

1 hr
Test Coverage
package logs

import (



func init() {
    cmd := root.Command("logs", "Show log output.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs`, "Show logs from the past hour.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs -S 30m`, "Show logs from the past 30 minutes.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs -S 5h`, "Show logs from the past 5 hours.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs -f`, "Show live log output.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs error`, "Show error logs.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'level != "info"'`, "Show non-info logs.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'production (warn or error)'`, "Show 4xx and 5xx responses in production.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'production error method in ("POST", "PUT", "DELETE")'`, "Show production 5xx responses with a POST, PUT, or DELETE method.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'error or fatal'`, "Show error and fatal logs.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'message = "user login"'`, "Show logs with a specific message.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'status = 200 duration > 1.5s'`, "Show 200 responses with latency above 1500ms.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'size > 100kb'`, "Show responses with bodies larger than 100kb.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'status >= 400'`, "Show 4xx and 5xx responses.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs ' contains ""'`, "Show emails containing")
    cmd.Example(`up logs ' = "*"'`, "Show emails ending with")
    cmd.Example(`up logs ' = "tj@*"'`, "Show emails starting with tj@.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs 'method in ("POST", "PUT") ip = "207.*" status = 200 duration >= 50'`, "Show logs with a more complex query.")
    cmd.Example(`up logs error | jq`, "Pipe JSON error logs to the jq tool.")

    query := cmd.Arg("query", "Query pattern for filtering logs.").String()
    follow := cmd.Flag("follow", "Follow or tail the live logs.").Short('f').Bool()
    since := cmd.Flag("since", "Show logs since duration (30s, 5m, 2h, 1h30m, 3d, 1M).").Short('S').Default("1d").String()
    expand := cmd.Flag("expand", "Show expanded logs.").Short('e').Bool()

    cmd.Action(func(_ *kingpin.ParseContext) error {
        c, p, err := root.Init()
        if err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "initializing")

        var s time.Duration

        if *since != "" {
            s, err = util.ParseDuration(*since)
            if err != nil {
                return errors.Wrap(err, "parsing --since duration")

        if *follow {
            s = time.Duration(0)

        q := *query

        stats.Track("Logs", map[string]interface{}{
            "query":        q != "",
            "query_length": len(q),
            "follow":       *follow,
            "since":        s.Round(time.Second),
            "expand":       *expand,

        logs := p.Logs(up.LogsConfig{
            Region:     c.Regions[0],
            Since:      time.Now().Add(-s),
            Follow:     *follow,
            Expand:     *expand,
            Query:      q,
            OutputJSON: !term.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()),

        if _, err := io.Copy(os.Stdout, logs); err != nil {
            return errors.Wrap(err, "writing logs")

        return nil