "Total amount by sales stage",
"Funnel": "Funnel",
"Grand Total:": "Grand total:",
"Half-Yearly": "Biannually",
"HelpDesk": "Tickets",
"High": "High",
"History": "History",
"In Progress": "In progress",
"Invoice": "Invoices",
"Is Converted From Lead": "Is converted from lead",
"Issued Date": "Issued date",
"Item Comment": "Item comment",
"Item Discount Amount": "Item discount amount",
"Item Discount Percent": "Item discount percent",
"Item Name": "Item name",
"Labels Editor": "Labels editor",
"Last 5 Comments": "Last 5 comments",
"Last Comment": "Last comment",
"Last Modified By": "Last modified by",
"Short name": "Short name",
"Last Name": "Last name",
"LBL_ACCESS_DENIED_FOR": "Access denied for",
"LBL_ACTION": "Action",
"LBL_ACTIONS": "Actions",
"LBL_ACTIVITIES": "Activities",
"LBL_ADD": "Add",
"LBL_MASS_ADD_ENTIRIES": "Mass add entries",
"LBL_ADDRESS_INFORMATION": "Primary address",
"LBL_ADDRESS_SHIPPING": "Shipping address",
"LBL_ADDRESS_BILLING": "Billing address",
"LBL_ADD_BCC": "Add Bcc",
"LBL_ADD_CC": "Add Cc",
"LBL_ADD_COMMENT": "Add comment",
"LBL_ADD_CONDITION": "Add Condition",
"LBL_ADD_EVENT": "Add Event",
"LBL_ADD_GROUP": "Add Group",
"LBL_ADD_MANAGE_MODULES": "Add/Manage modules",
"LBL_ADD_MORE_COLUMNS": "Add more columns",
"LBL_ADD_MORE_FIELDS": "Add more fields",
"LBL_ADD_NEW_COMMENT": "Add new comment",
"LBL_ADD_NOTE": "Add document",
"LBL_ADD_PRODUCT": "Add product",
"LBL_ADD_RECORD": "Add record",
"LBL_ADD_SERVICE": "Add service",
"LBL_ADD_TASK": "Add To Do",
"LBL_ADD_WIDGET": "Add widget",
"LBL_ADD_YOUR_COMMENT_HERE": "Add your comment here...",
"LBL_AFTER": "after",
"LBL_AGO": "ago",
"LBL_ALL": "All",
"LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS": "All conditions",
"LBL_ALL_CONDITIONS_DESC": "All conditions must be met",
"LBL_ALL_EMAILS": "All email accounts",
"LBL_ALL_RECORDS": "All records",
"LBL_AND": "and",
"LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS": "Any conditions",
"LBL_ANY_CONDITIONS_DESC": "At least one of the conditions must be met",
"LBL_Apr": "Apr",
"LBL_ASSIGNED_TO": "Assigned To",
"LBL_AT": "at",
"LBL_ATTACHMENT": "Attachment",
"LBL_Aug": "Aug",
"LBL_AVAILABLE_FIELDS": "Available fields",
"LBL_BACK": "Back",
"LBL_BACK_TO_PRODUCTS": "Back to products",
"LBL_BASE_CURRENCY": "Base currency",
"LBL_BASIC_DETAILS": "Basic details",
"LBL_BCC": "Bcc",
"LBL_BEFORE": "before",
"LBL_BEFORE_EVENT": " Before Event",
"LBL_BETWEEN": "between",
"LBL_BILLING_ADDRESS_FROM": "Copy billing address from",
"LBL_BLANK": "-Blank-",
"LBL_BREADCRUMB": "Breadcrumb",
"LBL_BOOLEAN": "Checkbox",
"LBL_BY": "by",
"LBL_CALENDAR": "Calendar",
"LBL_CALENDAR_SETTINGS": "Calendar settings",
"LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LBL_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET": "Cannot remove default widget",
"LBL_CC": "Cc",
"LBL_CHANGED": "changed",
"LBL_CHAT_SUPPORT": "Chat support",
"LBL_MESSAGE": "Message",
"LBL_CHOOSE_COLUMNS": "Choose columns and order",
"LBL_CHOOSE_FILTER_CONDITIONS": "Choose filter conditions",
"LBL_CLEAR": "Clear",
"LBL_CLEAR_SEARCH": "Clear search result",
"LBL_CLICK_ADD": "Click add",
"LBL_CLOSE": "Close",
"LBL_COMMENTED": "commented",
"LBL_COMMENTS": "Comments",
"LBL_COMPLETED": "completed",
"LBL_COMPANY_NAME": "Company name",
"LBL_COMPOSE_EMAIL": "Compose email",
"LBL_COPY_BILLING_ADDRESS": "Billing address",
"LBL_COPY_SHIPPING_ADDRESS": "Shipping address",
"LBL_CREATE": "Create",
"LBL_CREATEDHELPDESK": "Create a ticket",
"LBL_CREATED_ON": "Created on",
"LBL_CREATE_NEW": "Create new",
"LBL_CREATE_NEW_FILTER": "Create new filter",
"LBL_CREATE_VIEW": "Creating new view",
"LBL_CREATING_NEW": "Creating new",
"LBL_SYSTEM_SETTINGS": "System settings",
"LBL_USER_PANEL": "User panel",
"LBL_CURRENCY": "Currency",
"LBL_CURRENT_FQ": "Current FQ",
"LBL_CURRENT_FY": "Current FY",
"LBL_CURRENT_MONTH": "Current month",
"LBL_CURRENT_WEEK": "Current week",
"LBL_CURRENT_PAGE": "Current page number",
"LBL_PREV_PAGE": "Go to previous page number",
"LBL_GO_TO_PAGE_NUMBER": "Go to page number",
"LBL_PAGINATION_NAV": "Pagination navigation",
"LBL_CUSTOM": "Custom",
"LBL_CUSTOMIZE_MAIN_MENU": "Customize main menu",
"LBL_CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING": "Custom field mapping",
"LBL_CUSTOM_INFORMATION": "Custom information",
"LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_NAME_DUPLICATES_EXIST": "filter already exists",
"LBL_DASHBOARD": "Dashboard",
"LBL_DAY": "day",
"LBL_DAYS": "days",
"LBL_Dec": "Dec",
"LBL_DELETE": "Delete",
"LBL_DENY": "Deny",
"LBL_DESCRIPTION_INFORMATION": "Description details",
"LBL_DETAILS": "Details",
"LBL_DIRECT_AMOUNT_DISCOUNT": "Direct amount discount",
"LBL_DIRECT_PRICE_REDUCTION": "Direct price reduction",
"LBL_DISCOUNT": "Discount",
"LBL_TOTAL_DISCOUNT": "Group discount",
"LBL_DISPLAY_TYPE": "Display type",
"LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN": "does not contain",
"LBL_DOUBLE": "Decimal",
"LBL_DRAG": "Drag",
"LBL_DUE": "due in",
"LBL_DUPLICATE": "Duplicate",
"LBL_EDIT": "Edit",
"LBL_QUICK_EDIT": "Quick edit",
"BTN_RECORD_EDIT": "Edit view",
"LBL_EDITING": "Edit",
"LBL_EDIT_FIELDS": "Edit fields",
"LBL_ARRANGE_RELATED_TABS": "Arrange related tabs",
"LBL_PICKLIST_DEPENDENCY": "Picklist dependency",
"LBL_EDIT_PICKLIST_VALUES": "Edit picklist values",
"LBL_EDIT_REASON": "Edit reason",
"LBL_EDIT_WORKFLOWS": "Edit workflows",
"LBL_FULLTEXT_BEGIN": "word begins with",
"LBL_ENDS_WITH": "ends with",
"LBL_STARTS_WITH": "begins with",
"LBL_CONTAINS": "contains",
"LBL_EQUALS": "equals (==)",
"LBL_EXCEEDED": "Exceeded",
"LBL_EXPORT": "Export",
"LBL_EXPORT_ALL_DATA": "Export all data",
"LBL_EXPORT_DATA_IN_CURRENT_PAGE": "Export data in current page",
"LBL_EXPORT_RECORDS": "Export records",
"LBL_EXPORT_SELECTED_RECORDS": "Export selected records",
"LBL_Feb": "Feb",
"LBL_FILE_HAS_BEEN_MODIFIED": "The file was modified because it contained dangerous code.",
"LBL_FIELDS_LIST": "Field list",
"LBL_FIELDS_OMITTED": "Fields omitted",
"LBL_FIELDS": "Fields",
"LBL_FILTER": "Filter",
"LBL_FILTER_FIELD": "Field from filter",
"LBL_FILTER_CONDITIONS": "Filter conditions",
"LBL_FILTER_ON_DATE": "Filter on date",
"LBL_FINAL_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT": "Final discount amount",
"LBL_FIND_DUPLICATES": "Find duplicates",
"LBL_FOLDER_DELETED": "Folder deleted",
"LBL_FOLDER_EXISTS": "Folder already exists",
"LBL_FOLDER_SAVED": "Folder saved",
"LBL_FOR": "for",
"LBL_FOUND": "found",
"LBL_RECORDS_NO_FOUND": "No data to display",
"LBL_CREATE_SINGLE_RECORD": "Add a new record to the system",
"LBL_Fri": "Fri",
"LBL_FROM": "from",
"LBL_WITH": "with",
"LBL_FULLSCREEN": "Full screen",
"LBL_FULL_FORM": "Full form",
"LBL_GENERATE": "Generate",
"LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH": "Type keyword and press enter",
"LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE": "Only the first 100 results of all modules are shown below. For module specific results, please select respective module and search",
"LBL_GLOBAL_SEARCH_MAX_MESSAGE_FOR_MODULE": "Only the first 100 results are shown below. Please do Advanced Search if you are not satisfied with the result",
"LBL_GO_BACK": "Go back",
"LBL_MAIN_PAGE": "Dashboard",
"Illegal request": "CSRF protection: Hacking attempt detected",
"LBL_ERROR": "Error!!!",
"LBL_GO_TO_FULL_FORM": "Go to full form",
"LBL_GO_TO_PREVIEW": "Go to preview",
"LBL_GRAND_TOTAL": "Grand total",
"LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL": "greater or equal",
"LBL_GREATER_THAN": "greater than",
"LBL_GROUP": "Group",
"LBL_GROUPS": "Groups",
"LBL_GROUP_TAX": "Group tax",
"LBL_GUIDER": "Guider",
"LBL_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND": "Handler not found",
"LBL_HELP": "Help",
"LBL_HOME": "My home page",
"LBL_H": "h",
"LBL_S": "s",
"LBL_D": "d",
"LBL_HOUR": "hour",
"LBL_HOURS": "hours",
"LBL_IGNORE_EMPTY_VALUES": "Ignore empty values",
"LBL_INTEGER": "Integer",
"LBL_IMPORT": "Import",
"LBL_IN": "in",
"LBL_INDIVIDUAL": "Individual",
"LBL_IS_EMPTY": "is empty",
"LBL_IS_NOT_EMPTY": "is not empty",
"LBL_ITEMS_TOTAL": "Items total",
"LBL_ITEM_DETAILS": "Item details",
"LBL_ITEM_NAME": "Item name",
"LBL_Jan": "Jan",
"LBL_Jul": "Jul",
"LBL_Jun": "Jun",
"LBL_JUSTNOW": "just now",
"LBL_LAST_120_DAYS": "Last 120 days",
"LBL_LAST_30_DAYS": "Last 30 days",
"LBL_LAST_60_DAYS": "Last 60 days",
"LBL_LAST_7_DAYS": "Last 7 days",
"LBL_LAST_90_DAYS": "Last 90 days",
"LBL_LAST_15_DAYS": "Last 15 days",
"LBL_LAST_MONTH": "Previous month",
"LBL_LAST_SAVED_ON": "Last saved on",
"LBL_LAST_VIEWED_RECORDS": "Last viewed records",
"LBL_LAST_WEEK": "Previous week",
"LBL_LESS_THAN": "less than",
"LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL": "less or equal",
"LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS": "List in metrics",
"LBL_LIST_PRICE": "List price",
"LBL_LOADING": "Loading",
"LBL_LOADING_LISTVIEW_CONTENTS": "Loading, please wait.",
"LBL_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT": "Loading, please wait.",
"LBL_LOADING_WIDGET": "Loading widget",
"LBL_MAIN_MENU": "Main menu",
"LBL_MANAGE_USERS": "Manage users",
"LBL_Mar": "Mar",
"LBL_MASS_EDITING": "Mass edit",
"LBL_NO_RECORDS_MATCHED_THIS_CRITERIA": "No records matched this criteria.",
"LBL_MAX_QTY_SELECT": "Maximum value is",
"LBL_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE": "Maximum upload size is",
"LBL_May": "May",
"LBL_MERGE": "Merge",
"LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_DESCRIPTION": "The primary record will be retained after the merge. You can select the column to retain the values. The other record will be deleted but the related information will be merged.",
"LBL_MERGE_RECORDS_IN": "Merge records in",
"LBL_MERGE_SELECT": "Select for merging",
"LBL_MERGING_CRITERIA_SELECTION": "Merging criteria selection",
"LBL_MINE": "Mine",
"LBL_M": "m",
"LBL_MINUTE": "minute",
"LBL_MINUTES": "minutes",
"LBL_MODIFIED": "Modified",
"LBL_MODIFIED_ON": "Modified on",
"LBL_MODULE_DISABLED": " Module is disabled",
"LBL_MODULE_SEQUENCE_NUMBERING": "Module sequence numbering",
"LBL_Mon": "Mon",
"LBL_MONTH": "month",
"LBL_MONTHS": "months",
"LBL_MORE": "More",
"LBL_MORE_CURRENCIES": "more currencies",
"LBL_MORE_BTN": "more",
"LBL_HIDE_BTN": "hide",
"LBL_MUTIPLE_EMAIL_SELECT_ONE": "Please select one of the options below",
"LBL_MY_PREFERENCES": "My preferences",
"LBL_CHANGE_PASSWORD": "Change password",
"LBL_NET_PRICE": "Net price",
"LBL_NEXT_120_DAYS": "Next 120 days",
