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var Task = require('../task.js');
var fs = require('q-io/fs');
var Q = require('q');
var yaml = require('js-yaml');
var hooks = require('../hooks.js');

function AddSiteTask(siteManager, siteName, branch, options) {
    this.options = options | {};
    this.siteManager = siteManager;
    this.name = 'Add site ' + siteName;
    this.siteName = siteName;
    this.branch = branch;

AddSiteTask.prototype = Object.create(Task.prototype);

AddSiteTask.prototype.perform = function*() {
    var manager = this.siteManager;
    var siteName = this.siteName;

    yield this.runNestedQuietly(manager.loadTask(false));

    var sites = yaml.safeLoad(yield fs.read(manager.path + '/sites.yaml'));

    if (siteName in sites)
        throw new Error('The site ' + siteName + ' already exists');

    var sitePath = fs.join(manager._siteRoot, siteName);
    if (yield fs.exists(sitePath))
        throw new Error('The target path ' + sitePath + ' already exists');

    yield Q.async(function*() {
        var relativeRepoPath = yield fs.relative(manager._siteRoot, manager._repoPath);
        yield this.exec('git clone "' + relativeRepoPath + '" "' + siteName + '" --branch ' + this.branch);

        // Symlink objects to save space in the future
        // (the initial clone created hardlinks, so that won't take long or much space,
        // but subsequent objects would be stored multiple times)
        var gitPath = fs.join(sitePath, '.git');
        var objectsPath = fs.join(gitPath, 'objects');
        var mainObjectsPath = fs.join(manager._repoPath, 'objects');
        yield fs.removeTree(objectsPath);
        yield fs.symbolicLink(objectsPath, yield fs.relative(gitPath, mainObjectsPath), 'directory');

    yield Q.async(function*() {
        this.doLog('Initializing backup repository for data directory...');
        var dataPath = fs.join(sitePath, 'data');

        if (!(yield fs.exists(dataPath))) {
            yield fs.makeDirectory(dataPath);
            this.doLog('data directory does not exist, it has been created.');

        var relativeBackupRepoPath = yield fs.relative(dataPath, manager.backupRepoPath);
        yield this.exec('git init');
        yield this.exec('git remote add origin "' + relativeBackupRepoPath + '"');

        // Make sure that the packed-refs directory exists in the main backup repo, because it has to be linked
        var packedRefsPath = fs.join(manager.backupRepoPath, 'packed-refs');
        if (!(yield fs.exists(packedRefsPath))) {
            yield fs.write(packedRefsPath, '');

        // The backup repos share the main backup repo's object db and refs (except HEAD), so that they
        // can commit directly to the main repo and get their version history from it
        var links = { objects: 'directory', refs: 'directory', 'packed-refs': 'file' };
        for (var linkName in links) {
            var type = links[linkName];
            var gitPath = fs.join(dataPath, '.git');
            var linkPath = fs.join(gitPath, linkName);
            var targetPath = fs.join(manager.backupRepoPath, linkName);

            // Remove possibly existing file/directory and replacy with symlink
            if (yield (fs.exists(linkPath)))
                yield fs.removeTree(linkPath);
            yield fs.symbolicLink(linkPath, yield fs.relative(gitPath, targetPath), type);

        // make sure real errors (!= 1) are caught
        var branchMissing = (yield (this.exec('git show-ref --verify --quiet "refs/heads/' + siteName + '" ; ' +
            'if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then echo "missing" ; fi'))).stdout.trim() == 'missing';
        if (branchMissing) {
            this.doLog('There is no branch in the backup for this site, creating an orphan branch');
            yield this.exec('git checkout --orphan "' + siteName + '"');
        } else {
            this.doLog('There is a branch in the backup for this site, using it');
            yield this.exec('git clean -df && git checkout "' + siteName + '"');

    this.doLog('Writing new sites.yaml...');
    sites[siteName] = { };
    yield fs.write(manager.path + '/sites.yaml', yaml.safeDump(sites));

    yield this.runNestedQuietly(manager.loadTask(false));
    var site = manager.getSite(siteName);
    if (!site)
        throw new Error('site has not been loaded');
    this.doLog('Waiting for site to be loaded...');
    yield site.loaded;
    yield hooks.call('afterCreate', this, site);
    yield hooks.call('afterCheckout', this, site);

    return site;

module.exports = AddSiteTask;