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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018 Georgi Marinov
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { SearchTokenizerService } from '../search-tokenizer/search-tokenizer.service';
import { Indexable } from '../../interfaces/indexable';

 * Search engine service.
  providedIn: 'root'
export class SearchEngineService {
  /** Length of the hash key in characters.
   * Data-dependent. Should be large enough to guarantee uniqueness.
  private readonly keyLength = 200;

  /** The negation prefixed operator */
  private readonly notOperator = '-';

   * The tokenized search expression in disjunctive normal form, as a sum of products.
   * @description
   * An array of OR'd AND'd tokens, some of then possibly negated.
  private searchExpression: string[][] = [[]];

   * Constructs the search engine.
   * @param searchTokenizerService The search tokenizer service used for tokenizing the initial search token.
  constructor(private searchTokenizerService: SearchTokenizerService) { }

   * Filter an array based on element compliance with a search query string (expression) abiding by the internal operators and order.
   * @param array The data array to search.
   * @param SearchToken The search query string (expression).
   * @returns The filtered array.
  public search<T>(array: T[], SearchToken: string): T[] {
    if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return []; }
    if (typeof SearchToken === 'undefined') { return array; }

    // console.log('Debug: search:', array, SearchToken);
    if (SearchToken.trim().length === 0) { return array; }

    // console.log('Debug: search: non-empty:', array, SearchToken);
    this.searchExpression = this.searchTokenizerService.tokenize(SearchToken);
    // console.log('Debug: search: search expression:', JSON.stringify(this.searchExpression));

    const rerVal = this.calcFiltered(array);
    // console.log('Debug: search: returning:', rerVal);

    return rerVal;

   * Filter an array based on the calulated tokenized search expression.
   * @param array The data array to search.
   * @returns The filtered array.
  private calcFiltered<T>(array: T[]): T[] {
    // // if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return []; }

    // console.log('Debug: calcFiltered: array:', array);
    // console.log('Debug: calcFiltered: search expression:', JSON.stringify(this.searchExpression));

    const arrayObject = this.arrayToObject(array);

    let orerO: Indexable = {};
    for (const orOperand of this.searchExpression) {
      const orCtx = { orOperand, orerO };
      this.calcFilteredOr(arrayObject, array, orCtx);
      orerO = orCtx.orerO;
      if (Object.keys(orerO).length === array.length) { continue; }

    return Object.values(orerO);

   * Process or clauses.
   * @param array The data array to search.
   * @param ctx The parameters context.
  private calcFilteredOr<T>(arrayObject: Indexable, array: T[], ctx: { orOperand: string[]; orerO: Indexable }): void {
    // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredOr: orOperand: ', JSON.stringify(ctx.orOperand));

    let anderO: Indexable = arrayObject;
    for (const andOperand of ctx.orOperand) {
      const andCtx = { andOperand, anderO };
      this.calcFilteredAnd(array, andCtx);
      anderO = andCtx.anderO;
      if (Object.keys(anderO).length === 0) { continue; }
    ctx.orerO = this.unionObject(ctx.orerO, anderO);

    // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredOr: ~orerO: ', JSON.stringify(Object.values(ctx.orerO).map(_ => Object.values(_)[0])));

   * Process and clauses.
   * @param array The data array to search.
   * @param ctx The parameters context.
  private calcFilteredAnd<T>(array: T[], ctx: { andOperand: string; anderO: Indexable }): void {
    // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredAnd: andOperand: ', ctx.andOperand);

    let calcSetOperation;
    if (ctx.andOperand[0] === this.notOperator) {
      // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredAnd: NOT: andOperand: ', andOperand);
      ctx.andOperand = ctx.andOperand.substring(1);
      calcSetOperation = (o1: Indexable, o2: Indexable) => this.diffObject(o1, o2);
    } else {
      // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredAnd: normal: andOperand: ', andOperand);
      calcSetOperation = (o1: Indexable, o2: Indexable) => this.intersectObject(o1, o2);

    const filteredO = this.arrayToObject(this.calcFilteredToken(array, ctx.andOperand));
    ctx.anderO = calcSetOperation(ctx.anderO, filteredO);

    // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredAnd: ~anderO: ', JSON.stringify(Object.values(ctx.anderO).map(_ => Object.values(_)[0])));