"LBL_NEXT_30_DAYS": "Next 30 days",
"LBL_NEXT_60_DAYS": "Next 60 days",
"LBL_NEXT_90_DAYS": "Next 90 days",
"LBL_NEXT_15_DAYS": "Next 15 days",
"LBL_NEXT_FQ": "Next FQ",
"LBL_NEXT_FY": "Next FY",
"LBL_NEXT_MONTH": "Next month",
"LBL_NEXT_WEEK": "Next week",
"LBL_NEXT_WORKING_DAY": "Next working day",
"LBL_PREVIOUS_WORKING_DAY": "Previous working day",
"LBL_GREATER_THAN_NOW": "Date greater than now",
"LBL_SMALLER_THAN_NOW": "Date smaller than now",
"LBL_NO": "No",
"LBL_NONE": "None",
"LBL_NOTE": "Note",
"LBL_NOTEPAD": "Notepad",
"LBL_NOTEPAD_CONTENT": "Notepad content",
"LBL_NOTEPAD_NAME": "Notepad name",
"LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO": "not equal to (!=)",
"LBL_Nov": "Nov",
"LBL_NO_COMMENTS": "No comments",
"LBL_NO_DATA": "No data",
"LBL_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE": "No data available",
"LBL_NO_DUPLICATED_FOUND": "No duplicates found",
"LBL_NO_OVERDUE_ACTIVITIES": "No overdue activities",
"LBL_NO_PENDING_ACTIVITIES": "No pending activities",
"LBL_NO_RECENT_UPDATES": "No recent updates",
"LBL_NO_RECORDS": "No records",
"LBL_NO_RECORDS_FOUND": "No records found",
"LBL_NO_RECORD_SELECTED": "No record selected.",
"LBL_NO_RELATED": "No related",
"LBL_NO_SCHEDULED_ACTIVITIES": "No scheduled activities",
"LBL_NO_CURRENT_ACTIVITIES": "No current tasks/ to do's, check your schedule",
"LBL_NO_UPDATES": "No updates",
"LBL_NO_UPDATES_OR_COMMENTS": "No updates or comments",
"LBL_Oct": "Oct",
"LBL_OF": "of",
"LBL_OF_PRICE": "Price",
"LBL_ON": "on",
"LBL_ON_DEMAND_ADMIN": "Add/Delete users",
"LBL_OPENHELPDESK": "Open a ticket",
"LBL_OPERATION_NOT_PERMITTED": "Operation not permitted",
"LBL_OR": "or",
"LBL_OWNER": "Owner",
"LBL_PAGE": "Page",
"LBL_PARENT_OWNER": "Parent record owner",
"LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED": "Permission denied",
"LBL_PERMISSION_DENIED_CERTAIN_FIELDS": "You're trying to edit fields/values that you don't have permissions for",
"LBL_PLEASE_SELECT_MODULE": "Please select any module to search",
"LBL_POST": "Post",
"LBL_PICKLIST": "Picklist",
"LBL_PREVIOUS_FQ": "Previous FQ",
"LBL_PREVIOUS_FY": "Previous FY",
"LBL_PRE_TAX_TOTAL": "Pre tax total",
"LBL_PRICING_INFORMATION": "Pricing information",
"LBL_PRIVACY_POLICY": "Privacy policy",
"LBL_PROFILE_PASSWORD": "Profile/Password",
"LBL_QTY": "Quantity",
"LBL_UNIT": "Unit",
"LBL_QTY_IN_STOCK": "Stock",
"LBL_QUICK_CREATE": "Quick create",
"LBL_READ_LICENSE": "Read license",
"LBL_REASON_FOR_CHANGING_COMMENT": "Reason for changing comment",
"LBL_RECORD": "Record",
"LBL_RECORDS_LIST": "Records list",
"LBL_RECORDS_PREVIEW_LIST": "Records preview list",
"LBL_RECORD_DELETE": "The record you are trying to view has been deleted.",
"LBL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND": "Record you are trying to access is not found",
"LBL_RECORD_PROCESS_WIZARD": "Process wizard",
"LBL_REFRESH": "Refresh",
"LBL_RELATED_PRODUCTS": "Product details",
"LBL_REMINDER_INFORMATION": "Reminder details",
"LBL_REMOVE": "Remove",
"LBL_REPLIES": "replies",
"LBL_REPLY": "Reply",
"LBL_THREAD": "Thread",
"LBL_RESTORED": "restored",
"LBL_RESULT_FOR_THE_TAG": "Results for the tag",
"LBL_Sat": "Sat",
"LBL_SAVE": "Save",
"BTN_SAVE": "Save",
"BTN_CLOSE": "Close",
"LBL_SAVE_AS_DRAFT": "Save as draft",
"LBL_SAVE_AS_FILTER": "Save as filter",
"LBL_SAVE_FILTER": "Save filter",
"LBL_SAVE_MODIFY_FILTER": "Save/Modify filter",
"LBL_SEARCH": "Search",
"LBL_SEARCH_FOR": "Search for",
"LBL_SEARCH_IN": "Search in",
"LBL_SEARCH_RESULTS": "Search results",
"LBL_SECOND": "second",
"LBL_SECONDS": "seconds",
"LBL_SELECT": "Select",
"LBL_SELECT_RELATION": "Select record",
"LBL_ADD_RELATION": "Add record",
"LBL_SELECT_ALL": "Select all",
"LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_IDS": "Select email addresses",
"LBL_SELECT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "Select email template",
"LBL_SELECT_FIELD": "Select field",
"LBL_SELECT_MODULE": "Select module",
"LBL_SELECT_OPTION": "Select an option",
"LBL_PREV": "Previous",
"LBL_NEXT": "Next",
"LBL_SELECT_RELATED_MODULES": "Select related modules",
"LBL_SELECT_STATUS": "Select status",
"LBL_SELECT_TO_LOAD_LIST": "Select to load list",
"LBL_SEND": "Send",
"LBL_Sep": "Sep",
"LBL_SETTINGS": "Settings",
"LBL_MODULE_CONFIGURATION": "Module configuration",
"LBL_SET_AS_DEFAULT": "Set as default",
"LBL_SET_AS_PUBLIC": " Set as public",
"LBL_SET_DISCOUNT_FOR": "Set discount for",
"LBL_SET_TAX_FOR": "Set tax for",
"LBL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_FROM": "Copy shipping address from",
"LBL_SHOW_COMPLETE_DETAILS": "Complete details",
"LBL_SHOW_FULL_DETAILS": "Show full details",
"LBL_SIGN_OUT": "Sign out",
"LBL_SIMPLE_FORM": "Simple form",
"LBL_SMS_MAX_CHARACTERS_ALLOWED": "Maximum 160 characters are allowed for text message",
"LBL_SPECIAL_OPTIONS": "Special options",
"LBL_STRING": "Text",
"LBL_STOCK_NOT_ENOUGH": "Not enough stock",
"LBL_SUBJECT": "Subject",
"LBL_SUB_PRODUCTS": "Sub products",
"LBL_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"LBL_SUMMARY_DETAILS": "Summary details",
"LBL_Sun": "Sun",
"LBL_TAG_CLOUD": "tag cloud",
"LBL_TAG_THIS_RECORD": "Tag this record",
"LBL_TAX": "Tax",
"LBL_TAX_IN_PERCENT": "Tax (%)",
"LBL_TAX_MODE": "Tax mode",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_AGGREGATION": "Discount aggregation type",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_AGGREGATION_DESC": "Selection list of allowed discount summation types",
"LBL_CANNOT_BE_COMBINED": "Cannot be combined",
"LBL_IN_TOTAL": "In total",
"LBL_CASCADE": "Cascade",
"LBL_Thu": "Thu",
"LBL_TO": "To",
"LBL_TO_LC": "to",
"LBL_TODAY": "Today",
"LBL_UNTIL_TODAY": "Until today",
"LBL_TOMORROW": "Tomorrow",
"LBL_TOOLS": "Tools",
"LBL_TOOLTIP": "Tooltip management",
"LBL_TOTAL": "Total",
"LBL_TOTAL_AFTER_DISCOUNT": "Total after discount",
"LBL_TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT": "Total tax amount",
"LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP": "Transfer ownership",
"LBL_Tue": "Tue",
"LBL_TYPE_SEARCH": "Type to search",
"LBL_UPDATES": "Updates",
"LBL_USER": "User",
"LBL_USERS": "Users",
"LBL_USER_SETTINGS": "User settings",
"LBL_VIDEO_TUTORIAL": "Video tutorial",
"LBL_VIEW_DETAILS": "View details",
"LBL_VIEW_MAPPINGEDIT": "Lead conversion",
"LBL_VIEW_NAME": "View name",
"LBL_VIEW_THREAD": "View thread",
"LBL_VIEW_SETTINGS": "Software configuration",
"LBL_VIEW_EXPORT": "Export",
"LBL_VIEW_IMPORT": "Import",
"LBL_VIEW_GANTT": "Gantt",
"LBL_VIEW_KNOWLEDGEBASE": "Knowledge base",
"LBL_QUICK_ACCESS_MENU": "Quick access menu",
"LBL_Wed": "Wed",
"LBL_YEAR": "year",
"LBL_YEARS": "years",
"LBL_YES": "Yes",
"LBL_YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"LBL_OLDER": "Older",
"LBL_CLEAR_HISTORY": "Clear browsing history",
"LBL_ZERO_DISCOUNT": "Zero discount",
"Lead Source": "Lead source",
"Leads Created": "Leads created",
"Leads": "Leads",
"List and Campaigns": "List and campaigns",
"List Price": "List price",
"Low": "Low",
"Medium": "Medium",
"MailManager": "Mail manager",
"Market Failed": "Market failed",
"Mobile": "Mobile phone",
"ModComments": "Comments",
"Modified Time": "Modified time",
"Net Total": "Net total",
"Notify Owner": "Notify owner",
"NOT_A_BUNDLE": "Not a bundle",
"Other Email": "Other email",
"Other Phone": "Secondary phone",
"Other": "Other",
"Others": "Others",
"Parent Product": "Parent product",
"Partner": "Partner",
"Pending": "Pending",
"Mine": "Mine",
"FL_PHONE": "Phone",
"Phone": "Primary phone",
"Phone: ": "Phone: ",
"Pipelined Amount": "Sales pipeline",
"Po Box": "PO box",
"Postal Code": "Postal code",
"Dashboards": "My home page",
"POWEREDBY": "Powered by YetiForce",
"Price": "Price",
"PriceBooks": "Price books",
"Priority": "Priority",
"Product Bundles": "Product bundles",
"Product Code": "Product code",
"Product Name": "Product name",
"Products": "Products",
"Project Cancelled": "Project cancelled",
"Project Milestones": "Project milestones",
"Project Tasks": "Project tasks",
"Project": "Projects",
"ProjectMilestone": "Project milestones",
"Projects": "Projects",
"ProjectTask": "Project tasks",
"Public Relations": "Public relations",
"Public": "Public",
"Quantity": "Quantity",
"Quotes": "Quotes",
"Rating": "Rating",
"Related To": "Related To",
"Reminder Interval": "Popup reminder interval",
"Reviewed": "Reviewed",
"Sales End Date": "Sales end date",
"Sales Order": "Sales Order",
"Sales Start Date": "Sales start date",
"Salutation": "Salutation",
"Secondary Email": "Secondary email",
"Self Generated": "Self generated",
"Services": "Services",
"Shipping Address": "Shipping address",
"Shipping City": "Shipping city",
"Shipping Code": "Shipping postal code",
"Shipping Country": "Shipping country",
"Shipping Po Box": "Shipping PO Box",
"Shipping State": "Shipping state",
"Shutdown": "Shutdown",
"SINGLE_Accounts": "Account",
"SINGLE_Contacts": "Contact",
"SINGLE_Calendar": "calendar",
"SINGLE_ServiceContracts": "Service Contract",
"ServiceContracts": "Service Contract",
"SINGLE_Emails": "Email",
"Single_Users": "User",
"State": "State",
"Status": "Status",
"Street": "Street",
"Sub Total": "Sub total",
"Subject": "Subject",
"Support Expiry Date": "Support expiry date",
"Support Start Date": "Support start date",
"Tax Type": "Tax type",
"Tax": "Tax",
"Tax1": "Tax1",
"Tax2": "Tax2",
"Tax3": "Tax3",
"Tax:": "Tax:",
"Terms & Conditions": "Terms and Conditions",
"Total Revenue": "Total revenue",
"Total": "Total",
"Trade Show": "Trade show",
"Type": "Type",
"Activity History": "Calendar - done",
"Upcoming Tasks": "Upcoming Tasks",
"UPS": "UPS",
"Valid Date": "Valid date",
"Vendor Name": "Vendor name",
"Vendors": "Vendors",
"Web Site": "Website",
"Website: ": "Website: ",
"Word of mouth": "Word of mouth",
"SMSNotifier": "Text messages",
"Google": "Sync with Google",
"Google Contacts": "Google contacts",
"Dashboard": "My home page",
"Recycle Bin": "Trash bin",
"Home": "Home",
"EmailTemplate": "Email template",
"Email Templates": "Email Templates",
"LBL_NO_FOUND_RECORDS": "No records found in the module:",
"industry": "Industry",
"Employees": "Employees",
"LBL_NO_RECORDS_IN_WIDGET": "No data to display",
"LBL_SHARING_FOR": "for the module",
"Project Task Name": "Project task name",
"Progress": "Progress",
"Project Milestone Name": "Project Milestone name",
"Milestone Date": "Milestone date",
"WEBLOADTIME": "Page loading time",
"LBL_FOOTER_CONTENT": "YetiForce was created thanks to %s called Vtiger CRM and other open source projects.",
