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/** Convenient type that encapsulates all typed arrays in JS */
type TypedArray =
    | Int8Array
    | Uint8Array
    | Int16Array
    | Uint16Array
    | Int32Array
    | Uint32Array
    | Uint8ClampedArray
    | Float32Array
    | Float64Array;

/** Represents a generic constructor for all typed arrays in JS */
interface TypedArrayConstructor {
    new (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteOffset: number, length: number):
        | Int8Array
        | Uint8Array
        | Int16Array
        | Uint16Array
        | Int32Array
        | Uint32Array
        | Uint8ClampedArray
        | Float32Array
        | Float64Array;

 * Splits a TypedArray into several chunks of size <= maxChunkSize
 * @param { TypedArray }            array        The array to split into smaller TypedArrays
 * @param { number }                maxChunkSize Maximum length of the chunks. The last chunk is probably < maxChunkSize
 * @param { TypedArrayConstructor } contructor   A TypedArray constructor. Probably Float32Array
 * @returns { TypedArray[] }                      An array of TypedArrays with length <= maxChunkSize
export function toChunks(
    array: TypedArray,
    maxChunkSize: number,
    Constructor: TypedArrayConstructor
): TypedArray[] {
    let lastPos = 0;
    const chunks: TypedArray[] = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i += maxChunkSize) {
        const bound = Math.min(maxChunkSize, array.length - lastPos);
        const chunk = new Constructor(
            lastPos * array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT,
        lastPos += maxChunkSize;


    return chunks;

 * Writes dataIn to dataOut, or a new Float32Array
 * @param length  Amount of data to copy
 * @param dataIn  Array to copy values from
 * @param dataOut If not null, copy data from dataIn into this array, then return it
 * @returns A new Float32Array or dataOut if dataOut != null
export function copyOrWriteArray(
    length: number,
    dataIn: Float32Array,
    dataOut: Float32Array | null = null
): Float32Array {
    const _dataOut: Float32Array =
        dataOut === null ? new Float32Array(length) : dataOut;

    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        _dataOut[i] = dataIn[i];

    return _dataOut;

 * converts and *scales* TypedArray to Float32 where samples are scaled from
 * TypedArray.minValue < n < TypedArray.maxValue to -1 < n < 1
 * @param data A TypedArray containing audio samples
 * @returns The float32 representations scaled to -1 < n < 1
export function toFloat32(data: Float32Array): Float32Array {
    const divisor = maxValueForTypedArray(data);
    const float32 = new Float32Array(data.length);

    switch (data.constructor) {
        case Float32Array:
            return data;
        case Int8Array:
        case Int16Array:
        case Int32Array:
            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) float32[i] = data[i] / divisor;
        case Uint8Array:
        case Uint16Array:
        case Uint32Array:
            for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
                float32[i] = (data[i] - divisor) / divisor;

    return float32;

 * Get the maximum value which can be stored in the given TypedArray
 * @param data A TypedArray containing audio samples
 * @returns The max value which can be stored in array
function maxValueForTypedArray(array: TypedArray) {
    switch (array.constructor) {
        case Float32Array:
            return 1;
        case Int8Array:
        case Uint8Array:
            return 127;
        case Int16Array:
        case Uint16Array:
            return 32767;
        case Int32Array:
        case Uint32Array:
            return 2147483647;
            throw `Unsupport data type ${array.constructor}`;