   * Filter an array based on element compliance with a search item.
   * @param array The data array to search.
   * @param SearchToken The search item.
   * @returns The filtered array.
  // eslint-disable-next-line max-lines-per-function
  private calcFilteredToken<T>(array: T[], SearchToken: string): T[] {
    // // if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return []; }

    const searchTokenLower = SearchToken.trim().toLocaleLowerCase();

    // console.log('Debug: calcFilteredToken: Searching for', SearchToken,
    //   'in', JSON.stringify(array.map(_ => Object.values(_)[0])), '...');

    // // preprocess request exclusion example
    // const exclude = searchTokenLower[0] === this.notOperator;
    // if (exclude) {
    //   searchTokenLower = searchTokenLower.substring(1).trim();
    // }
    // const searcher = exclude ? _ => !_.includes(searchTokenLower) : _ => _.includes(searchTokenLower);
    // const reducer = exclude ? (l, r) => l && r : (l, r) => l || r;

    const searcher = (_: string | string[]) => _.includes(searchTokenLower);
    const reducer = (l: any, r: any) => l || r;

    return (array as Indexable[])
      .filter((_) => Object.keys(_)
        .map((k) => searcher((_[k] || '')
        .reduce(reducer)) as T[];

   * Calculates the union of two objects as a set union of the sets of their properties.
   * @param object1 The first object.
   * @param object2 The second object.
   * @returns The union of the two objects.
  private unionObject(object1: Indexable, object2: Indexable): Indexable {
    // console.log('Debug: unionObject:', object1, object2);
    for (const key in object2) {
      if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object2, key)) { continue; }

      const element = object2[key];
      if (Object.keys(object1).indexOf(key) === -1) {
        object1[key] = element;
    return object1;

   * Calculates the intersection of two objects as a set intersection of the sets of their properties.
   * @param object1 The first object.
   * @param object2 The second object.
   * @returns The intersection of the two objects.
  private intersectObject(object1: Indexable, object2: Indexable): Indexable {
    // console.log('Debug: intersectObject:', object1, object2);
    return this.restrictObject(object1, this.intersect(Object.keys(object1), Object.keys(object2)));

   * Calculates the difference of two objects as a set difference of the sets of their properties.
   * @param object1 The first object.
   * @param object2 The second object.
   * @returns The difference of the two objects (the first minus the second).
  private diffObject(object1: Indexable, object2: Indexable): Indexable {
    // console.log('Debug: diffObject:', object1, object2);
    return this.restrictObject(object1, this.diff(Object.keys(object1), Object.keys(object2)));

   * Calculates the intersection of two arrays as a set intersection of their elements.
   * @param array1 The first array.
   * @param array2 The second array.
   * @returns The intersection of the two arrays.
  private intersect(array1: any[], array2: any[]): any[] {
    // console.log('Debug: intersect:', array1, array2);
    return array1.filter((_) => array2.indexOf(_) !== -1);

   * Calculates the difference of two arrays as a set difference of their elements.
   * @param array1 The first array.
   * @param array2 The second array.
   * @returns The difference of the two arrays (the first minus the second).
  private diff(array1: any[], array2: any[]): any[] {
    // console.log('Debug: diff:', array1, array2);
    return array1.filter((_) => array2.indexOf(_) === -1);

   * Convert an array of objects into an object with a property for each element of the original array.
   * @param array  The data array to convert.
   * @description
   * Each property is a key-value pair with a hash calculated from the element object for a key and the element object itself for a value.
   * @returns The array converted into an object.
  private arrayToObject(array: any[]): Indexable {
    // console.log('Debug: arrayToObject:', array);
    // // if (typeof array === 'undefined') { return {}; }

    return array.reduce((previousValue: Indexable, currentValue: Indexable, currentIndex: number) => {
      previousValue[this.hash(currentValue)] = currentValue;
      return previousValue;
    }, {});

   * Projects an object to an object containing only a selection of the original one's properties.
   * @param object The object whose properties to restrict.
   * @param keys The set of keys to include in the new object.
   * @returns The restricted (projected) object.
  private restrictObject(object: Indexable, keys: string[]) {
    // console.log('Debug: restrictObject:', object, keys);
    const result: Indexable = {};
    for (const key of keys) {
      result[key] = object[key];
    // console.log('Debug: restrictObject: returning', result);
    return result;

   * Calculates a unique hash form an object.
   * @param object The object to calculate a hash from.
   * @returns The hash calculated.
  private hash(object: Indexable): string {
    return JSON.stringify(object).substring(0, this.keyLength);