"LBL_RELATED_ASSETS": "Products sold",
"LBL_RELATED_OSSOS": "Services outsourced",
"LBL_RELATED_OSSSS": "Services sold",
"LBL_RELATED_OP": "Products outsourced",
"Products & Service": "Products & Services",
"OSSOutsourcedServices": "Services outsourced",
"OutsourcedProducts": "Products outsourced",
"OSSSoldServices": "Services sold",
"Sub Category": "Sub category",
"Interested products": "Interested in products",
"LBL_CATEGORIES": "Categories",
"Interested services": "Interested in services",
"LBL_NO_RELATED_RECORDS_FOUND": "No records to display",
"LBL_MASS_EDIT": "Mass edit",
"LBL_MASS_DELETE": "Mass delete",
"LBL_MASS_ADD_COMMENT": "Mass add comments",
"LBL_MASS_SEND_EMAIL": "Mass emails",
"Vat ID": "VAT",
"Registration number 1": "NCR",
"Registration number 2": "TAX number",
"AddressLevel1": "Country",
"AddressLevel2": "State",
"AddressLevel3": "County",
"AddressLevel4": "Township",
"AddressLevel5": "City/Village",
"AddressLevel6": "Locality Region",
"AddressLevel7": "Post Code",
"AddressLevel8": "Street",
"FL_LATA": "Primary address latitude",
"FL_LONA": "Primary address longitude",
"FL_LATB": "Correspondence address latitude",
"FL_LONB": "Correspondence address longitude",
"FL_LATC": "Storage address latitude",
"FL_LONC": "Storage address longitude",
"Building number": "Building number",
"Local number": "Office number",
"Verification data": "Data verification",
"Address details": "Address details",
"Contact details": "Contact details",
"Registration details": "Registration details",
"LBL_SUMMARY_LICENSE": "YetiForce Public License 6.5",
"LBL_REGISTERING_INFORMATION": "Registration information",
"Created By": "Created by",
"Parent ID": "Related to",
"Comments": "Comments",
"LBL_SELECT_SINGLE_ROW": "Select single row",
"LBL_CUSTOM_FILTER": "Custom filters",
"LBL_ADD_TAG": "Add tag",
"LBL_CHANGE_ACTIVITY_TYPE": "Change activity type",
"LBL_CHANGE_MAIL_TYPE": "Change email type",
"LBL_EXPAND_BLOCK": "Expand block",
"LBL_COLLAPSE_BLOCK": "Collapse block",
"Sales Stage": "Sales stage",
"LBL_HISTORY_TYPE": "History type",
"LBL_TASK": "Task",
"LBL_METTING": "Meeting",
"LBL_CALL": "Call",
"LBL_MAIL_USERS_LIST": "Mail users list",
"LBL_RECORD_SWITCH": "Only my records or share records",
"LBL_SELECT_USER": "Select user",
"LBL_CHOOSE_DATE": "Choose date",
"LBL_RECORDS_LIMIT": "Records limit",
"LBL_EDUCATION": "Education",
"LBL_RELATED_MODULE_TYPE": "Related module type",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_RECORD": "Duplicate record",
"LBL_CHOOSE_FIELD": "Choose field",
"LBL_COMAPARATOR_TYPE": "Comparator type",
"LBL_FILTER_NAME": "Filter name",
"LBL_API_ADDRESS": "Address search",
"LBL_CREATE_PDF_SEND_MAIL": "Create PDF and email it",
"LBL_SEND_MAIL_PDF": "Send Email with PDF",
"LBL_SORT_DESCENDING": "Sort descending",
"LBL_SORT_ASCENDING": "Sort ascending",
"LBL_GO_TO_RECORDS_LIST": "Go to records list",
"LBL_GO_TO_FIRST_PAGE": "Go to first page",
"LBL_SELECT_FILE": "Select file to upload",
"LBL_ENABLE_CURRENCY": "Currency enable",
"LBL_DISABLE_CURRENCY": "Currency disable",
"LBL_SELECT_ALL_CURRENTPAGE": "Select all records on current page",
"LBL_SELECT_RECORD": "Select record",
"LBL_SELECT_RELATED_FIELD": "Select related module field",
"LBL_COMPARISON_VALUE": "Comparison value",
"Administration": "Administration",
"Construction Industry": "Construction Industry",
"Education": "Education",
"Power Industry": "Power Industry",
"Finance": "Finance",
"Trade": "Trade",
"Hotels and Restaurants": "Hotels and Restaurants",
"Health Care": "Health Care",
"Industry / Manufacturing": "Industry/Manufacturing",
"Uniformed Services": "Uniformed Services",
"Transport & Logistics": "Transport & Logistics",
"Technologies": "Technologies",
"Ministry": "Ministry",
"Chancellery": "Chancellery",
"Voivodeship Office": "Voivodeship Office",
"Marshal Office": "Marshal Office",
"District": "Poviat",
"City/Township/District": "City/Township/District",
"Social Welfare Centre": "Social Welfare Centre",
"Water and Sewerage Company": "Water and Sewerage Company",
"Voivodeship Job Centre": "Voivodeship Job Centre",
"District Job Center": "District Job Center",
"Court of justice": "Court of justice",
"Attorney General’s Office": "Attorney General’s Office",
"Developers": "Developers",
"Real Estate": "Real Estate",
"Primary Schools": "Primary Schools",
"High Schools": "High Schools",
"Banking": "Banking",
"Capital Market": "Capital Market",
"Financial Services": "Financial Services",
"Investments": "Investments",
"Insurance": "Insurance",
"Retail": "Retail",
"Wholesale": "Wholesale",
"Resale": "Resale",
"Automotive": "Automotive",
"Plastics": "Plastics",
"Chamical": "Chemical",
"Raw material": "Raw material",
"Fuel": "Fuel",
"Wood and paper": "Wood and paper",
"Electromechanical": "Electromechanical",
"Pharmaceutical": "Pharmaceutical",
"Building Materials": "Building Materials",
"Metal": "Metal",
"Light": "Light",
"Food industry": "Food industry",
"Recycling": "Recycling",
"Army": "Army",
"Police": "Police",
"Information Technology": "Information Technology",
"Telecommunication": "Telecommunication",
"Media": "Media",
"Generate default PDF": "Generate PDF",
"LBL_LEFT_PANEL_SHOW_HIDE": "Left panel show/hide",
"LBL_RIGHT_PANEL_SHOW_HIDE": "Right panel show/hide",
"FL_TOTAL_TIME_H": "Total time [h]",
"COPY_ADRESS_FROM": "Copy address from:",
"Attention": "Comments",
"Share with users": "Share with users:",
"LBL_TOTAL_TIME": "Total time",
"LBL_EMPLOYEE": "Employee",
"LBL_PURCHASE": "Purchase",
"LBL_MARGIN": "Margin",
"LBL_MARGINP": "Margin (%)",
"Total Purchase": "Total purchase (net)",
"Total margin": "Total margin",
"Total margin Percentage": "Total margin percentage",
"Sum quotes": "Total quotes",
"Sum sales orders": "Total orders",
"Sum invoices": "Total invoices",
"Sum calculations": "Total calculations",
"Calculations": "Calculations",
"OSSMailView": "Email history",
"OSSEmployees": "Employees",
"HolidaysEntitlement": "Annual holiday entitlement",
"Faq": "Faq",
"Events": "Events",
"TAG_PLACEHOLDER": " Enter tag",
"Hardware": "Hardware",
"Software": "Software",
"CRM Applications": "CRM applications",
"Antivirus": "Antivirus",
"Backup": "Backup",
"Board of Management": "Board of Management",
"Sales Department": "Sales Department",
"Logistics Department": "Logistics Department",
"Project Management Department": "Project Management Department",
"Help Desk Department": "Help Desk Department",
"Human Resources Department": "Human Resources Department",
"Secretary's Office": "Secretary's Office",
"Organization": "Account",
"Financial Department": "Financial Department",
"Production Department": "Production Department",
"Marketing Department": "Marketing Department",
"Daily": "Daily",
"Weekly": "Weekly",
"Monthly": "Monthly",
"Quarterly": "Quarterly",
"Yearly": "Yearly",
"LBL_SEND_MAIL": "Send e-mail",
"Permission to perform the operation is denied": "Permission to perform the operation is denied",
"LBL_NO_FOUND_VIEW": "Custom View no found",
"LBL_SEARCH_MODULE": "Search module",
"Website": "Web Site",
"PaymentsOut": "Payments Out",
"PaymentsIn": "Payments In",
"is": "is",
"is not": "is not",
"contains": "contains",
"does not contain": "does not contain",
"starts with": "starts with",
"ends with": "ends with",
"has changed": "has changed",
"has changed to": "has changed to",
"is empty": "is empty",
"is not empty": "is not empty",
"less than": "less than",
"greater than": "greater than",
"does not equal": "does not equal",
"less than or equal to": "less than or equal to",
"equal to": "Equal to",
"Record is open": "Record is open",
"Record is closed": "Record is closed",
"None": "None",
"greater than or equal to": "greater than or equal to",
"before": "before",
"after": "after",
"between": "between",
"is today": "is today",
"less than hours before": "less than hours before",
"less than hours later": "less than hours later",
"more than hours before": "more than hours before",
"more than hours later": "more than hours later",
"less than days ago": "less than days ago",
"more than days ago": "more than days ago",
"in less than": "in less than",
"in more than": "in more than",
"days ago": "days ago",
"days later": "days later",
"currently logged in user": "Currently logged in user",
"user currently not logged": "User currently not logged",
"Users": "Users",
"Username": "Username",
"Service Requests": "Service Requests",
"LBL_NULL_VALUE": "(No value)",
"LBL_QUICK_CREATE_EDITOR": "Quick Create Editor",
"LBL_TREES_MANAGER": "Tree manager",
"LBL_SELECT_TREE_ITEM": "Select item:",
"LBL_CONVERSION_RATE": "Conversion rate",
"LBL_TIME_RANGE": "Time range",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_DAYS": "Number of days",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_WORKING_DAYS": "Number of working days",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_DAYS_WORKED": "Number of days worked",
"LBL_AVERAGE_WORKING_TIME": "Average working time",
"LBL_MARK_AS_DONE": "Mark as done",
"LBL_PAGES_HISTORY": "Recently viewed pages",
"LBL_CURRENTLY_LOGGED_USER": "Currently logged in user",
"LBL_CURRENTLY_LOGGED_USER_GROUP": "Group of logged in user",
"LBL_USERS_GROUP_LOGGED_IN_USER": "Users who belong to the same group as the logged in user",
"LBL_IS_WATCHING_RECORD": "Tracked record",
"LBL_IS_NOT_WATCHING_RECORD": "Not tracked record",
"LBL_TO_REALIZE": "For processing",
"LBL_HISTORY": "History",
"LBL_WORKFLOWS_TRIGGER": "Workflow trigger",
"LBL_EXECUTE": "Execute",
"BTN_WORKFLOW_TRIGGER": "This tool allows to start workflows manually and automatically execute all selected tasks.",
"LBL_CONSENT_TO_SEND": "Consent to send",
"LBL_VIEW_CREATE": "Create",
"LBL_VIEW_EDIT": "Edit",
"LBL_VIEW_DETAIL": "Detail",
"LBL_VIEW_LIST": "List",
"LBL_VIEW_CALENDAR": "Graphical calendar",
"LBL_VIEW_SHAREDCALENDAR": "Shared calendar",
"LBL_VIEW_COMPOSE": "Create e-mail",
"LBL_VIEW_CONDITIONS": "Conditions",
"LBL_BTN_CALL": "Call",
"LBL_SELECT_USER_TO_CALL": "Select to where you want to call",
"LBL_NAME": "Record name",
"LBL_MODULE_NAME": "Module name",
"LBL_CHART_COLOR_DESCRIPTION": "Multi-color chart",
"LBL_NO_MOD_RECORDS": "No modified records",
"PLL_BREAK_TIME": "Break from work",
"PLL_WORKING_TIME": "Working time",
"PLL_HOLIDAY_TIME": "Holiday",
"LBL_COMMON": "Shared",
"LBL_OPEN": "Open",
"LBL_ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"LBL_FILTERING": "Filtering",
"LBL_LOW_PRIORITY": "Low priority",
"LBL_HIGH_PRIORITY": "High priority",
"LBL_ZOOMING": "Zooming",
