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var sqlite = require('node-sqlite-purejs');
var Q = require('q');
var fs = require('q-io/fs');

exports.connect = Q.async(function*(options) {
    if (typeof options.path != 'string')
        throw new Error("sqlite database requires path option to be string");
    var connection = yield Q.nfcall(sqlite.open, options.path, {});
    return {
         * Executes one or multiple SQL statements asynchronously, and resolves the 
         * result of the last query
         * Not intended to be used with untrusted params.
        exec: Q.async(function*(sql, params) {
            if (params === undefined)
                params = [];
            if (!(params instanceof Array))
                throw new Error('params must be an array');
            if (typeof sql != 'string')
                throw new Error('sql must be a string');
            sql = sql.replace('?', function(match) {
                if (!params.length)
                    throw new Error('too few params specified');
                return "'" + params.pop().toString().replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('\"', '\\\"')
                    .replace('\'', '\\\'').replace('\n', '\\n').replace('\r', '\\r') + "'";
            if (params.length)
                throw new Error('too much params specified (' + params.length + ' left');
            var result = yield Q.ninvoke(connection, 'exec', sql);
            yield Q.ninvoke(connection, 'save');
            return result;
        clear: Q.async(function*() {
            yield fs.remove(options.path);
            // reconnect
            connection = yield Q.nfcall(sqlite.open, options.path, {});
        restore: Q.async(function*(path) {
            yield fs.copy(path, options.path);
            // reconnect
            connection = yield Q.nfcall(sqlite.open, options.path, {});
        dump: function(path) {
            return fs.copy(options.path, path);
        snippets: {
            now: "datetime()"