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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Copyright (c) 2018 Georgi Marinov
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { DynamicPersisted } from './dynamic-persisted.decorator';
import { ThemeConfigVariable } from './theme-config-variable';

import AppThemeConfigJSON from './app.theme.config.json';

import { DataService } from '../data/data.service';
import { PersistenceService } from '../persistence/persistence.service';

 * Theme changer service
  providedIn: 'root'
export class ThemeChangerService {
  /** The default app theme */
  public static readonly defaultTheme = 'default';

  /** The default app theme background */
  private static readonly defaultThemeBackground = 'background.jpg';

  /** App theme config. */
  public get AppThemeConfig(): any { return AppThemeConfigJSON; }

  /** The app contrast enhancer setter */
  private set contrastEnhancer(value: number) {
    document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--contrast-enhancer', value.toString());

  /** The app theme */
  @DynamicPersisted<ThemeChangerService>('onThemeChange', 'persistenceService', ThemeChangerService.defaultTheme) theme!: string;
  /** The app theme background */
  // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-inline-decorator
  ) themeBackground!: string;

   * Construct the theme changer service
   * @param persistenceService The persistence service injected dependency.
   * @param dataService The data service dependency.
    private persistenceService: PersistenceService,
    private dataService: DataService
  ) { }

   * Extract and set the global contrast enhancer.
   * @param theme The new theme.
   * @param appThemeConfig The theme config.
  public initContrastEnhancer(theme: string, appThemeConfig: { variables: ThemeConfigVariable[] }) {
    let ce = 0;

    const nameParts = theme.split('_');
    const candidate = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
    ce = parseFloat(candidate) / 100;

    if (isNaN(ce)) {
      ce = 0;

    this.contrastEnhancer = ce;

    this.configTheme(ce, appThemeConfig);

   * Load CSS custom variables from theme config.
   * @param ce The contrast enhancer.
   * @param appThemeConfig The theme config.
  private configTheme(ce: number, appThemeConfig: { variables: ThemeConfigVariable[] }) {
    let sgnce = Math.sign(ce);
    sgnce = sgnce === 0 ? 1 : sgnce;

    const absce = Math.abs(ce);

    const variables = appThemeConfig.variables;

    variables.forEach((cssVariable: { components: any[]; name: any }) => {
      cssVariable.components.forEach((component) => {
        const cssVariableName = this.constructVariableName(cssVariable.name, component.name);
        const newCssValue = this.calcNewCssValue(sgnce, absce, component, variables);
        document.documentElement.style.setProperty(cssVariableName, newCssValue);

  /** Calculate a new config theme css value */
  private calcNewCssValue(sgnce: number, absce: number, component: any, variables: ThemeConfigVariable[]): string {
    const base = this.calcModifiedOffsetBase(component, variables);

    const offset = this.fromPercentage(component.offset);

    let sgnOffset = Math.sign(offset);
    sgnOffset = sgnOffset === 0 ? 1 : sgnOffset;
    const modifiedOffset = this.linear(base, sgnOffset > 0 ? 1 : 0, Math.abs(offset));

    const cssValue = component.base ? modifiedOffset : offset;
    const lightnessDirection = component.name === 'a' ? (1 + sgnce) / 2 : (1 - sgnce) / 2;
    const newCssValue = this.toPercentage(this.linear(cssValue, lightnessDirection, absce));

    return newCssValue;

  /** Calculate the modified offset base value */
  public calcModifiedOffsetBase(component: any, variables: ThemeConfigVariable[]): number {
    let baseComponentValue = '0%';
    if (component.base) {
      baseComponentValue = variables
        .filter((_) => _.name === component.base)[0].components
        .filter((__) => __.name === component.name)[0].offset;
    } else {
      baseComponentValue = component.offset;
    const base = this.fromPercentage(baseComponentValue);

    return base;

  /** Variable name constructor */
  private constructVariableName(variableName: string, componentName: string) {
    return '--' + variableName + '-' + componentName;

  /** Linear combination calculator */
  private linear(a: number, b: number, t: number) {
    return a * (1 - t) + b * t;

  /** Percentage number string parser and normalizer */
  private fromPercentage(percentage: string) {
    return parseFloat(percentage.substring(0, percentage.length - 1)) / 100.0;

  /** Percentage formatter */
  private toPercentage(value: number) {
    return (value * 100.0).toFixed(6) + '%';

  /** Theme change handler */
  public onThemeChange(prevValue: any, newValue: any): void {
    // console.log(`onThemeChange: prevValue: ${prevValue}, newValue: ${newValue}`);

    const theme = this.theme;

    document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.backgroundImage =
      'url(' + this.dataService.getResourceUri(this.themeBackground, theme) + ')';

    this.initContrastEnhancer(theme, this.AppThemeConfig);