"LBL_RELATIONSHIPS_BASED_ON_FIELDS": "Based on reference fields",
"LBL_RELATIONSHIPS_BASED_ON_MODULES": "Based on related modules",
"LBL_TRANSFER_OWNERSHIP_DESC": "Depending on the amount of data the process of ownership transfer may take up to several minutes to complete",
"LBL_LEGAL_FORM": "Legal form",
"LBL_QUICK_EXPORT": "Quick export",
"ReasonToEdit": "Reason to edit",
"Support Group": "Support Group",
"Marketing Group": "Marketing Group",
"Team Selling": "Team Selling",
"LBL_ERROR_IMPORT_IN_DEMO": "Demo mode is enabled, the installation of modules is disabled.",
"Pre Tax Total": "Total pre tax",
"ApiAddress": "Address search",
"ModTracker": "Change history",
"Password": "Password",
"LBL_FIRST": "First",
"LBL_LAST": "Last",
"LBL_VIEW_EDIT2": "Add conditions",
"LBL_VIEW_CONFIGURATION": "Configuration view",
"MEN_LEADS": "Companies and Contacts",
"LBL_VIEW_STEP1": "Basic information",
"LBL_VIEW_STEP2": "Add conditions",
"LBL_VIEW_STEP3": "Actions",
"LBL_VIEW_ACTIONCONFIG": "Action config",
"LBL_ENTER_SEARCHED_ADDRESS": "Enter the address to search",
"Email Opt Out": "Email opt out",
"LBL_SIGN_IN": "Sign in",
"LBL_ROW_COMMENT": "Description",
"LBL_SELECT_DISCOUNT": "Select discount",
"LBL_AVAILABLE_DICOUNTS": "Available discounts",
"LBL_ACCOUNT_DISCOUNT": "Account's discount",
"LBL_CUSTOM_DISCOUNT": "Custom discount",
"LBL_ADDITIONAL_DISCOUNT": "Additional discount",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_FOR_ACCOUNT": "Discount for Account",
"LBL_PRICE_BEFORE_DISCOUNT": "Price before discount",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_IN_TOTAL": "Discount in total",
"LBL_PRICE_AFTER_DISCOUNT": "Price after discount",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_MODE": "Discount in total",
"LBL_VALUE": "Value",
"LBL_QUANTITY": "Quantity",
"LBL_REFERENCE": "Reference",
"LBL_UNIT_PRICE": "Unit price",
"LBL_MARGIN_PERCENT": "Margin (%)",
"LBL_DISCOUNT_PRICE": "Price after discount",
"LBL_SELECT_TAX": "Select tax",
"LBL_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX": "Price without tax",
"LBL_TAX_IN_TOTAL": "Total tax",
"LBL_PRICE_AFTER_TAX": "Price with tax",
"LBL_GLOBAL_TAXS": "Tax from the list of available taxes",
"LBL_INDIVIDUAL_TAX": "Custom tax",
"LBL_GROUP_TAXS": "Tax from products/services list",
"LBL_TAX_FOR_MODULE": "Tax set in module",
"LBL_REGIONAL_TAX": "Regional tax",
"LBL_TAX_FOR_ACCOUNT": "Tax for Account",
"LBL_LIMIT_TITLE": "The credit limit has been exceeded",
"LBL_CREDIT_LIMIT": "Credit limit",
"LBL_BALANCE_LIMIT": "Account's balance",
"LBL_CURRENT_VALUE": "Document's value",
"LBL_TOTALS_LIMIT": "Total value",
"LBL_LIMIT_ALERT": "Record cannot be saved",
"LBL_TAX_RATE": "VAT rate",
"LBL_DISCOUNTS_SUMMARY": "Discount summary",
"LBL_TAX_SUMMARY": "Tax summary",
"LBL_CURRENCIES_SUMMARY": "Currency summary",
"LBL_CHANGE_CURRENCY": "Change currency",
"LBL_CHANGE_CURRENCY_INFO": "Changing the currency will convert all values.\nAre you sure you want to do that?",
"LBL_AMOUNT": "Amount",
"LBL_EXCHANGE_RATE": "Exchange rate",
"LBL_EXCHANGE_DATE": "Exchange rate date",
"LBL_NO_EXCHANGE_RATES": "No exchange rates found, check if downloading exchange rates works properly.",
"LBL_COMMENT": "Comment",
"LBL_CURRENT": "Current",
"LBL_SET_RECORD_STATUS": "Set status",
"LBL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS": "Select some values",
"LBL_NO_DISCOUNTS": "Available discounts not found",
"FL_SUBUNIT": "Subunit",
"LBL_EXPORT_PDF": "Export to PDF",
"LBL_GENERATE_PDF_FILE": "Generate PDF file",
"LBL_AVAILABLE_TEMPLATES": "Available templates",
"LBL_MANY_IN_ONE": "Collective document",
"LBL_VALID_RECORDS": "%s out of %s are valid for the selected template.",
"LBL_EXPORT_ERROR": "Failed to generate PDF file.",
"group": "Group",
"individual": "Individual",
"Service": "Service",
"Sales": "Sale",
"BTN_READ_RECORD": "Click this button to confirm that you have reviewed all changes in the record",
"LBL_MARK_AS_HELD": "Mark as held",
"LBL_DEFAULT": "Default",
"BTN_GENERATE_RECORD": "Generate record",
"LBL_GENERATE_RECORD_FOR_MODULE": "Generate record for module",
"LBL_REMOVE_SEARCH_OPTION_INFO": "Reset search parameters",
"LBL_REMOVE_ALPH_SEARCH_INFO": "Reset alphabetical search parameter",
"LBL_CHAT": "Chat",
"LBL_ADD_TO_FAVORITES": "Add to favorites",
"LBL_REMOVE_FROM_FAVORITES": "Remove from favorites",
"LBL_GENERAL": "General",
"LBL_AUTOGENERATE": "Create automatically",
"LBL_OPEN_NEW_WINDOWS": "Open in a new window",
"LBL_AUTOGENERATE_INFO": "All records will be saved automatically, without the possibility to edit before creating.",
"LBL_OPEN_NEW_WINDOWS_INFO": "A new browser tab will be opened with edition view for each record separately.",
"LBL_GENERATE_RECORDS": "Generate records",
"LBL_ADVANCED_BLOCK": "Advanced block",
"LBL_SELF_ID": "Record ID",
"LBL_REMINDER": "Calendar's notifications",
"LBL_CONFREPORT": "Server configuration",
"Groups": "Groups",
"Roles": "Roles",
"RoleAndSubordinates": "Role and subordinates",
"LBL_GROUP_USERS": "Group users",
"LBL_ROLE_USERS": "Role users",
"LBL_ROLE_AND_SUBORDINATES_USERS": "Role and subordinates users",
"LBL_COMPANY_LOGO_TITLE": "Company logo",
"SQuoteEnquiries": "Sales enquiries",
"SINGLE_SQuoteEnquiries": "Sales enquiry",
"SCalculations": "Calculations",
"SINGLE_SCalculations": "Calculation",
"SRequirementsCards": "Sales requirements",
"SINGLE_SRequirementsCards": "Sales requirement",
"SQuotes": "Quotes",
"SINGLE_SQuotes": "Quote",
"LBL_NR": "Nr",
"LBL_TIMELINE": "Timeline",
"LBL_TREE_VIEW": "Tree records",
"LBL_DESELECT_ALL": "Deselect all",
"LBL_INFO_REFRESH": "Introduced changes",
"LBL_RELATION_CREATED_USER": "Created by user",
"LBL_ALPHABETIC_FILTERING": "Alphabetic filtering",
"LBL_REMOVE_FILTERING": "Remove filtering",
"FL_RELATION": "Company",
"FL_PROCESS": "Process",
"FL_SUB_PROCESS": "Subprocess",
"LBL_VIEW_DUPLICATE": "Duplicate",
"LBL_VIEW_INDEX": "Start",
"LBL_SU_UPDATED": "Record updated by a different user",
"FL_NUMBER": "Record number",
"LBL_NOTIFICATIONS": "Notifications",
"BTN_WATCHING_RECORD": "Track changes in record",
"BTN_WATCHING_MODULE": "Track changes in module",
"LBL_SET": "Set",
"LBL_SELECT_ACTION": "Select action",
"LBL_CHANGE_VALUE_FOR_FIELD": "Change field value",
"SINGLE_SSalesProcesses": "Opportunity",
"LBL_RELATION": "Relation",
"LBL_PREVIEW": "Preview",
"commented": "comment",
"LBL_SEND_NOTIFICATION": "Send notification",
"LBL_EXPORT_TYPE": "Type of exported file",
"LBL_XML_EXPORT_TPL": "Template",
"LBL_XLS": "XLS - BIFF 8 Excel 97",
"LBL_XLSX": "XLSX - Office Open XML Excel 2007",
"LBL_ODS": "ODS - Open Document Format/OASIS",
"LBL_ICAL": "iCalendar",
"LBL_HEADLINE": "Headline",
"LBL_BASIC_VERSE": "Basic line",
"LBL_ADDITIONAL_VERSE": "Additional line",
"LBL_Y": "yr",
"LBL_YRS": "yrs",
"FL_ACTIVE": "Active",
"FL_INACTIVE": "Inactive",
"SwitchUsers": "Switch Users",
"Api Address": "Address search",
"Mails": "Mails",
"LBL_SQL_ERROR": "Error when calling SQL query",
"LBL_ERROR_MASAGE": "Error message",
"LBL_SQL_QUERY": "SQL query",
"LBL_SQL_PARAMS": "SQL query parameters",
"LBL_BACKTRACE": "Track function calling",
"LBL_CATEGORY_MULTIPICKLIST": "List of categories",
"LBL_POPUP_SWITCH_BUTTON": "Switch button",
"LBL_POPUP_NARROW_DOWN_RECORDS_LIST": "Narrow down the records list to the ones related to module",
"LBL_EDIT_CHART_FILTER": "Edit chart from filter",
"LBL_PIE_CHART": "Pie chart",
"LBL_DONUT_CHART": "Donut chart",
"LBL_AXIS_CHART": "Axis chart",
"LBL_VERTICAL_BAR_CHART": "Vertical bar chart",
"LBL_HORIZONTAL_BAR_CHART": "Horizontal bar chart",
"LBL_LINE_CHART": "Line chart",
"LBL_LINE_CHART_PLAIN": "Smooth line graph",
"LBL_FUNNEL_CHART": "Sales funnel",
"LBL_TABLE_CHART": "Tabular",
"LBL_MINUS": "minus",
"LBL_ZERO": "zero",
"LBL_ONE": "one",
"LBL_TWO": "two",
"LBL_THREE": "three",
"LBL_FOUR": "four",
"LBL_FIVE": "five",
"LBL_SIX": "six",
"LBL_SEVEN": "seven",
"LBL_EIGHT": "eight",
"LBL_NINE": "nine",
"LBL_TEN": "ten",
"LBL_ELEVEN": "eleven",
"LBL_TWELVE": "twelve",
"LBL_THIRTEEN": "thirteen",
"LBL_FOURTEEN": "fourteen",
"LBL_FIFTEEN": "fifteen",
"LBL_SIXTEEN": "sixteen",
"LBL_SEVENTEEN": "seventeen",
"LBL_EIGHTEEN": "eighteen",
"LBL_NINETEEN": "nineteen",
"LBL_TWENTY": "twenty",
"LBL_THIRTY": "thirty",
"LBL_FORTY": "forty",
"LBL_FIFTY": "fifty",
"LBL_SIXTY": "sixty",
"LBL_SEVENTY": "seventy",
"LBL_EIGHTY": "eighty",
"LBL_NINETY": "ninety",
"LBL_HUNDRED": "hundred",
"LBL_TWO_HUNDRED": "two hundred",
"LBL_THREE_HUNDRED": "three hundred",
"LBL_FOUR_HUNDRED": "four hundred",
"LBL_FIVE_HUNDRED": "five hundred",
"LBL_SIX_HUNDRED": "six hundred",
"LBL_SEVEN_HUNDRED": "seven hundred",
"LBL_EIGHT_HUNDRED": "eight hundred",
"LBL_NINE_HUNDRED": "nine hundred",
"LBL_THOUSAND": "thousand",
"LBL_THOUSANDS": "thousand",
"LBL_THOUSANDSS": "thousand",
"LBL_MILLION": "million",
"LBL_MILLIONS": "million",
"LBL_MILLIONSS": "million",
"LBL_BILLION": "billion",
"LBL_BILLIONS": "billion",
"LBL_BILLIONSS": "billion",
"LBL_TRILLION": "trillion",
"LBL_TRILLIONS": "trillion",
"LBL_TRILLIONSS": "trillion",
"LBL_QUADRILLION": "quadrillion",
"LBL_QUADRILLIONS": "quadrillion",
"LBL_QUADRILLIONSS": "quadrillion",
"LBL_QUINTILLION": "quintillion",
"LBL_QUINTILLIONS": "quintillion",
"LBL_QUINTILLIONSS": "quintillion",
"LBL_SEXTILLION": "sextillion",
"LBL_SEXTILLIONS": "sextillion",
"LBL_SEXTILLIONSS": "sextillion",
"LBL_SEPTILLION": "septillion",
"LBL_SEPTILLIONS": "septillion",
"LBL_SEPTILLIONSS": "septillion",
"LBL_NONILLION": "nonillion",
"LBL_NONILLIONS": "nonillion",
"LBL_NONILLIONSS": "nonillion",
"LBL_UNDECILLION": "undecillion",
"LBL_UNDECILLIONS": "undecillion",
"LBL_UNDECILLIONSS": "undecillion",
"LBL_TREDECILLION": "tredecillion",
"LBL_TREDECILLIONS": "tredecillion",
"LBL_TREDECILLIONSS": "tredecillion",
"LBL_QUINDECILLION": "quindecillion",
"LBL_QUINDECILLIONS": "quindecillion",
"LBL_QUINDECILLIONSS": "quindecillion",
"LBL_SEPTENDECILLION": "septendecillion",
"LBL_SEPTENDECILLIONS": "septendecillion",
"LBL_SEPTENDECILLIONSS": "septendecillion",
"LBL_NOVEMDECILLION": "novemdecillion",
"LBL_NOVEMDECILLIONS": "novemdecillion",
"LBL_NOVEMDECILLIONSS": "novemdecillion",
"LBL_SOURCE": "Source",
"LBL_DATE": "Date",
"LBL_WIDGET_FILTER_TOTAL_COUNT_INFO": "Get total amount of records",
"Potentials": "Opportunities",
"LBL_PICKLIST_FIELD": "Select from field",
"LBL_MAP": "Map",
"LBL_SHOW_MAP": "Show on the map",
"LBL_SOCIAL_MEDIA": "Social media",
"FL_CAMPAIGN_STATUS": "Campaign status",
"LBL_REVIEW_CHANGES": "Mark updates as reviewed",
"LBL_UPDATE_FIELD": "Update field",
