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    This file activates the Dilithium high-speed Sitecore data access provider.
    Dilithium is up to 20x faster than standard Sitecore data access APIs.
    This file should be enabled on any environment where you wish to sync items
    using Dilithium (usually dev + CE). Should you wish to say disable Dilithium on CE,
    but leave it alone locally then you can simply delete this file during deploy.
    (configurations will have no issue if they keep using the DilithiumDataStore, as it falls back to Sitecore APIs)
    * Dilithium will precache almost all serialized data in RAM; if precaching both serialized and SQL data you need twice as much.
        Thus, avoid activating Dilithium on configurations that have massive data sizes (e.g. lots of media items) unless you have the memory to spare.
        Because SQL caching does not download blob data, it is less RAM intensive than serialized item caching for media.
    * Dilithium requires a MS SQL database.

    * Dilithium does not guarantee identical child ordering to Sitecore. This means that when reserializing a configuration
            that previously did not use Dilithium after activating Dilithium you may find items that are in loopback folders change,
            as different children may be selected to place in loopback. This is normal and no actual data has changed; the items
            are also sync-compatible both with and without Dilithium so you can turn it off without fear if you wish.
    * If you see uneven timings when running several synchronizations in succession, that's probably the time taken to reload the template field cache, as opposed to spiky SQL times :)
<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:role="">
    <sitecore role:require="Standalone or ContentManagement">
                    Set Dilithium SQL as the default source data store. Configurations may of course override this.
                    Patch this out if you do not wish to default to use Dilithium to read from Sitecore.
                    <patch:attribute name="type">Unicorn.Data.Dilithium.DilithiumSitecoreDataStore, Unicorn</patch:attribute>

                    Set Dilithium Serialized as the default source data store. Configurations may of course override this.
                    Patch this out if you do not wish to default to use Dilithium to read from Disk.
                    This can use additional memory compared to DiSQL when syncing media items.
                    <patch:attribute name="type">Unicorn.Data.Dilithium.DilithiumSerializationFileSystemDataStore, Unicorn</patch:attribute>

                    Initializes Dilithium cache when sync starts up for all configs. 
                    Without this, even if configs use the Dilithium data store no optimizations will be done during syncs.
                <processor type="Unicorn.Data.Dilithium.Pipelines.InitializeDilithium, Unicorn" />
                    Initializes Dilithium cache when reserialize starts up for all configs. 
                    Without this, even if configs use the Dilithium data store no optimizations will be done during reserialize.
                <processor type="Unicorn.Data.Dilithium.Pipelines.InitializeDilithium, Unicorn" />