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var Task = require('../task.js');
var ShellTask = require('../tasks/shell.js');
var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise;
var hooks = require('../hooks.js');

function UpgradeSiteTask(site) {
    this.site = site;
    this.name = 'Upgrade';

UpgradeSiteTask.prototype = Object.create(Task.prototype);

UpgradeSiteTask.prototype.perform = function*() {
    var site = this.site;

    this.doLog('Checking if site can be upgraded...');
    yield this.runNestedQuietly(this.site.loadTask());

    if (!this.site.canUpgrade)
        throw new Error("Can not upgrade");

    this.doLog('Upgrade is possible. Backing up...');
    var backupRevision = yield this.runNested(site.backupTask(
            'pre-upgrade ' + site.revision + '..' + site.upstreamRevision));

    var oldRevision = site.revision;
    try {
        if (this.site.stagingOf) {
            this.doLog('This is a staging site, resetting to ' + this.site.stagingOf + '...');
            // skip the backup pre-restore because we already made a backup
            yield this.runNested(site.resetStagingTask( { backup: false }));

        if (this.site.isMergeRequestSite) {
            this.doLog('Merging source branch ' + this.site.sourceBranch + '...');
            yield this.exec('git merge --no-ff origin/' + this.site.sourceBranch);
            this.doLog('Merge completed');
        } else {
            this.doLog('Pulling incoming commits...');
            yield this.exec('git pull --ff-only');
            this.doLog('Pull completed');

        yield this.runNestedQuietly(site.loadTask());

        yield hooks.call('afterPull', this, site);
        yield hooks.call('afterCheckout', this, site);
    } catch(err) {
        this.doLog('Upgrade failed. Restoring backup...'.red);
        try {
            yield this.runNested(site.restoreTask(backupRevision));
        } catch (restoreErr) {
            this.doLog('Restore failed! The site is now in an inconsistent state.'.bold.red);
            this.doLog('Restore error:');
            if (typeof restoreErr == 'object' && restoreErr.stack)
                restoreErr = restoreErr.stack;
            this.doLog('The upgrade error follows:');

        yield hooks.call('upgradeFailed', this, site, { errorLog: this.plainLog, upgradeTaskID: this.id } );
        throw err;

    this.doLog('Upgrade succeeded'.green);
    yield hooks.call('afterUpgrade', this, site, { upgradeTaskID: this.id, oldRevision: oldRevision });

module.exports = UpgradeSiteTask;