"FL_IS_PRIVATE": "Private",
"LBL_AUTOMATIC_ASSIGNMENT": "Automatic assignment",
"LBL_ROLE": "Role",
"LBL_NO_FIELD_ACCESS": "You cannot change the values in the fields",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_ASSIGNED_RECORDS": "Number of assigned records",
"LBL_ASSIGN": "Assign",
"LBL_SET_DEFAULT_RECORD_OWNER": "Set default Assigned To",
"LBL_NO_USERS_TO_ASSIGN": "No users to assign",
"BTN_ASSIGN_TO": "Forward",
"BTN_ASSIGN_TO_ME": "Assign to me",
"LBL_SHOW_QUICK_DETAILS": "Quick preview",
"LBL_COMPARE_TO_LAST_PERIOD": "Compare to previous period of the same length as the current date range.",
"LBL_SEND_MESSAGE": "Send message",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_FOUND_MAIL_ADDRESSES": "Number of found e-mail addresses",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_FOUND_DUPLICATE_MAIL": "Number of omitted duplicate e-mails",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_SELECTED_RECORDS": "Number of selected records",
"LBL_EMAIL_LIST": "List of e-mail addresses",
"LBL_EMAIL_ADRESS": "E-mail address",
"LBL_EMAIL_TEMPLATE": "E-mail template",
"LBL_MASS_SEND_EMAIL_INFO": "All e-mails are queued and sent in CRON.",
"ERR_NO_DEFAULT_SMTP": "No default mailbox to send e-mails",
"LBL_ADD_FILES": "Add files",
"BTN_ADD_FILE": "Add file",
"BTN_SUBMIT": "Submit",
"LBL_PHONE_CALL_SUCCESS": "Dialling in progress",
"LBL_BAD_REQUEST": "Incorrect request",
"LBL_NO_PHONE_COUNTRY": "No country code",
"LBL_INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE": "Invalid country code",
"LBL_INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER": "Entered invalid phone number",
"LBL_VALUE_NOT_FOUND": "Value not found",
"FL_PHONE_CUSTOM_INFORMATION": "Additional information",
"LBL_ARCHIVE_RECORD": "Archive record",
"LBL_ARCHIVE_RECORD_DESC": "Moving a record to an archive only changes the record's state without changing the rest of information. Are you sure you want to move the record?",
"LBL_ACTIVATE_RECORD": "Activate record",
"LBL_ACTIVATE_RECORD_DESC": "Activating a record only changes the record's state without changing the rest of information. Are you sure you want to activate the record?",
"LBL_CHANGES_SAVED": "Changes saved",
"LBL_OMITTED_RECORDS": "Omitted records:",
"LBL_MASS_ARCHIVE": "Mass archive",
"LBL_MASS_ACTIVATE": "Mass activate",
"LBL_MASS_MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Mass move to Recycle Bin",
"LBL_DELETE_RECORD": "Delete record",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_LOGIN": "The specified login already exists.",
"LBL_MOVE_TO_TRASH": "Move to Recycle Bin",
"LBL_MOVE_TO_TRASH_DESC": "Moving a record to Recycle Bin only changes the record's state without changing the rest of information. Are you sure you want to move the record?.",
"LBL_DELETE_RECORD_COMPLETELY": "Delete record from system",
"LBL_DELETE_RECORD_COMPLETELY_DESC": "Deleting a record is permanent and irreversible for all record's information. Are you sure you want to delete the record?",
"LBL_RECORD_HAS_BEEN_DELETED": "Record has been deleted",
"LBL_RECORD_COLLECTOR": "Record collectors",
"LBL_SHOW_INVENTORY_ROW": "Show inventory details",
"LBL_SHOW_WIDGETS_ROW": "Show widgets",
"LBL_CALCULATE_SUM_FOR_THIS_FIELD": "Calculate sum for this field",
"LBL_RELATED_RECORDS_LIST": "Related records list",
"BTN_PERMISSION_INSPECTOR": "Permission Inspector",
"LBL_ADVANCED_SEARCH": "Advanced search",
"LBL_MERGING": "Merging records",
"_Base": "System",
"LBL_PRINT": "Print",
"LBL_IMAGE_DOWNLOAD": "Download image",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_MERGED_RECORDS_HAS_BEEN_REDUCED_TO": "Number of merged records has been reduced to %d.",
"LBL_USE_VARIABLES": "In this field you can use variables, you just need to copy any variable to the clipboard from the panel and paste in here. The field can contain several variables.",
"BTN_RECORD_OPEN": "Unblock record",
"LBL_REMOVE_RELATION": "Remove relation",
"LBL_REMOVE_RELATION_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to remove this relation? Only the relation will be removed.",
"LBL_MODIFICATION_SUCCESSFUL_AND_RELOAD": "Modification successful. Reload view to see the changes.",
"LBL_MODIFICATION_FAILURE": "No modification has been performed",
"LBL_QUICK_CREATE_MODULE": "Quick create",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_CRM_INFO": "The most flexible CRM in the world",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_REGISTRATION_ERROR": "Your system was not properly registered. %s, an incorrectly registered system is not compliant with the license.",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_REGISTRATION": "CRM system registration",
"LBL_START": "Start",
"LBL_END": "End",
"LBL_AUTOMATIC": "Automatic",
"PLL_PLANNED": "Planned",
"PLL_ON_HOLD": "On hold",
"PLL_SUBMITTED_COMMENTS": "Submitted comments",
"PLL_IN_PROGRESSING": "In progressing",
"PLL_IN_APPROVAL": "In approval",
"PLL_COMPLETED": "Completed",
"PLL_CANCELLED": "Cancelled",
"LBL_SELECT_UP_TO_RECORDS": "Select up to %s records",
"LBL_RECORD_CONVERTER": "Record converter",
"LBL_CREATED_RECORDS_AMOUNT": "Number of records that will be created",
"LBL_DESTINY_MODULE": "Target module:",
"LBL_CONVERT_GROUP_BY": "Records grouped by field:",
"LBL_SELECT_CONVERT_TYPE": "Conversion type",
"LBL_MODULES_WITHOUT_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE": "List of modules without permissions to create a record:",
"LBL_CREATED_CONVERT_RECORDS": "Record conversion finished. Created: %d entries.",
"LBL_NO_UPCOMING_PROJECT_TASKS": "No upcoming project tasks",
"LBL_NO_COMPLETED_PROJECT_TASKS": "No completed project tasks",
"LBL_MASS_DOWNLOAD": "Mass download",
"LBL_AMOUNT_TO_RETURN": "Amount to be refunded",
"LBL_TABLE_TAX_SUMMARY_FOR_CORRECT": "Tax summary for correcting invoices",
"LBL_VAT_REDUCTION_AMOUNT": "VAT reduction amount",
"LBL_VAT_INCREASE_AMOUNT": "VAT increase amount",
"LBL_STANDARD_TEMPLATES": "Standard templates",
"LBL_DYNAMIC_TEMPLATES": "Dynamic templates",
"LBL_SELECT_COLUMNS": "Select columns for dynamic templates",
"LBL_SAVE_SCHEME": "Save scheme",
"LBL_SCHEME_SAVED": "Column scheme was successfully saved.",
"LBL_STANDARD_TEMPLATES_DESC": "Standard templates are those that have static inventory columns.",
"LBL_DYNAMIC_TEMPLATES_DESC": "Dynamic templates are those that contain dynamic inventory columns variable.\nWith dynamic columns, you can chose columns for selected record(s) each time you want to generate pdf or save these columns as a scheme for selected record(s).",
"LBL_FOR_THE_PORTAL": "For the portal",
"BL_RECORD_STATUS_TIMES": "Record status times",
"FL_RESPONSE_RANGE_TIME": "Response time",
"FL_SOLUTION_RANGE_TIME": "Solution time",
"FL_IDLE_RANGE_TIME": "Idle time",
"FL_CLOSING_RANGE_TIME": "Closing time",
"FL_RESPONSE_DATE_TIME": "Response date and time",
"FL_SOLUTION_DATE_TIME": "Solution date and time",
"FL_IDLE_DATE_TIME": "Idle date and time",
"FL_CLOSING_DATE_TIME": "Closing date and time",
"FL_RESPONSE_EXPECTED": "Response expected",
"FL_SOLUTION_EXPECTED": "Solution expected",
"FL_IDLE_DATE_EXPECTED": "Idle date expected",
"FL_SUM_TIME_SUBORDINATE": "Total time [h] in hierarchy",
"BTN_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD": "Copy to clipboard",
"LBL_HAS_CHANGED": "changed",
"LBL_HAS_CHANGED_TO": "changed to",
"LBL_IS_RECORD_OPEN": "Record is open",
"LBL_IS_RECORD_CLOSED": "Record is closed",
"LBL_NOT_CREATED_BY_OWNER": "Not created by owner",
"LBL_PAID_FUNCTIONALITY": "This is an additional and paid functionality. Proceed to Marketplace to make a payment and activate it.",
"LBL_PAID_FUNCTIONALITY_IS_ACTIVE": "Paid functionality has been activated without purchasing the right product in the store. You violate the terms of the software license.",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_SHOP": "Yetiforce shop",
"LBL_USER_CURRENTLY_NOT_LOGGED": "user currently not logged",
"LBL_CREATEDMAIL": "Create email message",
"LBL_LINKBYFIELDS": "Creating links to email message",
"LBL_SHOW_FULL_NAME": "Show filter name with module name",
"LBL_FIELD_HREF": "Link column",
"LBL_FIELD_HREF_TOOLTIP": "If you select the label field, the icon visible in the list will be hidden. Then the selected field will be converted into a link.",
"LBL_SORTING_SETTINGS": "Sorting settings",
"LBL_CHANGE_RELATION_DATA": "Change additional data",
"LBL_EDIT_COLOR": "Edit color",
"LBL_SELECT_COLOR": "Select color:",
"LBL_PREVIOUS_COLOR": "Previous color:",
"LBL_SHOW_ORIGINAL_CONTENT": "Show original content",
"LBL_IP_ADDRESS": "IP Address",
"LBL_BROWSER": "Browser",
"ERR_OCCURRED_CHECK_LOGS": "Error occurred, check the logs",
"ERR_OCCURRED_ERROR": "Error occurred, please inform the administrator",
"FL_COMPANY_NAME": "Company name",
"LBL_SHOW_PASSWORD": "Show hidden password",
"LBL_NO_DATA_FOUND": "No data found",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "This email address already exists in this module.",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_VAT_ID": "This vat id already exists in this module.",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_FIELD_VALUE": "This '%s' already exists in this module.",
"LBL_DUPLICATE_EAN": "This ean already exists in this module.",
"FL_MAGENTO_SERVER": "Magento server",
"LBL_COMPLETE_FIELDS": "Complete fields",
"LBL_DATA_FROM_RECORD": "Data from record",
"LBL_DATA_FROM_SOURCE": "Data from source",
"FL_MAGENTO_ID": "Magento Id",
"FL_CONTACT": "Contact",
"FL_PAYMENTS_METHOD": "Payment method",
"PLL_TRANSFER": "Bank transfer",
"PLL_CASH": "Cash",
"PLL_CASH_ON_DELIVERY": "Cash on delivery",
"PLL_WIRE_TRANSFER": "Wire transfer",
"PLL_REDSYS": "Redsys",
"PLL_DOTPAY": "Dotpay",
"PLL_PAYPAL": "Paypal",
"PLL_PAYPAL_EXPRESS": "Paypal express",
"PLL_CHECK": "Check",
"BTN_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"LBL_MEETING_COPY_URL": "Company access",
"LBL_MEETING_COPY_GUEST_URL": "Public access",
"LBL_MEETING_SEND_INVITATION": "Send an invitation",
"LBL_MEETING_GUEST_DESCRIPTION": "Invite other participants to your virtual room and chat with them live.",
"LBL_MEETING_URL_DESCRIPTION": "Access only for users. The link contains basic information, such as: username, e-mail.",
"LBL_MEETING_SEND_INVITATION_DESCRIPTION": "Send an invitation to your participants.",
"LBL_COPY": "Copy",
"LBL_MEETING_AUTOGENERATE": "Auto-generate meeting URL.",
"LBL_MEETING_AUTOGENERATE_INFO": "URL may change when \"%s\" field is modified.",
"LBL_VIDEO_CONFERENCE": "Video conference",
