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## JitterTrap

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JitterTrap is a network measurement and impairment tool for developers of real-time applications and devices.

It has two broad areas of use:
* detection and measurement of unexpected delays, introduced by the device or application under test. That is, **characterising the source behaviour** with respect to throughput, packet rates, jitter.
* introducing and controling known network impairment conditions (eg. delay, jitter, packet loss) to verify the correct operation of the device or application under test. That is, **characterising the behaviour of the destination**, with respect to delay, jitter and loss.

The user interface is implemented as a web application. [Have a look at the demo]( hosted on a t2.micro instance at AWS Sydney. (Performance is highly variable.)

Or try this old demo video:
[![Demo Video](]( "Demo video")

Help is available from, or create a github issue.

## Installing JitterTrap

We're aiming to release packages for Fedora, Ubuntu and OpenWRT and **would appreciate help with that**.

## Building JitterTrap
### Dependencies
* [libnl]( >= 3.2.24
* [libwebsockets]( >= 1.6
* [libjansson]( >= 2.6

#### Fedora  

Build dependencies:  

    sudo dnf install libnl3-devel jansson-devel libwebsockets-devel libpcap-devel

Run-time dependencies:

    sudo dnf install libnl3 jansson libwebsockets libpcap

#### Ubuntu  

Build dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install libnl-3-dev libnl-route-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libjansson-dev libwebsockets-dev libncurses5-dev libpcap-dev pkgconf

Run-time dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install libnl-3-200 libnl-route-3-200 libnl-genl-3-200 libjansson4 libwebsockets6

### Compiling JitterTrap


    git clone


    cd jittertrap


    sudo ./server/jt-server --port 8080 --resource_path html5-client/output/

Now point your web browser to the user interface, eg. http://localhost:8080/