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import sys
import argparse
from yaml import dump
from .text_utils import notify
from .text_utils import handle_context_arg
from .text_utils import handle_tag_message_args
from commit_helper.conventions.atom import atom_convention
from commit_helper.conventions.tagged import tagged_convention
from commit_helper.conventions.symphony_cmf import symphony_convention
from commit_helper.conventions.karma_angular import karma_angular_convention

supported_conventions = [

def gen_co_author(co_author):
    if co_author is '':
        return ''
    return '\nCo-authored-by: %s' % co_author

def create_file(convention_name, dont_create=False):    # pragma: no cover
    if not dont_create:
        data = dict(
        with open('commiter.yml', 'w') as output_file:
            output_file.write(dump(data, stream=None,
        notify('Successfully created the commiter file.')

def parser_cli():
    desc = 'A commit formatter tool to help you follow commit conventions.'
    help_convention = \
        Selects a convention to be used for the commit.
        Required if there's no commiter.yml file.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
    parser.add_argument('-t', '--tag', dest='tag', default='',
                        help='Pass your commit tag directly')

    parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', dest='message', default='',
                        help='Pass your commit message directly')

    parser.add_argument('-ct', '--context', dest='context', default='',
                        help='Pass your commit context directly')

    parser.add_argument('-ca', '--co-author',
                        help='Make your friend an co-author to the commit',
                        dest='co_author', default='')

    parser.add_argument('-nf', '--no-file', dest='no_file',
                        help='Disables the creation of a commiter.yml file',

    parser.add_argument('-c', '--convention', choices=supported_conventions,
                        dest='convention', default='', help=help_convention)

    parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug',
                        help='Toggles debug option')

    parser.add_argument('-s', '--show', dest='show_convention_tags',
                        default='False', action='store_true',
                        help='Shows the rules of a given convention')

    return parser

def dump_convention(config_file):
    if config_file['convention'] is None:
        return 'none'
    return str(config_file['convention']).lower()

# this function forces the program to quit if commiter file is invalid
def validate_commiter_file(stream_file):    # pragma: no cover
    if stream_file['commit_pattern'] is None or stream_file['context'] is None:
        print("Error: Your commiter file lacks a commit_pattern or context!")

def handle_conventioned_commit(convention, args):
    tag, message = handle_tag_message_args(args.tag, args.message)
    commit_message = ''

    if convention == 'angular' or convention == 'karma':
        context = handle_context_arg(args.context)
        commit_message = karma_angular_convention(tag, message, context)

    elif convention == 'tagged':
        commit_message = tagged_convention(tag, message)

    elif convention == 'symphony':
        commit_message = symphony_convention(tag, message)

    elif convention == 'atom':
        commit_message = atom_convention(tag, message)

    return commit_message