"LBL_DURATION_SUMMARY": "Duration summary",
"LBL_CONTAINS_HIERARCHY": "contains also in hierarchy",
"LBL_DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_HIERARCHY": "does not contain also in hierarchy",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_UNLOCK": "Request to unblock access",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_CONFIRMATION": "Confirm conflict of interests",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_CONFIRMATION_DESC": "Is there a conflict of interests with",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_USERS": "A list of users who confirmed a conflict of interests",
"LBL_CONFLICT_OF_INTEREST": "Conflict of interests",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_NO": "No conflict of interests",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_YES": "Conflict of interests found",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_CONFIRM_CANCELED": "Conflict of interests confirmation cancelled",
"BTN_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_SET_CANCELED": "Cancel user's confirmation. It will allow them to confirm again and access the record",
"LBL_INTERESTS_CONFLICT_UNLOCK_RESP": "Confirmation canceled",
"LBL_SHOW_HISTORICAL_DATA": "Show historical data",
"LBL_ACCESS_REQUEST_TO": "Access request to",
"LBL_SENT": "Sent",
"LBL_SENT_DATE": "Post date",
"LBL_RELATION_NOT_FOUND": "Relation not found",
"LBL_RELATED_RECORD": "Related record",
"LBL_SOURCE_RECORD": "Source record",
"BTM_GOTO_YETIFORCE_DOCUMENTATION": "Go to YetiForce documentation",
"LBL_NOT_FILLED_MANDATORY_FIELDS": "All required fields were not filled in",
"LBL_VISIT_PURPOSE_ALERT": "Warning, window visible only to the administrator.\nWe do not recommend working on the admin account, this should only be used to manage CRM.\nThe window can be disabled in the configuration file. ",
"LBL_MASS_MAIL_NOTES": "Additional information",
"LBL_MASS_MAIL_NOTES_INFO": "Information from this field can be added to the email contents by using the following variable in the template: $(params : massMailNotes)$",
"LBL_RECORDS_FROM_RELATION": "Records from relation",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_ALL_ENTRIES": "Number of all entries",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_IMPORTED_ENTRIES": "Number of imported entries",
"LBL_NUMBER_OF_ERRORS": "Number of errors",
"LBL_DAILY": "Daily",
"LBL_MONTHLY": "Monthly",
"LBL_YEARLY": "Yearly",
"LBL_USER_AGENT": "User agent",
"LBL_LIMIT_INFO": "The history shows only the last %s entries, the full list is available in the admin panel.",
"LBL_VIEW_KANBAN": "Kanban",
"LBL_PWD_VALIDATE": "Verify the password",
"LBL_PWD_AUTO_GENERATE": "Generate a password",
"LBL_PWD_GET": "Load password",
"LBL_PWD_CLIPBOARD_DBCLICK": "Double click to get the password",
"LBL_PWD_USER_PASSWORD_OK": "Password complies with the system requirements.",
"LBL_QUICK_EXPORT_INFO": "The fields from the current list view will be exported if no fields are selected",
"LBL_EXPORT_USER_FORMAT_ALERT": "All exported data are in the user's format, that means converted according to the settings of the currently logged in user, such as date, time, number formatting.",
"LBL_USER_FORMAT_DATA_CANNOT_BE_IMPORTED": "User format data cannot be imported into the system.",
"LBL_EXPORT_LIMIT": "Export limit",
"LBL_MASS_EDIT_INCLUDE_INFO": "Checking the field will result in adding the values to the already existing ones",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_NOT_REGISTRATION_TITLE": "This functionality is available after registration.",
"LBL_YETIFORCE_NOT_REGISTRATION_DESC": "The system has not been registered. Please register your YetiForce CRM to have access to this part of the system.",
"BTN_SHARE_RECORD_IN": "Share a record in:",
"BTN_DISABLE_SHARE_RECORD_IN": "Disable record sharing in:",
"BTN_SERVER_ACCESS": "Manage record sharing for Webservice",
"LBL_CUSTOM_VIEW_ADV_COND": "Advanced custom view conditions",
"LBL_ATTENTION": "Attention!",
"LBL_EQUALS_FIELD": "is equal to field (==)",
"LBL_NOT_EQUAL_TO_FIELD": "is not equal to field (!=)",
"LBL_LESS_THAN_FIELD": "less than field (<)",
"LBL_GREATER_THAN_FIELD": "greater than field (>)",
"LBL_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_FIELD": "less than or equal to field (<=)",
"LBL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL_FIELD": "greater than or equal to field (>=)",
"LBL_DRAG_AND_DROP_FILES": "Drag & Drop your files or Browse",
"LBL_SELECT_CALENDAR": "Select calendar",
"LBL_TILES_VIEW": "Tiles view",
"LBL_TILE_VERY_SMALL": "Very small",
"LBL_TILE_SMALL": "Small",
"LBL_TILE_MEDIUM": "Medium",
"LBL_TILE_BIG": "Big",
"LBL_SET_CUSTOM_COLUMNS_LABEL": "Set custom label",
"LBL_ICONS": "Icons",
"LBL_BROWSE_ASSETS": "Browse Assets",
"LBL_MEDIA": "Media",
"LBL_IMAGES": "Images",
"LBL_IMAGE_PREVIEW": "Image preview",
"LBL_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST": "Record does not exist",
"LBL_RECORD_DOES_NOT_EXIST_DESC": "The record has been deleted and the name cannot be displayed.",
"LBL_CONDITION_WIZARD": "Condition wizard",
"LBL_OK": "Ok",
"LBL_BATCH_ADDING_RECORDS": "Batch adding records",
"LBL_FILTER_EMPTY_VALUE": "Only empty values",
"LBL_FIELD_NAME": "Field name",
"LBL_VALUE_OF_FIELDS": "Value from field"
"js": {
"JS_APPROVE": "Approve",
"JS_ADD_RECORD": "The record has been added.",
"JS_ADD_TO_FAVORITES": "Add to favorites.",
"JS_REMOVE_TO_FAVORITES": "Remove from favorites.",
"JS_SUMMARY": "Summary",
"JS_LOADING_PLEASE_WAIT": "Loading, please wait.",
"JS_SELECTED_RECORDS": "Selected records",
"JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PERFORMED_ACTION_FOR": "Successfully performed action for",
"JS_ACTION_FAILED_FOR": "Action failed for",
"JS_DATE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN": "End date cannot be equal or less than Start Date",
"JS_HOURS_SHOULD_BE_SMALLER_THAN": "Working time cannot exceed 24 hours",
"Generate default PDF": "Generate default PDF",
"JS_SAVE_LOADER_INFO": "Saving data...",
"JS_SAVE_NOTIFY_OK": "Changes have been saved",
"JS_SAVE_NOTIFY_SUCCESS": "Saved successfully",
"JS_SAVE_NOTIFY_FAIL": "Changes were not saved",
"JS_SAVED_FROM": "from",
"JS_SAVED_TO": "to",
"JS_OF": "of",
"AM": "AM",
"JS_LBL_NO_TAXES": "Selected product does not contain tax",
"INVALID_NUMBER": "Invalid number",
"INVALID_NUMBER_OF": "Invalid number of",
"JS_INVALID_LENGTH": "Added value is incomplete",
"JS_ACCEPT_ONLY_NUMBER": "Accepts only numbers",
"JS_ACCEPT_POSITIVE_NUMBER": "Accepts only positive numbers",
"JS_ALLOWED_TO_SELECT_MAX_OF_THREE_RECORDS": "You are allowed to select a maximum of three records",
"JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_WIDGET": "Are you sure to delete widget?",
"JS_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_DELETE_WIDGET_INFO": "It will be available under the \"Predefined widgets\" button.",
"JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_DEFAULT_WIDGET": "Cannot remove default widget",
"JS_CHECK_FILE_INTEGRITY": "Check file integrity",
"JS_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS": "contains invalid characters",
"JS_CURRENT_DATE": "Current date",
"JS_DENY": "Deny",
"JS_DO_NOT_HAVE_AN_EMAIL_ID": "does not have an email address",
"JS_DUPLICATE": "Duplicate",
"JS_DUPLIACATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE": "Duplicate entries found for the value",
"JS_DUPLICATE_ENTRIES_FOUND_FOR_THE_VALUE": "Duplicate entries found for the value",
"JS_DUPLICATE_RECORD": "Duplicate record",
"JS_DUPLICTAE_CREATION_CONFIRMATION": "Account name already exists. Do you want to create a duplicate record?",
"JS_EDIT": "Edit",
"JS_EMAIL_SERVER_CONFIGURATION": "Please configure your outgoing server settings from the settings page",
"JS_END_DATE_TIME": "End date & time",
"JS_ERROR": "Error, please inform the Administrator",
"JS_FAILED_TO_SAVE": "Failed to save changes on server",
"JS_FIELD_MAPPED_MORE_THAN_ONCE": "Field mapped more than once",
"JS_IMPORT_FILE_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY": "Import file cannot be empty",
"JS_INFORMATION": "Information",
"JS_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER": "Invalid page number",
"JS_IS_DISABLED": "is disabled",
"JS_IS_ENABLED": "is enabled",
"JS_ITEMS": "items",
"JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE": "Are you sure that you want to delete?",
"JS_LBL_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"JS_LBL_COMMENT_VALUE_CANT_BE_EMPTY": "Comment value cannot be empty",
"JS_LBL_PERMISSION": "Permissions",
"JS_LBL_SAVE": "Save",
"JS_MAP_MANDATORY_FIELDS": "Please map mandatory fields",
"JS_MAP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS": "Map name already exists",
"JS_MAP_NAME_CAN_NOT_BE_EMPTY": "Map name cannot be empty",
"JS_MASS_EDIT_LIMIT": "Mass edit operation can be done on 500 or less records at a time",
"JS_MAX_FILE_UPLOAD_EXCEEDS": "max file Upload exceeds",
"JS_MAX_TAG_LENGTH_EXCEEDS": "Tag length exceeds max size",
"JS_MAX_TAG_EXCEEDS": "Tag max ",
"JS_MESSAGE": "Message",
"JS_MINUTES": "mins",
"JS_MODULE_DISABLED": "Module disabled",
"JS_MODULE_ENABLED": "Module enabled",
"JS_MORE_THAN_ONE_ITEM_SELECTED": "More than one item selected",
"JS_NO_CREATE_OR_NOT_QUICK_CREATE_ENABLED": "No permissions for create or quick create",
"JS_NO_ITEM_SELECTED": "No item selected",
"JS_NO_RECORDS": "No records",
"JS_NO_RECORDS_RELATED_TO_THIS_FILTER": "No records related to this filter",
"JS_NO_RESULTS_FOUND": "No results found",
"JS_REMOVE_ALL_ITEMS": "Remove all items",
"JS_NO_VIEW_PERMISSION_AFTER_SAVE": "You will not have permissions to view this record after saving. Would you like to continue?",
"JS_NUMBER_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_32": "Number should be less than 32",
"JS_OK": "Ok",
"JS_PAGE_NOT_EXIST": "Page does not exist",
"JS_PERCENTAGE_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_100": "Percentage value should be less than 100",
"JS_PHONE_NUMBER_LENGTH_EXCEEDED": "phone number length exceeded limit",
