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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018 Georgi Marinov
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { EntitiesModel } from '../../model/entities/entities.model';
import { StorageMechanism as Storage } from './storage';

 * A persistence service.
  providedIn: 'root'
export class PersistenceService extends Storage {
   * Constructs the persistence service.
   * ~constructor
   * @param entitiesModel The entities model injected dependency.
    public readonly entitiesModel: EntitiesModel,
  ) {

   * Saves the toggle state of a heading section.
   * @param event The click event initiating the save.
  public saveToggle(event: MouseEvent) {
    const targetElement = event.currentTarget as HTMLElement;
    if (!targetElement) { return; }
    this.setToggle(targetElement.attributes.getNamedItem('id')!.nodeValue!, event.ctrlKey);

   * Restores the toggle state of a heading section.
   * @param document The document to search for a content element.
   * @param typeName The section to process.
   * @param contentName The content name to use.
  public restoreToggle(document: Document, typeName: string, contentName?: string) {
    if (!contentName) {
      if (!this.entitiesModel.entities || !this.entitiesModel.entities[typeName]) { return; }

      contentName = this.entitiesModel.entities[typeName].content;

    const toggle = this.getToggle(typeName)['content-class'];

    const contentElement = document.getElementById(contentName);
    // console.log('Debug: restoreToggle: contentName:', contentName, 'contentElement:', contentElement);
    if (contentElement) {
      contentElement.className = toggle;

    const typeElement = document.getElementById(typeName);
    // console.log('Debug: restoreToggle: typeName:', typeName, 'typeElement:', typeElement);
    this.setTitleWhenNeeded(toggle, typeElement);

   * Restores the toggle state of all heading sections.
  public restoreToggleAllSections() {
    for (const entityKey in this.entitiesModel.entities) {
      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.entitiesModel.entities, entityKey)) {
        this.restoreToggle(document, entityKey);

   * Whether toggle state of a heading section is collapsed.
   * @param key The section to process.
   * @returns The toggle state retrieved.
  public getToggleValue(key: string) {
    return this.getToggle(key)['content-class'] === 'collapse';

   * Retrieves the toggle state of a heading section from persistent storage.
   * @param key The section to process.
   * @returns The toggle state retrieved.
  public getToggle(key: string): any {
    const o = { 'content-class': 'collapse show' };
    return JSON.parse(this.getItem(key) ?? JSON.stringify(o));

   * Toggles the state of a heading section or all of them.
   * @param key The section to process.
   * @param processAllSections Indicator whether to process all sections.
  private setToggle(key: string, processAllSections: boolean) {
    const element = this.getToggle(key);

    const contentClass = element['content-class'] === 'collapse show' ? 'collapse' : 'collapse show';
    if (processAllSections) {
    } else {
      this.storeToggle(key, element, contentClass);

   * Stores the toggle state of a heading section to persistent storage.
   * @param key The section to process.
   * @param element The HTML element to use.
   * @param contentClass The content-class value to use.
  private storeToggle(key: string, element: any, contentClass: string) {
    if (!element) { return; }
    element['content-class'] = contentClass;
    this.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(element));

   * Set title when needed.
   * @param toggle The toggle collapse state value.
   * @param typeElement The HTMLElement to process.
  private setTitleWhenNeeded(toggle: string, typeElement: HTMLElement | null) {
    if (typeElement) {
      if (toggle === 'collapse') {
        typeElement.className = 'collapsed';
      this.setTitle(typeElement, (_) => !_);

   * Sets a tooltip title to a heading element.
   * @param element The element to process.
   * @param f The function to apply to the state: defaults to repeater but can be inverter.
  private setTitle(element: HTMLElement, f: (_: boolean) => boolean = (_) => _) {
    if (element) {
      element.title = this.calcTitle(f(element.classList.contains('collapsed')));

   * Calculates the tooltip title of a heading element based on state.
   * @param condition The state to calculate the tooltip title from.
  private calcTitle(condition: boolean): string {
    return this.entitiesModel.ui[condition ? 'Collapse this heading' : 'Expand this heading']?.text;