"JS_PLEASE_ENABLE_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT": "Please enable base currency for product",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_A_TAG": "Please enter a tag",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_DECIMAL_VALUE": "Please enter decimal value",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_INTEGER_VALUE": "Please enter integer value",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_PRIMARY_EMAIL_VALUE_TO_ENABLE_PORTAL_USER": "Please enter primary email address to enable portal user",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_TEXT_FOR_COMMENT": "Please enter some text for comment",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_SOME_VALUE": "Please enter some value to search",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_DATE": "Please enter valid date",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS": "Please enter a valid email address",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TIME": "Please enter valid time",
"JS_PLEASE_ENTER_VALID_TWITTER_ACCOUNT": "Please enter valid Twitter account",
"JS_EMAIL_DUPLICATED": "Email address is duplicated",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_ACCOUNT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS": "Please select Account to copy address",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_CONTACT_TO_COPY_ADDRESS": "Please select Contact to copy address",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_LEAD_TO_COPY_ADDRESS": "Select Lead to copy address",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_AN_VENDOR_TO_COPY_ADDRESS": "Select Vendor to copy address",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_MANDATORY_FIELD": "Please select at least one mandatory field",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ATLEAST_ONE_OPTION": "Please select at least one option",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_BASE_CURRENCY_FOR_PRODUCT": "Please select base currency for product",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_FIELD_FOR_MERGE": "Select at least one field for merge criteria",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_ONE_RECORD": "Please select at least one record",
"JS_PLEASE_SPLIT_FILE_AND_IMPORT_AGAIN": "Please split the file into smaller files and import again.",
"JS_POSTPONE": "Postpone",
"JS_PRIMARY_EMAIL_FIELD_DOES_NOT_EXISTS": "Primary email field does not exist to enable portal user",
"JS_RECORDS_ARE_GETTING_DELETED": "Records are getting deleted",
"JS_RECORDS_TRANSFERRED_SUCCESSFULLY": "Records ownership has been transferred successfully",
"JS_RECORD_GETTING_DELETED": "Record getting deleted",
"JS_REENTER_PASSWORDS": "Reenter Passwords",
"JS_REMINDER": "Calendar's notifications",
"JS_REQUIRED_FIELD": "* This field is required",
"JS_MAXIMUM_TEXT_SIZE_IN_BYTES": "Exceeded the maximum text size in bytes",
"JS_SELECTED_ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS": "Selected Account does not contain address to copy",
"JS_SELECTED_CONTACT_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS": "Selected Contact does not contain address to copy",
"JS_DOES_NOT_HAVE_AN_ADDRESS": "No address to copy",
"JS_SELECT_ATLEAST_TWO_RECORD_FOR_MERGING": "Select at least two records for merging",
"JS_SELECT_FILE_EXTENSION": "Please select a file with the following extension:",
"JS_SELECT_MODULE": "Please select module",
"JS_SELECT_RECORDS_TO_MERGE_FROM_SAME_GROUP": "You have to select the records in the same groups for merging",
"JS_SHORTCUT_ALREADY_ADDED": "This shortcut is already added",
"JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_CURRENT_DATE": "should be greater than current date",
"JS_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "should be greater than or equal to",
"JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_CURRENT_DATE": "should be less than current date",
"JS_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO": "should be less than or equal to",
"JS_START_DATE_TIME": "Start date & time",
"JS_SUCCESSFULLY_PINNED": "Shortcut added successfully",
"JS_SUCCESSFULLY_UNPINNED": "Shortcut removed successfully",
"JS_TAG_NAME_ALREADY_EXIST": "Tag name already exists",
"JS_THIS_DOCUMENT_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED": "This Document has already been attached",
"JS_THIS_FILE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_SELECTED": "This file has already been selected",
"JS_TOTAL_RECORDS": "Total records",
"JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_EXCEEDS": "Maximum file size exceeded",
"JS_UPLOADED_FILE_SIZE_SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN": "Upload file size should be less than",
"JS_VALUE_SHOULD_BE_GREATER_THAN_ZERO": "value should be greater than zero",
"JS_VALUE_SHOULD_NOT_BE_LESS_THAN": "Frequency of any cron job configured should not be less than",
"JS_YOU_ARE_IN_PAGE_NUMBER": "You are in page number",
"JS_YOU_CAN_SELECT_ONLY": "You can select only",
"LBL_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete?",
"JS_CHANGE_VALUE_CONFIRMATION": "Do you want to set this value?",
"JS_CHANGE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to make changes?",
"JS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete the relation with this module? Only the relation will be removed, to remove the record you have to go to the record and press delete",
"LBL_MASS_DELETE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?",
"LBL_NO": "No",
"LBL_YES": "Yes",
"JS_NONE_FIELD_MARKED_IN_MASS_EDIT": "No field has been selected for value change ",
"OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG1": "Overwrite the existing address with the selected ",
"OVERWRITE_EXISTING_MSG2": "address details?",
"PM": "PM",
"SHOULD_BE_LESS_THAN_TODAY": "Must occur before today",
"SINGLE_Accounts": "Account",
"SINGLE_Contacts": "Contact",
"JS_CHANGES_WILL_BE_LOST": "You have not saved your data, the changes will be lost.",
"JS_CLOSE": "Close",
"JS_CONFIRM_MARK_AS_HELD": "Mark the entry in calendar as complete?",
"JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_MARKED_AS_HELD": "Future events cannot be marked as complete",
"JS_PLEASE_ENABLE_PRODUCT_OR_SERVICE_MODULE": "Please enable product or service module",
"LBL_SYNC_BUTTON": "Synchronize",
"LBL_SYNCRONIZING": "Synchronizing",
"JS_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS": "Select some values",
"JS_SELECT_AN_OPTION": "Select an option",
"JS_MAIL_NOTIFICATION": "Received a new email message",
"JS_NO_Discount": "No discount",
"JS_SET_READ_RECORD": "You read all changes performed on this record",
"JS_CLEAR_HISTORY": "Clear recent history",
"JS_NAME": "Name",
"JS_PRIORITY": "Priority",
"JS_PROGRESS": "Progress",
"JS_ALL_DAY": "All day",
"JS_APR": "Apr",
"JS_APRIL": "April",
"JS_AUG": "Aug",
"JS_AUGUST": "August",
"JS_DAY": "Day",
"JS_DAYS": "Days",
"JS_PLANNED": "Planned",
"JS_REALISATION": "Realisation",
"JS_DEC": "Dec",
"JS_DECEMBER": "December",
"JS_FEB": "Feb",
"JS_FEBRUARY": "February",
"JS_FRIDAY": "Friday",
"JS_FRI": "Fri",
"JS_JAN": "Jan",
"JS_JANUARY": "January",
"JS_JUL": "Jul",
"JS_JULY": "July",
"JS_JUNE": "June",
"JS_JUN": "Jun",
"JS_MARCH": "March",
"JS_MAR": "Mar",
"JS_MAY": "May",
"JS_MAY_SHORT": "May",
"JS_MONDAY": "Monday",
"JS_MON": "Mon",
"JS_MONTH": "Month",
"JS_NOVEMBER": "November",
"JS_NOV": "Nov",
"JS_OCTOBER": "October",
"JS_OCT": "Oct",
"JS_SAT": "Sat",
"JS_SATURDAY": "Saturday",
"JS_SEP": "Sep",
"JS_SEPTEMBER": "September",
"JS_SUNDAY": "Sunday",
"JS_SUN": "Sun",
"JS_THURSDAY": "Thursday",
"JS_THU": "Thu",
"JS_TODAY": "Today",
"JS_TOMORROW": "Tomorrow",
"JS_TUESDAY": "Tuesday",
"JS_TUE": "Tue",
"JS_WEDNESDAY": "Wednesday",
"JS_WED": "Wed",
"JS_WEEK": "Week",
"JS_ADD_EVENT_TASK": "Add Event/To Do",
"JS_MORE": "More",
"JS_FULL_TEXT": "Full text",
"JS_TO_REALIZE": "For processing",
"JS_HISTORY": "History",
"JS_WORK_DAYS": "Work days",
"JS_ALL": "All",
"JS_NOT_SELECTED_WORKFLOW_TRIGGER": "No workflow selected",
"JS_STARTED_PERFORM_WORKFLOW": "Workflow started",
"JS_COMPLETED_PERFORM_WORKFLOW": "Workflow completed",
"JS_ERROR_DURING_TRIGGER_OF_WORKFLOW": "Unknown error! Please inform the administrator",
"JS_FUTURE_EVENT_CANNOT_BE_HELD": "Cannot hold future event",
"JS_AN_INCORRECT_RANGE_OF_DATES_WAS_ENTERED": "An incorrect range of dates was entered",
"JS_STARTED_GENERATING_FILE": "Generating a file",
"JS_CAN_NOT_REMOVE_COMMENT": "You can't delete comments with answers. Delete all the answers in order to delete the comment.",
"JS_DELETE_COMMENT_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete the comment?",
"JS_SET_TAX_FOR": "Set tax for",
"JS_START_DATE": "Start date",
"JS_END_DATE": "End date",
"JS_STATE": "State",
"JS_SUBJECT": "Subject",
"JS_STATUS": "Status",
"JS_PLL_OVERDUE": "Overdue",
"JS_PLL_PLANNED": "Planned",
"JS_PLL_IN_REALIZATION": "To be realized",
"JS_PLL_POSTPONED": "Postponed",
"JS_PLL_CANCELLED": "Cancelled",
"JS_PLL_COMPLETED": "Completed",
"JS_PDF_RECALCULATING": "Checking templates",
"JS_PDF_GENERATING": "Generating PDF in progress",
"JS_YESTERDAY": "Yesterday",
"JS_YEAR": "Year",
"JS_OLDER": "Older",
"JS_SELECTED_ELEMENTS": "Number of selected elements",
"JS_REMOVED_FROM_FAVORITES": "Removed from favorites",
"JS_ADDED_TO_FAVORITES": "Added to favorites",
"JS_LOADING_OF_RECORDS": "Loading records list...",
"JS_SEARCH": "Search:",
"JS_S_LENGTH_MENU": "Show _MENU_ entries",
"JS_S_INFO": "Showing _START_ to _END_ of _TOTAL_ entries",
"JS_S_INFO_EMPTY": "Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries",
"JS_S_INFO_FILTERED": "(filtered from _MAX_ total entries)",
"JS_S_FIRST": "First",
"JS_S_PREVIOUS": "Last",
"JS_S_NEXT": "Next",
"JS_S_LAST": "Previous",
"JS_S_SORT_ASCENDING": ": activate to sort column ascending",
"JS_S_SORT_DESCENDING": ": activate to sort column descending",
"JS_RELATION": "Company",
"JS_PROCESS": "Process",
"JS_SUB_PROCESS": "Subprocess",
"JS_SAVE_SELECTED_ITEMS_ALERT": "You selected __LENGTH__ items. Are you sure you want to save?",
"JS_WATCHING_TITLE": "Track changes",
"JS_WATCHING_MESSAGE0": "Are you sure you want to disable tracking changes?",
"JS_WATCHING_MESSAGE1": "Are you sure you want to enable tracking changes?",
"JS_FILTER": "Filter",
"JS_CANNOT_REMOVE_RELATION": "Can't remove relation",
"JS_RECORD_INFO": "Record info",
"JS_NOTIFY_COPY_TEXT": "Copied to clipboard",
"JS_LBL_ARE_YOU_SURE_YOU_WANT_TO_DELETE_FILTER": "Are you sure you want to remove the filter? All widgets related to this filter in module summary and the homepage will also be removed.",
"JS_SEARCHING": "Searching...",
"JS_INPUT_TOO_SHORT": "Enter _LENGTH_ or more characters",
"JS_MASS_EDIT_NOT_SUCCESSFUL": "Mass edition unsuccessful",
"JS_GET_PAGINATION_INFO": "Loading the amount of records in progress. Completion time depends on the total number of records.",
"JS_WIDGET_DELETED": "Widget deleted",
"JS_EMAIL_RESTRICTED_DOMAINS": "Domain restricted. Please enter a different one.",
"JS_EMAIL_RESET_RELATIONS_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to reset related mails once again?",
"JS_MASS_REVIEWING_CHANGES_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to mark updates as reviewed in the selected records?",
"JS_LBL_REVIEW_CHANGES": "Mark updates as reviewed",
"JS_BASE_CURRENCY_CHANGED_TO_DISABLE_CURRENCY": "is the base currency and cannot be disabled",
"JS_MARKED_AS_READ": "Marked as read",
"JS_FILE_EXCEEDS_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE": "At least one of the attached files is too large",
"JS_LAST_7_DAYS": "Last 7 days",
"JS_LAST_30_DAYS": "Last 30 days",
"JS_CURRENT": "Current",
"JS_CURRENT_MONTH": "Current month",
"JS_LAST_MONTH": "Last month",
"JS_LAST_3_MONTHS": "Last 3 months",
"JS_LAST_6_MONTHS": "Last 6 months",
"JS_NEXT_MONTH": "Next month",
"JS_NEXT_7_DAYS": "Next 7 days",
"JS_NEXT_3_MONTHS": "Next 3 months",
"JS_NEXT_6_MONTHS": "Next 6 months",
"JS_CUSTOM": "Custom date range",
"JS_CALCULATING_IN_PROGRESS": "Calculating in progress",
"JS_FRAME_IN_PROGRESS": "Preview is loading...",
"JS_IGNORE_EMPTY_VALUES": "Ignore empty values",
"JS_H": "h",
"JS_M": "m",
"JS_S": "s",
"JS_H_LONG": "hours",
"JS_M_LONG": "minutes",
"JS_S_LONG": "seconds",
"JS_APPLY": "Apply",
"JS_CANCEL": "Cancel",
"JS_CLEAR": "Clear",
"JS_FROM": "From",
"JS_TO": "To",
"JS_DELETE": "Delete",
"JS_DELETE_FILE_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this file?",
"JS_DELETE_FILE": "Deleting file",
"JS_ZOOM_IN": "Zoom in",
"JS_FILE_UPLOAD_ERROR": "Uploading file to server failed",
"JS_INVALID_FILE_HASH": "Invalid file hash",
"JS_DOWNLOAD": "Download",
"JS_INVALID_FILE_TYPE": "Invalid file type",
"JS_AVAILABLE_FILE_TYPES": "Available file types",
"JS_FILE_LIMIT": "Maximum number of files was exceeded",
"JS_WAIT_FOR_FILE_UPLOAD": "Wait for files to be uploaded",
"JS_ERROR_MAX_VALUE": "Entered value is out of allowed range",
"JS_YETIFORCE_COMPANY_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED": "Change company name. The name of YetiForce company is reserved.",
"JS_SELECT_OR_WRITE_AND_PRESS_ENTER": "Select value from list or write value then press enter",
"JS_INVENTORY_ITEM_MODULE_NOT_FOUND": "Module '${sourceModule}' for position'${position}' was not activated.",
"JS_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG": "Message is too long",
"JS_NO_DESKTOP_PERMISSION": "Failed to obtain consent for notifications, please check your browser settings.",
"JS_MESSAGE_DOWNLOADED_ADDRESS_DATA": "Downloaded address data",
"JS_UNEXPECTED_ERROR": "Unexpected error occurred",
"JS_ENTERED_VALUE_IS_TOO_SHORT": "Entered value is too short",
"JS_ENTERED_VALUE_IS_TOO_LONG": "Entered value is too long",
"JS_NOT_ALLOWED_VALUE": "Entered invalid value",
"JS_PLEASE_SELECT_VALID_DOMAIN_NAMES": "Please select valid domain names.",
"JS_KB_MAIN_CATEGORIES": "Main categories",
"JS_KB_SEARCH_CURRENT_CATEGORY": "Search current category",
"JS_KB_RELATED_ARTICLES": "Related articles",
"JS_KB_RELATED_RECORDS": "Related records",
"JS_KB_ARTICLES": "Articles",
"JS_KB_AUTHORED_BY": "Authored by",
"JS_KB_TOGGLE_CATEGORY_MENU": "Toggle the category menu",
"JS_KB_CATEGORY": "Category",
"JS_KB_CATEGORIES": "Categories",
"JS_KB_ACCOUNTS": "Accounts",
"JS_KB_CREATED": "Created",
"JS_KB_MODIFIED": "Modified",
"JS_KB_QUICK_CREATE": "Quick create",
"JS_KB_COMMENTS": "Comments",
"JS_MAXIMIZE": "Maximize",
"JS_MINIMIZE": "Minimize",
"JS_FULL_TEXT_SEARCH_INFO": "Full text search functionality, results must contain at least one entered word.\n\nAllowed operators:\n'+' - leading plus sign indicates that the results must contain a word. For example:\n'+access +sftp' Find rows that contain both words.\n'+access sftp' Search rows that contain the word 'access', but rank rows higher if they also contain 'sftp'\n\n'-' - leading minus sign forces that the word mustn't appear in the results. For example:\n'+ access -sftp' Find rows that include the word 'access', but don't include the word 'sftp'.\n\n'*' - words match if they begin with a word before the operator*. For example:\n'acce*' Find rows that include words such as 'acce', 'accept', 'access', etc.\n\n '\"' The results must include the entire phrase exactly the way was typed.",
"JS_KNOWLEDGEBASE": "Knowledge base",
"JS_MONTHS_FULL": "Months",
"JS_DAYS_FULL": "Days",
"JS_HOURS_FULL": "Hours",
"JS_MINUTES_FULL": "Minutes",
"JS_SECONDS_FULL": "Seconds",
"JS_DELETE_RECORD_CONFIRMATION": "Are you sure you want to delete this record?",
"JS_CHAT_SUM_UNREAD": "Sum of unread messages",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_CRM": "Record rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_GROUP": "Group rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_GLOBAL": "Global rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_PRIVATE": "Private rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_USER": "User rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_CRM": "Chat rooms related to records.",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_GROUP": "Chat rooms based on groups.",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_GLOBAL": "Chat rooms visible for all users.",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_PRIVATE": "Chat rooms visible only for users selected by the chat room creator. Other users can leave the room.",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_DESCRIPTION_USER": "Chat rooms with single users",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_ROOM_CRM": "Pin record room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_ROOM_GROUP": "Pin group room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_ROOM_GLOBAL": "Pin global room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_ROOM_PRIVATE": "Pin private room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_ROOM_USER": "Pin user room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_PRIVATE_ROOM": "Add private room",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_USERS_TO_NEW_ROOM": "Add users to new room",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_NOT_ALLOWED": "Chat room is not allowed. You were redirected to the default room.",
"JS_CHAT_MESSAGE": "Enter your message here. Press SHIFT + ENTER to add a new line.",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANTS": "Participants",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANTS_DESCRIPTION": "Chat room participants list",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_PARTICIPANT": "Invite user to this room",
"JS_CHAT_SEARCH_MESSAGES": "Search messages...",
"JS_CHAT_FILTER_PARTICIPANTS": "Filter participants...",
"JS_CHAT_FILTER_ROOMS": "Filter rooms...",
"JS_CHAT_FILTER_USERS": "Filter users...",
"JS_CHAT_CREATE_CHAT_ROOM": "Create chat room",
"JS_CHAT_EARLIER": "Earlier",
"JS_CHAT": "Chat",
"JS_CHAT_DESC": "Current chat messages",
"JS_CHAT_HISTORY": "Chat history",
"JS_CHAT_HISTORY_DESC": "History of your messages",
"JS_CHAT_UNREAD": "Unread",
"JS_CHAT_UNREAD_DESC": "Unread messages",
"JS_CHAT_NO_MESSAGES": "No messages",
"JS_CHAT_SOUND_ON": "Sound on",
"JS_CHAT_SOUND_OFF": "Sound off",
"JS_CHAT_NOTIFICATION": "It enables/disables chat notifications",
"JS_CHAT_ENTER": "It enables/disables sending messages after pressing ENTER",
"JS_CHAT_DETAIL_VIEW": "Detail view",
"JS_CHAT_CHAT_USER_SWITCHED": "Chat is inactive if you switched to another user.",
"JS_CHAT_NEW_MESSAGE": "New message",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANTS_MENU": "Toggle participants menu",
"JS_CHAT_SHOW_ROOMS": "Show rooms",
"JS_CHAT_HIDE_ROOMS": "Hide rooms",
"JS_CHAT_PIN": "Pin room",
"JS_CHAT_UNPIN": "Unpin room",
"JS_CHAT_TAG_RECORD": "Tag record",
"JS_CHAT_TAG_USER": "Tag user",
"JS_CHAT_ROOMS_MENU": "Toggle rooms menu",
"JS_CHAT_PICK_EMOJI": "Pick your emoji…",
"JS_CHAT_ADD_FAVORITE_ROOM_FROM_MODULE": "Add favorite room from module",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_ADDED": "Room added successfully",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_EXISTS": "Room with this name already exists",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_NAME_EMPTY": "Room name cannot be empty",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_ADDED": "User has been invited to this chat room",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_REMOVED": "User has been removed from this chat room",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_EXISTS": "This user already participates in the chat room",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_INVITED": "This user already was invited to the chat room",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_NAME_EMPTY": "User name cannot be empty",
"JS_CHAT_PARTICIPANT_UNPIN": "Unpin the participant from the room",
"JS_CHAT_SEARCH_RECORDS_OF_THE_SELECTED_MODULE": "Search records of the selected module",
"JS_CHAT_HIDE_ADD_PANEL": "Hide add panel",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_ARCHIVE_MESSAGE": "Messages from archived rooms are visible only in the user chat history. Are you sure you want to archive \"${roomToArchive}\" chat room?",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_ARCHIVE": "Archive room",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_ADD_CURRENT": "Add current record to chat record rooms",
"JS_CHAT_ROOM_NO_SELECTED": "Select chat room from the room list",
"JS_ADD": "Add",
"JS_ARCHIVE": "Archive",
"JS_EMOJI_NOTFOUND": "No Emoji Found",
"JS_EMOJI_SEARCHRESULT": "Search Results",
"JS_EMOJI_RECENT": "recent",
"JS_EMOJI_PEOPLE": "people",
"JS_EMOJI_NATURE": "nature",
"JS_EMOJI_FOODS": "foods",
"JS_EMOJI_ACTIVITY": "activity",
"JS_EMOJI_PLACES": "places",
"JS_EMOJI_OBJECTS": "objects",
"JS_EMOJI_SYMBOLS": "symbols",
"JS_EMOJI_FLAGS": "flags",
"JS_EMOJI_CUSTOM": "custom",
"JS_EMOJI_SEARCH": "Search…",
"JS_CANT_CLOSE_NEW_RECROD": "You cannot close a new ticket",
"JS_MEETING_URL_CHANGED": "Meeting URL has changed",
"JS_ENTER_A_REASON": "Enter a reason",
"JS_LACK_INFORMATION_ABOUT_RECORD": "There is no information about the record to be changed",
"JS_PWD_RIDICULOUS": "Ridiculous",
"JS_PWD_VERY_WEAK": "Very weak",
"JS_PWD_WEAK": "Weak",
"JS_PWD_MEDIUM": "Medium",
"JS_PWD_STRONG": "Strong",
"JS_PWD_VERY_STRONG": "Very strong",
"JS_PREV": "Previous",
"JS_NEXT": "Next",
"JS_CALENDAR_LIST": "Schedule",
"JS_SPECIAL_CHARACTERS": "Special characters like",
"JS_NOT_ALLOWED": "are not allowed",
"JS_PDF_GENERATED": "PDF was created"